Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 137

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137. A new day

In moments of crisis, humans sometimes demonstrate strength beyond their limits.

Drawing on that and using it even in everyday life is the ‘heart of strength.’

A name given to bring out the heart of a beast.

Originally, when my tribe uses this technique, it is said that the god they worship or some kind of magical power stays within the body.

Yes, it does have magical effects.

god? That’s the sound of a wild dog slitting its throat.

‘But this is far from real witchcraft.’

Having experienced it himself and created it, Rem had his own theory.

‘What makes the heart beat faster is because something comes out of the body, this is it.’

The human body is mysterious. It’s one of those mysteries. When something starts to work inside your body, your muscles become tense.

After that, the heart of the monster is activated.

So it is not a spell or a descent.

When did you first realize this?

At the moment of death, between countless ax blades, something spurted out from within the body, and when it reached the muscles, one was able to use strength several times stronger than usual.

How did that happen?

Results of exploration and research.

As the blood began to rush around my body like crazy, I realized that my heart was beating several times faster than usual.

Although a magical opportunity is needed for this, that is not the basis.

I thought it was a matter of concentration or senses.

“Concentrate. again.”

Rem continued his thoughts and opened his mouth.

Encred stood in front of him. Soon the two placed their hands on each other’s hearts.

It could have been done because there was a damn concentration improvement technique that a lazy person taught me.

Well, if it doesn’t work out.

Rem had already given up halfway. What can I do?

Even in past tribes, only a handful of people realized this.

Even though they all had bodies that were as strong as iron, they overcame the danger of death several times.

“What river did I step into?”

I used to hear things like that easily.

In other words, the heart of strength comes first.

Even if it is activated properly, the body will be damaged first.

So, can the platoon leader handle this?

The bowl itself wasn’t bad.

Physical abuse taught every morning by a big religious guy.

That is the act of quenching the body.

If the big religious guy didn’t do it, he would have thought of helping the platoon leader improve his body through other means.

However, the big religious man’s method seemed more efficient. So I left it alone.

Therefore, the bowl was made roughly.

However, I had no intention of forcing it. I plan to hit it if possible, but if it’s too much, of course I’ll give up.

“Feel it.”

Encred listened to Rem. He listened faithfully.

As always, with a calm mind and a listening attitude.

However, I have already realized something.

It was time to learn one-point concentration from Ragna.

he is a genius So he would have been able to learn anything easily. He would have easily realized anything.

What did you say then?

‘Did you say that fear of death improves concentration?’

That was only half right.

What he really needed was a partner who would allow him to show off all his abilities, from bottom to bottom.

It was still the same now.

‘No, it’s the opposite of back then.’

A conclusion reached with a small realization.

What is the heart of strength?

When faced with strong pressure or similar situations, humans sometimes exert strength beyond their limits.

It could have been so.

I got the idea from there. To achieve the heart of super strength, one must feel the pressure of death.

In addition to the past fights and the life he has lived so far, Encred has accumulated a variety of experiences.

Repeating today, more and more, layer after layer.

This is a conclusion based on that experience.


Something touched Encred’s heart in Rem’s hand.

Originally, it only conveyed this feeling and subtly put pressure on Encred’s heart.

It was like that until now.

Rem used magical effects here. Should I say it’s a sense transfer, but anyway, it’s intended to convey the feeling of making your heart beat faster.


Encred opens his mouth. Her eyes are half-open. I was focused and focused again.

“How many times have I told you that you have to be careful about this?”


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The word ‘caution’ came out of the mouth of a man who was called crazy and beyond bold.

I heard that if I did something wrong, I would die.

Danger, crisis, pressure.

Things like that, things that require caution.

Encred needed that.

That feeling of holding on to the strong wind on your back at the edge of a cliff.

A moment where you could die if you fail.

A moment for maximum struggle, under pressure that would be beyond the reach of something like intentional death or suicide.

It was literally necessary to go to a crossroads where failure would lead to death.

It would be best if you could do it while feeling the feeling of your heart beating.


Encred opened his mouth with his eyes still half-open.

Rem’s frown narrowed.

Is this guy really crazy?

He was the one who was just called a crazy person, but somehow this person seemed to have become even more crazy.

“Let’s quit.”

While speaking, Rem tried to slowly lower his hand.

Chin, Encred grabbed Rem’s wrist.

With his left hand on Rem’s chest and his right hand holding Rem’s wrist on his chest, Encred opened his mouth again.


Because Encred had his gaze halfway down, Rem couldn’t see Encred’s eyes.

Have your eyes really turned around?

“Are you crazy?”

Rem’s eyes became fierce. Didn’t he ask me to kill him with my own hands?

There are some things that cannot be solved with passion and desire.

Even when I have to step back and acknowledge my limitations… … .

Rem’s thoughts were interrupted.

There was a voice that penetrated his thoughts, reason, and emotions.

“Just do it.”

That was an order. An order that must be followed.

If words have power, Rem felt it now.

Even though there is no magic, no spell, much less the ‘power’ that is exclusive to knights.

What kind of being was Encred to Rem deep in his heart?

Encred raises his gaze. The two men’s eyes meet. It is fire and fire.

The colors are different, but the kind of fire that will completely burn each other.

Blue fire and gray fire tangled together.

We glared at each other as if we were going to kill each other.

Is there anything left to win this fight?

does not exist.

At best, he is a half-asshole. It’s not just me, it’s the guy standing in front of me.

But why?

Still, Rem just wanted to do it. He felt like doing it.

I had to listen to his orders. I feel like I have to do that.

I feel like I want to do that.

Is it because of my instincts that I cannot ignore this?

Or is it because I was too drunk on the platoon leader in front of me?


Encred’s mouth opens again.

“Oh my god, this is a disaster.”

Rem cursed and tightened Encred’s heart. The thought that he was doing it because he believed in it also crept up in one part of his mind.

After self-justification, Rem used his strength properly.

Thump thump thump!

Shake like crazy and get blood flowing all over your body. The pressure of the swirling blood will soon meet the heart.

In this way, you will be able to exert tremendous power beyond your entire body and muscles.


Encred felt terrible pain.

Stabbed by swords and spears and pierced by arrows.

Because I died and died again, I could have become numb to the pain.

For some reason, it felt different every time I died.

Death, that is, the boatman of the black river, came to mind.

Thump, thump, coo-ung.

Encred opened his eyes wide. It was Rem who was looking at his bloodshot eyes.


Why did you do that? Why did you listen to this guy?

Rem regretted it.

Encred was satisfied. He laughed.

Small realizations soon become guideposts on the path you will walk.


The heart that gave out its last beat stops. Something that went beyond its limits struck my heart and made it stop.

That means death.

The surroundings began to take on darkness.


Saxony’s voice is heard through the darkness surrounding us.

“Crazy guy.”

Ragnar’s voice was also heard.

“Brother, what did you do?”

I also felt a vicious hand grabbing my wrist.

Everything is late.

Even if it’s divinity or some kind of magical medicine.

You cannot save a person whose heart has stopped and whose body is in the cradle of death.

Encred is dead.

It was a different experience. In some ways, it could have been considered suicide.

I felt like there was no other way to obtain the Heart of Superpower, no matter how many times I thought about it.

I thought this was the best, and it was the result of today’s struggle.

All I have to do is give up my heart of strength?

If you were thinking of giving up and moving on.

‘I would have settled.’

Don’t settle. moving forward Even if it’s just half a step at a time, or if that’s not possible, crawling.

The sound shook my whole body.

After overcoming all the waves of pain.


The darkness fades and I open my eyes.

I saw a boatman on the black river.

There were no words. The boatman must show his will to hear his laughter and words. Now he doesn’t laugh or speak.

I just felt distant stares.

That gaze.

‘What exactly is this bastard?’

It was just a mix of curiosity and doubt.

It was early morning when Encred opened his eyes again. So, the day started like any other day.

Encred, who only raised his upper body from the bed, took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

“I think it’s really like a dog. “Rem.”

“… … I woke up. “I can hear everything.”


“But are you cursing me like a dog all morning? “Did I appear naked in your dream?”

“No, it just looks like a dog.”

It’s a skill that can only be mastered if death is pledged.

Isn’t that a really crappy technique?


Encred laughed at the day before he died, a day Rem couldn’t remember. He was satisfied.

The moment he saw the road was always a joy to him.

“Good morning.”

Encred blurted out a word and went outside to start his day.

“… … “He said he looked like a dog.”

From behind, Rem grunted and pouted his lips.

Anyway, I thought the platoon leader was not normal either.

That statement wasn’t wrong.

Encred has welcomed a new day.

A day in spring, a season that is said to be filled with magic.

It was still spring in the world.

Encred had to enjoy this spring for the time being.

It won’t be easy to change your heart.

“It’s a really nice day.”

It was a day where I could see the milestone, so I didn’t hate it.

Since then, Encred has died countless times.

However, there were days when I could not die.

intentional death.

So, should I just move on to the next day? That’s what I thought, though.

It seemed like the first death was the starting point.

Aside from wondering what would happen, secondly, it was the end of a day where I overworked and overworked my body without being able to convince Rem to die.

When I woke up, I returned to the original day.

Should we say that it is a turning point that started with death?

How does this happen?

I had doubts, but quickly erased them.

There’s nothing I can think about, I just roll around for the rest of today.

It was inevitable that I would have to spend today without being able to die.

Even though I showed momentum to Rem and spoke with sincerity and sincerity every time, the results were different.

“Trust me and do it.”

“No, f*ck, you think this makes sense? “It’s going to spin, really.”

Success, that is, on the day I persuaded Rem, I saw an expression on his face that I had never seen before.

A strange expression of embarrassment, bewilderment, bewilderment, and something like being drunk.

“No, if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.”

When facing the opposite moment, I saw an expression of resolute will.

What is the difference between the two ‘todays’?

I don’t think there’s any big difference.

It’s like saying it with sincerity.

There was only one difference.

After repeating it about sixty-six times, I felt like I got the gist of it.

What is lacking beyond sincerity and sincerity?

“do it.”

I had to give orders. Why? Why does someone as big as Rem follow his words so faithfully?

Curiosity also arose.

I postponed it. As time passes, there will be a chance to find out someday.

That wasn’t the case now.





“do it.”


“Do it.”

“I told you to do it.”


“do it.”

“Just do it.”

“just do it.”

“Shut up and do your job.”

Endure countless today.

Today passed by, today again, today again.

“uh? what?”

At some point, I didn’t really need Rem’s help.

It was around the eighty mark.

After that, I felt like I was going crazy alone.

This is thanks to the fact that I acquired the sense without Rem having to do it.

After repeating it so many times.

The boatman of the Black River appeared in my dream again.

“It wasn’t a wall.”

The boatman spoke and Encred listened. He still couldn’t answer.

There wasn’t even a trace of emotion visible in the boatman’s words.

Ferry boats, boatmen, and rolling waves floating on the black river.

Encred was on the boat.


Encred opened his eyes to the boatman’s words.

I didn’t particularly question his words. His curiosity didn’t push him either.

Even though he saw Rem following his orders right away, he couldn’t ask anything.

What’s the point of knowing the true intentions of a boatman whose hobby is paddling?

The words that it wasn’t just a wall remain deep in my heart.

What is a wall?

It will be a challenge that will make today repeat itself.

What the boatman is saying is that what he is doing now is independent of his will.

‘So what should I do?’

Of course, it was none of Encred’s business. Whether it was deeply or shallowly lodged in his chest, he pulled it out and threw it away.

Since there was so much to do, it was easy to ignore the little things.

“Good morning. “Rem.”

Encred said goodbye and stood up.

“huh? “How did you know I was awake?”


How do I know? I only know because I’ve repeated it hundreds and dozens of times.

The beginning of a new day.

Encred activated his heart of might.


The heart beats and energizes the muscles of the entire body. The blood is rushing like crazy. The horse galloped along, using the blood vessels of the entire body as a well-polished road.


And the heart didn’t explode.

“… … “I’m only going to ask two questions.”

Right behind it. Rem opens his mouth. It was shown on purpose when Rem came out so that he could see it and show it to him.

I learned it properly.

I had to show that I did it.

“One is to wonder if they are from the West. “Two of them.”

Rem chose his words and asked carefully.

“He was actually a genius?”

Encred sighed and laughed.

I never thought something like that would come out of Rem.

I didn’t expect it at all.

“No, both of them.”

When I answered in a simple way, Rem gave me a puzzled look.

“But that can be done in one day?”

For Encred, it cannot be called just one day. But in Rem’s eyes, it was just one day.

I saw him use a skill I had no idea about in just one night.

Encred, whose entire skin turned red, put on the Heart of Superpower and opened his mouth.

I’m worried, surprised, and embarrassed, and it’s all good.

“A round of sparring?”

Don’t you just want to roll over right now?

“It’s bitter, it’s good.”

Rem responded. He wasn’t the type of person who lived with worries.


sword and axe.

They exchange greetings with each other. It was another sparring, another sparring, a moment to measure growth.


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