Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 140

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140. Sure, whatever.

“I will learn the sense of avoidance this time.”

If Ragna had said to always carry two swords on his person.

Saxony began to teach something different. It must be one of the things I told you about the day I killed the giant before.

Encred learned at the same time.

There was no need to learn it separately.

What Saxony told me didn’t really interfere with other training. Basically, it was about improving body vision, so if you threw something on a rock, you could see it and say it.

Of course it wasn’t easy.

Still, little by little, it was increasing.

Now I can clearly see the writing on the handmade flying stones.

This was also achieved thanks to the experience Encred had accumulated over the years.

Experiences that awaken talent.

These are experiences achieved with the belief that something will happen and confidence in oneself.

It was just at that moment that a rock flew at my forehead.

“It’s a surprise attack!”

A shout broke out.

Encred grabbed the stone with a thud.

“It’s the enemy!”


“Arrows are flying! “Bow your head!”

Between the voices of the commander and the surprised soldier, Saxony opened his mouth.

“What is the engraved writing?”

This guy is terrible too.

Two swords are at his waist, and he is also wearing leather armor.

No matter how spacious you are, you can’t move without basic equipment.

As a result, the smell of sweat permeated the armor, which Ester disliked, but this was still a battlefield, a place where you never knew when a battle might break out.

Encred turned and said.



Saxony also answers and stands up.

There was someone who ran faster and more agilely than these two.

“Where are you?”

It’s Rem. It’s already been eight days, and thanks to the sparring with Encred and Andrew, I’m not particularly frustrated, but I do feel bored.

The western barbarian was excited to swing the ax and ran away.

You never know. Couldn’t another giant pop out from somewhere?

So what?

It sounds so exciting.

Rem’s feet were light and his body was agile.

Rem moved faster than any commander or soldier.

Encred also headed to the place where the commotion was occurring.

It is the outskirts of the unit, the estimated boundary line, and the direction of the enemy’s position.

When I arrived, I saw Rem turning his head left and right.

Encred similarly looked around.

There were no visible signs, especially of enemy soldiers.

There are only a few dead soldiers with arrows piercing their heads.

“What about the enemy?”

Saxony also answered Encred’s question by turning his head to the left and right.

“There is none.”

Even from Saxony’s perspective, the traces are minimal. What does this mean?

It means they didn’t attack at all.

Just shoot arrows from afar?

Because of that, one of our allies died.

Does this really work?


There was movement beyond the border of our troops’ camp, in a thicket of bushes.

It is the movement of our allies, not our enemies.

The owners of the eagle epaulettes, the frontier slaughter unit, were on the move.


These are people who falter at the words of a person who appears to be a commander. When Encred saw them entering the bush, he thought that their steps all resembled Finn’s.

So, should I say that it all has a Ranger feel?

At least it was a unit with such talent.


In the meantime, there was Rem.

Rem is full of dissatisfaction, Rem’s eyes have turned squinty.

“don’t do it.”

Encred quickly put out the fire. If you leave it like that, there will be chaos again.

“Come on.”

stop and call Rem’s gray hair seemed to be so irritated that it seemed like it was sticking out, but Rem snorted and turned around.


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“It seems like the enemy bastards are dirty.”

While speaking, Rem glanced at his ally whose head was pierced.

It wasn’t a look of pity or anything like that. He saw the arrow.

“Bringing that crazy bastard again and causing this kind of pestilence.”

Looking at Rem’s eyes, I saw a familiar arrow.


“Don’t you remember?”

Encred tilted his head.

Although it is in Rem’s memory, Encred’s recollection is that he lived a different day from Rem.

Since the perceived time was different, it was inevitable.

“That bastard who thought it was a hawk’s claw or a nipple.”

Only then did Encred turn his attention to the arrow. An arrow that has a longer stem than other arrows and its feathers extend backwards.

You could tell without even checking the blood-soaked arrowhead. It’s not an ordinary arrow.

Rem slowly scratched his chin. Some frustration remained.

Missed target.

This is Rem, who once lived as a hunter. His eyes followed the trail of the target.

Should I chase it or not, how long will it take if I chase it here?

Encred tapped Rem on the shoulder as she was measuring the time.

“Sparring or a bout?”

Let’s leave it alone, one day we will see it.

When that time comes, we will be able to have a conversation.

Of course, it would be a conversation using an axe, not a mouth.

“Let’s do that.”

Encred calms Rem down and turns around.


A stone flew out from behind Encred’s head.

It was a small stone that momentarily passed before my eyes.

It passed in front of Encred’s eyes and grazed Rem’s forehead.

When did you pick it up and when did you engrave it?


Encred read the text and answered calmly, even though he was internally surprised.

If I had been a little careful, I would have missed it.


Saxony nodded and opened his mouth.

“Do you want to sleep? “Where are you throwing stones?”

Rem reacted.

“Oh, there you are. “I didn’t see it.”

Saxony said this, clearly telling anyone that it was a lie.

It’s a routine fight.


Although it was everyday life, there were some things that were different from before.

Encred did not push his body in to stop him. For now, words were enough.

“Stop it, Rem.”

Just with a little more force and a little more will than before.

This is what I felt when I learned about the heart of strength.

Rem follows my instructions better than I thought.

It was the same in Saxony.

Rather than saying anything, all you had to do was give it a shot.

“Yes, I will be careful.”

Well, the answer came back like this.

Anyway, let’s go back to the front of the barracks.

“What’s wrong?”

Ragna finally wakes up and asks. If you’re not watching Encred or sparring with him, you’re still a lazy friend.

“The enemy was ambushed, only fired a bow and ran away.”


Did this guy listen properly?

He doesn’t seem to have any interest.

Is my liver swollen, or am I just not thinking?

‘the latter.’

If you bet Crona, it’s the latter. Encred thought and straightened his sword.

I straighten up, catch my breath, and try sparring again.

From time to time, we also practiced reading letters while looking at stones.

Relax your muscles here and there with Balaf-style acupressure.

I learned box fighting, martial arts, joint techniques, etc. and also trained myself without forgetting the techniques of isolation.

However, he did not let the two swords fall on his body.

“Your posture, your posture must not be broken. No matter what you do, your posture, no matter what you do, posture, first of all. If your posture is poor, you will get hurt. Brother. “You don’t want to be the injured platoon leader, do you?”

Is this a warning to play around with titles?

Carrying two swords and maintaining the stance of the technique of isolation is quite difficult.

It was just hard work.

It wasn’t impossible. Then, I guess there is no problem.

At least that was the case for Encred.

It was about the time when the sun was setting towards the west.

“surprise attack! “Holy shit!”

A friendly soldier’s cry was heard.

The enemy attempted contact once more.

Even if you let your guard down at first and got into trouble.

I would have prepared for the second time, but this time too, an arrow flew and decapitated my ally.

The frontier garrison responded.

Among them, a platoon consisting of only those who demonstrated outstanding abilities in this area moved.

However, I just missed it again.

“It’s not good.”

Cryce frowned upon hearing the situation.

Encred ignored it. He is a guy who just fires arrows from afar and runs away. He was tricky to catch.

It’s also a unique weapon, that is, a weapon with an abnormally long range even among longbows. How can you catch someone who runs away after firing just one shot?

Encred focused only on training.

I didn’t think it was my job.

I just don’t have enough mental energy to focus on this.


I started with Mi and read all the letters on the fifth stone.

If you read on, you are a crazy savage.

“… … “I wrote this down before I said I was careful.”

Saxony made an excuse that wasn’t an excuse. As he turned his head and looked at the ground, En Creed didn’t even have the heart to say anything.

“Hold on.”

Instead, I only stopped Rem.

Seeing him take out an ax without saying a word, it seemed like he was going to throw it if I didn’t stop him.

A day passed, and the next day was similar.

Tempering, or sparring.

Sometimes enemy surprise attacks.

Next to me, Kreis kept muttering something bad.

Encred began proper training with Saxony.

“Ultimately, the sense of avoidance is about developing the ability to avoid. You can do this by improving your prediction ability through experience and improving your body’s coordination. “The goal is to avoid it by looking at it and moving your body at the same time.”

I was watching it wondering what they were telling me to avoid.

Saxony drew his sword.


The sword body reflected the light and Saxony asked.

“Are you going to wear two swords?”

Is this a concern or a warning?

Maybe both.


Encred endures anything. Knowing that, Saxony nodded inwardly and decided to pass on one of the things he had.

“If you can’t avoid it, you’ll die.”

One more word of warning and concern followed.


After Pagoneum, Encred saw fortune telling. A small dot was shot out. Even though I had split the time and activated one point of concentration.


“Next time I really die.”

The tip of the sword touched my forehead. She couldn’t move. speed? speed? No, I think that’s a slightly different problem.

It is a sting like a dot. It’s not possible just because it’s fast.

What should I say about this?

I also saw Rem’s ax swing bending like a whip.

I also saw a flash of light splitting the air.

I saw the enemy’s stabbing and once dodged a flying whistle dagger.

Saxony’s thrust was unlike anything I had ever experienced.

It felt like magic.

It felt like I had reached there by folding the space and poking it.

It is a sword that was stabbed in without showing any sign or sign.


Encred’s eyes burn. It’s new. I’m always ready to accept it.

“If you can’t avoid it, you’ll really die.”

Saxony continued, but there was no actual death.

Should I say that it is still the same?

Or should I say it doesn’t change?


Three or four times a day, the enemy fires arrows and touches you or not.

Whether our troops care about that or not.

Even when the border guards were in vain every time.

I focused only on training.

Can’t you see the sting? no.

see. I could see it. You can see it, but you just can’t avoid it.

What is needed from now on is coordination, as Saxony said.

Extremely reducing reaction speed, from looking to avoiding.

If you see it, your body just has to react.

Then why is the Sword of Saxony unavoidable?

“It’s a lethal stab, but there’s no need to learn it.”

Saxony said as if saying something, and Encred’s motivation boiled up even more at those words.

“When can I learn that?”

“You can tell me after you finish everything.”


A ‘killless stab’ is a high-speed stab that is not lethal. That was also the reason why my body, which until now had normally reacted to life, became stiff.

Because there is nothing to live for, I do not feel threatened.

The body is not responding properly.

Right now, I’m training to be able to make that reaction at will and at any time.

“Just look, react, and do it.”

It’s easier said than done.

However, there was little progress. It was really at a crawling level, but Encred could feel the change in himself.

So how could this not be exciting?

Even more so.

“It’s getting better.”

Compared to other teachers, Saxony is kind and generous with praise.

In fact, the training that Saxony knew was like that. It is a type of training that can be trained to some extent if you make consistent efforts and risk half your life to continue.

At all these moments, Saxony just had doubts.

‘Why am I doing this?’

When I see it, I can’t leave it alone so I touch it.

Saxony was worried because he could not figure out the reason for helping Encred on his own.

Giving a reasonable reason to any action is something I have been trained to do since I was young.

Now I’m doing the complete opposite.

‘Just do it.’

Saxony put his worries aside. For now, I am satisfied just by watching Encred.

It’s the kind of satisfaction I’ve felt for the first time in my life.

Killing people and killing them again.

After killing, check and find information.

That’s what I’ve done. At all those moments, I couldn’t feel anything.

It was my first time feeling like this.

So how can you not be excited?

That was the reason why a smile appeared on Saxony’s face as he stabbed his sword.

Encred didn’t have time to check Saxony’s smile.

I only saw Rem, Ragna, and Audin who were around.

“That bastard can really catch people.”

Rem said, feeling strangely twisted.

“There’s too much sparring. “I think it’s my turn.”

Ragnar told me about my greed.

“Hehe, I see you are happy. Still, balance is important in everything, and everything must be done in moderation. The Lord said, ‘What if the scales are tilted?’ … .”

Audin also had a longer tongue.

All three have become scraggly.

This is Kreis, who was watching these people.

‘This is really bad.’

These people swing their swords without any worries.

The situation in the unit was changing like a dog’s penis.

I wish the commander or border guards could take care of it.

Is there no one to use their brains, or is it that they have no intention of using their brains?

‘No, how long are we just going to watch?’

Kreis thought there was a breakthrough. If you leave it like this, you will only be putting yourself in danger.

Why are you just letting it go?

I couldn’t help it.

“Hey, boss.”

Kreis didn’t want to take the risk here. Since it was something that was so obvious to him, he didn’t want to just ignore it.


Encred, drenched in sweat, turns his head. A little heat around the eyes, that kind of thing did not enter Kreis.

“Do you have any suggestions to the above?”

What does this mean? Encred tilted his head.

“I don’t think anything good will come of spending time like this… … .”

Kreis started talking. It’s not long, but it lists the possibilities of this unit and what it can do.

“… … So, I think you have the mobility, as long as you can control it.”

It was an easy and simple story.

Encred nodded because he had experienced it several times and knew that this big-eyed friend was not the only one who revealed Crona.

“Sure, whatever.”

There were still a lot of things I wanted to try.

This could be a good opportunity.

It was natural for Encred to easily nod his head.

“It’s good.”

Kreis said he must have been nervous. Encred nodded calmly.

How difficult is this?

In any case, it was up to the command to decide.


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