Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 134

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134. Ripe Heart (1)

Under the command of Battalion Commander Marcus, the infantry built new barracks.

A slightly more advanced position than before.

Encred thought the location was ambiguous, but he didn’t say it out loud.

Isn’t it the commander’s responsibility to build the barracks and decide on the location of the camp?

Above all, I don’t think Marcus will handle things sloppily.

You can tell just by looking at him that he calls himself the greatest combat veteran.


As soon as we moved our position, Esther complained.

Nyaa, nyaa.

It’s a constant complaint.

‘If you think about it, isn’t this guy a bit strange?’

Although it is a spirit creature, it is something strangely strange. It almost looks like a person.

When Esther opens her mouth and speaks, it feels like it’s right in my ear.

So, when he said something, it sounded like a person saying it.


“it’s bothering.”

It seems like you are saying.

Because he was complaining, I held him in my arms.

When I first saw it on the battlefield, it was a small leopard.

When I watched it again, I thought it was a bit much when he stabbed Mitch Hurrier and saved himself from the mustache prosecutor.

It didn’t get any bigger after that.

It stopped right here, just enough to hold me in my arms.

But this leopard bit me by the back of my neck and dragged me running. Very quickly.

What kind of power was that?

“If you think about it, you too are a leopard of great strength.”

Encred said, stroking the head of the leopard in his arms.


I guess those weren’t very pleasant words.

Esther bit Encred’s finger. There was no blood. He left only marks.

If it was sincere.

‘You must have got a sore finger.’

As I was looking closely at Esther’s snout, wanting to check her sharp fangs, Esther rolled her eyes.

If you keep doing this, it makes me feel like I’m human.

“Let’s go.”

Kreis called from outside.

Building a new fort is quite a complicated and difficult task.

We need to rebuild the camp and check the supply routes.

A new border area needs to be determined and the reconnaissance team’s route needs to be re-designed, and there are many things that need to be changed.

And yet, they dare to build a new camp.

“But platoon leader, I think I did my best in the fight, but am I mistaken in thinking that only the platoon leader gets cheers?”

No, it’s not an illusion.

Strangely, the atmosphere flowed like that.

Long live the Mad Squad, long live Encred.

Thinking back to that moment, that is, noon just two days ago, my heart tingled.

It wasn’t a bad memory.


When Encred remained silent, Audin, who was next to him, smiled and said.

“Hehe, crazy brother. “I barely defeated one giant, so that’s right.”

“A giant?”

“Brother, I beat dozens of enemy soldiers.”

It wasn’t just hitting. I beat him to death, very hotly.

Encred saw it too.

That ignorant clubbing.

Bring fear to enemy soldiers and relief to allies.

It felt like that. Of course, some allies who watched closely said that they felt a strange sense of fear when they saw Audin.

This is what I heard directly through Venjens.

“Well, he’s in your platoon. That friend who is obsessed with religion, why are you killing people while laughing? “Is this a little weird?”

This is what Benjens said as he raised his hand and tapped my head.

Encred said no and left an appropriate excuse for Audin.

He is so faithful that he is so happy to make a friend to the god he worships.

“I think that’s even weirder.”

Venjens muttered.

For Encred, that was the best. Isn’t it a hundred times better than calling him a crazy religious person who loves murder?

“Ten mercenaries drunk on flesh and blood swords would have been fatal if left alone. Well, I guess so.”

When Ragna also joined in, the atmosphere began to turn violent.


A word from Saxony, who was watching the three of them from one side, caught their ears.


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“You idiots.”

The three people’s eyes turned.

The bitter air comes and goes. A dizzying feeling of pressure pressed down on the surroundings.

If anyone took the initiative at any time, it seemed like there would be an uproar.

So, it was like the original madman platoon.

When Encred was not around, the people who had been at odds with each other and maintained a certain level of tolerance opened their mouths without hesitation.

Kreis thought so. He didn’t feel dizzy or anything.

Oh, of course, it would have been difficult without Encred.

Aren’t we moving together now?

Andrew, watching from the side, was worried.

‘Should I step forward?’

Aren’t you the squad leader?

Shall we clear the air before the platoon leader steps forward?

Andrew just worried. The memory of being beaten while going forward like this held his feet.

Just then, Mac grabs his sleeve and shakes his head.

It was a nod that seemed to read Andrew’s mind.

Encred looked at the sky for a moment.

The sky is a place where the temperature has changed.

It was green. It is a cloudless sky. It was spring. The day was really nice.



I decided that it would be a good day to break up a fight.

There was no need to squeeze in like before.

Instead, he swung his sword.

Cheer ring.

One with your right hand.



One with your left hand.

The sword drawn with the right hand moves downwards from top to bottom in the form of a cut on the top of the head.

The sword drawn with the left hand is swung wide and makes a medium horizontal slash.

To step, push your left foot forward and your right foot follows.

This was something I had been thinking about for several days.

It was a modified version of one of the techniques from the Valenc mercenary sword.

Originally, the technique of double kicking was to use the first kick as a trick, but by handling two swords, the two slashes were made meaningful.

I aimed at Rem, the sword in my right hand.

He slashed Saxony with the sword he held in his left hand.


The reactions of the two were sharply different. Rem took out an ax and blocked it, but Saxony suddenly stepped back and dodged it.

One sword was blocked and stopped.

Anything else split the air in vain.

Encred drew the sword that cut through the air.

“What are you doing?”

Saxony asks.

“You want to give it a try? “It will be fun.”

Rem snorted. It comes with a voice that seems very happy.

Because I suddenly twisted my body and moved, Esther, who was in my arms, hit my chest.

“Let’s go and do it.”

Encred spoke while holding his sword.

Isn’t it ridiculous to fight like this?

Because I put ester in it, my chest was bulging.

Rem, who had picked up the axe, nodded, saying yes.

Today could also be said to be a peaceful day.

Encred put away his sword and walked again after appeasing Esther.

‘I guess that’s a good thing.’

If I had been asked to carry at least some luggage, I would have become more ferocious because of my irritation.

The luggage of all members of the platoon, including Encred, was much lighter than that of other soldiers.

“Aren’t you the hero of this battle? Even if I give you the carriage, it’s not enough.”

The battalion commander Marcus was hot. He was told to walk with only his bare body and his own weapons.

Other units added their own loads and carried the necessary accessories for the tents.

The pace was naturally slow, but Marcus acted as if there was no need to rush.

The attention of surrounding soldiers was drawn to the commotion caused by Encred and the platoon members, but they quickly returned to their original positions.

They’ve been fighting for just a day or two.

As Encred walked, he roughly sketched out what would happen in the future.

Are you going to attack the enemy’s rear like this?

With those thoughts in mind, I spoke to Kreis.

Wangnuni shook his head.

“It won’t happen.”


If you’re winning, isn’t it better to attack the enemy’s rear?

“Because taking over the enemy’s position and holding on can make the battlefield much more advantageous.”


Why don’t you fight?

Why is that beneficial?

If you’re behind, it’s beneficial to hit.

When Encred stared at Chrys, he opened his mouth.

It was an insignificant fight.

“If we attack the enemy from behind like this, we will be informed of our troops’ location and level of force, and the enemy will respond accordingly. At least they will send enough troops to deal with this level of troops. If the methods they had prepared by assassinating giants and fairies and using a group of mercenaries were blocked, what do you think they would have left to use? “What’s more, the independent company called Gray Dog was destroyed in half.”

What was left was not a difficult question.

But saying it out loud just gives me a strange feeling.

However, it is not a word to ignore or avoid.


“They will come in at least at Squire level, or in larger numbers. Well, I think there is a high probability that they will send a small number of elites.”

Kreis’ eyes lit up as he spoke.

Afterwards, he continued talking without waiting for Encred’s answer.

“This side also had the advantage of terrain that was difficult to enter, and since they already defeated us with a small number of special forces, it must have affected the morale of the main unit, so we will try to repay them in the same way. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you don’t attack from behind because you’re afraid of a knight or similar force coming. As I said before, it is a question of benefit. If you look at the battlefield broadly, that is, from the perspective of a commander, it is a battle between gain and loss. What if you lose a lot on one side but gain a lot on the other side? Even if you lose the battle, you can still win the war. From that perspective, the answer is not to attack the enemy like this, but to hold on. We don’t need to expend our troops, but just let them know they’re behind us. So, what will the enemy think? I don’t know, but I’m sure my head is complicated. The main unit pushes ahead with such complexity. So we don’t need to fight. Moreover, Az Pen, who is supposed to welcome the main force, will not have the strength to turn his troops this way. That’s why. There is no need to fight. It’s the same reason why we build a camp in an ambiguous place. There is no need to get closer to the enemy. What if the enemy is making a move? Then, you can just take it out right away. They retreat back, and then a day or two later, they occupy the same place again. “The current position building is the foundation for that.”

Encred made honesty his specialty. He has never treated his squad members like that.

“Short and bold.”

I understood about half of it, but the other half didn’t really stick in my mind.

Kreis, whose eyes were shining, took a few breaths.

Yes, you weren’t even breathing and you were wiping your mouth.

After catching his breath, Krys opened his mouth again.

There was no need to carefully choose the words.

“He is raising his hand as if someone is going to hit him in the back of the head, but someone is holding the captain’s arms in front. How is it?”

“It looks like a dog.”

“Yes, the other person is in that situation.”

What happens if I shake off the grip on my wrist in front of me and block my back?

They say that if the guys in front and behind you swing their hands at the same time, you can quickly block the front and the back.

If you just endure it, it will become a situation that makes you uncomfortable just by existing.

Sometimes, really sometimes, Kreis didn’t seem like an ordinary soldier with big eyes and simple ambitions.

As a guy whose dream is to open a ladies’ salon, I wondered how his hair worked so well.

In fact, he might be the secret son of a strategist or something.

Or a hidden disciple.

Predict what is going through the mind of the enemy commander based on what happened right in front of him.

This thought naturally occurred to me when I saw him predicting the movements of our army’s commander and main unit.

“Well, this is just expected. It’s just a guess, and the other person says, ‘Oh, I don’t know, so I’ll kill you from that point on.’ Then, no matter what, a knight or something will come to attack this place.”

That won’t happen. Kreis said so with his mouth, but his eyes said the opposite.

He’s a strange guy.

Encred nodded.

Then there is no need to fight.

I came to know that.

But that doesn’t mean it’s free to be here.

Building new positions was the job of another unit.

While they were setting up the tent, lighting the fire, and putting up the pot.

Encred’s crazy platoon took up position on one side.

As soon as I settled in.


Encred called Rem.

It doesn’t matter who comes first.

Anyway, implicitly, the first one is RAM.

Otherwise, I don’t know what that crazy barbarian will do.

Ragna, who was sitting with his haunches on a moderately heated rock, turned his gaze.

Saxony, Audin, Andrew, and even Mac all looked at Encred.

“Let’s begin.”

Encred said and Rem grinned, showing his fangs.

That’s right, this is my platoon leader.

It’s that kind of laughter.

Rem was still satisfied.

And the feeling that comes to mind.

I hoped this guy didn’t die here.

“I could tell you in advance. “You could die.”

“However much.”

Death is not an obstacle for Encred.

He is living a life that repeats today.

A dream that has been torn, rolled, faded, and disappeared is right in front of you.

Encred’s eyes lit up. Eyes still passionate and full of desire.

In front of him, Rem also showed similar eyes.

When have you ever seen a person like this?

does not exist.

This human, this continental person.

He was truly a crazy bastard.

Rem chuckled.

“It’s good. Let’s do it. “Let’s die somewhere.”

Rem said and nodded.

It was time to learn something new, namely what Rem showed against the giant.

Even though Encred felt exhilarating joy, he became calm again.

It is a strange state where excitement and calm occur simultaneously.

This was a sign that the beast’s heart was properly ripe.


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