Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 14

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14. Article

“You come here!”

“The voice is loud. “This is the medical barracks.”

“What should I do, you bastard?”

Even though it growls, no matter how rough the animal is, it poses no threat as long as it is out of reach.

“I think our connection is meant to be. When I first saw you, it was in the village below, right?”

It was a bad relationship. A bad relationship that comes across frequently.

“Where can you unlucky bastard pretend to be friends?”

It was Venjens who spoke first.

Encred didn’t bother to question it.

Because he is not narrow-minded enough to consider such things.


Instead, I turned around. The ointment given by Saxony was very effective.

Even when I moved my body this way, I barely felt any pain.

“What are you doing?”

“They told me not to pretend to be friendly, so I’m pretending not to know them.”

“Is this guy kidding me?”

Venjens screamed.

If I had known it was a joke, I wouldn’t have had to be so angry.

But what can I say?

‘Maybe it’s because I’m surrounded by very violent squad members.’

Venjens, whom I met after a long time, was cute.

When I watched Lem, Saxony, and other squad members fighting, I felt like my lifespan was being shortened.

“Ah, you noticed. As expected, Platoon Commander, the future of the Cyprus Division.”

“you you!”

Venjens, with blood on his forehead, lifted his boot and threw it.

Encred quickly took it.

“Is it a gift?”

“I’ll kill you, you bastard!”

Was Rem like that one day?

Even though I am quite good at irritating people.

“I don’t want to get into a confrontation with a squad leader who speaks out loud.”


Encred held his boots with a calm expression.

Venjens snorts while looking at that.



The soldier, who was busy killing time by looking into the sky, laughed loudly.

It was a laugh that made me feel like I was going crazy with joy.

At the sound of laughter, Vengeance’s murderous eyes rolled back.

The blond man laughed out loud and wiped away the tears that had come out, bending his fingers outwards.

“No, is it a gift? rani. I couldn’t stand this. I was just holding back and pretending not to know. Phew.”


Encrid thought that Venjence’s platoon leader’s molars would break before he turned 40.

If you keep grinding your molars, it’s not good for your gums.

I debated whether or not to even talk about this.

If I did any more, I felt like I would be recorded as a soldier who couldn’t control his anger and died from blood rushing to his head.


Benjens was calm.

Instead of swearing at the other person, I asked them their affiliation.

“me? Um, just a soldier passing by.”


Encred was deeply impressed by the other person’s ambition.

You can even be a squad leader.

But it really seemed like they were just soldiers.

But that kind of attitude.

However, when he said that, it felt like he was hiding his affiliation and status.

Venjens isn’t really a nerd either.

“Are you saying you can’t reveal your affiliation?”

“That’s a bit like that. But he really meant it when he said he was a soldier. “I forgot my affiliation.”

Carefree. Encred saw the dignity of nobility in the blond man.

Unless the idiot who forgets his unit is a nobleman.

‘You should get hit hard.’

Because even if I were beaten to death, I would have nothing to say.

So, the attitude shown now is classy.

Crack, cluck.

Vengeance is incapable of doing this or that.

“But that’s not the case when you look at me now. “I think I need to look behind me.”


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Encred and Vengeance’s gaze had been focused on the blond man from earlier.

Therefore, both of them turned their heads back.

There was someone in the back.


I can’t say that the feel is excellent, though.

Still, there is a melody that swells on the battlefield.

To some extent, I have a sixth sense, but right now I didn’t even know who was standing behind me.

I couldn’t hear any sound.

“Here? Where is the squad leader?”

It was a woman. They are also a species that generally has thinner body lines, clearer eyes, and larger ears than humans.

It was a fairy.

She said, staring at the blonde man.

Judging by the natural way he spoke, he was a senior.

Encred decided so and raised his hand and opened his mouth.

“Encred, company, platoon, squad leader, this way.”

The fairy woman’s eyes finally fell from the blonde man.

Then, the entrance to the tent flapped and the soldier guarding the medical barracks came in and added an additional explanation.

“Yes, you are the squad leader under my command.”


Vengeance must have been quite surprised, and only then did he react.

When the fairy heard that, she just turned her head without moving an eyebrow.

“That is the third platoon leader of this company.”

The soldier in charge of the medical barracks said this even though I didn’t ask him to.

The fairy woman’s tone that followed was very dry.

Someone said that a fairy is a symbol of grass and trees, and her voice was literally like the sand of the desert.

“Does the 2nd Company teach you to mention your race when you see your superiors? “I know better than anyone else that I am a fairy, right?”

‘It’s killing me.’

Encred saw innate elegance and charisma in the fairy woman.

With just one word, he stamped out his opponent.

“Ah, ah, ah, no! “These are the three platoon leaders of this company, Ben and Venjens!”

“Do me a favor.”


“Platoon leader Benvenjens, please keep your mouth shut while I am here. You don’t have to answer my request now. If you open that snout, you’ll want to stick a knife or fist in his face. “Platoon leader Benvenjens.”

Encred did not necessarily say that the name of the platoon leader was Benjens.

Benjens opened his mouth but covered it with both hands.

“Well, I heard you’re good at leading an interesting squad.”

The company commander’s gaze returned to Encred.

“thank you.”

There was nothing good beyond the eyes of the new company commander.

He answered politely.

In the conversation that followed, Encred felt a strange feeling.

‘Why did this woman come here?’

It was all just useless talk.

Wouldn’t it be said that he was active in battle?

If you look at Encred as an individual, his performance is correct.

Killed an enemy soldier with a stab.

In the meantime, he saved quite a few nearby allies within his reach.

But if you ask me, did it have any effect on the battlefield?

‘I don’t know.’

I don’t think that happened.

Regardless of his skills, Encred’s insight into the battlefield was quite good.

“You survived even after meeting Frock?”

“Yes, I was lucky.”

“Luck is also a skill, because it’s not often that Lady Luck spills a coin.”

“thank you.”

Why come all the way here just to have this conversation?

Encred could not understand the intentions of his opponent.

Anyway, the fairy company commander woman looked at me with glowing green eyes and spoke to me.

Encred answered faithfully.

Not long after, the company commander turned around and said, ‘Then I look forward to your continued performance.’

Just before she left, she looked back again.

Toward the blonde man.

“What’s your name?”

“Eh, um, it’s Krang.”

When I say my name, I roll my eyes and furrow my forehead. No matter who sees it.

‘You just made it up.’

It was that kind of name.


The company commander answered calmly and left the barracks.

Venjens, who had been unable to speak or breathe properly until then, finally took a deep breath.


“Oh, company commander.”

When Encred spoke while hearing swear words, Venjens was startled.

“No. “It was a passing soldier.”

“This chewy is really.”

The platoon leader, who went from Benjens to Benjens for just one day, was furious.

The blond man who identified himself as Kraang laughed hard again.

The soldier guarding the medical barracks took a quick look at these three people, wondering why they were like this, and then went out.

Encred looked at the Vengeance platoon leader and thought that he wouldn’t be bored while he was here.

* * *

A revival of the fight.

Direction to move forward.

Encred focused on two things.

‘Push with all your might, but don’t put all your heart into it.’

After less than a day of finding clues, I started to feel itchy.

But I couldn’t roll over right now.

My side hurts, so the only training I can do is grip strength training.

Encred trained his fingers and forearm muscles.

In some ways, it seems like a foolish thing to do.

‘The body is the basis of all technology.’

No matter how small a leaf is, it has weight, and even a drop of water can pierce a rock with the help of time.

Therefore, this seemingly insignificant effort now will also be helpful later.

Encred believed that and built his own tower until now.

“You are very enthusiastic.”

It’s Krang.

Two days after the company commander left.

Encred did nothing except for fighting recovery and grip training.

Focused on rest.

Because resting is also important.

If anything has changed.

All I know is that a half-crazy soldier who identified himself as Kraang and made an excuse that he had forgotten his affiliation was wandering around by my side.

“Why are you so eager?”

Krang talked to everyone.

It was natural for Encred.

The same was true for Benjens.

“I am the platoon leader. “He’s a senior!”

Even more so, they made fun of him.

Looking at it, it seemed like he didn’t come here because he was injured.

And he seemed to have quite a bit of skill.

I passed in front of Venjens on purpose, but when I saw him dodge as if he was going to get caught, it wasn’t normal.


Because the other person said he was a soldier.

Encred also spoke.

“You say you keep clenching and opening your hands every day. Other than that, I’m just staring into space. “I wonder what he’s thinking so hard, and why he’s clenching and opening his hands so hard.”

Even though I wasn’t an eight year old, I had a lot of questions.

Still, it wasn’t that annoying.

‘Because I’m bored too.’

He also made fun of Venjens’ platoon leader once or twice.

Small talk and having someone to talk to was a good tool to overcome boredom.

“This is grip training, and staying still doesn’t mean being lost, it’s about recovering from the mistakes I made on the last battlefield.”

“So why do you do that?”

Why are you doing this?

“I don’t want to fail on the next battlefield.”

“I’ve never seen a soldier go to such lengths to avoid being killed.”

“Then are there any of those soldiers who have lived for a long time?”

“Um, quite?”

What do you think this side has been watching?

From the beginning, Encred thought that the other person was playing like a commoner.

That doesn’t change anything though.

If the other person wanted to, I could go along with things like this.

It’s not like you’re losing money.

I don’t feel envious because the other person has something I don’t have.

If you tried to show off Sam with something like this, it would be normal for you to already be half-crazy due to jealousy due to your swordsmanship skills.

Encred didn’t do that.

Rather, there is a way forward.

I felt more fulfilled by the joy of growing.

‘I think I need to practice stabbing more.’

Undivided attention required training.

The heart of the beast was still an axis that protected Encred.

One more step forward.

One step every day.

Even if today doesn’t repeat, nothing will change.

Of course, not everything remained unchanged.

“What do you want to be?”

Krang asked.

It was similar to when Rem asked before.

The memory of that time came to mind.

‘Why does it seem like such a long time ago?’

The day is already gone.

The day he disappeared because he died.

So the ambition that was said as a joke disappeared like a joke.

If you open your mouth and talk about your future and your dreams.

‘Will today ever disappear?’

There won’t be.

Even if dreams are silenced and eaten and torn apart by reality, traces remain.

Traces, yes, only traces remained in my heart.

There was a time when I thought so.

But what about now?

‘Are only traces left?’

Encred looked at his palm.

Calluses formed and burst several times, revealing an ugly, distorted palm.

The calluses on each finger joint will probably never go away.

This was what I had been hoping for.

‘Is that so?’

Are there still traces left?

ask yourself

And seek an answer.

Probably not. I believe no.

Funny enough, even when only traces of it remained, Encred never gave up.


A low-level soldier from a third-rate mercenary.

Squad leader on that topic.

Just a squad leader.

It’s a small position and insignificant skills.

What such a person said was the top of everyone else.

Benjens heard this from the side and tried to laugh harshly.

But Krang’s answer was faster than that.

“okay. “You are a knight.”

It was strange. She should have laughed.

It has to be that way.

Krang’s attitude prevented that. She didn’t force it, but her instincts told her she shouldn’t.

It was just a calm tone, but it was heavy. Weight is included.

Krang took the funny dream seriously. He listened with all his might and with all his heart.

The act of listening could have gone this far.

“Seeing you makes me feel like I have a sense of how to live.”

Krang said.

Encred shrugged his shoulders.

The strange atmosphere that had enveloped the medical barracks for a moment disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared.

“Puh heh knight? “You’re funny!”

So Venjens laughed to his heart’s content.

But it looked funny.

Because neither Encred nor Kraang dealt with him.

“I am the superior.”

Vengeance attempted a timid protest.

Of course, there was no way it would work.

* * *

Just one week.

Encred’s side no longer hurt.

‘Is it because of the ointment?’

I got better quickly.

Kraang asked as it was almost bedtime.

“You’re coming back tomorrow, right?”


Today was a simple day.

The bard, who returned after a week, sang Cyprus hymns in the morning right next to the medical barracks.

The soldier guarding the medical barracks overslept in the morning.

I went for a light walk during lunch and saw Crys.

Wangnun’s complexion was not good.

Without even saying anything, he just walked off somewhere.

Nothing happened after that.

The patient in the medical barracks could be said to have really rested as he was not on watch.

“Good night. “Encred.”

“you also. “Krang.”

“We’ll see when we get back, both of you.”

Benjens also gave me the greeting I say every day.

Just like that, Encred closed his eyes and fell asleep.


“cypress! cypress!”

I woke up to the sound of a bard singing.


I heard that this guy, who got a taste for money and became a battlefield bard, goes around the barracks and sings.

In other words, once you come to a place, you don’t stay there for two days.

Today I should have heard singing from further away.

Why is it this way two days in a row?

“Are you f*cking joking? “Why don’t you bring me breakfast?”

Venjens got up and grumbled.

Encred’s hair stood up at those words.

Because I heard that yesterday too.

No, more accurately, I heard it on Repeated Today.

“Was the soldier late in the morning yesterday too?”

Encred asked.

Venjens looked at Encred and smiled and answered.

“What kind of modification is this? “You brought it to me on time yesterday.”

Encred let out a sigh of relief.

Because this makes it clear.

Today was repeated.

This means.

‘I fell asleep without even the mouse or the bird noticing.’

It was said.


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