Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 136

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136. No two days are the same.

After leaving the battalion commander’s barracks, Encred felt much more at ease.

Although the battalion commander’s expression did not look very good, it was also a unique experience for Encred.

‘The knight, we discussed dreams.’

I’m not saying I’m embarrassed or laughing.

Isn’t that in itself something new to him?

Anyway, that wasn’t the important thing. She said and refused. Now is the time to finish what you were doing.

Encred returned to the barracks and stood in front of Rem.


“We must continue.”

It means passing on the senses. I just did what I was doing, it wasn’t a big deal.

Rem, looking at the platoon leader like that, thought to himself that he was indeed a crazy person.

Is this really normal?

Even I know that I feel nothing, really nothing.

Still, I will do it. There is no way to get bored. I can’t even imagine being in pain.

He was a person who had built a wall away from things like frustration, despair, and pain.

Still, I was curious again, so I asked.

“Aren’t you tired?”


When I look at his eyes asking what that means, I have nothing to say. Yes, I have to do it. Anyway, I plan to do it diligently.

“Let’s do it. “It’s nice because I didn’t have anything to do.”

Andrew’s expression brightened at Rem’s words.

As Lem joined his platoon leader these past few days, Andrew felt peace, love, life, and hope.

“Life is full of beauty.”

“Come to your senses.”

Mac comforted Andrew’s words.

Enri was away. No, he left.

The day before yesterday, I joined the unit that was transporting the wounded and returned home.

Since he was originally a member of the Madman Platoon, it would have been absurd for him to return here.

It was a privilege, a special privilege, for his contribution to victory in the battle.

“I want to try living in a different way.”

When Enri said she was leaving, Encred was the one who nodded and took care of giving her preferential treatment.

Encred respected Enri’s choice.

Not everyone can survive by eating kalbap.

However, I could feel Enri’s absence.

No matter how much I missed meal duty and duty, I couldn’t miss out on a reconnaissance mission in the surrounding area.

As part of our reconnaissance mission, we also explored positions vacated by the enemy due to Kreis’ strong insistence.

Since Enri was not there, the first task was to find the way.

Of course, Encred was not at the level of Pathfinder, but he had a knack for finding his way to an average level.

Still, it’s different than when Enri, a great guide, is there.

But do you order another platoon member?

Encred’s path finding ability was not ordinary but extraordinary compared to other platoon members.

“I’m not good at finding directions, but I’m good at finding monsters and monsters. Since I’m out of the way, why not try to rob a monster’s nest?”

‘Heart of great strength’, these are the words of Rem, who was contemplating a new practice as the skills passed down. road? I don’t know if I can find it or not, but one thing is for sure, I’m not interested.

“It will come out as you go.”

This was Ragnar, this bastard had nothing to say. It was a wise decision.

“I just move forward as the Lord calls me.”

Audin, in some ways, was a man as dangerous as Ragnar.

It’s God’s call, but it only sounds like he’s going to do whatever he wants if he’s wrong.

Saxony didn’t say anything, but he didn’t seem to have the slightest will to lead them and find a way.

Wouldn’t Saxony choose to just disappear rather than appease them?

Mac left it behind.

Encred was slightly better than Mac.

Anyway, the madman platoon scanned the enemy’s position.

When digging into the enemy’s position, even though our scouts had already penetrated the area.

Kreis filled his pockets with amazing talent.



“Oh, jewels.”

Kreis, who was talking to himself repeatedly, looked for things like a Crona pouch and a jewel-encrusted dagger.

Although there were no valuable items, there were quite a few items that could be exchanged for Krona.

“Usually, when you go to battle, you hide things and go out, right?”

Just as Kreis said, there were soldiers like that.

This is something like digging up valuable jewelry and burying it in the ground in front of the barracks, and then asking them to dig it up and bring it to their family when they die.

Of course, it would be meaningless if you died and the comrades who heard your request died as well.

Who would go into battle thinking about annihilation or destruction?

It was the same this time too, and Kreis was the best at finding hidden items.

Our scouts have already turned over this place once.


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When you dig down to find a nearby tree in the ground under the bed, where there are traces of the barracks, you will inevitably find something.

“How do you find all that?”

Encred showed pure curiosity. They said they would stand on one side and watch the surroundings, but since there was no sign of them, there was nothing to do.

“What can I say, I’m smelling Crona. “Look at that guy’s nose, doesn’t it look like a gold coin?”

Rem joined in from the side. This one is equally boring.

How can a person’s nose, especially a person who belongs to the handsome axis, resemble a coin?

Kreis paid no heed to Rem’s rude words.

From the beginning, I knew full well that I would only be at a disadvantage if I tried to engage in a long distance battle, so I let it go in one ear and let it out in the other.

It was a trick Andrew had to learn.

“It’s an answer that comes to you quickly when you think about it.”

Kreis said, tapping my temple with his right index finger.

I don’t know when I prepared it, but the leather backpack worn on my back was already thick.


Encred asked back. I was truly curious. It also served as a way to cool her head.

“If I am hiding something, where will I hide it? What if the entire camp is destroyed and I am the only one left alive? That’s what being human is like, right? Because you can’t give up hope easily. Well, let’s say the camp has been blown up and I need to find my stuff. Where should I hide it?”

“… … “A place you can recognize at a glance.”

“Yes, this tree branch is special. “It’s not far from the barracks, so wouldn’t it be perfect for a quick stopover while on a mission?”

That was correct.

“More than anything.”

Kreis says, his eyes shining. It was the same passionate look as before.

“The more precious an item is, the better you want to hide it.”

This kid really seems to have a crazy head.

Of course, if you think about it a little, if you know the answer, it doesn’t seem like a big deal.

It’s amazing that they predicted and thought about all of this before even starting.

“Do you still want to open a salon?”

“Why do you think I work so hard? “In my later years, I will open a salon and make silly jokes all night long, have fun, and earn some krona.”

How can I call it a dream? It’s crude.

In fact, Kreis was serious when he said this.

He seemed serious enough to be willing to risk his life if he could sacrifice something for it.

Above all else, Encred’s own dreams are more absurd, so how can he laugh at other people’s dreams?

Rather than a knight, wouldn’t the dream of opening a noblewoman’s salon and earning krona be more realistic?

So, no criticism, no criticism, no ridicule.

doesn’t do anything

The same goes for Enri’s dream of marrying a florist’s widow, having children, and living in peace.

I want to become a knight.

Once again, Encred was excited. I feel like I’m getting closer little by little to the dream I always wanted to achieve.

Was it just excitement? A wave of excitement flowed through my whole body.

Yes, I am walking.

It’s getting closer. Even if you crawl, even if it’s just half a step.

So, torn and faded dream, wait. I myself will stand by your side and walk with you.

“Okay, that’s it!”

After searching a few more places, Cryce gave Encred two thin-bladed throwing daggers.

“use it. “It’s no big deal.”

I asked why they gave me this.

“No, did you come here to give me some trouble?”

As soon as the count to ten passed, Rem got angry.

I guess they’re asking us to stop this.

“Shall we spar when I get back?”

It’s soothing, it’s everyday life now.

When I returned to the base, I just had to train again.

The same thing happened after meeting with the battalion commander.

A continuation of training without progress.

When the next day came again, Encred started swinging his sword after using the technique of isolation.


Focus all your senses on the sword through one-point concentration.

It was the same as usual, but different.

Encred himself didn’t know how every day could be the same, but he was already different from the past when he had terrible talent.

There were many things that complemented my talent.

Experiences, new things learned.

The heart of the beast, one-pointed concentration, the sense of the blade, the technique of isolation.

Even the training time accumulated after that.

That time when your stomach is thicker than before.

Encred was absorbed in that time.

At some point, his eyes became blurry and his pupils dilated, but the sword he was swinging began to become sharper and his feet became more agile.

‘Frog, Mitch Hurier, battlefield.’

As I was alone, studying, thinking, and swinging my sword, at some point everything started to become blurry.

Heart, beast, strength, fight, battlefield, invention, recovery.

As he was forgotten and pushed back, only the sword and himself were left in the world.

Only a blurry afterimage and a few random thoughts remain.

And so he swung the sword again and again, vigorously. The recovered right wrist was more tightly curved than before.

Is this the effect of divinity, or is it the effect of the medicine given by the fairy company commander?

That may not be important.

Random thoughts come to mind, become blurry, and then disappear. Soon everything will disappear.

Encred felt the sensation of looking at his own body from outside his body.

It is a series of absurd sensations of being isolated, of being separated from one’s own body.

I saw my sword in that situation.

Swing, stab, cut and pull.


It is a foot that pushes away small pebbles and steps on the ground.

As you change steps, the direction of the sword changes and its position changes.

In Encred’s eyes, only the trace made by the sword remained.

Dot to dot, line connecting dots.

A swinging blade, a heavy blow, the tip of the sword stabbing like a flash of light, swinging as planned to constrict the opponent, swinging in half a circle, the arm bending like a whip.


The sound of a sword cutting through the air rang out.

For those who know the previous Encred.

Especially those who know his beginnings.

It’s a scene that can’t help but be surprising.

Even though I swung the sword for so many hours, it always stayed in the same place.

It was a broken scarecrow with only the will to move forward.

A scarecrow that cannot stand, but still wriggles.

The scarecrow is now standing on its own feet.

‘It has increased tremendously.’

Rem, who came out in front of the barracks, was once again impressed. When did you become able to forget yourself like that and fall in love with the sword?

When did I become able to stand alone like that?

The broken scarecrow is no more.

As I squatted down and looked at it with my chin resting, I felt overwhelmed.

When did it really increase like that?

Next to him, Ragna also came out of the barracks and stood.

Ragna knew that his platoon leader’s swordsmanship had matured as the sword cut through the air.

This was something I had already experienced through sparring.

It felt strange to see him swinging his sword with such concentration.

It felt like someone was lighting a fire in my chest.

My motivation soared.

Ragna also quietly drew his sword in that feeling.


Then he started swinging the sword from one side.

The same was true for Audin.

‘You’ve got a good body.’

What kind of talent does it take to move your body the way you want?

It takes training to dig into your body one by one, recognize it, move it, see even when you feel pain, and push yourself beyond your limits.

Tapping on one’s limits was the technique of isolation.

The biggest beneficiary of the virtual isolation technique in his head was now before his eyes.

The joints were also soft.

Your wrist will never be hurt by the same impact again.

Recently, I have been focusing on strengthening my joints.

‘Lord, your servant rejoices.’

It’s rare to feel pure joy when you see another person. It’s a joy that’s even greater because it’s rare.

Saxony felt strange.

‘It was a good thing.’

What taught the senses is what remains here.

Even though I didn’t weigh the benefits and losses in my move, I didn’t regret it.

At one time, I thought remaining here was a waste of time.

Looking at the current platoon leader, I didn’t feel that way at all, really.

Ester looked at Encred from one side with her chin resting on her front paw.

Magic and spells are the path to becoming an explorer exploring a new world.

The joy and joy that comes from it cannot be compared to anything else.

So she walked the path of magic.

The joy of exploration, the joy of discovering something new, and the satisfaction of building my own world.

All of those are the components that make up her. It is the power that allows one to desire magic and build a world of spells.

Then, why is that person swinging his sword in the air like that?

The sight of Encred, a human being, reminded me of myself being immersed in a world of spells.

Even though he only had a basic level of knowledge about swords, it was clear that the man’s skills were formidable.

So, this is what I think.

‘What makes you move like that?’

It is pure curiosity, a spell, a curiosity as a seeker and explorer.

It was also a surprising change for Esther.

She was so cursed because she spent her whole life ignoring everything and focusing only on spells.

Esther was once again surprised to see herself showing interest in people, but also enjoyed it.

Newness is a source of vitality to her.

This feeling was also new.

Soon the sword of the man named Encred stopped.

Sweat drips down my entire body as I stop in a huff.

Esther moved. He put a cloth in his mouth and started bouncing around.

When I handed it over to Encred, Encred, who was looking blankly into space, accepted it and said,

“thanks. “Ester.”


It was nothing.

Encred wiped off his sweat with the cotton cloth he had received and then thought that the weather was too warm.

Could it be the effect of the weather?

Or is it because I just focused on the sword without thinking about anything?

It felt like the tightness that was blocking my chest had disappeared.

After feeling so relieved.


I could see the edge of his skill and the heart of his might.

If you saw it, you would have to pull it.

So all I had to do was put it inside myself.

It was something I had to try now to see if it would turn out the way I wanted.

“Let’s do it again.”

It was a day that felt like any other day.

No day was ever the same.

That was such a natural thing to say.


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