Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 129

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129. Heart of Superpower

Among the soldiers at the forefront was Bell.

‘f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.’

He was out of luck. It would have been better to have been knocked down by the first blow.

A giant.

I couldn’t leave that behind.

Shouldn’t the 1st Company step in to deal with something like that?

Or maybe a frontier guard?

The turtle heavy armor unit was located on the left side of our army.

The border guards didn’t even show their noses, as if they had gone out to have a drink together.

Belle could feel sweat dripping down her back. Her hands were numb from her nervousness. Her legs felt shaky.

Even though the giant just laughed and did nothing.

No, in fact, everything that was to be shown was shown in the first hammer blow.

That blow, the devastation caused by overwhelming force, if you look at something like that and think it’s okay, your head is probably broken.


Belle felt death.

If that hammer moves, it will soon be your turn to die.

The lead broke out, and it just so happened that I found myself in the lead right away.

“I’m sick.”

The squad leader spoke right next to him.

His complexion was also formidable. Looking at the shaking pupils, it was wise not to shout to run away.

If you run away, the vanguard commanders standing behind you will become maverick warriors and swing their swords, so you won’t be able to run away.

Seeing the so scared squad leader next to him made Bell feel at ease.

Damn, just get over it.

From the moment you enter the battlefield, your life is pledged to heaven.

I wonder if the debt collection has come back now, so I decided to think so.

“It’s going to fall anyway.”

Bell said. The squad leader looked at him. Bell looked straight at the squad leader and showed a smile that gave up everything.

“I’d like to cut off at least one toe.”

It is said that the giant’s hide is so hard that it cannot be cut with any sword.

What would it be like?

What if it sticks and cuts it off?

Even if it’s a whole dragon bone, you can cut it down if you saw it close together.

I don’t know, maybe I should give it a try.

“The flower of the battlefield.”

Belle opens her mouth. It wasn’t a sad voice. That was a determination.

Since I risked my life, I will use it vigorously anyway.

It’s stupid not to even pretend to dodge when lightning strikes.

Bell learned that from a man named Encred.

A person who never knows the two words ‘give up’.

How can I not learn anything from having such a person by my side?

Bell learned, and decided to do it.

The squad leader said reflexively at Bell’s words.

“It’s infantry.”

Well then, it was time to fight.

So now it was time to die. Should I say that I am on my way to die?

Just then, the giant cub pulled up the hammer that was lying on the floor.


A lump of iron scraped up the gravel.

As the fog slowly cleared, a hammerhead with blood and some flesh attached like crushed bread was visible.

It catches the eye clearly, so clearly. That was death. It is a mortgaged bond.


The giant showed that cave-like grin again and raised the hammer. If you swung it with the bell earlier, this time lift it up and then lay it to the side. Maybe you want to kill a lot at once?

Belle was wondering if she could avoid it.

Isn’t it okay to bend down a bit?

Will the hammer that big guy swings reach the floor?

I didn’t think it would work.

The giant bent his knees. His hammer head was too big.

If you swing it at that angle, it seems impossible to dodge it without jumping.

Otherwise, you have to avoid the hammer’s striking range.

“This is too much. “You bastards.”

One of our soldiers looked towards the back and cried.

“What about the retreat signal? “The whistle blew, but you didn’t hear it?”

He was a new soldier. He’s not yet mature enough.

“f*ck you, damn you, motherf*ckers.”

Another ally kept swearing.

The giant knew how to fight. He wouldn’t have been able to create this situation if he had swung right away.

The brief lull instilled fear in our troops.


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The giant killed his friend’s heart first.


The giant’s cheers sounded like dogs. I’m with him. The guy unleashed a prepared blow.


Once again, a force that surpassed human limits tore through the air, using the hammer head as a means of flying.


Bell had no choice but to close his body to the shield and try to run while getting hit.

So, if you do well, you won’t survive?

Of course I was going to die. Still, I tried to hold on.

This is the moment when death appears in the eyes of every soldier.

Bell couldn’t even see the hammer moving properly.

Instead, it is.

Whoop, a shadow steps forward.


Before I even realized anything.


Heavy drinking hit my ears. It was such a senseless blow that I felt like my body was being pushed backwards by the shock wave.

Only then did Belle see.

“… … “What the f*ck?”

Inevitably, swear words expressing absurdity came out. Well, this is a series of situations where you can’t help but curse.

“Hey, you big idiot, you should play at the same level, right?”

The shadow blocking the front spoke. It was our team’s mound.

Standing in front of the giant, he looked infinitely small, but he held an ax in both hands and blocked the hammer. The veins on his forearm, where he was holding the axe, looked as if they were going to explode. For some reason, he ripped off Gambison’s arm and put it on like a vest.

Still, I blocked it.

My foot pushed a little to the side, leaving a mark on the gravel, but I was able to block it.

What is this? The situation didn’t enter my mind.


“… … “I lived.”

He was a new soldier. It was said while crying. A crying voice reached everyone’s ears.

As soon as Belle realized the whole situation, her heart was pounding.

He too was almost in tears.

Simultaneous with the joy of living.

The back of the person who originally brought indescribable horror to both allies and enemies seemed extremely strong.

Giants are monsters. It is a red blooded demon beast. They said that they worship the violence that leads to slaughter.

So what?

It was here too.

A madman, a monster.

A monster that lowers the morale of its allies just by stepping up and fighting.

“Did you put honey on your snout? “Why do you keep your mouth shut?”

The monster opened its mouth. Just like usual, in a truly dog-like tone.

It was like a heavenly orchestra today.

“Hey, go to Buerle!”

The giant was angry and Rem chuckled.

What are you saying, you idiot?

* * *

Rem felt good.

It was so good that it reminded me of my first battle.

It’s thanks to the sparring with the platoon leader.

Does it make sense to do this in one sparring session?

Maybe it’s because there’s a lot of stuff accumulated over time.

As much as he felt relieved, Rem wanted to fight properly.

I also wanted to show it to Encred.

Come on, Bosch.

This is what we will learn next.

Rem didn’t even blink at the ax blades that had been flying at him since he was a child.

Rem also learned, mastered, and trained the heart of the beast.

Why learn it if it only gives you boldness and composure?

It’s probably useless.

Of course, I learned it, practiced it, and trained it because it was useful.

The reason I learned it is because the heart of the beast does not just give you boldness.

From now on, it would be safe to say that about half of these were Rem’s original techniques.

Not my tribe’s, but my own.


My heart beats faster than usual, pumping blood throughout my body. Blood flow and the speed at which blood circulates around the body accelerate.

Thump thump thump!

Blood vessels dilate, muscles swell, and muscle density changes.

The body to which the shamanic technique starting from the heart has been applied truly possesses monstrous strength.

Rem decided to call this the Heart of Superpower.

Tribal people only use this as a technology to prevent aging.

In fact, this was a technique used only by Rem.

If you learn it incorrectly, your heart will burst and you will die, your blood vessels will burst and you will die, or your muscles will die and rot.

Well, it’s inevitable that it’s difficult to learn.

I told Encred to watch and learn, but the choice would be his.

Of course, if I wanted to learn, I would teach it slowly, one by one. I was planning to engrave it little by little so it wouldn’t die.

It might hurt a little, but he will learn to ignore the pain.

Block the giant’s hammer.

Rem swung the ax with great strength.


The hammer struck at a frightening speed, and Rem struck it with an axe.

Kang! Crash! pop!

The ax blade could not withstand the impact and broke. It shattered like a piece of wood exploding.

Even though I tried to get rid of it as much as possible, it was like this.

Rem swung his left arm outward, sending the broken ax blade flying to one side.

Some of the broken ax blades became embedded in the giant’s wooden armor.

‘Should I have used something better?’

You could just use a stick like a perverted religious person.

Rem wasn’t the type to choose a weapon, but an ax suited his hand best.


I threw away the remaining sack and lifted up one of the spears hanging from my toes.

Spear in left hand, ax in right hand.

Rem smiled while holding the weapon in both hands. This was followed by an extremely satisfying smile, satisfaction at having an enemy worth fighting for the first time in a long time, and a state of great mood after sparring with Encred.

“Hey, let’s have some fun.”

Afterwards, the fight between the two became fierce. Literally no one could come close.

Boom! Boom! Okay! Damn it!

Pick up the spear that fell on the floor, stab it, and hit it with the axe.

When the weapon breaks, pick it up from the floor.

It’s about to fall too.

“Hey, let’s throw it.”

Bell quickly noticed and threw away the weapon in his hand.

It was something like a spear or a hatchet.

Someone even threw a dagger aiming at the giant. It was aimed at his eyes, but he just whipped his head around and caught it with his forehead.


What kind of skin is that?

The sharp-edged dagger bounced into the air without even leaving a scratch.

So, what on earth is Rem fighting with a guy like that?

I do not know. The only thing certain is that that monster is protecting us.

Encred saw Rem’s fight.

His battle was fierce. He was bloody. More than anything.

‘Compete with a giant?’

So doesn’t that mean that his strength is superior to Frog’s?

Is that it? I told you to learn it next time. What did you tell me to take a good look at?


My heart was pounding. Because there is something new to learn.

For Encred, the desire to learn was his fundamental desire.

“You can go now. “I see you are playing around.”

Ragna spoke from next to me.

Rem looked happy fighting the giant. Yes, I can see it.

Even though I could beat him and kill him, I was looking at his liver right now.


‘Look at me?’

I had that thought for a moment, but I thought I might have gone too far.

It seemed like he just did it because he was excited.

“Now let’s get to work.”

Ragna also looked worn out. Why? Why do you want to fight so much?

A guy who usually has no motivation at all.


Anyway, as I urged him on, Encred also took his steps. I think I saw everything Rem told me to see.

Ragna was supposed to head to the right, but he kept taking steps in a strange direction.

Encred grabbed him and moved him.

“I think it’ll be okay if we just get this part sorted out.”

Cryce spoke from behind, close behind.

is it.

Encred could not see the entire battle situation. Now, the present is the only important thing.

As I moved to the right, I saw the enemy forces gathered there.

Ten people who look very relaxed.

What is this?

Is it like a trick of fate?

As he approached where he could see the face, Encred realized that the person standing in the center was someone he knew.

Why is that guy here?

The other person also recognized Encred’s face.

In fact, Encred’s face was a handsome man that was difficult to forget once you saw it.

“Are you alive?”

When the other person recognized Encred, he opened his eyes wide, blinked a few times, and asked with a smile. His smile was one that stretched all the way to his eyes.

Seeing the triangular eyes twisting did not really give a good impression.

“It did.”

When Encred answered calmly, Ragna asked with his eyes.


“During my mercenary days… … .”

Encred felt like it would get long if he tried to explain it, so he abbreviated it.

“The bastard I met.”

Well, that’s right, this is enough trash.

It’s a dog with a habit of stabbing allies, rape a woman, and killing them.

I should have killed him then.

They said he ran away after touching a nobleman, but was he here?

“Hey, is that what you say to a friend you haven’t seen in a long time?”

friend? Encred felt a rare sense of displeasure.

Are you friends with something like that?

Ragna asked again with his eyes.

“No, you son of a bitch.”

When I spoke briefly and boldly again, Ragna nodded.

“Ha, well, you used your tongue well. But did you manage to survive? “Well, where have you been giving butts?”

Even during my mercenary days, I often heard such criticism. I hear this because of my face.

Even after serving in the military, I heard it often.

It’s been a long time since I heard this. Lately, no one has made fun of me like that.

Who would say something like that when you have proven your skills?

Therefore, Encred ignored the opponent’s provocation without much thought.

Ragna thought so too. He’s going to die anyway, so what?

“Then the captain cuts it.”

Ragna spoke and stepped aside.

The remaining nine seemed to be my opponents.

“There are only three of us, ten of us?”

“I don’t fight. All you have to do is aim for these two.”

Kreis said from behind.

Encred took a look around.

What did this heat do?

Just looking at it, our troops don’t seem ready to attack us.

I saw corpses scattered around.

Bodies with holes in them.

It was the remains of a weapon the bastard often used.

Encred glanced over and checked the rest of the bodies.

There were marks, cuts, and stab wounds from swords, spears, and daggers.

But something about the wound is strangely dirty.

The same goes for areas with holes. It’s like torture.

“They are drunk on flesh and blood. These are things that seek to improve one’s skills through murder. it’s okay. “Didn’t I tell you before that if you don’t walk properly, your limits are clear?”

Ragna spoke from the side.

It was like that. That’s what happens if you get caught up in the Valenc mercenary sword, you’ll reach your limit.

So, build new basics.

So I did that. We built anew and moved on again.

It was a road with milestones.

Encred drew his sword.

Cheer ring.

“That’s me.”

As Ragnar said, it was okay to say there was a grudge, and it was okay to say it was a scene from a revenge drama.

Encred is with a colleague whose heart was ripped out by a harpy.

At that time, it was decided to honor those who died.

By cutting that perverted scum’s head off.


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