Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 130

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130. Blow and cut

“They’re saying shit.”

What was the name of the guy who taught me that skill and personality are not proportional?

The guy twisted the corner of his mouth. He showed a sneer.

“Would you like me to drill another hole in your butthole? Enki?”

The guy said and took a step forward.

Encred decided to talk to him just once before killing him.

“What was your name?”

The guy stopped with his right foot sticking out forward.

“… … “Anyway, you bastard, you’re really good at using your tongue.”

The guy didn’t say his name. I can’t help it.

There is no need to know the name.

“Kill me.”

As the nameless bastard spoke, the nine people surrounding him moved.

What can I say? I wondered if that would be what would happen if the border guards became corrupt.

Seeing everyone running wild with their weapons, it seems like everyone is doing the same thing.

The weapon seemed to smell like blood.


One of them took a slingshot and shot. He aimed, pulled, and released in an instant, and the movements were fluid.

The slingshot shot out small metal pellets.

Ragna just nodded and dodged. The bullet was aimed at her eye.


Ragna muttered. Encred saw a heat in his eyes that was not normally visible.

Well then, there is nothing to worry about.


Someone spoke to me from behind, and I realized it was Vengeance.

At the sight of him limping, Encred’s eyes turned to Vengeance’s thighs.

Even before I asked how I got hurt.

“Trying to save me from that dirty bastard.”

Behind Venjens, a soldier who showed both worry and resentment in his eyes spoke.

I felt like I understood it even without hearing an explanation. Where did they teach me my habits?

I guess I did what I was supposed to do.

He deliberately harassed one of the soldiers, made Vengeance take action, and took advantage of the opportunity to punch a hole in his thigh.

It was exactly what that bastard would do.

On the contrary, Venjens would have risked injury to save his own person.

What would have happened if Encred hadn’t come here?

He would have died. Benzens must have prepared for his death.

If you’re this kind of person, wouldn’t you feel like you want to be friends?

If it were a person like Venjence, it would be okay.

But not that bastard, your friend is ridiculous.

“Sharp. that.”

Vengeance spoke again, and Encred struck his left palm with his right fist, as if he had finally remembered the opponent’s name.

“I remembered your name.”

The other person chuckled.

“How could you forget my name? “It’s a pointless provocation, you idiot.”

The guy spoke and pulled out his sword. It is a sword that bends when force is applied. A bendable rapier made of soft iron.

The fluttering blade caught my eye.

Encred looked at that and opened his mouth.

“Was it a chew?”

The dog was nicknamed, the name was chewy, right? It will be right. maybe.

“… … “You’ll be begging me to kill you.”

The guy’s eyes glowed evilly. Is he possibly angry? Ah, that wasn’t my intention.

Encred shrugged his shoulders.

The two warmed up each other with trivial words.

Among the son of a bitch’s nine men, the slingshot moved again.

Thong, thong, land!

This time, I aimed at Encred, but Ragna approached me before I knew it, pulled out his sword with its sheath and deflected the bullet. Metal particles flew vertically into the air, sparkling and disappearing through the fog.

“You have quick hands. It would be fun to make a hole in those hands.”

Slingshot said. Next to him was a guy holding double axes. One for each hand, it is a weapon similar to Rem.

“You’re such an interesting guy, you’re going to take on all of us by yourself?”

The twin axes glanced at Ragna and said.

That’s not good, Encred thought.

As expected, Ragna reacted.

“A crazy barbarian idiot.”

“… … what?”

The guy with the axe couldn’t understand what the blond-haired, red-eyed bastard was saying as he stared at him.

Those red eyes clearly contained an unknown hostility.

Two hatchets in each hand, that was the wrong weapon to choose.


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There were three other sword-wielders, and they were unique swords with deep blood ties, and their faces looked similar.

They were triplets.

“After this battlefield, we will become part of Azpen. If you do well, you might even receive a noble title.”

A dog and chewy said. She seemed like she wanted to brag. It was the same as before.

The same look on his face as when he saved his life, the look on his face that satisfied himself by saying in advance that this fight was for that reason.


Encred said nothing more.


He advances and strikes his sword. The other person looked down on himself. He threw the sword away, still laughing.


The unique curved blade was aimed at Encred’s wrist. As he struck the longsword, the tip of the sword bent down and came straight towards the wrist.

It is a sword among swords.

Did you say it was a swordsmanship learned in the East?

It seemed like he definitely said something like that.

Encred watched the sword aimed at his wrist until the end and waved the sword up and down.

The curved blade flowing along my blade bounced upward.


‘Look at this guy?’

Questions and surprises appeared on the other person’s face, but Encred was not interested.

I just move forward and swing the sword as I have learned, mastered, and trained.

Didn’t you also learn how to deal with swords?

‘Start with an honest blow.’

And so it was. As Ragnar told me.


The blade cuts through the air. By concentrating on one point, everything slows down and becomes tangible.

A diagonal cut that connected dot to dot and added force on top was aimed at the opponent.

The bastard quickly took a step back and raised his sword upward.


The curved blade cut through the wind and aimed at Encred’s neck.

I just aimed.

Before that, Encred’s diagonal slash had already reached the guy’s body.

Because it’s faster, stronger, and more delicate.

One blow was enough.

Wood clatter.

I feel resistance in my hands. This blow was also clean enough to leave no feeling in the hand.

It was impossible not to feel anything as I cut down the armor and other incidental items.

Encred’s longsword cut through half of the creature’s armor and ribs, and even cut off the wrist holding the sword.

The blade that was curved aiming at Encred’s neck fell to the floor.

Tee ring.

Encred stopped in the same position he was swinging his sword and then swung his sword to the side.


Blood was splattered on the floor.

In front of him, with his eyes wide open in shock, he saw remnants of his dead past.

Encred spoke to his former colleague in his mind.

‘I took revenge.’

They have no answer. Dead people inherently have no answers.

The same goes for an opponent whose life line is cut off with a single blow.

He died without leaving a single word behind.

It was a natural result.

The mercenary and bastard who uses the Eastern-style soft sword technique has outstanding skills.

‘Compared to Frock and Mitch Hurier.’

lack. Compared to my platoon mates? How can I compare them? It’s almost laughable to compare them.

However, if it weren’t for Encred, this battlefield would have been a mess. So, it must have been as messed up as the place where the giant came from.

It was relative.

These were people who made it their business to kill people and used it as a tool to build their skills.

Even though he could easily die against an opponent stronger than him.

If it were the other way around, they would become efficient killers. These guys were clearly going to go crazy.

“… … “What the f*ck?”

One of the three sword-wielding brothers said.

“What could it be?”

After hearing that, Ragna responded and walked towards the slingshot.

Just watching that walk was amazing. He didn’t know how to take the steps, but he caught the side of the guy with the slingshot in just a few steps.


The guy turned to the side. And that was his last. After saying the word ‘chit’, his head flies into the sky with a surprised expression on his face.

when? When did you draw the sword and when did you swing it?

It’s frighteningly fast and clean work.

Even in Encred’s eyes, the bending blade remained only as an afterimage.


Ragna chanted and moved towards the person he killed.

“Three swords.”

Toward the three brothers. The three guys drew their swords. It didn’t seem like he had any intention of just being defeated.

Ragna saw young red blood in the eyes of the three.

The masters of the killing sword who use murder as a means of killing and killing people.

There were some guys like this.

They were idiots who didn’t even know how to improve their skills.

A sword that started out as a sword to kill the powerless, and thus learned only to kill the weak.

No matter who the opponent is or what the situation is.

Ragna was in a pretty good mood.

How many times have you had a moment in your life where you were overflowing with motivation?

third time? Five times? I don’t think it was five times.

He too was irritated. That frustration, that frustration, turned into a sparring with Encred.

Something that started as a small flame burned in his eyes.

Light flowed from his originally red eyes. It’s eye light.

Ragna swung his sword with a glow in his eyes.

Whirik, land, puk, pak, swoosh!

The three masters of the flesh-and-blood swords fell to the ground with their throats pierced and cut, split from their chins to the top of their heads.

Ragnar’s sword cuts through anything that stands in its way. Whether it’s a sword, armor, flesh, or bone.

It was impressive.


Ragna has found his next opponent.

It was a guy who used a pitchfork as a weapon.

It seemed like a weapon chosen solely to inflict pain.

The other person swallowed thickly.

It seemed like I had met the right person.

“At once!”

The guy shouted. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone moved. Then he showed himself whining. He jumped out.

Encred widened his eyes in surprise.

If he was the original Ragna, he wouldn’t have even paid attention to that guy running away.

That Ragnar.

Green onions.

It moved so fast that it couldn’t even be seen.

He kicked the ground and swung his sword left and right. He swung his sword so quickly that it seemed like wings were fluttering around Ragna.

Although the wings started from both hands, not the back.

The wings made from the afterimage of the blade split the head of the person holding the spear.

He cut off both arms of a woman who was handling a dagger.


And the blade of the dagger hanging in the middle was cut in half.

It was a slash of terrifying power that is difficult to describe.


The screams of a woman holding a dagger rushed through the air fiercely.

Afterwards, Ragna ran straight ahead and chased the guy who was running away. The guy with the pitchfork twisted his body and raised the pitchfork.

It was a weapon made entirely of iron.

Ragna swung his sword again like before. If you look at his posture, he’s going to hit the nail on the head. It is clearly a movement that strikes the opponent’s weapon to the side and then strikes it with the back blade.

It was different in that the first action was to cut the iron pitchfork in half. Soon after, he returned to the station and decapitated the man.


What is it? If I had applied a little more force, it would have been cut off with a pitchfork.

After moving so diligently, there was only one thing left.


A guy with an ax in both hands.

“You are the main dish.”

What can I say?

There was something very, very different from the usual Ragna.

He walked straight ahead and faced the enemy with an axe. What happened was that it didn’t remind me of Rem at all.

That wasn’t what was important to Ragna.

“From the legs.”

Words come true soon. Ragnar’s sword moved. Even the guy with the axe can be said to be skilled.

What can I say about this?

An image of Encred himself came to mind. To be exact, he is who he was in the past.

It is the moment when you face a wall that cannot be overcome with effort and training.


The guy with the ax struggled. That was it.

Ragna first cut off the guy’s thighs and then cut the tendons on both arms.

Ragnar placed his sword on the head of the man who lost his ax and realized that he was quite excited.

It was a different feeling.

‘Is this something to be excited about?’

Anyway, it wasn’t a bad feeling.

“If you save me, I’ll put you in that hidden place…” … .”

Take a look.

No matter what the other person says. Ragna didn’t listen.

In the end, the last remaining one of the ten mercenaries with flesh swords died with his head split open.

Ragna threw away the sword he was using after seeing that all its teeth had fallen out and the handle was rattling.

Then he took all the swords used by the three brothers.

“Well, I guess I have three swords.”

Then, like Encred, he wore swords on both waists and put one behind his back.

“Are you a member of the Three Swords Style?”

“no. “I will write them one by one.”

Ragnar shook his head in response to Encred’s question and spoke again.

“Do you know what technique I used a little while ago?”

He spoke faster than usual. That was also a strange thing.

Is there any way to know?

I think it was just cutting and cutting and that was it.

There was something impressive. No matter what was blocked, Ragnar’s sword cut through everything. A dagger or something.

While Encred was thinking, Ragna spoke again.

As expected, speaking faster than usual.

“We named it amputation.”

It’s an impersonal name.

However, contrary to the name, the power of the technology was evident.

cutting, cutting.

It was referring to an art that was achieved through one’s own skill in cutting with a sword.

“I will teach you.”

Ragnar informed. En Creed nodded his head.

Benjens, who was watching the fight, could not even hold his tongue.

‘You monster bastards.’

Those are the only words that came to mind.

Encred picked up the two axes that had fallen on the floor.

Since Rem broke his weapon while fighting a giant, he would need a new axe.

The only thing I needed to take with me was a few throwing daggers from the guy who used daggers.

It was a shame that I used up all of the whistle daggers.

‘It would be nice to make a new one.’

So, we are finishing the battle and reorganizing.

From the front.


“Auddin! “Audin!”

There was a shout.

It’s the front. Wherever Auddin headed, something seemed to have happened.

Encred’s eyes turned forward.

The sun has risen and the fog is clearing. Slowly, I began to see my surroundings.

This wasn’t some kind of magic, it was just the fog on the riverside that would clear over time.

Beyond the fog that has cleared.

There was Auddin. Standing alone.

Where he stood, it was in the middle of the enemy army.


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