Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 139

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139. Morning of the eighth day

Balaf style acupressure method.

It was the original name of blood, sweat, and tears.

“May I ask what else that Balafran did besides martial arts and acupressure?”

“We also developed blunt technology, but it is said to be so poor that it is no longer in use. In addition, he compiled many documents, including deciphering the Bible.”

Balaf was a great man who was quite famous in the temple that Audin believed in.

It’s a name that most people don’t know because it’s a legendary area, so you can’t know it unless you study it separately.

It is a name that is quite familiar to those who are related to the god he serves.

Of course, it was a name that was now familiar to Encred.

Audin’s hand pressing firmly.

At first, I almost went boating with the boatman on the Black River.

I took a deep breath and held it, and it was bearable.

“Usually press on the area that causes the most pain first.”

As he said that, Audin smiled once again.

“You gradually move to a place that causes less and less pain. If you do that.”


“It relaxes the tense muscles.”

My body becomes tired. Every time the thick bear’s hand touched my body, my muscles relaxed.

If I learn this properly, it will be useful.

It felt like my muscles were cramping as my heart trembled with great strength, but it was starting to relax.

At the same time, the pain subsides.

“You should get some rest for today.”

It seemed like it had to be that way.

It’s the heart of great strength, so I learned it properly.

If you use it recklessly, it will put a strain on your body.

Encred once again got a glimpse of the knight’s greatness.

They are people who have escaped human limitations without these skills.

Although the shell is human, it possesses the strength of a giant, the athletic ability of a proc, and the acuity of a fairy.

Those people are knights.

And now, dawn was creeping into Encred’s faded dreams.

“Why is no one stopping me from using two swords?”

As I became tired, these words came out of nowhere.

Is this the right way or the wrong way?

They could have said something, but no one said anything.

Moreover, Ragna even recommended that he use a sword and shield.

“Why do you think? “Brother.”

Audin frequently asked questions, perhaps as a habit from when he was a priest.

“I don’t know, so ask.”

Encred’s voice rang out muffled because he was lying down.

Audin smiled and answered from above.

“As I observed, it is because the platoon leader brother is stubborn. “Please stop sleeping.”

Stubborn? I?

Encred couldn’t understand this at all.

Where can you find someone as flexible and gentle as you?

Can’t you tell just by looking at them that they are mixed up in a platoon of crazy people and controlling them instead of controlling them?

If he himself was a crazy person, what would happen to this unit?

But as Auddin’s hand pressed on the side of his neck, Encred felt his mind slowly drifting away.

It’s not a feeling of fainting or death, but a feeling of slowly falling asleep, starting with fatigue.

There was no need to refuse.

There was also the thought that it was more important to rest instead of opening your mouth and talking.

Just like that, Encred fell asleep.

Auddin got up after seeing his platoon leader asleep.

It is said that people who are stubborn by nature do not know that they are stubborn.

It doesn’t look like he’s acknowledging it.

“He is a fun person. “Brother.”

Auddin muttered and spoke outside the tent.

“How long are you going to see it?”

Right in front of the tent, Saxony’s voice answered Audin.

“I saw the platoon leader. “You didn’t see it.”

Audin nods his head casually and leaves.

The remaining Saxony stared at Encred.

Anyway, he is such an amazing person.

Naturally, it makes you wonder what the author needs.

Makes you want to help. It makes you teach.

Even if that’s some kind of secret technique he possesses.

“You won’t need mine.”

Saxony muttered and left.



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A small black leopard jumped into the arms of Encred, who was left alone.

Encred, who was holding Ester in his sleep, fell into a deep sleep.

I just had a dream.

People who couldn’t even see their faces came out and asked Encred repeatedly.

“Is that correct?”

“You think you’re on the right path?”

“Are you crazy?”

“Stubborn, what are you doing when you know it won’t work?”

It was a dream. Encred dismissed all the questions with one word of answer.

“If you want to do it, do it. What does it matter to you?”

Instead of questioning, I will think about it.

After much deliberation, you will get what you want.

That is the path you walk. What’s more, now I can even see the signpost on the path I’m walking on.

So, it was time to have more confidence than ever before.

Encred woke up and muttered with his eyes open.

“You should tell me why you are using two.”

I am not stubborn. Therefore, I will give a valid reason.

I got up and tried to move my body.

Now that I’ve had a good night’s sleep, I can use my body again.

I went outside and started to warm up.

Techniques of isolation, sword training, heart of the beast, sense of the blade, single-point concentration.

Add to this the heart of strength that you have recently learned.

If you keep it activated, your body will break down, so only use it in moderation.

When I started training again, Audin came out.

“good morning. “Brother.”

It was the time when the sun slowly rose and changed the surrounding color from blue to yellow.

The cold air of dawn gradually turns warm. And before the temperature changed, Encrid, already steaming from his entire body, was standing alone on the gravel field in front of the barracks.

A few people passed by, but no one spoke to them.

Although he was treated like a battle hero.

If you talk to him during training, no one will take him kindly.

Of course, that’s always the case.

They weren’t called the crazy platoon for nothing.

The group of soldiers around them just watched.

They deserved respect, so they respected it.


Of course, Encred focused on his work instead of worrying about such things.

After Auddin, Rem came out.

“Platoon leader, platoon leader. “I came out.”

“Is that so?”

What does it mean that you came when you are training right in front of the barracks?

Anyway, Rem watched while squatting next to him.

Saxony started moving without knowing when he woke up.

Next was Kreis.

“Hmm, it looks like there’s nothing going on today either. “This is not good.”

Wangnun stretches, yawns, and mutters to himself.

The platoon member who came out later was Ragna.

“Platoon leader.”

He approaches. Now that everyone has gathered, Encred also stops his hand.

I had to say what I had to say.

Because I am not stubborn.

“Do I really have to use two swords?”

Ragna, who just happened to be approaching, asked.

Encred nodded and opened his mouth.

“I think so.”

Now, if you ask me why, I will answer. Preparation is over.

Encred stared at Ragna.

Now, should I ask?

Ragnar did not ask. Silence fell, and since it was inevitable, Encred spoke first.

“It was better to hold two swords.”

The reason I wanted to become a knight was because I admired it.

The reason why I liked the sword was because it felt good the moment I held it in my hand.

It was like that.

The moment I held the two swords, I realized something.

The moment he happened to train his left hand, the moment he realized he could hold a sword in both hands, Encred was struck by a small bolt of lightning.

It is a moment of enlightenment.

‘If only I could use two swords.’

It feels good on my body.

“I didn’t ask.”

Yeah, I didn’t ask.

“No, who asked?”

Beside her, Rem chuckled.

Lately, that barbarian bastard has seemed to be in a good mood.

Yeah, no one asked.


Wangnun belatedly nodded, wondering if he had sent his soul somewhere on a short business trip.

This guy, I don’t think he knows what I just said.

Auddin replied, “Yes, brother.”

Saxony didn’t even hear it.

I took out the whetstone I got from somewhere and sharpened my dagger.

Slurp, ting.

The only sound is to welcome the morning sunlight.



Perhaps due to some crazy platoon leader, the number of people around the man who continued training gradually increased over time.

Encred muttered again between the sounds of his spirit and the sound of sharpening his dagger.

“I prefer using two.”

“I told you I didn’t ask.”

I wanted to say it wasn’t stubbornness, but the moment I said that, it felt like I was admitting that I was stubborn.

So what should we do?

“How to attach two swords to your body. “I think that would be more urgent, right?”

Ragna asked.

Encred completely organized his thoughts. I decided to just be stubborn.

First of all, it was urgent to attach two swords to the body.


“From now on, the platoon leader will have two lovers.”

Ragnar said.

I felt this again, but the platoon members’ ability to explain was the worst.

I wouldn’t say he had a gift for speaking, but he had a hard time explaining what he knew.

These words are said after spending a day.

Encred thought of Ragnar, who had been engrossed in his thoughts in the barracks last night.

Did you think so hard about saying this?

Encred answered.


About two lovers.

“We’re both going to hug each other and sleep. “Whether I eat, sleep, or eat, whatever I do, I embrace the sword and keep it in my arms.”

I didn’t ask what kind of training this was.

A method that a genius came up with after taking a long time to think about it.

Encred believed and followed.


The same answer came twice. Ragna’s face was slightly flushed.

It occurred to me that the flushed cheek was the same as that of the boy.


That was the end of what I had to say.

After that, Encrid faithfully followed Ragnar’s words.

Refine your isolation techniques.

Learn from the Balaf style acupressure method.

Train your martial arts and train your sword.

We are making constant efforts to increase the usable time of the Heart of Superpower.

I held the sword in my arms.

I did it as if I had met two lovers who could never be separated.

When I eat, when I sleep, when I eat, whatever I do.


It must have been so annoying that Esther sometimes whined while she was sleeping.

Encred did as he was told.

Seven days passed like that.

There are no battles, but only news from the main unit is exchanged occasionally.

Kreis said with a serious face about five days ago.

“This is not good.”


“The main battle is getting longer.”

“Why is that bad?”

Azpen’s original power is formidable.

Even if Naurilia is unable to properly deploy her power due to internal problems.

Withstanding the offensive of Naurilia, which has risen to the ranks of powerful nations, is not an easy task.

Because Kreis had previous learning experience, he spoke easily instead of speaking at length.

“As soon as you start, you put your palm on the back of the opponent’s head, but you can’t push back. Moreover, externally, this is more advantageous.”


Kreis’ eyes widened from side to side.

The look in his eyes made me wonder if he was really going to keep asking questions like that without even thinking about it.

No, why do I feel like I can hear my eyes talking?

Still, shamelessly, he is stubborn.

Encrud innocently accepted Chryce’s gaze.

“So, what should our troops do? “In my view, there is only one way.”


Is this person real?

Kreis said this with his eyes and was faithful to his duty with his mouth.

“It’s a real stab in the back of the enemy’s head. “It looks like he’ll do something like hit and run away quickly.”

I understand this.

So, the work of the 4th Battalion, 4th Regiment of the Cyprus Division is not over.

What remains to be done for the Border Guard standing army.

It meant that a battle would be needed soon.

Encred naturally responded by swinging his sword.


There was an expectation, something like that.

What exactly did Azpen have in the rear?

This was the fifth day.

The morning of the 8th day after seven days.

“It’s a surprise attack!”

The enemy army has invaded.


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