Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 128

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128. Good luck. Because this is what we will learn next.

Those at the forefront of Naurilia were all salaried soldiers.

It was said that they were people who only focused on training after receiving Crona.

They acted as they had been trained and disciplined.

The vanguard, armed with shortbows, a scouting party in an emergency, and a fast-moving light armored archers in battle all protested.

Toad doo doo!


An arrow splitting the air hit a gigantic shadow that could hardly be considered human.


Some of the soldiers were happy that they had hit their target.

Some of them tilted their heads again, wondering why the crackling sound was coming from.

And some of them.

‘Why doesn’t it stop?’

I was surprised that the shadow’s charging speed did not decrease.


The fog opens. Beyond the fog pushed away by the gigantic figure.

The presence of a large figure was revealed. A bear would have done that instead.

As the fog dispersed, those standing behind them could also see the other person.

Of course, Encred could see it too.

Even though it is located in the middle of the unit, it is clearly visible. It had to be that way.

The bulky, inhuman body messed up the perspective.

My first impression was of a huge hedgehog.

The bigger the body, the bigger the target.

The skill of our archers was excellent.

Dozens of arrows were stuck in his body.

I can’t count them all, but there were at least twenty shots.

A huge hedgehog that looks like it has dozens of arrows sprouting out of it.

That was my first impression.


Afterwards, the guy who appeared from beyond the fog swung something in his hand like a bell. It is a full swing from back to front.


I heard something like a burst of wind. The fog pushed back further than before.

Afterwards, from the back to the front, the object in his hand fell to the floor along both of his arms.


A burst of drinking broke out. A sound as if some kind of magician’s explosion spell had exploded.

It was as if a stone had been thrown from a catapult, so the devastation was natural.



An ensemble of screams breaks out.

The soldier within the hammer’s range was crushed like a tomato.

One of the soldiers on the right had his leg crushed.

That was something I avoided by quickly avoiding it.

The soldier on the left felt the wind pressure of the hammer and reflexively raised his shield.

simplicity and honesty. Kkwajik.

The soldier heard the sound of half of his body being torn apart. The oil-soaked wooden buckler could not even resist the violence he wielded.

The shield broke like a rotten tree branch and the soldier died with his right half of his body torn apart.

No, it exploded and died.

My body was thrown sideways by the spell-like power of the hammer.

Pink internal organs came out of the ejected body and sprayed into the air.

Blood, internal organs, bones, flesh, and someone’s limbs flew through the air.

Parts of the body that were originally attached to someone’s torso and worked hard for that person.

There is no need to be curious about who it all belongs to. If you were hit by something like that from the front, you would already be dead.

However, I just hope that Venjens will not be at the forefront today.


After the blow, the guy stops and lets out a long breath. The sound of exhaling breath was clearly audible to my ears.

It would have to be said to have an overwhelming presence.

The thing in my hand was a giant hammer.

It was a being with a height much larger than that of a human, hard skin, and thick muscles.

They were a race as dangerous as the Procs, the Giants.

It has strength three to four times greater than that of a human and hard skin that cannot be cut by a decent knife.

They were often called red-blooded beasts.

The guy looked at the scene created by his hammer and sang something similar to a hum.


Its voice sounded like a cry from a deep cave. It was low, thick, and spread widely.

As the cave-like hum spread, the atmosphere among the allies cooled.

They’re giants.

Where has something like that been hiding until now?

“S-damn, avoid it!”


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At least a friendly soldier who was one step behind shouted.


The giant muttered excitedly.

A curse came from deep in the cave.


Wouldn’t there be fear just because these people specialize in the battlefield because they receive a salary? Is there no fear?

No way.

Cracks began to appear from the front.

Fear descended, and some of the soldiers tried to retreat.

Because it was impossible to watch that happen, our commander shouted.

“Don’t back down!”


Several vanguard commanders drew their swords. It meant that even if you step back, you will be killed.


What should I do?

The soldier in the vanguard wanted to cry.

It was like a dog.

Dealing with something like that?

When I looked at the giant’s whole body, I saw that the armor was made of wood. Full body armor made of thin wood, arrows sticking out of it.

There was a gap in the armor near the joint area.

It was as if the arrow had not even grazed there.


It’s like a giant hedgehog laughing.

The group of soldiers screaming and panicking could neither retreat nor approach.

The giant took his time.

In his opinion, these were all bugs.

Unless it’s the knights that humans boast about.

To him, everything is a bug. Things that are easy to catch and kill.

Crush, explode and kill.

The giant was happy about this situation.

* * *

What a giant.

Encred was also just taken aback.

Where did something like that come from?

He thought about the giants he knew, and naturally the characteristics of each race he had heard about came to mind.

Frog lives driven by dreams and desires.

Fairies respect nature.

The dwarf is crazy about metal.

Beast humans prioritize reproduction.

It is said that Yongin are those who walk alone.

And the giant.

‘Those who are intoxicated with slaughter.’

People who love and live intoxicated with the violence that kills and kills and realizes through their bodies.

Nevertheless, they were unable to secure the continent’s copyright.

Why is that so?

In addition to their intelligence being lower than that of humans, their instincts were too dangerous to join the military.

They are drunk on blood and slaughter.

It wasn’t called the red blooded beast for nothing.

They are crazy about fighting and killing people.

A political entity is needed to hold the copyright, and a giant could not become that.

And among those races there were humans.

‘Because humans can become anything.’

It surpassed frogs, fairies, dwarves, beastmen, dragons, and giants and became the center of the world.

The giant quietly admires his surroundings.

The soldiers in the lead were not only tired, but their bodies were stiff.


Encred heard a strange sound.

It was the sound of flesh being cut with a well-honed blade.

It might have been intuition, sixth sense, or instinct.

My head turned.

Saxony, who was standing next to Encred, was already casting his gaze in that direction.


“It’s the enemy!”

It’s not a large number. Encred narrowed his eyes.

It was the right side.

These are things that narrow the distance when visibility is obscured by fog.

It appeared to be a unit of about ten people, all of whom seemed very talented.

Are you going to hit here with just that number? It means that you are confident in your skills.

“If you draw attention to the giant and hit the right side, something will come out on the left side as well. Damn, I think I got this right.”

Kreis said, turning his head left and right. I wonder if I can see anything.

If I can’t see anything, it’s just fog in Kreis’s eyes.

Surprisingly, he was not scared when he saw the giant.

Instead, he rolled his eyes like crazy and said.

“We have to stop it here.”

In fact, several situations and assumptions came to Kreis’ mind.

I could also see what the enemy’s goal was.

I also thought that the battlefield was advantageous to the opponent. What the friendly commander was aiming for was also roughly predicted.

Because using fog is not necessarily an enemy.

If the enemy was targeting rear positions through the river, why couldn’t our troops do the same?

That’s probably why the border guards are not visible on the battlefield right now.

The opponent hid, and the ally was relaxed.

This one had a lot of options.

That’s why the commander must have chosen it.

‘The main force is held by the number of soldiers.’

There must have been a difference in numbers because they won the previous battle.

If this side has a similar level of training and higher morale, who will have the advantage?

No matter how wild the independent company called Gray Dogs and Tenacious Lovers was, there were limits.

How many independent companies can there be? Two to three hundred at most.

I also know a lot of information there.

For example, one of the platoon commanders under my command fought with some of the Gray Dog troops in the cross guard and killed them.

So how many unit members are left?

Even if the unit was composed of four hundred men, there would at best be two hundred left by now.

The battalion commander knows that too.

So what did the enemy choose?

‘Mole room on the front.’

I ran out with everything I had.

Either win like this, or suffer damage close to annihilation.

The means prepared for that purpose.

It’s probably not just giants.

Kreis’s mind calculated all of this at once and came to a conclusion.

However, it did not explain everything. In order to survive at this moment, I just make the best choice to breathe inside the platoon leader’s tent.

“It’s not all about giants. “If we can’t stop the leader here, it’s over.”

Throw in the simple facts. Now, it wasn’t up to me to face this and solve it.

The border guards were away.

Our army’s main force was laid out on the premise that it would hold out.

Well, this is a situation where if you do something wrong, you will be completely wiped out.

So, what numbers are left for us?

There wasn’t any. Kreis saw my platoon leader fighting Prock.

I saw a platoon member who got along well with that kind of platoon leader.


Cryce called Encred and explained.

Encred nodded.

Even after hearing Kreis’ words, he couldn’t understand the whole situation.

Yesterday I was busy sparring and tried to sleep well, but my dreams felt like shit.

However, it seemed like light was seeping from Kreis’ eyes right now.

Just like yesterday’s Ragnar.

Like Rem is excited about something.

Like a kinder Saxony.

Like Audin, who felt at ease.

“okay. I get it.”

So I answered.

Encred cast his gaze left and right.

On the right, it looked like a squad-level force.

I don’t think it’s one or two, but at least five?

What is on the left?

“The one on the left seems to be of the same race.”

I wonder when it came this close, it was the fairy company commander.

But shouldn’t the commander stay behind a little longer?

“I will block the left side.”

No, why are you saying that here?

The fairy company commander glanced at Encred.

Their eyes met.

“why? Do you even need a kiss of blessing?”

“No, there is no need.”

Why am I thinking of Esther at this moment?

The young leopard is hiding well in the back, right?

Encred shook his head.

The fairy company commander joked and was the same as usual. He didn’t laugh. He just stared silently and moved to his left.

Some of the troops followed behind her.

Even if it is not an independent company created for Encred.

The fairy company commander selected a few quick-footed and dexterous people from his company and took them with him.

The concept was like a company commander’s escort unit.

In a way, he was like an elite soldier of the 4th company.

And so the company commander moves.

“It’s good. good.”

Rem nodded.

Rem felt good. He was really, really nice.

reason? If I had to point it out, I would have to say it was because of yesterday’s sparring.

So, I was very annoyed about something during that time.

There’s no fighting or anything like that.

Just a stupid duel or something.

I don’t even want to come out, but Encred isn’t there.

Encred came back with an injured wrist?

The accumulated irritation tickled my heart.

Just before everything exploded, the platoon leader came back.

My body quickly became fine again.

So I talked to him with a sword and an axe.

What should I say about that moment?

Just saying.

‘It was so f*cking fun.’

For a moment, my frustration disappeared.

Strangely, everything that bothered me disappeared.

A light heart.

When did you last feel this way?

At least, I think it’s my first time coming to this continent.

Although not on this continent, it was a feeling I had felt elsewhere.

Rem recalled a time similar to this moment.

It was when I went to my first battlefield.

At that time, it was really fun. It was really fun. I was so excited that I stuck out my tongue and started jumping around.

After clearing her mind, Rem smiled. He said with a smile.

“Good morning. “Because this is what we will learn next.”

He said and started walking away.

It is directed at the giant, who is laughing excitedly as he admires the group of soldiers casting nervous and fearful glances through their helmets.

Rem, who was walking in a straight line, pushed a friendly soldier.

It is a path that opens by being forcelessly pushed out.

“Come out, bastards.”

Rem seemed to be the same as usual.

It certainly seemed like a good feeling. It’s a very rare feeling of being very excited.

Encred just watched.

I told you to look carefully, but you have to look carefully.

“I’m over there.”

Ragna also seemed very motivated today, for some reason. It means that they are heading towards the disturbance on the right.

It looks completely different from usual.

He was similar to Rem.

Sword’s conversation with Encred.

The accumulated desires were released. I felt at ease. Rather than being lazy, he wanted to pick up a sword and swing it.

“You can’t go alone.”

When Encred left his worries behind, Ragna thought for a moment and said.

“Then let’s go after that is over. “I don’t think it will be that long.”

Whether our troops are cut off by the enemy force pushing in from the right or not.

Ragna didn’t seem particularly interested.

Encred thought he would have to deal with the enemy coming from the right.

At first glance, it is a separate unit that utilizes mobility.

I was wondering if it would be better to just drag him in and deal with him.

Our commander moved first.

“Step back! Instead of fighting in front like idiots and falling back, unite! Have your back with your allies!”

It’s a familiar voice, Venjence.

You’re doing great.

If we were to pull those coming in on the right inward and deal with them, we would have some time.

You’ll need time to draw him in a little deeper so he can’t escape at all.

“Then, I’ll go soon too.”

Audin said and started walking towards one side.

Saxony was not visible from the start.

It was after the indescribable irritation of all members of the platoon had been resolved.

Everyone walked with ease.

Encred and sparring made them that way.

For a moment, while waiting for the enemy to come in on the right, Encred kept an eye on Rem.

Regardless of whether Rem was approaching or not, I could see the giant pulling up his hammer to swing again.

Overwhelming violence.

A blow that clearly shows the power of a giant.

I felt dizzy.

If it were you, how would you accept that?

And Rem easily exceeded Encred’s expectations.

Indeed, Rem was Rem.


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