Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 131

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131. It was just one sparring that changed the direction of the battlefield.

Rem was excited.

Ragna was stimulated and his motivation burned.

Audin felt like he had received an answer during his sparring with Encred.

Prayers to the Lord were always questions, and there was no answer.

The Lord uses silence as a weapon.

It will be up to us to find the answer in that silence.

However, I believed that sometimes, very occasionally, God would give me the answer.

Even if He doesn’t speak in His voice.

You express it through something different.

Through the sparring that day, Audin heard the answer from Encred. It felt like that.

‘What can that man achieve by working so hard? Will his efforts bear fruit?’

One person’s efforts quickly reached his old topic.

‘Why don’t you protect the weak even though you are told to do so? Why don’t you reward them with effort?’

Strong and weak, good and evil.

Old topics.

Why do those who think they are ‘evil’ gain power?

Do those who think they are ‘good’ suffer?

I saw the good weak and the good strong collapse.

I also saw evil prevailing in the temple, which was the foundation and cradle created by God.

Why does God just watch that?

Why aren’t they punished?

Why do these so-called heresy inquisitors tie only the powerless to the cart with thorns?

Why is God just watching that?

Meanwhile, there was a man who made a living by making a reckless effort to get rid of the problem by drinking river water.

Always standing in front of you, unchanged, like the sun rising every morning.

If there is a God, he must give us the answer.

We should not turn a blind eye to someone who is burning himself like this.

Was there actually divine intervention?

I do not know. Audin didn’t know.

However, it doesn’t matter even if it wasn’t there.

In the days we spent together and knew Encred, Audin also learned something.

‘The question is within me.’

The ‘answer’ was also within himself.

He felt like his questions had been answered through sparring.

To be honest and honest.

Relief filled my heart.

So much so that I could crush the heads of several enemy soldiers in this mood.

With this, he even invited Audin to spar with Encred.

I made Rem step forward, and I made Ragna step up as well.

I didn’t know it before, and no one will know it afterward, but it could be said that it was Encred’s fierceness that changed the direction of the battlefield.

The sparring with him shook the hearts of all the platoon members and brought them to the battlefield.

‘Lord, today I am sending those who will stay by your side.’

Killing can be a sin.

Also, it could not be considered a sin.

All religions reflect the times.

It was the same for Audin. His god did not mind killing.

In other words, if necessary, it could be done. I was able to send those who would serve the Lord by my side without sparing any effort.

Audin took a long step forward. A friend recognized him, started whispering, and then shut his mouth.

“Those who received coins from Lady Luck had better step down.”

Auddin showed kindness and mercy.

Because of the fog, I can only see what is in front of me.

One of the enemy soldiers laughed at Auddin.

“Are you trying to imitate our giants?”

In a way, it seemed that way. Audin showed a faint smile.

It wasn’t unpleasant or offending.

All you have to do is send the other person to God’s side and give them a chance to ask for forgiveness, but what can you do by getting angry?

At this moment, there would be no reason for one person’s discomfort to intervene.

“I don’t necessarily pretend to be someone else. “Brother.”

“What the f*ck, brothers?”

We are facing the enemy with three or four steps left. Audin counted the numbers slowly.


No one knew what the numbers meant.

“What is he saying now! “I’m dead!”

This is a battlefield that started with the appearance of a giant. The heat also reached the soldier.

Azpen’s soldier, who was ahead of him, stabbed his spear.


Auddin pushed the spear blade with the back of his hand. Gently outward.


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The blade of the spear lost its direction of force along the back of the hand.

The enemy soldier almost fell, but then regained his balance.


Audin even counted the numbers.

“This bastard?”

The hand gestures the other person made were not normal. The soldier gestured. He was in a position to lead his squad.

Soon his squad surrounded Auddin.

The spear was the best weapon an infantryman could have.

All of their spear blades were aimed at Auddin.

It’s a game where ten people are targeting one person.


Audin looked at it and counted the numbers.

“He’s definitely crazy.”

Even as he spoke, the squad leader felt like a dog. My back was tingling and my stomach was aching.

What was that earlier?

What kind of spear blade can you hit with your bare hands?

What do you have in your hand? He was wearing thin, white gloves. But it didn’t look like a combat gauntlet.

Anyway, your hands are really big?


While I was thinking about it, the number decreased.

The squad leader said, spitting on the floor.

“Tsk, kill me.”

The order is given.


The last number also came out of Auddin’s mouth.

This was like a final consideration.

It is mercy and kindness that tells anyone who picks up Lady Luck’s coin to step away.

‘At least for today.’

I decided to accept the call of the war god.

There will be no need to be an apostle of the whole body. Not to that extent.

Audin hoped that the enemy would have an opponent similar to a giant.

If he had already decided to sell his predecessor’s name, it was natural for him to have a fighting spirit to fight properly.


Among the flying spear blades, a solemn word.

‘One’, it is simultaneous with the dropped word. Auddin took out his weapon. He couldn’t be said to have had a pet illness.

I left my favorite bottle behind when I left the temple.

This was just a substitute.

It was a wooden club soaked in oil. It’s not studded, nor is it made of iron.

This was enough.


In the eyes of the enemy soldier who pierced his spear, Auddin seemed to disappear.

Of course that wasn’t the case. All I did was avoid the window by bending my back and half lying down.

Three people threw out their spears at the same time, all aiming for the chest.

Audin, who showed flexibility unbefitting his size, stood up, pushing the ground with the soles of his feet.

Then he lightly hit the club once.


With a single swing of the club in a semicircle, three spears were pushed to the right.

“Uh oh!”

While the three soldiers holding spears lost their balance and their leaning posture collapsed, Audin took another step forward.

And the club fell on the enemy soldier’s head.


One head per room.

Boom, boom! Boom, boom!

Three heads exploded, one in each room. It was an instant. Despite his size, Auddin was as quick as a squirrel.

“… … uh?”

The next time was similar. Whether a spear or a throwing knife comes flying at you, just avoid it or grab it and throw it back.

Afterwards, go up to him and hit him on the head with a stick.

My head exploded like a pumpkin popping.

No, it was to the point where his head looked softer than a pumpkin.

The Naurilia soldier who was watching from behind stuck out his tongue.

“It’s a monster.”

Avoid and hit. Then no one knows that they will win. There’s just no one who can make it happen like that.

My head explodes with a pop sound.

At first, with just two clubs.

Afterwards, when the opponent started shooting arrows and attacking him, he also started using his feet.

From then on, I felt like I was seeing some kind of charging cavalry.

As you approach, it bounces away.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

At the same time, our monster burst out into a lively laugh.

“May the blessings of the whole body be with you!”

And then shout out again.

Even though I was crazy, I still felt like a crazy person.

Of course, the Naurilia soldier who saw that felt relieved. Is that crazy guy an ally?

“Everyone turn around!”

The command was quick to grasp the situation. Following the changed flow, the entire army rushed to the front.

Auddin ran wild in the midst of the enemy soldiers.

“Hey guy, where!”

In the meantime, a few talented people from Gray Dog attacked me.


“welcome! “Brother!”

Audín held out his club with a trick, then took it back, then turned his waist around his left foot and stretched out his feet.

It is a kick that is integrated with the log-like thigh.



A light mid-range kick folds the opponent’s body in half.

What kind of kick has this kind of power?

Are you wearing some kind of iron gaiters on your feet?

The human body was folded in half with that single blow. After collapsing, he died from internal organs rupture. All the veins on his face burst and his eyes turned red.

The hit opponent flew to one side and knocked down three or three groups of enemy soldiers.

“What the f*ck?”

It seemed absurd to the enemy soldiers.

So Audin fought like an anthill. It was an anthill that ate everything that came near it.

* * *

The fairy company commander looked directly at the approaching opponent.

The other person was also a fairy.

It is not a big deal to meet and fight with your own people in a place like this.

Because times have changed.

How many fairies live together in the forest like before?

All closed societies are eliminated.

Once weeded out, we are forgotten. Both gods and fairies will live forgotten and eventually give up their homes to the hands of invasion.

The choice of one of the previous fairies changed the lives of future generations.

Among them, there were some who exchanged their ages with Crona.

This refers to joining the military as a mercenary or in exchange for some other compensation.

So, Shinar, the fairy company commander, thought that there was no difference between the opponent and himself.

Whether it’s Crona’s purpose or some other purpose.

Anyway, it doesn’t change the fact that you have to fight the moment you face the enemy.

“Is it a needle sword?”

Leaf black ages.

Needle is a sharp-pointed sword exclusively used for stabbing.

It is a weapon exclusive to the fairy race. Two weapons with different purposes.

“There was a compatriot.”

The Azpen fairy was a man with sharp eyes.

His hair was short, and his mouth looked stubborn.

Well, most fairies are stubborn. That was something that even the fairy Sinar himself acknowledged.

The tip of the opponent’s sword was red. The blood on the tip dripped onto the floor.

Before we knew it, the unit had retreated and formed a circle, leaving the two behind.

On one side is the company commander.

The other side was a secret sword prepared by the military.

“If you run away, I won’t chase you and kill you.”

the man said. Seeing his needles turning red, Sinard also pulled out his sword.


They are old. Leaf sword.

“I was going to say it first.”

Soon the two exchanged swords and swords.

The match did not last long. Sinar was several steps ahead of the fairy holding the needle.

Talent, skill, experience, skill.

None of the male fairies could surpass Sinar.

After several sword strikes, the blade of the leaf sword grazed the male fairy’s neck.


Through the feeling left in his hand, Sinar was certain of his opponent’s death.

The fairy that grabbed my neck fell forward.

Sinar was quite displeased when he saw that.

‘Are they bastards?’

This was bait.

The real thing was this.

While fighting this guy, there were at least three killers targeting him.

So, it is a method of attracting attention through bait and then striking back.

This is how assassinations of commanders have been carried out.

Their purpose was very obvious.

The only variable here is that this guy’s allies didn’t arrive until right before he died.

That’s why he died with his eyes wide open.

‘It’s obscene.’

Of course, nastiness could be an advantage on the battlefield. If it succeeds.

Unfortunately, the enemy lost his chance to show his nastiness.

There was life, but it was erased.

There could be two reasons.

One is that the enemy gave up and ran away.

Another thing is that an external force intervened.

The answer was the latter.

I saw a man wiping his sword on the corpse’s clothes.

Brown eyes with a red tint inside them.

Reddish-brown hair similar to the pupils of the eyes.

Not a single drop of blood splattered on his moderately grown hair.

No, the fairy company commander, Shinar, had never seen that author covered in blood.

It was always neat.

Oh, when I hung out with pr****utes, my clothes were a mess.

I’ve seen something like that before. It looked like he had just finished working with a woman.


“Because I have nothing to do.”

Saxony responded to the company commander’s words.

What’s different about Saxony?

As I watched Encred, I was delighted to see his growth. When he was around, it seemed like he couldn’t help but say it.

My mouth was itching. At the same time, my hands were itching.

I wanted to solve this somewhere. It seemed like people with a similar smell had come forward.

Saxony, who broke through the fog, followed behind the fairy company commander.

I killed three assassins.

It wasn’t difficult.

The opponent was a fairy, and by ordinary people’s standards, his skills could be said to be excellent, but in Saxony’s personal feelings, well, it was just so-so.

Rather than fighting against a properly trained opponent, you are fighting by honing your natural talent.

In some ways, Saxony was the easiest opponent to deal with.

“Leave your captain alone?”

Saxony tilted his head in response to the fairy’s question.

“If I was going to die in a place like this, I would have died long ago.”

It was high praise.

It was no different from saying that I believed in Encred.

It was now at a level where I didn’t have to watch.

‘next time.’

I needed to teach something other than walking.

After honing my senses, what was the next training?

If you opened the door to your sixth sense.

‘Look and react well.’

Things that still take time and effort to get used to.

Has this ever been taught properly?

I don’t think there was one.


While Saxony was thinking, he sighed and wondered why he was so serious.

Actually, you don’t have to teach me.

The fairy company commander looked at it and said.

“This battalion commander is not an idiot. “You know how to fight by following the flow.”

Did you think he was sighing because the unit wasn’t moving?

It’s not like that.

Saxony is very good at hiding his true feelings.

The fairy company commander did not misunderstand his sigh. I wonder if that crazy platoon is interested in something like this.

However, there was only Saxony in front of me. He also showed off his skills by killing three assassins.

What the company commander said was that the trend was changing.

Her words caught the ears of the soldiers around her, not Saxony.

This means that the momentum will change, and that will bring about victory for our troops.

“All troops in formation.”

The five company members who had followed her words as an escort but just stood still were standing behind her.

As soon as he finished speaking, horns sounded from all directions and messengers ran.

As she said.

Marcus knew how to go with the flow.


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