Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 13

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13. Restoration

Even after fainting for two days, Encred slept for half a day more.

When I woke up, bread and soup were placed in front of me.

A long shadow appeared over the bread and soup and then disappeared.

I turned my eyes to the half-open tent entrance. It seemed like dawn.

There was no sound of people coming and going, and because there were only a few perches erected, there was much less light coming into the barracks entrance than before.

Everyone in this barracks was sleeping.

Encred reached for the bread.

‘The arms move without difficulty.’

As Encred stretched out his hand, he half-turned his body and tried to get up.


Then a pain came from my side. It was so painful that even the back of my head was tingling.

‘But this is enough.’

Rem said it wasn’t broken.

It was the same in his own judgment.

He said he fainted because his head was shaking, but fortunately, there seemed to be no problem with his head.

I wasn’t dizzy, and my eyes, nose, and ears were all fine.


I dipped the torn bread into the cold soup and popped it into my mouth.

‘Your tongue is still fine.’

I must have been quite hungry, but even this felt delicious.

My tongue responded to the subtle sweetness of the flour. The soup was a little saltier than plain water, but it was enough to fill an empty stomach.

Encred chewed each piece thoroughly and swallowed them slowly, as if the thick soup and bread were menu items from a proper restaurant.

‘If you eat quickly after passing out, your stomach will turn.’

I know this from experience.

Originally, this was something that a soldier guarding the military barracks would have to say.

The soldier I saw that evening seemed bothered by everything.

In the first place, is a soldier guarding the military barracks a necessary class?

‘There must be a back boat.’

Otherwise, wouldn’t a guy with intact limbs be here protecting an injured soldier?

After filling my stomach, I forced myself to sit down.

If you lie down immediately after eating, digestion will not be possible.

If you are injured, you need to eat well and rest well first.

Eating well also included digesting what you ate properly.


Encred sighed softly and looked blankly at the flickering light at the entrance to the tent.

His eyes were looking at the shaking perch, but his mind was full of other thoughts.

A day that was repeated, today, the day I finally got over it.

Encred replayed that ‘today’ over and over again.

I relived that moment so much that it even came out in my dreams.

As for the stab itself, it was great. In his opinion, it was the cleanest blow.

‘It wasn’t a bad idea to drag the fight that far.’

The Valencian mercenary sword was of great help.

There are also virtues that I have cultivated through countless repetitions of today.

That doesn’t mean I did everything well.

‘It was clumsy.’

It is the result of reliving that moment countless times.

Someone passed in front of the barracks.


The shadow of a soldier passing in front of a burning perch stretches long.

The hanging shadow soon became a pervert in Encred’s imagination.

‘When I stabbed him.’

What if the opponent avoids it?

The shadow avoids the stab. After dodging, swing the sword around and slash.

The blade of the sword easily decapitated the shadow that played the role of Encred.

‘Then I’m the one who dies.’

Are you fully prepared? Wow.

‘It wasn’t enough.’

If only the opponent was a little smarter, if they knew how to fight a little more.

If only I had a little more experience.

At least if you survive until the next battlefield.

‘No, it went too far.’

This is a leap.

If you think this way, there are no limits.

The shadow that was fighting with a sword was a product of my imagination and disappeared when I shook off my thoughts.

Encred paid no mind to what had already happened.

‘Rather than doing something like that, let’s think about the next step.’

Rem said that you need to know how to stab with all your heart.


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But that wouldn’t be possible for every attack.

So I shook my head.

Showing the stab once.

Before that, you continue to scratch the other person’s insides.

If the provoked opponent attempts to stab you, counterattack.

‘I risked everything with one stab.’

A sting that kills you if you fail.

Is that really right?

You shouldn’t lead a fight like that. Even Encred knows that.

What should I have done if it didn’t work out and I was faced with a new day?

‘If the stab didn’t work, should I have relied on luck?’

No, you can’t do that.

That was unacceptable.

Not luck, but skill.

Encred said that was the best way to make use of the opportunity given to him.

Just because I thought about it didn’t mean I was overcome with a sense of self-destruction.

It is simply a matter of reflecting on the facts and sharing what was lacking and what was good.

Just like you always do after a battle or sparring.

“If you risk half your life in a fight and survive, that fight will be your fortune. “Enki.”

The old swordsman was a swordsman who taught children in a quiet coastal city.

In terms of skill alone, it would be embarrassing to make a name for yourself in a small commercial city, let alone a large city.

But it wasn’t as bad as teaching.

He was a very good teacher, at least to himself.

“If you plan to eat until you die, after the battle is over, digest everything you gained in the battle, pack it up, and digest it again. “That is the way you will live.”

This may be a path that the old teacher personally experienced and walked.

He had a limp on his left foot.

Because his whole body was full of knife marks.

A lesson I learned by literally putting my body through the motions.

The instructor also received a lot of tuition.

It wasn’t a waste.

Because it was quite a valuable time.

Now was the time to reflect on what I had learned from him.

‘There must be another way.’

You can’t attack with all your heart every moment.

Then you will be the one who dies.

Rem won’t fight like that either.

However, when it came time to spar with that crazy Lem bastard, I felt that every single strike of his ax was filled with great weight and lethality.

‘How can that be?’

The joy of successfully stabbing was short-lived.

Encred was not intoxicated with a sense of accomplishment.

No, I was happy.

There was great satisfaction in overcoming the wall through one’s own efforts.

But it didn’t stop there.

Naturally, Encred drew tomorrow.

After the stabbing was successful.

Because I can see a tomorrow that I couldn’t see until I succeeded.

He was walking with his hands outstretched towards the sun of tomorrow.

‘What if you stretch with all your might but don’t put your whole heart into it?’

So I was getting closer to the answer.

There was so little I could figure out just by turning my head.

It’s okay though.

This may not be all the time given to Encred.

The faceless boatman said.

This isn’t the end.

The wall will continue to appear.

‘Did you say it was repeated?’

Then, all you have to do is risk your life and try again.

When I knew that such a moment would come again, my heart raced.

A strange heat started from my lower abdomen and heated up my whole body.

Encred pretended not to see the heat.

Now was not the time to roll over.

‘First, let’s rest.’

The throbbing side was not diagnosed by a doctor, but by self-diagnosis, I needed to rest for a few days.

‘But how on earth did I get here?’

What usually happens when a soldier gets injured?

Regardless of the severity of the condition, you may collapse while receiving treatment in your barracks.

‘If my hair is good, I will have a doctor nearby and receive treatment.’

Or, if Lady Luck poured out a bunch of coins, she might receive a priest’s prayers.

Divine healing is truly only possible with a combination of luck and luck.

Of course, it would be a different story if you were a senior commander.

Anyway, Encred wasn’t all three.

So, that means someone’s work was done here too.

‘I don’t know.’

As I slowly started to burp, it seemed like digestion was complete.

Encred lay down and slept.

I slept very soundly.

When you’re injured, it’s best to eat well and sleep well.

When I opened my eyes the next day.

I saw big, round eyes.

“Bite my face.”

When I pushed Wangnun’s face with my hand, he stepped back before I could reach him.

“It was hard to wake you up because you were sleeping so hard, but you woke up at the right time.”


You’re lucky if you don’t wake him up by kicking him because it’s a waste of time.

“So, who do you think put the squad leader here?”

Wangnun squared his shoulders and said.

I wondered whose skill it was.

Well, among the squad members, unless they are Wangnun or Saxony, there is no one with such resourcefulness.

“This has relieved me a little bit. I am indebted to you. Do not forget.”

I never asked to put it in.

Still, it was a good thing.

The medical barracks have better meals than the regular barracks and are located in the rear.

The advantage is that you don’t have to do anything.

Regardless of work or anything else, I am excluded from everything.

If it weren’t for this place, I would have had to crack down on my unit members, clutching my sore side and whining.

‘But will the squad run well without me?’

It was a useless worry.

Who is the weakest member of squad 444 worried about?

‘Ah, he is the weakest.’

Wangnun is bad at fighting.

That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have talent.

What on earth did they do? When a battle breaks out, they easily escape to the rear as they are a special class.

Talent is also good.

This time, Encred benefited from that talent.

“Can you at least hit me on the head as a thank you?”

“It was a grand greeting. “Don’t forget.”

‘What’s so important about me not forgetting?’

“I get it.”

“great. “Then I’m busy so I’ll stop.”

I was just flattered that he came to visit me in the midst of his busy schedule.

Wangnuni and Rem weren’t the only ones who came.

Saxony stopped by as he was passing by and threw a small bucket at me.

“If you apply it to your side once a day, the pain will ease. “Don’t tell me where you got this from.”

“It must be a secret, especially from our squad members, right?”

Saxony shrugged and walked away.

I twisted open a container the size of two fingers and found a dark green ointment.

‘Did you make it by crushing some herbs?’

If you made it for yourself, it is with utmost sincerity.

Of course it wasn’t like that.

It was something I had seen several times before.

It’s my first time using it.

I roughly scooped up the ointment with my fingertips, stuck my hand through my clothes, and gently spread it on my side.

Every time I moved, I felt a tingling pain.

The area where the ointment was applied became hot and the pain improved.


Thinking that he should apply it sparingly, Encred opened the container and placed it under the bed.

‘But was the medical barracks close to our barracks? ‘I don’t think it’s a place to stop by while passing by.’

Anyway, how is it? All I needed was to get an ointment with good medicinal properties.

After that, two more squad members came and went.

“I’m sorry, squad leader. “There’s nothing I can do for you.”

One squad member who really could have done something for you but was acting like he didn’t do it.

“Without a squad leader, the squad is in shambles. “Take this.”

Even a squad member threw away half of the apple he was eating.

The last guy who stopped by was obviously passing by.

This kid often gets lost.

In front of the medical barracks, ‘Our squad leader is here? why?’ Because I heard you say this.

‘That bastard didn’t even know I was hurt in the first place.’

Even if you try to raise squad members, it’s all in vain.

‘I didn’t raise it.’

They are good at fighting and defeating everyone except Encred themselves.

‘Let’s worry about our own business.’

How much of a mess would it be if the squad were to become a mess without one?

Everyone will get along well.

It is right to put aside unnecessary worries.

Rather than that.

“You bastard.”

I was more concerned about this one.

While I was resting alone, a new customer came in.

This is a guy who came into the barracks during lunchtime.

The medical barracks were large. If we were to lie down together, more than ten people could lie down.

However, there were a total of three patients in this large barracks.

Encred and his side hurt.

A platoon leader who joined today is looking at him.

And there was a blonde lying in the corner, looking aimlessly at the ceiling and twiddling her fingers.

It was the platoon leader who spoke to Encred.

“His skills are at the lowest level of a soldier, and he is a former mercenary and a squad leader. Do you take turns giving your butt to your squad members? “How did you become a squad leader?”

So this is more of a problem.

The platoon leader here was Gumyeon.

He is the platoon leader of the company next to Dal-in, who is anxious about not being able to catch himself.

The name is Benzence.

I don’t know who came up with it, but it was a clever name.

Why does Vengeance hate himself? I do not know.

He was a growling guy from the first time I met him.

“There’s a military barracks there, you little bastard.”

‘Yes, I think so too.’

It’s really convenient to sell.

It would have been perfect if it weren’t for the platoon leader Benjens next to me.

“Yes, nice to meet you. “Platoon leader.”

“nice to meet you?”

So should I say it sucks?

Encred was a saint.

He knew how to wear a mask.

“Yes, a little.”


“Because I’m not very happy.”

“This bastard.”

Vengeance was furious. However, I didn’t attack him.

It was more accurate to say that it couldn’t be done.

He said he had received a deep cut on his thigh in a previous battle.

So much so that it’s hard to even get up right away.


‘Isn’t now a good opportunity to make the perfect joke?’

Encred was a saint. He knew how to wear a mask.

I also knew how to make fun of an ugly guy.


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