Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 144

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144. Trap by force (2)

Mustache, the commander of the Gray Dogs, of which there were less than twenty people left, frowned.

‘You just brought this in?’

I dug a trap. A tempting trap.

But I didn’t think it would be easy to get caught.

Rather, he planned to take advantage of this trap.

Traps of similar shapes are made at random.

What happens if you don’t know what’s real and what’s fake?

You won’t be able to attack because you’ll feel uncomfortable.

Then it was half a success.

“If that happens, I will step down. “You can’t attack them carelessly.”

It was information that was directly delivered to us by our military command and a soldier who was sympathetic to us.

Now, only traces remain of the independent Gray Dogs.

The subsequent battlefield defeat and the death of Mitch Huryer.

I had to take responsibility because I had failed several times.

That was the beginning of that responsibility.

The mustache had to shake up enemy units in the rear. He had to restrict their movements.

There was a lot to prepare for that.

‘It seems like everything was done before it even started properly.’

As soon as this thing makes eye contact, it lunges in without the slightest hesitation and thrusts its sword at you. After cutting and cutting again, only then did I say, ‘Do you want to fight?’ It’s like asking.

Even if you don’t say it out loud, it is clearly visible in your body, actions, and attitude.

‘I knew it.’

I was bored.

Now that the Naurilian army, positioned behind the main army, has begun to move, even the command staff will be confused.

So what should we do now?

Are you giving up everything like this?

The Hurier family’s son is dead? Okay. After all, didn’t that family use their children as expendables?

Then which path should you take?

If distracting thoughts keep coming into your mind, your concentration will be disrupted.

I will leave my worries behind and somewhere else.

Mustache composed himself and drew his sword.


Without breathing, he quickly raised his sword and held it in front of his eyes.

‘All you have to do is kill them all.’

The enemy’s guerrilla force broke through the trap and invaded?

Is that something to be embarrassed about? no. This was a welcome thing.

‘Kill that guy first.’

He was the first to puncture Mitch Huryer’s stomach.

After that, kill the blonde swordsman right next to you. Next is the guy with the axe.

I guess I should leave some room for it.

One at a time, we must also keep in mind the coordinated attack.

I organized my thoughts and looked directly at the person in front of me.

But, was this bastard always like this? There are things you can tell just by looking at your posture. The momentum was extraordinary. This is the guy who stabbed Mitch Hurrier and ran away, so it’s clear. It was not a face worth forgetting.

The guy who barely survived that time.

The one who survived the threat of an assassin.

Was it like this back then? I don’t think it was.

Have your skills improved? That didn’t change anything. He’s a guy who needs to be cut down.

The same goes for the things behind it.

The mustache made his eyes shine.

Seeing that, Kreis felt uneasy inside.

‘I don’t think it’s average.’

Kreis does not have eyes to recognize others. That’s why anxiety arises.

The opponent set a trap, and Kreis read the enemy’s intentions.

So I decided to hit it and break it.

If it’s a platoon of crazy people you know, you’ll be able to break it with your own strength.

There is faith. Still, the anxiety doesn’t all go away. It was because of my personality.

It’s partly because of our habit of assuming the worst.

So, what are the results?

First of all, it will start with a fight between the platoon leader and a man with a stylish mustache.

Kreis’ eyes turned to the two.

I had the illusion that the air was sinking heavily.

The spring sunlight penetrated between them.

The two didn’t move at all. He stopped with his sword in hand.

The dust that was spread in the air was blown by the wind and scattered.

The images of the two blurred and disappeared from Kreis’s eyes.


Afterwards, a metallic sound erupted.

* * *


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Ragnar stepped aside and became a spectator.

‘It’s not bad.’

The sword of the mustachioed opponent was sharp. It is a sword that shows signs of proper learning, mastery, and years of training.

It looked like a table that had been polished countless times to make it smooth.

Such well-made furniture.

Something with the touch of a craftsman.

This was someone who gave me that feeling.

On the other hand, what about Encred? My platoon leader was rough. Something that has not yet been completed even though the rough surface has been polished and polished countless times.

It’s like an unfinished vessel.

One side is nearing completion.

The other side is unfinished.

“What, is it like a battle of war? Oh, you’re so boring.”

The barbarian muttered next to him. Ragnar did not respond in particular.

Surprisingly, the answer was Saxony.

“If you’re bored, start by cleaning.”

It was a calm and nonchalant tone of voice.

“Today is a good day that so many people want to stand by my Lord.”

I also heard the words of an ignorant religious person next to him.

Except for the mustache in front of Encred, everyone was holding long spears and surrounded from all sides.

At first glance, the number of opponents was more than three times that.

The force is roughly close to fifty people.

Those hiding in the supply wagon also crawled out, but they were all heavily armed.

Although they cannot be called heavily armored infantry, there were three of them wearing chain armor.

Still, he was carefree. Everyone wondered where they had left their liver chunks, or if they were so swollen that they were stuck in their throats.


“Should we start after that?”

One of the enemy soldiers wearing chain armor suddenly spoke. Pointing his thumb towards his mustache and En Creed.

It was an attitude that showed confidence.

This is despite the people who died from Ragnar’s sword just moments ago being spread out on the floor.

“Of course.”

Kreis gave the answer. Isn’t it a given that you have an advantage if you start by winning the battle?

Starting with the sound of metal, Encred and Mustache kept throwing off sparks.

Ragnar lost interest in what was happening around him.

It was none of my business.

His eyes followed Encred’s hands and feet, his sword and his movements.

Who has the advantage if it is completed or incomplete?




That’s natural. However, even if it is incomplete, what happens if the vessel itself is different?

‘It’s over.’

Ragna came to a conclusion. There is a difference in skill, but the mindset itself is different. That way, even a fight that could have been won would be lost.

* * *

Blade, foot, sword, air, dust, heat.

Even though things like that pass by.

Doesn’t care at all. It’s not visible. I didn’t even feel it.

Encred focused solely on his sword.


The opponent, Mustache, swung his sword and let out a burst of energy.

It was a heavy blow that followed the basics of a properly learned sword and heavy sword style.

Encred held the grip with both hands and bent his knees, blocking the sword horizontally.

I just used my strength and moved it to the side.


Blade and blade met and sparks flew.

The opponent fights with strength, Encred fights with skill.

Conversely, in the exchange of offense and defense that started again, the opposite happened.

Encred struck down his sword with force, and the opponent caught it and shed the sword.

It was very smooth and neat workmanship.

Even more so than Mitch Hurier.

Of course, Mitch Hurier wasn’t what came to Encred’s mind.

Encred’s eyes, ears, hands and feet were all focused on swinging the sword and fighting.

Using everything to see, including single-pointed concentration, the heart of the beast, and the sense of the blade.

Create a line connecting dots.

Separate your opponent with that line.

Reading the opponent’s intentions to block and avoid.

About a dozen offenses and defenses went back and forth like that.

Encred went through two crises.

I almost cut my wrist once, but I blocked it with my sword guard and bounced it off.

The second showed a series of vertical and horizontal cutting attacks, and he barely managed to block the blow that suddenly turned into a stab.

As the stab was aimed at the center of the abdomen, Encred had to raise his sword face to block the sharp tip and flick it to the side.

Anyone could see that it was a defense that was close to a stunt.

If the timing had been a little off, a new hole would have appeared in the center of the leather armor.


Mustache snorted as the unexpected blow missed.

It was an expression of his will to kill him soon. Encred ignored it.

This is after two crises.

Encred’s feet twisted to the left and he took a step.

To avoid giving up a good spot, his mustache also made fun of his feet.

The two spun around within striking distance of their swords.

While the positions were changed, Encred intentionally covered his left hand with his right shoulder.

After changing your posture, hold the sword with only your right hand and extend your left hand to your waist.

Mustache read Encred’s intentions.

Countless duels and many years of experience.

He predicted one inch ahead.

I was already worried that there was one more sword left.

You should have already seen him use two swords.

‘Left hand.’

The moment he saw Encred’s left hand go down, Mustache swung his sword with force.

From top right to bottom left.

A large diagonal cut.

A heavy sword strike, that’s all. It was his victory.

Encred did not draw his sword with his left hand.

I just pretended.

Afterwards, he took several deep breaths and struck down the prepared blow.

‘Heart of mighty strength.’


My heart is racing. The rush of blood starts from the exploding heart and rushes through the entire body.

The rushing blood gives strength to the muscles.

Muscle strength and strength soared to nearly twice that of usual.

There is no spirit. Two pairs of blood-veined eyes just staring at each other.

This is the point where one strike can mean the difference between life and death.

Facing the heavy flying blade, Encred threw the sword held only with his right hand horizontally.

Kang! Okay! Pow!

Three streams of noise erupted almost simultaneously.

The swords crossed and they put their feet out to each other.

These two have changed positions.

“… … “Are you aiming for it?”

“From the beginning.”

Mustache asked while facing away from each other.

Encred answered.

The blade of the mustache was clean. There was no trace of blood or anything.

Worst of all, it was split in half.

Encred’s sword was the opposite.

A sword made by mixing valerian steel and Noir wrought iron.

‘It’s a famous sword.’

At least that’s the case for me right now.

The mustache fell forward.

My chest was ripped open, blood was pouring out, my ribs were cut and broken, and my heart was not protected.

If the heart is broken, even Proc dies.

The death of the fallen mustache was natural.

Encred didn’t know it, but he was Gray Dog’s last and hope.

To conclude, it would be nice to say that the name Gray Dog has now disappeared into the back of history.


Encred took a deep breath and shook out his sword.

The opponent was conscious of his left hand.

That’s why I answered from the beginning.

I showed it to you for this moment.

Valencian mercenary sword, preview.

It was a technique that planted an attack pattern in the opponent’s head, complicating his thoughts.


I thought about it, and now I can move the sword in the intended direction.

That came before the joy of victory.


That joy first fills my heart.

Just because you use dual swords doesn’t mean it has to be your main weapon.

All you have to do is deal with what you need at the moment you need it.

‘Spears, other weapons, shields too.’

I feel like I can now reach the things I had given up on.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to cover all of those things. Of course, it won’t fit in your hand like a sword, but wouldn’t it be worth it just to experience it?

That’s what I thought.

“not bad.”

These are the words that Encred muttered after finally killing his opponent.

“I don’t know why I get excited when I see the platoon leader fighting.”

Rem’s mouth opened. Actually, no, he looked very excited. The corners of her mouth curled and she smiled.

The other three, wearing chain armor, were calm. He was calm even about the death of the mustache.

“Well, I wasn’t the type of person to die like that.”

“It’s a shame.”

“I underestimated my opponent. “An opponent who fights with all his might must be dealt with with all his might.”

These were the words exchanged between the three chainmailers.

Yes, you too have eyes.

Rem nodded inwardly.

That is correct.

Encred did his best, but the opponent was worried about what would happen next.

How can a guy with even less skills be conscious of what happens after the fight?

So it’s natural to lose.

“Hey, should we do it all at once?”

It’s Rem who takes a step forward.


“You are too greedy. “Brother.”

What was on Rem’s shoulder was a hand that resembled that of a bear.

Auddin shook his head.

“Aren’t you going to lift your hand?”

Rem’s words and eyes are as scary as they are exciting. Au Din shook her head, still laughing.

“I say you are too greedy. “Savage brother.”

“This bastard?”

Shoo, tsk.

Rem’s ax moved. Vertically honest and upright.

Auddin took a step back in a way that was not appropriate for his size.

A cold air passed between the two.

At some point, Audin’s smiling face seemed frozen like a statue.

The three people wearing chain mail looked at the two in bewilderment.

What are these guys? Why are they fighting among themselves?

And they’re fighting over who can deal with the three of us?

ignore It was ignored. It was a deception.

“You crazy bastards.”

In the end, one chainmail suit went first.

He was a guy whose weapon was a sledgehammer with a round end.

When the guy jumped out, there was a sword blocking his path.

“You are mine.”

He has blond hair and red eyes, and he looks like he has some kind of fire in his eyes. This was followed by a sword strike like a blazing fire.

The guy holding the hammer wielded a large, round, large shield like a weapon.

It was both an attack and a defense.


Ragna’s sword struck the shield and returned to its original position like a swallow hitting the surface of the water.

“Are you cutting in line?”

Rem sees that and runs out.

“If you break the order, the Lord will be angry. “Brother!”

Auddin also moved.

So, the battle continued.


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