Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 145

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145. Hunting season

What are these guys?

Finn just blinked.

I thought about the previous fight, that is, before coming to the battlefield, when I fought with Encrid and a frontier guard who was probably Toris or Toros.

It was intense. It was intense.

He himself did his best. He barely survived.

‘If they were there, wouldn’t they have just brushed it off?’

It seemed like it would be so.

The three men wearing chain armor were experts in combat.

They all used blunt weapons: one was a hammer, another was a morning star, and the third was a long pole with an iron ball at the end.

Everyone was a difficult opponent.

Above all, even with such weapons, he was not slow.

‘If it were me.’

I think it would have been difficult to handle even one of the three.

It was also the opposite of Finn himself. With an armament like that, it seemed like it would withstand even a dagger stab from close range.

Looking at the thick Gambison wrapped inside the chain armor, it looks like at least half of the shortswords must be crammed into it.

Are you going to give me a chance to do that?

Assuming there is a gap, what happens after that?

As for the guy who got stabbed, why not just watch?

I’m going to hit my head with a hammer or a morning star or something. Then your head will explode, and if your head explodes, you will die.

I had no confidence.

Our troops played with these three enemy soldiers.

“Brother, it’s time to go.”

The fanatical soldier, who was immersed in religion and sought the Lord more than most priests, closed the distance to the soldier holding the morning star and hit him on the head with his fist.

‘Didn’t you say that he was a master of Balaf style martial arts?’

It didn’t look like that at all. The fanatic soldier simply overpowered his opponent with force.

The soldier holding the Morning Star swung his weapon at the head, but it hit the fanatic soldier’s forearm.

Even though he wasn’t even wearing proper armor, it looked like there wasn’t even a scratch on his forearm.

I’ll have to check later, but at least on the outside it looked fine.


Even though there was such a sound, the body of the fanatic soldier did not shake.

There are no common groans of pain either.

Just say what you have to say and do what you have to do.

“Go. “To the Lord.”

The opponent who was hit on the head by a fist stumbled.

Afterwards, the fanatic soldier’s waist rotated around his left foot. I had the illusion of a small whirlwind forming along the large body.

Afterwards, the feet are stretched out while maintaining the balance of the upper body along with the rotation of the knees and pelvis.

A kick to the top head.

The moment when one kick hits the enemy’s head again.


The eyeball of the soldier who was hit bulged out.

This was because even though he hit the top of the pitch, he could not overcome the pressure created by the hit.

‘Wow, Mr.’

Finn couldn’t close his open mouth.

The other two were similar.

The maniac with the ax went from getting angry to laughing.

“what. “Do you think you won’t get sick if you wear something like that?”

The opponent was holding a long baton.

When a club with an iron tip came down, he stretched out his hand to avoid the tip of the iron ball, caught most of the lower part of the head of the club with his palm, and then ran forward as if pulling it and struck with the axe.

It was scary fast. The flying ax struck the opponent in the abdomen.


It was accompanied by the sound of a leather drum exploding.

Kara la rock!

The ax blade breaks through the chain mail.

The waistband of the chain armor cracked and broke, and blood splattered.

That wasn’t the end.

The crazy soldier reversed his body and swung the extended ax back to the same spot.


The second blow of the ax tore open the cracks in the shattered chain armor again. It cut the enemy soldier’s side in half.


It was natural that the other person would die. Pink intestines splattered on the floor, and blood gushed out along with it.

The enemy is still on his knees and sprawled on the floor.

The blond-haired, red-eyed soldier, who was said to be lazy, looked more passionate than ever.

Kang! Kang!

Twice, he strikes the hammer striking down with his sword, bounces it away, and then stabs it once. The movement was as natural as flowing water. As if that sword was originally supposed to sprout from the stomach of an enemy soldier.


It is a sword that pierces halfway through chain armor and slices through the enemy’s cloth armor. As I thrust my sword in with all my strength, I struck down the hammer that my opponent had recovered.

From top to bottom, it was an invisible square.


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Just before the hammer crushed his head, the lazy man let go of the sword that was stabbing the enemy’s body and pulled out another sword from his waist.


I hit it upward and the hammer bounced off.

The movements were so fast and without hesitation that even Finn could not see them all.

‘How good are these bastards at fighting?’

The sword that struck the hammer hit the opponent’s helmet.

With the edge of the sword, not the blade.


The enemy soldier who was hit lost his hammer, grabbed his head, stumbled, lost his balance, and fell. The lazy man who saw this walked quickly and stood in front of the enemy soldier. Then he pushed the sword stuck in his stomach even harder.

“Don’t do it, don’t do it.”

Kaddddddd, tididik, fuuuk.

What can I say, the fear soared, my cheeks tingled and goosebumps appeared.

The lazy man straightened his body with strength until the pushed sword pierced the enemy soldier and stuck in the ground.

The soldier, who had lost his hammer and was only holding a shield, continued to shake his head, held on to the sword that was stabbed in his body, and died crying.

There was a surprise while quickly defeating three talented people. I wonder if I should be even more surprised, but I guess I can’t be surprised by this.

Most of the soldiers who were watching died.

The cause of death is rounded down.

I don’t know when it moved, but the other one cut off the head of the stunned soldier.

Not a long sword, but a single dagger.

‘When was he doing that?’

Finn opened his mouth with all this surprise and bewilderment.

“What is it, you guys?”

Kreis was right next to me. Kreis opened his eyes and opened his mouth.

“Iknow, right.”

Kreis was calming himself down.

Why was I anxious?

They fight so well.

The madman platoon fought several times better than they expected.

Based on Encred, they exceeded any expectations.

That question occurred to me again.

How good are these knights at fighting?

In addition, he also praised the person who first brought them together as one unit.

‘No, the person who sent the platoon leader here is the best. That’s right.’

Originally, those who might have formed a large explosive order within the main unit have gathered together around Encred.

“Let’s start a fire. “Squad leader Andrew.”

Kreis said to Andrew, who was there to escort me.

“uh? huh? what?”

This person was just as surprised as Finn. Then, his complexion darkened for some reason, but then returned to its original state. Somehow, I feel somewhat relieved now.

“Let’s start a fire. If you continue to hold out here, the main enemy force will come. Deal with that?”

No, you can’t do that, you can’t do that.

“Let’s move.”

Mac, Andrew, and Finn started flicking their flintlocks.

Among the supplies were bales of hay to be used as horse feed.

It is dry grass that is perfect for starting a fire.


Kreis urged. There was no need to ask why.

“f*ck, you’re a monster!”

“help me!”

Didn’t kill all the enemy soldiers. As soon as the battle was almost completely destroyed, our troops let go.

Even if you chase them, you can’t kill them all anyway.

“Leave it alone.”

Encred made that decision before Chrys.

“I understand.”

Rem’s answer was proof that they were following Encred’s orders.

Ancrid, who was watching his platoon members set fire, opened his mouth.

“I think I have a connection to starting fires.”

What kind of bullshit is this?

Did you get hit on the head during the fight earlier?


“No, it’s just that. let’s go.”

A fire broke out in a trap dug by the enemy. Since it was spring, there was no need for a bonfire like this.

It was just a fire. A roaring fire.

A fire breaks out, making its presence known.

Encred and the madman platoon escaped like the wind.

Finn, who was leading the way out, said that now he only had to move in a straight line, and then stuck to Auddin’s side.

“Hey, what did you say your name was?”

“This is Auddin. “Sister.”

“okay? “Can I get some lessons later?”

Finn seemed to have a strange desire to win. Her eyes scanned Auddin’s arm. As expected, she had no scratches.

This has nothing to do with Balaf style martial arts.

Finn’s eyes were a mixture of curiosity and a desire to win, creating a strange look.

Encred didn’t care what the two did.

Instead, it is training done while walking again.

“I had no sense of avoidance. “It’s a matter of skill.”

I heard Saxony’s words and thought them over.

“Did you say you wanted to use two swords? Don’t forget. “When it becomes more comfortable with my hands, only then will it be useful.”

There was also Ragnar’s evaluation.

“That was the first time I wrote Heart of Superpower, and it was a good one.”

Surprisingly, Rem praised Encred’s personal tactics.

Was it impressive?

In fact, Encred didn’t care.

“You should train. Brother, rolling is what’s left.”

It was just as Audin had said after catching a glimpse of Finn.

Encred also thought that rolling was the only thing left to do. That was when he went back somewhere.

I was wondering how long I would have to climb this ridge.

I’m thinking that maybe it’s time to let go.

In order to do that, I had to leave behind some kids to meet.

just as expected. Two days after destroying the enemy’s trap with force.

The platoon turned toward the main unit because it had to avoid the enemy’s persistent pursuit.

I had stopped to take a break and was chewing some beef jerky.


An arrow pierced through Encred and his group. It was aimed precisely at Rem’s head, but Rem avoided it with the reflexes of a beast.

For a moment, I turned my body to the side.

Because he was unable to avoid it completely, Rem’s earlobe was torn, and blood sprayed into the air.


Rem grinned with beef jerky in his mouth.

“You’re a hawk.”

What can I say, Rem has always seemed excited lately. Encred looked at the arrow on the floor.

Short and hard arrows, different from before.

“I guess you came here with a plan. “I can’t find any trace.”

Ranger Finn says. The Hawk Cub unit, which was originally raiding the rear of our troops, returned to hunt the madman platoon.

To be precise, the back was caught.

Of course, that was what I was aiming for.

“Are you okay?”

Finn asked. En Creed nodded his head.

This was the strategy planned by Cryce, and Encred also understood it.

From the beginning, the purpose and goals of the Madman Platoon were clear.

It was about getting attention and cleaning up after oneself.

Now it was time to clean up after ourselves.

* * *

When the crazy platoon is eating away the troops one by one.

Marcus’s main body left with a cross guard.

Is it possible to capture the city with just these troops?

It was an unthinkable sound.

However, it could be nerve-wracking.

In the meantime, a guerrilla unit attacked the back of our troops and attracted their attention.

Azpen didn’t have many options. Especially as a commander, practical options were limited.

“Cross Guard will not fall. But that will leave behind the stigma of an urban invasion. We need to send reinforcements, not just now, but for the next battle. “You must eliminate the remaining enemy forces on the detour.”

Azpen’s commander pondered the words of the staff.

Several situations came together in his mind.

Hit the city? With just that many troops? It will not be captured. won’t But the fact remains that the cross guard was attacked.

It’s a strange battle of pride.

Because he was a giant and had failed at everything, he was cornered.

Will he remain as a commander who gave up the front yard of the principality?

‘No, you can’t do that.’

Even if it is not captured, the fact that it was attacked remains. It remains to be said that he was the commander who gave up the city. Will he bear that stigma on his shoulders?

Or should I use this as an opportunity?

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried.

However, it was a one-sided concern.

The principality failed to play the hand it had prepared.

Naurilia dug deeper than before and expanded her territory.

If things remain as they are now, the border between the two countries will change.

‘Can I just leave this alone?’

Wipe out the enemy troops on the detour.

What if Naurilia’s remaining strength can withstand the attack? If that happens, I think it could be an opportunity to hit the back on a detour.

Leaving your seat while using a cross guard could end up being a handshake within a handshake.

I don’t know which crazy guy is the commander, but gambling here?

Why? It’s still a battlefield you won?

So, can’t you say this is an opportunity? Just because we didn’t hold on to the detour right away, we opened up space for our troops to move.


The commander spoke, swallowing wind between his teeth as a habit.

“We will organize our forces focusing on quick-moving units and send them through a detour.”

The space between the front teeth is wide, so this command is issued with the sound of air being knocked out.


Soon the principality moved. The adjutant in a military role felt ominous.

‘If things go wrong like this.’

It will not be at the level of changing national boundaries.

The adjutant wanted to see Avnier.

The greatest strategist that Azpen has ever produced, a great man who already used giants and others as military forces at a young age.

‘It’s a waste, it’s a waste.’

Because of my background, I was ultimately not accepted.

Of course, it was a pointless idea.

In his opinion, Abnair is a genius. I will take care of my own affairs.

“Send the knights.”

If Naurilia had the Red Cloak Knights, the duchy had the Azpen Prince Knights.

Azpen Prince Knights.

The name may be indifferent, but the skills are different.

“Send two, no, three.”

Did the commander feel the ominous feeling that the adjutant felt?

The quality of troops entering the bypass route has increased. The amount has also increased.

What if the Hawk Claw unit catches the flying insects squirming in the rear and the rest, including the three knights, advance? If everything went according to plan, it might be a fatal move that would turn the situation around.

* * *

“Captain, do you know the difference between a sniper and a hunter?”

This is what Rem said right after dodging the arrow.

According to Kreis’ strategy, the job was to deal with every claw, fingernail, or eyebrow.

In that situation, I used an inducement to attract them.

Well, it was enough for the pin to leave a suitable trace.

“These guys are pretty sharp. “I think we need to be careful.”

Finn says. Meanwhile, Rem was smiling.

Seeing Rem like that, Encred asked blankly.

“Should I know?”

“Actually, you don’t have to know, but that’s because I want to tell you.”

There were times when Rem was more honest than necessary. That was the case now. You talk a lot, like always.

“A sniper is someone who shoots and hits people from far away, and a hunter is someone who literally hunts.”

So what difference does it make?

“Hunting is more fun than shooting arrows from afar. “Ax hunting in particular is great.”

So what about that?

Encred continued to speak with his eyes.

“All you have to do is not get hit by things or arrows for no reason while I’m gone. “I will go.”


“I have to go hunting. “If you received a gift, you should return it.”

Rem said and pulled out an arrow stuck in the ground. Rem, who had the loose arrows in his belt, trudged on and moved his feet into the bushes.

Can I just leave that alone?

It will be.

I wouldn’t have come forward if I wasn’t confident in the first place.

rest of it.


He called with the intention of asking if he wanted to go with Rem and perform a duet of secret and surprise attacks.

“I don’t like it.”

Well, be firm. Yes, you can.

Rem will do fine on his own. He chose to believe that.

“We have to move on our own, right?”

Rem is the hunter, Hawk Claw is the prey.

The Mad Squadron is Hawkclaw’s prey again.

Summer is better, but I enjoy hunting in spring anyway.

At first glance, it could be said to be the season for hunting.


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