Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 141

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141. Rem of the Run

“We must move our position forward. We can’t leave it like this. “We will take control of the bush area and attack the rear.”

“What are you talking about? What will the retreating army do if they enter as is? Do you know how big Azpen’s rear guard will be?”

“So, you’re going to let the guerrillas run amok?”

“Because we let that happen, morale is falling again.”

It was a strategy meeting. With a desk in the middle, a group of company commanders and adjutants gathered together and chatted.

1st Company Commander Graham is the one who wants to attack.

Palto brought up a different story. 3rd Company Commander Rayon was killed by a fairy assassin during the previous battle, leaving the position vacant, so the 3rd Company’s 1st Platoon Commander immediately filled the vacant position.

He kept his mouth shut, as if he had nothing to say.

Marcus’ lieutenants filled the rest.

Take out the necessary opinions, check them, and cross-verify them. Looking at it, the fairy company commander thought it was all useless.

The problem was clear.

‘There’s a guy on the other side who uses his head well.’

That there is nothing here.

Battalion Commander Marcus’s nickname is Warmonger.

Contrary to his nickname, he is not stupid. This can be seen just by the way he treats Encrid.

He also knows how to lift up his subordinates.

Knowing how to control morale.

He also knows how to ride the mood.

Compared to the previous battalion commander, this one is an archangel.

However, Marcus is not a commander who uses his head either.

What tricks does Marcus use when going with the flow and turning the mood around?

Excellent strategy? no. He either takes action himself or uses a powerful armed group.

You could tell just by looking at the previous battle.

In the end, what was the knife Marcus took out?

There were two knives he took out.

One is the 1st Company, a heavy armor unit.

The other is the border garrison, which is under direct control.

Marcus is said to be a commander who puts military power first and uses tactics.

On the other hand, the opponent.

‘No matter how you look at it, it’s the one who turns his head.’

The fairy company commander lived a long time and had extensive experience.

Usually in cases like this, the teammate’s clumsy response could easily fall into a trap.

What if this is a temptation to enter further?

What if the main force enters deeper and an enemy trap is waiting?

Even if we tried to gather information, this was the enemy’s front yard.

Should I use the scouting party deeply? Looking at the movements of the enemy’s guerrilla force, it would be a cat-and-mouse fight up the mountain ridge.

Ignore it and attack the enemy’s rear? I think that might not be bad either.

Go west and you’ll find a cross guard.

Moving northeast is the main body of the enemy army.

The allies had no idea how to move.

If you couldn’t figure it out, it was best to hold on.

In fact, this unit poses a threat to the entire main force just by its existence.

It was enough to just ignore the enemy’s tactics.


Marcus slammed his fist on the desk where the strategy map was spread out.

The horse and a couple of pins that had been placed on the map fell.

“To put it briefly and bluntly, doesn’t it mean that you can’t get in or get out like this? “Should we say what we can do?”

It was just frustrating for him.

Originally, the main force should have defeated the enemy’s main force and retreated, but the fight has become prolonged.

In the meantime, an enemy guerrilla unit comes and touches them. If you don’t care about that and come up with a plan to catch them, it’s all nonsense.

In the end, the strategy meeting ended poorly.

There were no useful comments.

The fairy company commander came out after finishing the meeting and was about to reach his barracks.


The platoon leader, strangely armed with swords on both waists, blocked the attack.

Hold the sword with your left hand and lower your head. After the military ceremony, Platoon Commander En Creed opened his mouth.

“In addition to providing tactical opinions, we request temporary operational authority.”

The fairy, who was looking at Encred, thought that this human had a pretty handsome face, and expressed her opinion with a question on her face.

In her opinion, Encred wasn’t the type to use his brain and use strategy.

This side also fights honestly.

“If you’re here to propose an engagement, it’s bad timing. “Platoon leader.”

The fairy calmly told a joke in her own way.

Encred answered calmly, perhaps getting used to such jokes by now.

“It’s about military strategy.”

Can we just ignore the opinion of a platoon leader?

No, you can’t do that.

Regardless of his crush on this guy, Encred was proving himself in every battlefield.


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“Tell me.”

Encred said it as concisely as possible because it wasn’t his idea.

“Give me temporary command to stir up the enemy lines.”


“I request the assistance of a soldier skilled in route finding.”

“Is that the end?”

“How about the main force now opens a path to the west?”

The fairy’s head is turned to one side.

Encred explained as he heard.

Where is this unit located now?

What effect will our troops’ movements have on the enemy troops?

What effect will that have?

It is observation and prediction.

“What if it’s different from what I expected?”

“You just have to return to the army.”

At that time, it was a retreat. No, this was initially focused on the military retreat strategy. The fairy company commander was not a fool either. As soon as he heard it, his head spun.

‘It’s worth using.’

No, it’s not worth using. I think it might be the best in the current situation.

In reality, they are nothing, but what happens when they overlap?

If only I had some luck.

That is if Encred personally takes his platoon members and moves them.

“Is this the platoon leader?”

the fairy asked.


Encred shook his head. I have no intention of taking away the achievements of my platoon members.

“This is the idea of ​​an operator named Chrys.”

Kreis, this was an opinion I threw out because I didn’t want to risk myself like this.

If it worked, it would be good, but even if it didn’t work, I had a loose mind, wondering if the command would have something in mind.

However, it happened to be the opinion I needed the most right now.

“good night.”

The fairy company commander left those words and quickly turned around.

It was a step toward the battalion commander’s barracks, where a strategy meeting had been held just moments before.

After that, our troops’ movements changed. They emptied their positions and began preparing for the march.

Meanwhile, Encred had armed all his platoon members and was opening his mouth.

It’s not like we really need a speech just because we’re going on a mission.


“Tell me.”

“Shall we go catch that bowman?”

I simply asked Rem.

Rem’s eyebrows twitched. Those were the eyebrows of satisfaction.

“It’s good.”

Rem’s smile as she spoke seemed to smell bloody.

“I’m just saying let’s go relax a bit. Does anyone want to rest?”

I made eye contact with Ragnar, Audin, Saxony, Andrew, and Mac all at once.

I was thinking of leaving it in if I wanted to leave it.

There was no one like that.


“This is Finn, who joined the platoon starting today.”

“nice to meet.”

Finn also joined.

When I asked for support, they sent me a ranger who ran a light armored archery unit.

Now, the archers have moved into the 2nd company as they were originally supposed to.

At the same time, the location of the pin became ambiguous.

It so happened that I ended up in the platoon with the rank of squad leader.

For some reason, it was very ambiguous.

Although it is an independent platoon, the number is less than ten, and there are two squad leaders.

It’s a compilation that will make you feel like a monster.

What can I do?

This is what the madman platoon was originally like.

Finn also transferred because of Encred. He is a person I want to watch from the side, even if it means lowering his rank to squad leader.

I also had the goal of spending the night together when I had the chance.

So, there are various purposes.

There were people there I wanted to meet.

“I am Finn. I don’t plan on bragging about being a squad leader, let’s just get along. “Then, I guess that person is Audin?”

The pin looked like a bamboo stick. She said what she had to say and did what she wanted to do.

And then I showed one of my purposes.

Auddin, the person who taught the Balaf style martial arts to Encred.

Finn licked his lips once and looked at Audin.

Just looking at that body made me jealous.

‘Enki is Enki, but he is Enki.’

This would be fine, but would it be just fine and the interior would be a mess?

This is Encred’s interior, I confirmed it at our first meeting. The meeting at the stream.

I won’t be able to forget it. Especially under the abs.


Finn gave up his thoughts. Now is not the time for this.

“Yes, sister. “I was given the name Auddin from the Lord.”

The two held hands and said hello.

Rem, Ragna, and Saxony are pretending to be innocent.

Andrew approaches and says he is the same squad leader.

Mac only makes eye contact.

That’s how many people gathered together.

“Then, I think we’ll start with an outline of the operation.”

Encred said and looked at Chrys.

Isn’t it your turn from now on?

Because his eyes were like that, Kreis cleared his throat loudly and walked out.

“Eh, because the enemy guerrillas are terrible. “We will do something similar.”

Kreis knew that even if he spoke in a difficult way, no one would understand.

So, I said what I wanted to say as simply and clearly as possible.

This was it.

The enemy uses the terrain to attack our allies.

Why can’t allies do that?

Although some of the border guards had already done something similar.

In Kreis’s opinion, it did not seem to leave a strong impression on the enemy.

Then what should I do?

Just don’t let me forget it forever.

“Then shall we go?”

Did Kreis’ voice sound weak? Rem chuckled and she said.

“That’s not how you compete, it’s about getting wiped out!”

Rem spoke to Kreis and raised her voice at the end.

Of course, only Encred responded.

“It’s good.”

Everyone ignored it. Saxony started walking as soon as Rem opened his mouth.

“Aren’t you going?”

Then he even asked Finn a question.

Finn saw the hostility between each other within the unit and wondered why this was happening, but he did his job.

Wasn’t there a warning you heard in advance?

“This is not a normal unit. “Are you okay?”

Didn’t the fairy company commander already warn you?

Finn nodded.

The goal is Encred and Audin.

It was just a matter of getting along well with other unit members.

This is Encred’s unit that moved like that.

Finn found the way.

If you find traces of the enemy and follow them, you will run out of luck.

So I decided on a target.

It’s not a guerrilla unit, it’s the other side, that is, the enemy’s main force.

This is it. Finding it wasn’t a problem.

“Whew, wouldn’t there be an uproar if there was an article?”

Andrew spoke and Kreis, who had the worst fighting skills in this unit, responded.

Everyone was trudging along, ignoring the traces left around them.

“Probably not.”

“How can you be sure of that?”

“If there is, you just have to wait and run away. And, well, if there was room to send knights or other troops to the rear, they didn’t run guerrilla units or anything like that. In my view, that guerrilla movement is meant to attract attention. Because, that is.”

“Until there.”

Andrew saw that Kreis got into a situation where he talked for a long time.

I can’t understand even half of the words.

What should I do?

Kreis was a little dissatisfied with that.

Why does it seem like no one cares to listen?

Still, the platoon leader listened quite carefully. He listened carefully and showed sincerity.

That was satisfying.

In fact, Kreis was also a little uneasy about what he said.

Kreis said, walking quickly to the side of the platoon leader.

“Captain, I think that guerrilla group is meant to attract attention. So why does it attract attention? It’s simple. Don’t move from here. Stop. Don’t go anywhere else. If they come from behind, a trap will be dug. Something like this. Then we just have to move in a different way. “In a direction that the enemy did not expect.”

Afterwards, Kreis’ strategy continued further.

Encred listened carefully and asked.

“Why are you talking about that again?”

You already heard it. This is the third time.

“Uh, um, I wanted to talk. “For no reason, um, no.”

Are you anxious?

“Does your anxiety go away just by talking about it?”

“Well, the platoon leader won’t understand.”

Kreis thinks of himself as an ordinary person. So he won’t be able to understand people like En Creed.

Because in his opinion, the platoon leader is abnormal.

If you don’t have talent, it’s normal to get rid of it. dream? How is it normal to chase something like that?

Even though it is not a realistic goal and is literally a dream.

I chase after that and repeat the same thing every day. Repeat training. What it means to train your bones is shown before your eyes every day.

How is this normal?

Kreis paused. Looking at the platoon leader, he really felt like he could somehow get through anything that happened.

My anxiety went away a little.

“this way.”

Finn was a skilled ranger and pathfinder.

Even though I was not familiar with this terrain, I was able to find the traces well.

The enemy’s guerrilla unit used various tactics to avoid being pursued by our troops.

I also saw a few traps.

I heard that some of the border guards chased after them with their eyes turned on and ran into them a few times.

The crazy platoon didn’t even intentionally look for any traces of the guerrillas.

It was straight ahead.

Go straight towards the enemy’s rear.

After passing through the bushes and ridges, the enemy’s rear guard unit began to appear.

“I go first. No, if you go before me, I will stab you in the back, so I will warn everyone to get out of the way.”

Rem growled.

I said so.

Everyone seemed to have no interest in being a leader.

Kreis examined the enemy formation.

The enemy army is located in a wide area of ​​terrain, from Longari Grass Field to here.

So this is the enemy’s rear and right rear, right?

That will be about it.

I climbed the ridge for over half a day.

“What is the rank of knight?”

Encred asked. She answered as the bright-eyed Saxony looked around.

“I don’t see anyone particularly dangerous.”

So now is the time to get started.

Rem climbed down the ridge in a tuktuk, and Encred followed behind.

As I went downhill, dust and other things rose up.

In addition to Mac, Andrew, and Finn, Audin and Saxony remained.

It was Kreis’s protection and preparation in case something happened.

The only ones who got down were Rem, Encred, and Ragna.

“We will watch.”

Ragnar said as he stood next to Encred. What did you feel while attaching two swords to your body?

So Ragna said he would confirm what he taught?

‘Is it a test?’

For Encred, it was also an experiment.

How to fight with two swords, two swords, with both hands.

How effective will it be?


An enemy guard spotted the three approaching and spoke. As I kicked my feet down the moderately gentle slope, there was dust and there was no terrain around that was suitable for hiding.

After landing on the fertile plain, the land that the victor of the battlefield will take.

Rem approached, waving his hand.

It was like a gesture or step toward a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time.


The enemy soldier tilted his head at that calmness. Is that the enemy? is not it?

The distance is narrowing.

By the time the enemy guard told me to stop there.

The hatchet on Rem’s waist flew away.

The hand was like a beam of light.

The throwing ax draws a circle in the air and flies straight, creating a long trajectory.


Afterwards, a new decoration appeared on the heads of enemy guards.

Of course, it was a decoration that brought an end to life.

The foot of an enemy soldier with a hatchet stuck in his head was floating in the air. His arms flailed and he fell behind him with a thud.

Another guard who was watching from the side hurriedly put the whistle in his mouth. However, Rem was first, having narrowed the distance before he knew it.

A charge using the elastic thigh muscles explosively.

Encred knows Rem’s skills. Even though he knew that, he was surprised.

It was like the kind of sprint that the knight saw back then.

Because it was a similar charge to the one he showed just before becoming a quasi-knight.


It means that I still have hidden skills.

After narrowing the distance, Rem’s hand grabbed the guard’s wrist and broke it.



After that, the ax in Rem’s left hand split the air horizontally.


This is an enemy soldier with his head cut in half and lying on his side.

Blood flowed from the neck of the guy who fell down with a grunt, soaking the floor.

“Wow, you’re so weak.”

Rem muttered between the two dead soldiers.


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