Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 143

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143. Trap by force (1)

Encred was also familiar with small-scale operations leading a reconnaissance squad.

In addition, past experience was added.

Experience, there were days like that.

There was a day when I crossed the tall grass field.

The day I attacked Gilpin Guild with my platoon.

There were nights where we fought werewolves, wizards, and ambush squads.

What is the most important thing?

What should a commander prioritize?


It starts with what you know. What is it that you do, and what is derived from what you are doing now?

Everything is unknown.

I can’t put everything into words.

However, there was a feeling. It was a feeling embodied through experience rather than instinct.

“Let’s go further inside.”

Encred said. At those words, Finn changed direction. She faithfully followed the captain’s words. Kreis blinked and looked at his platoon leader.

I was really curious about what you were thinking. His facial expression is the same as usual. A calmness that makes it difficult to understand what is going on.

Everyone walked faster.

I can’t let the enemy catch me like this.

“Can’t we just fight? “I don’t think they will come after me if I kill them just enough, right?”

Encred stopped Rem from complaining.

“don’t go.”

It is a male command. That was once again surprising.

Rem obediently follows those words, so how could one not be surprised to see this?

“Ragna, just look at the person in front of you. “Don’t turn your head somewhere else.”

Ragna also faithfully followed Encred’s words.

There was no need to say anything about Auddin and Saxony.


“Hehe, you really look like a captain now. “Brother.”

Auddin just said this.

Has your attitude changed because your skills have changed?


Encred still answered indifferently.

That attitude, that behavior, that way of speaking.

Nothing has changed.

So, follow it.

Kreis himself is also a person whose heart moves first.

Even I, who weighs everything and checks whether Crona is on it or not, is like this.

There is nothing to say about other platoon members.

Sometimes, even Saxony, who made it a point not to show his emotions on his face, was unable to hide his expression.

Can’t you see that they are all disappointed, sad, and pitiful?

Thinking about that made me laugh again.

Even though this is not a situation to laugh about.

‘What’s so stable?’

Even though Kreis said he should carry out this plan after weighing everything, what he actually felt was different.

This platoon is more amazing than I thought.

If the other person has something like a hawk’s claws or fingernails.

There was a platoon of lunatics over here.

They have excellent mobility, and their combat power is so crazy that anyone other than a knight can’t even think of stopping them.

That’s Kreis’ assessment.

So what if we use them as a guerrilla unit?

It would be a lie if there was no deputy who expressed this opinion.

If there’s a problem.

“Will you listen to me?”

It’s good that he fought well, but he must be quite a troublemaker.

It’s a good knife if you can use it, but the process of using it is difficult.

What do you need?

The central point, the one who will control them.

Who could that be?

I could tell because I saw it up close, right next to me.

Recently, there was something that clearly left a mark on Kreis’s mind as a platoon leader.

‘That couplet.’

Perhaps, if Encrid, the platoon leader, had not appeared on the battlefield and exchanged swords with them in the name of sparring, the crazy platoon would have ended at that time.

Then this battlefield would also be a mess.

That’s how Kreis saw it.

Encred changed all of this.

With just one sparring.

Even the wind of the battlefield was made to blow against the wind.


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‘As long as there is a central point.’

A crazy strike mission that takes full advantage of mobility? A platoon of crazy people can handle it.

Kreis had no eyes on their skills.

To begin with, he was not good at handling swords or weapons, so it was natural.

However, based on the given facts and reality, it was possible to estimate what the madman platoon could do.

Above all, it was something I could understand because I knew them well.

This is the conclusion I came to, and this is my first masterpiece.

If the enemy yells at you with arrows.

Let us kick our feet.

Although it wasn’t Kryis’ intention, he only told Encred some of the facts.

He said let’s go further inside now.

So, does the platoon leader know my intentions? It was at that moment that I became curious about that again and was about to ask.

“Shake and hit and run. “Our eyes and ears will be focused on the movements of our main unit, and then we will be able to meet the enemy’s guerrilla force.”

Encred spoke first.

What does it mean to be familiar with small-scale operations?

What perspective has past experience given Encred?

‘I can see the intention.’

Kreis’s intentions.

enemy’s intentions.

What to do in the meantime.

Ally, to be more precise, there is something we can do as a platoon of madmen.

All you had to do was do it.

Will this ultimately affect the course of the war? Even in the main battle?

‘I don’t think it’s that much.’

I don’t know again. Kreis’s perspective may be different.

This guy with big eyes, bright eyes, and a future dream of opening a ladies’ salon and playing with women until he dies of old age seemed to have a different way of thinking.

“Is it still your dream to open a salon?”

Encred himself didn’t know why he was curious about this. He just wanted to ask.

Of course it wasn’t my intention to laugh.

Whose dream would you laugh at?

“Yes, what are you asking?” “It goes without saying.”

A guy like that plans a strategy like this? Anyway, this guy doesn’t know.

In any case, Encred’s troops increased their mobility.

I rode up the mountain again.

Later, even Finn stuck out his tongue.

Andrew and Mac’s breathing became heavy.

Kreis was to the point where he could only be half-carried by Auddin.

Encred also felt it was quite difficult.

Finn said, as a ranger, that this was a huge forced march.

So, I climbed the ridge again, moved down the gentle path, and this time walked on the flat ground.

It was down to the enemy’s rear.

It was an action that took advantage of the small elite and the terrain.

Of course, this was a method used first by the enemy’s guerrillas.

“let’s go.”

Rem was excited and moved, as if she wasn’t tired.

For some reason, everyone seemed rather excited about the rough schedule.

Well, it was the same for Encred himself.

What follows after a harsh march?

It’s a battle.

A battle that requires blood to squirt, flesh torn open, and bones to be seen.

“Screw you.”

Encred said and ran away.

Behind the enemy, there were many gaps.

The number of guards increased to three, but there were no problems.


A whistle that sounds as soon as Encred and his group are discovered.

At the same time, Saxony leapt to the side.

Tee ring.

The action of pulling out the sword and stabbing continued with each step.


That’s how it is.

I pulled out the stabbing sword and stabbed it again.

So two.

After killing the two, I held my sword vertically in front of my body to defend myself.


Watching Saxony fight, it occurred to me that they could kill people so easily.

Two enemy soldiers with holes in their necks fall down.

After killing five or six enemy soldiers, Encred’s troops fell back again.

After that, he pretended to climb down the ridge, but after checking the crossbow unit, he fell back.

He caught several of the scouting units chasing behind him and annihilated them.

As night fell, we hid deep in the mountains, made a camp, and rested.

Sufficient rest was essential.

“It’s nice that it’s close to the stream, but it’s a bit disappointing that we can’t make a fire.”

Finn said, taking off his boots and shaking off the dirt.

It is spring.

It is a warm weather called the season of magic.

Even though I was a bit sloppy about eating, I didn’t have to shiver from the cold.

Even in the midst of this.

“Bosch, I knew this would happen and prepared for it.”

Although Rem, a barbarian who hates the cold, brought some heated leather.

Ragnar lay down anywhere and slept.

Saxony dexterously climbed a tree and slept on the thick branches.

The watchmen took turns standing on watch, but Kreis was excluded.

“I will stand.”

Everyone is busy fighting, but Andrew is just acting as Chrys’s guard.

He voluntarily kept watch with thoughtful eyes.

I said so.

If you have a burden on your mind, you won’t be able to show off your usual skills.

There was still danger in this strike operation.

You can’t ignore that.

It would be good to lighten the burden on your mind.

Mac didn’t object either.

When one day passes and the next comes.

Cryce could tell that Encred clearly knew his intentions.

“Now, right?”

This is what is said when checking the enemy’s location again after crossing several mountain passes.

Trap, Kreis confirmed something the enemy had dug.

It is good terrain for an ambush, and good terrain for raiding and retreating.

We discovered that an enemy supply unit was stationed in that place.

It is a flat land sandwiched between curved hills. There were several supply wagons there.

If you go inside and block the back, there is no place to escape.

Besides that, there were other elements that could be considered a trap.

Because the crossbow unit was not deployed.

They created tasty food.

Encred asked while looking at that.

Kreis answered.


Is the Maniac Platoon’s strength limited to mobility?

no. It has the combat power to hit the enemy hard in the back.

This one fight will be able to embroider the enemy’s mind in a complicated way.

The enemy’s reaction was visible in Kreis’s eyes. It is a prediction and a prediction.


The movements of the main unit will also become meaningful.

“let’s go.”

Encred also strengthened his resolve.

No matter how many predictions we make, the battlefield is essentially like a fireball with no idea where it will land.

Isn’t it the flame that burns my body if I stumble?

So, is this like carrying straw on your back and jumping into the fire?

‘I don’t think so.’

The enemy doesn’t know, but Encred knows.

The enemy underestimates themselves too much.

A soldier who killed a giant? You probably only know that much.

That’s not enough.

The leader was Encred. As I ran in front of the supply wagon between the mounds, the soldiers who were clumsily organizing food and supplies responded.

If you were going to dig a trap, it would be meaningful to dig it like this.

Instead of hiding the enemy soldiers, show them and arm them well.

An enemy soldier was seen.

Meanwhile, I also saw some familiar faces.


Mustache, I remember he was a member of Gray Dog.

Encred greeted his enemy by looking at him with his eyes.

An enemy soldier comes in with a spear.

Encred’s hand moves.

Ching! Ching!

Two kicks and kicks.

Chang, sigh!

Two different sounds.

He deflected the spear with the sword in his left hand, and stabbed it with the sword in his right hand, puncturing the enemy soldier’s heart.

‘I wonder if Frog will freak out if he sees it.’

As I pulled out my sword with a random thought in mind, the enemy’s Gambison turned red. It is a blade that pierces cloth armor made of cotton and cotton.

Some blood and pieces of thread were stuck on the blade.

There is no need to worry about stains on the blade.

From now on, you’ll have to keep swinging and killing him.


Encred put the sword in his left hand back into his waist.

All you have to do is pull it out again when you need it.

While doing so, he stood holding a sword with both hands.

That look, that spirit, that momentum.

The enemy soldiers were not able to approach quickly.

“good night! good!”

Beside me, Rem is also swinging his ax with excitement.

Auddin also smiled and took out his club.

Saxony did not bother to step forward. Just swing your sword carelessly at the charging enemy.

There were two that received the most attention.

Encred and Ragna.


He stood next to Encred and began swinging his sword mercilessly.

As if it wasn’t too cumbersome, he had no hesitation in moving even though he had two more swords on his waist.

As it was, Ragnar’s sword left an eerie line in the air.


Double inspection.

Gibbon’s downward slash splits the enemy soldier’s head.

Afterwards, he swung the drawn sword horizontally and decapitated the enemy soldier who took a step back.

Ragna’s feet kept moving.

In a fight between a spear and a sword, who has the advantage of spacing?

Of course it’s a window. Ragnar’s feet eliminated that advantage. erased

In between quick steps, the lives of enemy soldiers disappear one by one.

A shadow fell on the face of the enemy who had set up the trap.

What is this?

With this level of skill, you’re just going to be a guerrilla?

No, isn’t it something different from what you expected?

Is this correct?

The number of enemy soldiers was roughly over forty.

Moreover, they were not those with poor skills.

“Everyone in formation!”

In the midst of it all, Mustache’s shout erupted.

The movements of those who looked down on Encred and company changed.

Mustache stood directly in front of Encred.

“You, you bastard.”

Encred nodded, looking at the angry mustache.

Since I pretended to know him, there was no reason not to greet him face to face.

“So, um, how have you been?”

Because the tone was quite lively and familiar, the mustache’s pupils fluctuated even more crazily.

His eyes were filled with anger.

It seemed like he was going to attack me right away. Encred was also prepared.

Mustache soon took a deep breath and composed himself.

Should I say that it is true?

This is not an ordinary opponent. Emotions do not become attitudes. Instead of focusing on anger, take a deep breath.


‘The test will be even more meaningful.’

Is a fight with two swords meaningful if the opponent is a skilled person?

Now it was my turn to check.


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