Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 135

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135. Ripe Heart (2)


Rem started regardless of whether anyone was watching or not.

It’s right in front of the barracks, not in a corner or a corner, but in the middle.

Rem grabbed Encred’s wrist and placed it over his heart, twisting his lips.

What should I say?

The smile itself contained mischievousness.

Then he started whispering to Encred.

It was so loud that Saxony couldn’t even hear it properly before he trained his hearing.

Being able to say what he wanted to say in such a small way was a talent.

It seemed like he was ignoring the people around him, but was he planning on doing this?

“What you need is a reason to believe, and then your heart explodes. “If the beast’s heart is ripe, burst it to the point where it won’t break.”

Rem kept quiet about the fact that magical effects were taking place, and only chose the words he needed to say.

Encred did as he was told.

If I didn’t trust Rem in the first place, I wouldn’t have been able to attach the beast’s heart to my body.

Rem really liked that too.

There was sincerity in Encred’s attitude, answers, and actions.

The sincerity of doing your best as always.

However, if I did it that way again, everything would be ruined.

“You’ll have to take it slow.”

Rem’s warning was like a sharp knife. He spoke with unprecedented seriousness.

A seriousness that is completely different from mischievous playfulness.

That left an impression on Encred.

I mean, it’s quite dangerous.

So I made my heart beat slowly.

But could I move my heart as I wanted?

That’s it.

Beyond my palm, I began to feel Rem’s heart beating.

Thump thump! It’s explosive. It seemed as if the energy within his heart was clearly passing through Encred’s hands.

“Do the same thing. “Just about half of it.”

Was it this? Encred waited for that sensation. So, the feeling that makes your heart beat.

I can’t explain it in words. It cannot be expressed even in actions.

It’s just what Rem demonstrated with his body and relayed to me.

It should be said that it is solely the realm of the senses.


“I think my worries are unfounded.”

Rem muttered.

Should I say this is natural?

“one more time.”

Encred said.

Afterwards, Encred and Rem stopped with their palms placed near each other’s hearts.

Until the sun peeks through the sky.

“I’m just saying this because I’m really curious, but sometimes I wonder if he’s doing it on purpose. Am I mistaken?”


Encred let out a short groan.

“I agree with that.”

Ragna next to me agrees.

“It’s hard for me to deny that too. Crazy brother.”


Audin and Saxony also nodded.

It feels unfair to say it was intentional.

“I can do it, but it’s not that I don’t do it, but it’s true that I can’t do it?”

Rem asked. It was serious. Encred also had seriousness.


“… … Well, let’s write it. “Let’s do it again tomorrow.”

It was already dinner time.

Due to the consideration of the battalion commander and surrounding soldiers, these people were not even on meal duty. Of course, it was off-duty.

So I was able to continue focusing on training and training.

Encred didn’t make any progress at all. He couldn’t even take half a step, let alone one step. At least Rem thought so.

“What are you doing?”

“Are you doing it now? “Aren’t you kidding me?”

“Come on, try it. “You want to try it now?”

I only heard similar things from Rem.

I couldn’t feel it. at all. So is it a problem?

No, it’s not a problem.

When was the last time you learned a skill by seeing something?

A while ago, when I was training my left hand repeatedly for a day, I felt something similar to talent.

It’s as if talent has come down to me.


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For just that moment, I could feel something with my body.

The moment when the skill of using my left hand was acquired like never before, that brief moment, when I was filled with joy.

Do you regret recalling that time?

Seriously, not at all, not at all.

Just repeat and repeat and think and think.

I’m just too busy thinking about it.

“The battalion commander is calling.”

It’s a day where I just keep worrying like any other day. The day when you have to ripen the heart of the beast and burst it, but it doesn’t come easy.

In terms of time, it was the third day since the camp was built.

Only then did the battalion commander call Encred.

When I was a valedictorian on the battlefield or something, I acted like I was going to call him right away.

It seemed like the surroundings had finally been cleared up.

According to Kreis, should we say this is natural?

Marcus must have felt dark inside as he moved his position and established a new camp.

When I asked him why, Kreis’ tongue got longer again.

To summarize, it was simple.

“If the other person knows that you are only raising your hand, they will eventually ignore you, and you will have to pretend to move so that they can’t ignore you. “If it were me, well, no.”

It looked like he had something on his mind, but Kreis remained silent.

Encred also moved without asking any more questions. If you want to talk, don’t you know how to open your mouth?

It was also time to respond first to the supreme commander’s call.

The adjutant personally came to pick him up, and the fairy company commander joined him on the way to the barracks.

The company commander, who was standing next to me, approached at a light pace without making a sound, opened his mouth.

“When was our engagement party?”

It’s like this again, I couldn’t understand this fairy’s joke.

“I promise 10 years later.”

“Well, not bad. But I like young people more than old people.”

In the first place, shouldn’t Encred’s tastes be towards fairies for the meeting to take place?

Although it is an outside beauty.

Aside from that, I don’t think it’s a face I can relate to because it doesn’t look like a person.

The skin exposed between thin and long eyelashes, green eyes shining like jewels, blonde hair sprinkled with a pale color, and hair reflecting the sunlight seemed to glow.

That’s why she looks so beautiful.

“Let’s go.”

Encred admitted defeat. It’s a play on words that will continue endlessly if you put your mind to it.

I felt like it was wasteful.

It seems like the fairy company commander enjoys making fun of himself just like this.

To be honest, it wasn’t that uncomfortable.

He’s just this kind of person.

He’s sane than Rem, but isn’t it possible that there are fairies among the fairies who are half insane?


Encrid entered the barracks, led by his adjutant and with the fairy company commander on his left.

“You’re here.”

Battalion Chief Marcus was there.

Perhaps because he had been on the battlefield, his beard was messy.

Looking at it, I remembered that Encred’s chin had become quite rough.

I showed military courtesy and thought I should go back and shave off my beard.

This is an example of lowering the head while pressing the handle of the sword.


Marcus nodded roughly.

The three stood in one place.

“I’ll at least bring some tea.”

After giving the order to the adjutant, three cups of tea were immediately placed in front of the three of them.

You wouldn’t be able to say that it was a luxury product even if you were beaten to death, but since this was a battlefield, drinking tea itself was a luxury.

“When I go into battle, I get annoyed because I can’t drink good tea, but this time, I’m satisfied with even this.”

Battalion Commander Marcus spoke first.

There was no place to sit, so we were standing at a table discussing strategies and tactics.

“How about working properly under my command?”

This is when I swallowed half a sip of tea water. The battalion commander, who was talking alone, suddenly made a suggestion.

The fairy company commander closed his mouth in silence.

Encred looked at the battalion commander and tried to decide how to respond, but soon gave up.

Since when did you roll your tongue to impress your superiors?

“I refuse.”

“why? “I think it’s a pretty strong rope for me.”

It wasn’t wrong. He said he was going to meet the battalion commander, so didn’t Kreis give him a rough idea of ​​the situation?

Starting from why he called me late, to the words coming out of his mouth right now.

It occurred to me that this was at the level of a fortune teller.

How is it that everything goes as Kreis said?

“They might suggest you come downstairs. If possible, call our company commander as well. Why are you calling me? I will officially receive it and raise it, or something like that? Why are you aiming for the captain? “Are you asking because you don’t know that?”

Instead of speaking, Kreis gave him a look that asked if this person really didn’t know.

Finally, as Encred just stared, Cryce spoke in an absurd tone.

“What did you do in cross guard?”

“We fought. I sneaked in, and even started a fire for the sake of it. “I’ll pick up some intelligence information on the way back.”

“Even if you don’t know about Frock, what did you do behind the camp?”

“We fought. “I even killed the leader of the separate unit that hit the rear.”

“What did you do when you came to the front?”

“We had a fight, why are you asking what you saw from the side?”

It just so happened that Kreis was following me around, so he saw it too.

“The battalion commander knows too.”


“Even the battalion commander knows. The fight the captain had so far. So, what if you knew that? “Are you greedy or not?”

In that case, I think it would be right to be greedy towards Rem and others, but Encred quickly agreed to Chryce’s words.

This was something he quickly found out.

Rem and the other platoon members are out of control.

Aren’t you a normal person?

The reason I noticed it so late was obvious.

It was because he was preoccupied with making the beast’s heart beat again.

I focused my energies solely on training and training.

Thanks to that, I hadn’t thought about it at all, but thanks to Kreis’ appropriate explanation, I didn’t have to panic.

“I guess I expected it.”

The battalion commander said. Encrid shook off his brief thoughts and opened his mouth.

“To some extent, yes.”

“Even if I ask why you refuse?”

If I tell you the reason right here, are they going to make me leave without even finishing my tea?

As I was drinking warm tea, I felt a little better.

So, I felt like I was taking a break after concentrating on my heart for several days.

‘If I think about it, I’ve finally relaxed my shoulders.’

Didn’t you apply too much force?

That’s what I thought.

Has the compulsion to learn become a chain that binds oneself? Has it become a shackle preventing you from moving forward?


It was after I got the feeling that the chains were breaking apart and falling apart in my mind.

It was only a few seconds, but Encred was able to open his mouth several times more lightly than before.


Take a sip of tea.

Lift your head upright.

Just because you have a light heart doesn’t mean the words you will spit out of your mouth will be light.

Battalion Commander Marcus’ suggestion is an opportunity you cannot miss if you are aiming for the top in the military.

Especially if you started out as just a soldier with nothing.

That was Encred’s situation.

He argued refusal.

“I have a dream.”

Even if someone hears it and laughs at it, it’s something I hold in my heart.

A dream I haven’t forgotten since I picked up the sword.

A dream that grew into fruition through the nourishment of a burning desire.

I opened my mouth and said it several times, but it wouldn’t have had as much weight as it does now.

It was stained with ridicule, torn by neglect, faded by sarcasm, and was eventually eaten away, leaving only traces of shreds.

The traces were now clearly proving themselves.

Every day, I was with you in your steps.

“I want to become a knight.”

And so Encred’s mouth opened.

At that moment, Marcus saw a vision.

Suddenly, goosebumps appeared all over my body, and I saw a different background behind Encred.

A battlefield, a sword, something shiny.


A word of sincerity and with all my might.

Not just a rejection, but a word from someone who moves forward.

Marcus had something similar on his chest. Something I had already given up on when I was young.

What was his life originally like?

I wanted to become a sword for the royal family.

What is life like now?


Marcus ground his molars without realizing it. His jaw muscles tightened and his head pounded.

When I saw a dream that was so pure and radiant, I felt like I was being asked a question again.

‘Am I really worthy of receiving interest?’

Wasn’t it a suggestion made with such obscenity that they just wanted to rise to the top, a higher position, and higher power?

There is no true loyalty.

There is no dream of moving upward.

It doesn’t make sense to settle for today and hire someone like that.

A brief moment of realization made Marcus open his mouth.


With lament. Something filled with emotion flowed out.

The fairy was sensitive, so she understood the meaning of the sigh that came out of Marcus’s mouth.

‘In one word?’

The human mind was like the waves of a typhoon.

You can’t be consistent like a fairy. Human beings were capricious and changed what had been decided as they pleased.

The mind of the man now called the battalion commander seemed to be like that.

Like a sailboat caught in a storm, it rides the waves precariously and cannot even find direction.


“I will go down the path of becoming a knight.”

Encred gave a military salute with his words.

Marcus saw that and nodded reflexively.

Encred came out.

The fairy company commander was worried that Marcus might do something strange out of envy or jealousy.

Because humans change like that.


Marcus let out a deep sigh and stood there with his brows furrowed for a while.

It’s about time the tea in my hand cools down.

Without even noticing the fairy company commander who was by his side, he let out a second sigh and then laughed.

“This is true.”

The fairy company commander smiled as if something had been resolved from the battalion commander’s words.

In fact, he was showing a cool smile.

Then he suddenly asked.

“How do you see it? Would you like to become a knight?”

“I do not know. “That’s up to him.”

“Did you say that fairies speak the truth?”

It is said that a fairy speaks the truth as a weapon rather than hiding it.

“It’s been a while since my blood boiled.”

Marcus muttered.

What happens when his blood boils?

In name and reality, Marcus is an aristocrat.

Naurilia is said to be a country that claims to be a centralized country, but some of its power has been usurped by the nobles.

Because the national power was so scattered, it whined in the fight against the Principality of Azpen.

“Aren’t you going out?”


After the fairy company commander left, Marcus walked to the chair and sat down.

My back became wet with sweat after just a few words.

I felt like shit, but it was also good.

And a decision was made.

‘Becoming a knight?’

I couldn’t laugh at it. How can we laugh at the dreams of one person who speaks with sincerity and sincerity?

I was just stimulated.

‘good night. Then I.’

Let’s move towards something really new instead of the f*cking aristocrats.

It’s something I’ve been thinking about for quite some time.

A two-way road lies ahead of him.

A crossroads at a milestone that I haven’t yet chosen.

Marcus’ hand went in and out of his bosom.

There was a letter in his hand.

A letter I received a long time ago but ignored.

Traces of the past that I couldn’t bear to throw away.

“I like it.”

Marcus’ eyes lit up as he held the letter.

These are the eyes I saw when I was young. Eyes that burn with passion.

At the end of the opened letter, I could see the royal seal.


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