Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 132

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132. A traveler walking in search of a dream

Marcus felt dizzy.

I also broke into a cold sweat. My forehead quickly became damp.

‘These bastards?’

My mouth went dry due to the enemy’s tactics.

However, you can’t just watch. He was the commander of the current infantry battalion.

The unit grew into two battalions with the addition of reinforcements.

“Turtle Company stand by at the rear! The rest stop the giant! Don’t disturb the formation! “Put an arrow in the back of the head of those who are retreating!”

The adjutant who heard his order repeated the same words.

The messengers who heard the abbreviated order ran in all directions.

“f*ck, stop it! Just block it! Even if you retreat, you die!”

It could have been the worst. Because the soldiers were forced to sacrifice, their morale would plummet, and gaining an advantage on the battlefield once they started to lose ground would be like a dream.

Still, I couldn’t help it.

Right now, time was needed to reorganize the unit.

The horn sounded repeatedly.


Marcus thought as he looked at the damp fog that obscured his vision.

It’s like a pestilence and it’s a shitty environment.

Didn’t they say that in the previous battlefield, everyone was almost destroyed by this crazy fog?

At that time, it was a fog created by witchcraft.

How did you say you solved it back then?

With the wit and tactics of the former battalion commander?

‘It’s nonsense that even a dog wouldn’t believe.’

I know what kind of person the former battalion commander was. A soldier from an aristocratic background who likes kickbacks.

He is an idiot whose greed is greater than his abilities.

It was clearly another great man who broke the spell.

Everyone is muttering, but the platoon leader is the friend who gave the unit the nickname ‘Spell Breaker’.

A soldier who was lucky and rumored to have slept with the goddess of luck.

I sent him to the cross guard, and he came back after solving the problem, and he was a different soldier.

For some reason, that soldier came to mind at this moment.

The name of the soldier who called me to control the madman platoon and make them do something remained vivid in my mind.


The thoughts that continued with him ended.

Beyond, where the fog gradually becomes cloudy.

A being a few heads higher than a human caught my eye.


What a giant.

The enemy commander has decided.

Rather than fighting clumsily, we gathered our strength and challenged the main force.

If this was gambling, it was as if the stakes were all up.

‘Ha, are you doing something like that in the middle of this?’

In fact, it was a series of unconventional events from before.

Demoralizing by dueling with soldiers.

Stuck in the rear.

They want to send out a giant and overturn the game with one blow.

Is this a combination created by a strategic genius?

Or did the ignorant strategy that was recklessly pushed forward come to fruition by chance?

I do not know.

The battlefield is only about results.

The same goes for performance and winning.

So, if we lose here, it will be because of Marcus’ own shortcomings.

As nervousness pounded in my chest, I started laughing without even realizing it.

It wasn’t for nothing that he was given the nickname warmonger.

Marcus felt his needs, desires, and primal instincts boiling over in this situation.

The chariot of desire that made my heart pound and pumped blood throughout my body.

‘If you just go with the flow, just a little bit.’

Marcus was not the type to think ahead and come up with a strategy. He was a fighter.

The hair was worn by his subordinates.

“We must retreat. “One giant will consume at least one platoon of troops.”

“We must acknowledge that the enemy’s prepared numbers are fatal.”

“We need to gather ourselves and deal with the turtles with archers, not with heavy armor-”

Even before the group of adjutants gathered to use their heads finished speaking.

“Left side of the battlefield! Fairies and assassins appear and assassinate the commander indiscriminately!”

What the f*ck?

“To the right side of the battlefield! More than one squad of war mercenaries are running amok. “It’s above and beyond!”

It was shit. I got sick.

Still, Marcus’ heart did not shrink.

‘I don’t think it will end like this.’


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Marcus said nothing, ignoring the look in his adjutant’s eyes that wanted him to retreat.

Change, even if it was small, was good.

If the wind direction changes just a little.

Marcus swallowed dryly and waited. What if the wind of change doesn’t blow like this?

‘No, there is a chance.’

When people come together, there are bound to be exceptional people. There must be people like that in the infantry battalion as well.

A small gesture was needed to break the waves of compliance.

Marcus believed that such a moment would come.


The adjutant shouted as if in annoyance. It was that urgent. It’s in the meantime. A messenger came running.

Announcing the situation on the battlefield in a very loud voice from far away.

It’s the shout of a messenger who not only has blood in his neck, but also looks like he’s about to collapse while shouting.

“Urgent! Urgent! “I killed a giant!”

It was a change, the change I had been waiting for based purely on intuition.

It didn’t matter who did it.

“The whole army turns around!”

Marcus shouted. It was the moment when our troops’ counterattack began.

He showed outstanding ability as a commander.

He was also quite a talented person.

At the shout, Naurilia immediately turned into a running turtle.

It was a circular assault formation centered around the turtle heavy armor unit.

It was a large-scale group battle that Marcus was confident in.

* * *

The death of a giant was the beginning.

The winds of change that started from everywhere were strong. It was like a strong typhoon that blows between summer and fall.


Next to each company commander, the voice of a soldier with a loud voice rang out as a messenger.


It’s a horn that tells you to move forward.

“Turn around!”


“Wipe it all away!”

“die! “You idiots!”

Bell also joined as a member. His heart boiled as he saw the performance of Rem, who had killed the giant, and his allies, who had received the giant’s power.

It felt like a battle I wouldn’t lose.

Faba Park.

The infantry carrying spears rushed in first and pierced the enemy like thorns.


The stricken unit held out. Azpen’s fighting spirit was solid. He carried his shield, his armor, and his long spear.

“open it!”

This is a shout that came from behind our spearmen.

so? If you’re hard, are you as hard as us?

Turtle Heavy Armor Company.

1st Company of the 4th Battalion, 4th Regiment, Cyprus Division.

An elite boasted even within the unit named after the knight.

A force that becomes the core of the unit, not a separate independent military force.

They moved.

The tactics were simple, and the overall strategy was even simpler.

‘Go forward and break it.’

The turtle heavy armor company went out for attack, not defense.

The steps were slow, but heavy.

If the infantry at the forefront were spears, this time they were maces.

A mace that can crush and destroy shields and armor.

The main equipment of heavy armor units was originally long spears, but what was needed this time was a heavy forward charge.

They moved forward, replacing the enemy’s shields and armor with blunt weapons, which were auxiliary equipment to destroy them.

It is an assault by a unit wearing underwear, Gambison on top, chain mail on top, and iron gauntlets and greaves on arms and legs.

As they gathered together and advanced, it was easy to get the illusion that some iron ball was attacking them.

The ten heavy armored infantrymen in the lead made the same movements at the same time.

Hold the weapon vertically above your head.

The mace, which is longer than a regular mace, casts a shadow over the blood-stained ground.

“Mr. Lee.”

Someone among the enemy soldiers muttered.

Soon, the ten heavy armor soldiers in the lead lowered their weapons at the same time.

The mace cut through the air and hit the enemy soldiers’ shields, armor, and awkwardly raised spears.

bang! Damn it! simplicity and honesty! Kwasik!

Various noises exploded and mixed at once.

Attack from the first charge.

None of the enemy soldiers died. It was a fight between formations.

It didn’t collapse in one blow, but the problem came next.

A formation in which the enemy is closely followed.

Their boundaries collapsed and overlapped.

Just as the sun and moon break down their boundaries before the morning sun rises.

So the soldiers of both armies fought to protect their respective borders.

The heavily armored infantry fighting in place with their feet tied clearly demonstrated their power.


With the second strike of the club, the buckler shattered and pieces of wood flew into the air.

The pupils of the Azpen soldier holding the broken shield are shaking.

The mace flew past the shield again and struck him on the top of his helmet.



A leather helmet could not relieve the impact of the iron ball.

This is a soldier who collapses with the inside of his head caved in from a single blow.

The feet of the heavily armored infantry passed over it.

Right, right.

Bones break, cheekbones cave in, and blood bursts out. The body, unable to bear his weight, lost its soul.

The only thing left for a soldier crushed under heavy armor is death.

“Forward, one step!”

The heavy armored infantry company commander maintained the formation his unit was proud of.

So, it is a slow advance, one step at a time, strangling the enemy.

Although it was slow and sluggish to be called a charge or a charge.

This is a situation where the opponent cannot back down.

“Wipe it away.”

The company commander was full of confidence. He deserved it. The situation of the war was overturned in an instant.

If there were knights in this battle.

If it had started with a knight’s duel, it might have been a little different.

But the opponent did not put up such a fight.

He hid his secret sword, but took it out and stabbed it.

Our army’s sword was stronger.

It was an unexpectedly strong sword.

No matter how crazy Rem is, who would have thought that he would kill a giant while playing with it?


Someone’s shout tore through the air and rose into the sky. All the soldiers were excited. His eyes widened, he stabbed his spear and swung his sword.

There were also people who occasionally picked up axes and threw them.

At this point, Marcus’ mercenary skills shined again.

After attacking the front with heavy armored infantry and destroying the opposing army formation.

“Shoot! Shoot! “Shoot them all!”

The group took a detour. This is a fast-moving light armored archer unit and a ranger unit with short bows.

An outstanding ranger who happened to join the unit led them.

It was a woman named Finn.

She heard Marcus’ command and knew what he wanted.

Arrows fly. Not many people died from those arrows.

Just shoot arrows and shoot them again.

Shooting arrows without sparing anything.

“surrender! Put down your weapons and put your head on the ground! “If you surrender, we will not kill you!”

I shout again and again. Several messengers with good voices repeated the same words and spread them throughout the battlefield.

The battle situation was disorganized, and those running toward the outskirts were already demoralized and retreating.

The moment they met Finn, they all had to drop their weapons and raise both hands.

“Do not kill! “Don’t kill me!”

Finn deliberately spared the lives of those who surrendered.

The effect was evident. Everyone was hitting their heads on the floor one by one.

It was a moment when the changed atmosphere of the battlefield was completely reflected.

Rem shook off his hands after killing the giant.

‘I’m going to sweat cold.’

It was fun up to this point. What next? It’s time to chase and slaughter.

I didn’t have much motivation.

It is not such a soft idea to avoid a massacre.

It’s a battle already won. It’s just a hassle to chase.

I was looking to see if the enemy had hidden another giant or something, but there wasn’t one.

I just felt some commotion at the command center.

They’ll all pop out soon.

‘Or do some magic.’

There is no sign of that.

The tide has passed and the battlefield is over.

That was Rem’s decision.

He turned around and looked for his platoon leader.

“What is it, Sibeol?”

Where has this guy gone? I told him to watch closely from behind.

You disappeared without even seeing that you fought a giant?

Can’t you see everything there, including the wild cat?

So, you went with one of them?


I’m feeling bad?

“Whoa! Long live the madman platoon!”

“Long live Rem!”

Thanks to killing the giant, there were people around him who still exalted Rem’s name.

Everyone who passed by praised Rem.

A madman on our side killed an enemy soldier crazy about killing, a giant.

Above all, the last method.

When he saw the huge giant hammer that the giant was swinging, he kicked the giant’s thigh and broke the giant’s fingers holding the weapon with his fist.

Afterwards, the body floated in the air and spun.

Rem’s foot hit the giant’s chin as his head fell to the floor.

It was an exciting blow. Next, he picked up a rolling spear and pierced the giant from its broken jaw to the back of its head, creating a work of art.

The fallen giant looked like some kind of sculpture.

Rem, standing in front of him, looked like a hero from a story.

Don’t giants often appear as villains in novels?

So, it was natural that cheers continued to erupt.

“shut up!”

Even though he was praising himself, Rem screamed loudly.

The voice was so loud that the people around them who were praising Rem fell silent.

Only then did Rem’s nickname appear in their minds like bright moonlight.

‘Just a lunatic.’

A crazy person who screams for no reason.

A madman who gets angry and sick for no reason.

“Where is our platoon commander?”

Someone raised their hand and pointed to one side.

There was Encrid holding two axes.

He was already coming this way. Rem, Ragnar, and Encred met.

“No, let me watch…” … .”

“I came and picked it up.”

Encred interrupted Rem and threw his weapon.

The two axes split the air and fell into Rem’s hands.

It was Rem who reached out both hands and caught it with a thud.


The grip and feeling of holding it were quite good.

I have held it and felt it myself.

It was better than what I used before.

A weapon that has been maintained by hand and that has consumed blood.

From the center of gravity to the ax blade.

It was a weapon made of high quality steel and maintained properly.

“Did you go get this because my ax was broken?”

No matter how far you go, you just have to go straight.

Because Encred knew Rem.


I agreed. She nodded.

In reality, I was caught, but if peace can come through this.

A much softer energy flowed from Rem, who had been radiating murderous energy for no apparent reason.

Life has become dull.

“Did you see what I asked you to see?”

“I saw it. An ax that blocks giants. “Winning with strength.”

Rem looked into Encred’s eyes as he spoke, and into the eyes of his platoon leader.

The ax thrown as a joke wasn’t important.

A fire burning inside his eyes, a fire that could easily be called desire and lust.

To learn, learn, and move forward.

There was a wanderer there, pouring out his blood in search of his dream.

This was enough.

This was the reason why Rem liked the man named Encred.

“It’s good.”

Rem laughed.

Encred also laughed.

Their laughter was different, but also similar.

Ragna, who was watching from the side, muttered.

“First attach the sword to your body.”

Saxony suddenly rose up behind Ragna. Saxony approached without a sound or presence.

“Once your senses are ripe and your sixth sense is opened, what comes next? Segmentation, dividing each part and training it, and also how to react. “There’s a lot to do.”

Encred’s gaze returned. I made eye contact with Saxony and asked with my eyes.

‘What is it all about?’

There was no answer.

“next time.”

I think cutting is more of a specialty here than Ragna.

“This bastard? Are you interfering?”

Rem rolls her eyes.

Before we could even exchange sharp words, Auddin also returned.

“Whoa! “Our crazy giant is stronger!”

One cheer is awesome.

Yes, this one came back as a crazy giant.

After soaking his entire body in blood, he smiled plainly.

Is smiling so innocently with blood dripping from your sleeves a talent, or just a madman?

“Do you know the essence of Balaf-style baktu?”

This one is similar too.

Encred’s gaze turned to the mad giant.

Audin smiled.

“Damn, everyone is getting involved?”

Rem got angry.

Everyone was radiating vitality towards each other.

Encred watched for a moment and stopped him.

They were busy thinking about teaching Encred in the middle of the battlefield, regardless of the battle.

And these were the greatest veterans of this battlefield.

Encred said, stopping the group of veterans.

“But what about the rest?”

Now that I look, I can’t see the kids, including Andrew.

“I was swept away and went forward.”

Those were Rem’s words.


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