Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 127

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127. Today’s victory does not guarantee tomorrow’s victory (3)


It was dark in the middle of the night. Ester raised her head at Encred’s groan.

‘Stupid human being.’

Why are you rolling your body like this?

Esther had learned something before. If you use all your strength to relieve fatigue, your body will get tired first.

What is the reason for that?

It was because Encred was too absorbed in the grimoire he had picked up.

‘It’s useful, though.’

There was a lot to distinguish and distinguish.

As I was struggling alone, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t even see my own world of spells right now, and I felt miserable.

‘Why am I like this?’


The only time I felt miserable was for a brief moment. Before I could lament my situation, the man holding me in his arms moaned again.

A crazy person who starts his day with training at any moment.

I don’t know what he was carrying, but something this man was carrying was slowly breaking down the curse on his body.

‘Let’s just do what we have to do.’

When a man’s body is in good condition, the rate of collapse accelerates, so Esther tried to relieve his fatigue as usual.

Instead of being unable to open the world of spells, she uses her own body as a medium to extract fatigue from the man’s body and distract it.

Meanwhile, some of the man’s dreams or thoughts were sometimes projected into her image.

Previously, only swords appeared randomly.

I could see something like a deep, black well.

Today I got a glimpse of part of my dream.

The dream was like a fragment of the man’s past.

Through a chaotic dream, someone’s face began to be drawn.

I don’t know why, but I could only see his face clearly because it left a deep impression on the man holding me.

Esther frowned when she saw that.

‘It’s so ugly.’

In fact, rather than being ugly, I would say that he was infinitely mean.

That was the atmosphere. To be exact, that’s how Encred looks at that man.

Esther watched the man’s dream. In a dream it was a long time, but in reality it was only a moment.

‘Stop wandering around.’

Just go about your business as usual.

Esther scolded the man. Isn’t it difficult for him to shake off the fatigue when he dreams like that?

With that one word, the dream ended and the moan that came from the man’s mouth was cut off.

Soon, only the sound of the man’s breathing in deep sleep could be heard in Esther’s ears.

* * *

As soon as Encred opened his eyes, he knew this was a dream.


However, it is surprising that I had the same dream again.

If The Boatman of the Black River had come out, I would have done that.

A moment in the past, how many times have I already had this dream?

At one point, I thought this was a nightmare, but after thinking about it and ruminating on it so much, it has now become just such a moment.

“You, um, I’ll just let you live.”

A spiky life.

A mercenary with triangular eyes.

Lying next to him was a co-worker who started working with him.

Even though it had only been three days since we had known each other, we were in a situation where we had each other’s backs and had to fight. No, it was a situation.

The job started with a request to subdue demonic beasts.

“There are one or two harpies that are causing trouble. It would be nice if you could catch them.”

Since it was a village on the outskirts of the kingdom, it was said that all the residents emptied their pockets to collect krona.

The village chief’s son came to the nearest city and hired five mercenaries.

Among them was Encred.

And among them was this bastard.


A cry resembling a crow.

Bouncing breasts, harpy claws slashing down.

A colleague I had known for quite some time lost his life to a harpy’s blow.

“Just be cautious and step forward. If you do that, you won’t be able to get expelled.”

He was a mercenary with a sharp tongue but a useful mind.

I wasn’t a friend who would die like this.

It was thanks to the triangle-eyed bastard stabbing me from behind.

Passing both forwards and backwards at the same time with the Harpy’s blow.

I was hit by a magic trick between a monster and a human.

Afterwards, the triangular-eyed mercenary pulled out his sword and swung it.


A thin blade sweeps around while emitting a strange sound. It bends and stretches. It was so fast that I couldn’t even see it properly.



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The sound of his sword cutting through the air was very unique.

And it flew through the air, blowing a hole in the head of the black comrade.

The feat performed by the swinging, bending blade in the heart, thighs, and forearms killed a comrade.

What he said after killing everyone was that he would let you live.

A bitter laugh, a scattered life.

Those eyes that are not worth dealing with.

Encred wasn’t angry, and he didn’t yell.

He silently raised his sword.

“what? “You want to fight with me?”

No words were needed.

I couldn’t even split the sword a few times and got a hole in my shoulder.

“They said they would save you.”

That was it.

And gone. The reason Encred survived after that was more than half due to luck.

“I heard they’re all dead, how?”

A village that we arrived at after barely surviving in a land where demonic beasts and monsters reside.

From there, I recovered and arrived at the city again through a risky journey.

The guy was already gone.

I couldn’t even complain to the guild I belonged to.

Before we knew it, he had become the backbone of the guild.

There was a rumor that that guy ended up becoming a wanderer a few years later.

Did you say that you touched a nobleman’s daughter by mistake?

At that time, the reason for killing Encred’s colleague was also similar.

“f*ck, what the hell are you talking about?”

This happened because another mercenary, who found out about his old habits, reprimanded him.

Why did you save your life? I don’t know because I didn’t ask.

There was a hint of self-satisfaction. A mercenary who is no match for anyone, and since he doesn’t kill just anyone, he feels self-satisfied that the dead have a good reason.

“Poor bastard.”

The words he left behind as he left.

Encred thought the world was unfair.

Also, I thought that skill and personality are separate things.

‘He was such a dog.’

A dream is just a dream.

What if Encred was just that kind of person?

He would have had to make the other person the target of revenge.

But he didn’t. If I get the chance, I will raise my sword and ask for the sins of that time.

I didn’t burn my life for that one thing.

He did not give his life for his comrade who lost his heart to a harpy.

I just leave behind all the resentment and memories and burn my life towards my dream.

That was Encred’s life.

Firm and upright.

‘You’re not worth killing.’

Even if the other person looks at you like that, you only move on when you are hurt.

Even if dark, humid, scary, and painful memories try to erode you.

Just endure it silently and shake it off.

‘It’s meaningless.’

Does having despair and pain weighing down on your shoulders help you when swinging a sword?

Could it be a good guidepost on the way to living the life you want?

It wasn’t.

So I didn’t do it. She swung his sword in her hour of despair. He swung his sword while thinking about the death of his comrade. When it was time to vow revenge, he swung his sword.

“Shall I kill you this time?”

The dream was twisted. For some reason, the boatman seems to be blurry behind him.

It is a time when the memories of that time roll in like waves and become a chaotic sea, staining all directions.


The drowsy howl of an animal was heard from somewhere.

That was the end. The dream became blurred and broken.

‘Stop wandering around.’

I heard someone’s voice. Clean and clear. Yet it’s hot.

I had that feeling.


Encrud thought of a blue-eyed leopard for no reason.

The end of a broken and fragmented dream.


Encred opened his eyes at the sound of the horn.

This time it was real. I saw a familiar tent ceiling.

The leopard in my arms was sleeping soundly, as if dead. A faint warmth warmed my chest.

When I turned my head outside the tent, the morning sun had not yet risen.

A bright blue light quietly seeped in.

Encred wasn’t the only one who reacted to the sound of the horn.

“Good morning reason.”

It’s Rem. Rem got up and started gathering his weapons.

“Hmm, Sibeol, it’s still cold.”

Savages especially hated the cold. Even though there was no wind that could be called a dead wind like before, I let out a groan.

Yet his hands did not rest.

I put the Gambison, which wasn’t as thick as usual, and the two axes in my belt, and stood up.

Auddin also stood up and took his two clubs.

“I hope you have a day full of blessings. Good morning. “Brother.”

No one answered, but no one said anything.

When I woke up, Saxony had already prepared his weapons.

Ragna is already moving so much that it is difficult to call him lazy today.

That doesn’t mean Ragna suddenly got up and started moving, but he quietly packed his weapons.

Encred wasn’t watching them either.

There are three remaining whistle daggers.

Wearing a thin shirt as underwear, and leather armor with a torn area near the right shoulder.

The leather armor was thin and soft, making it comfortable to wear. It was perfect to put on the Gambison, boots and gauntlets.

A guard sword on his waist.

A knife in his left leg.

Although there was a tear mark on the right gauntlet from the previous fight against the proc.

Now that I think about it, both the leather armor and gauntlets should have been half broken.

‘Will sewing solve the problem?’

I don’t think it will work.

Anyway, it wasn’t something to be resolved now.

Andrew, Mac, and Enri were also in the crazy platoon, so they were called the youngest and a burden, but even though they were seasoned soldiers, they didn’t lack anything.

In addition, Andrew showed that his skills were formidable by posting a previous record of killing an enemy soldier.

The excitement at that time has now gone, but the confidence remains.

They also took up arms.

“What is it?”

Andrew asked.

“What do you think?”

Rem looked at Andrew with pitiful eyes.

“I think the guys who were hiding have come out.”

Mac spoke with the situation in mind. What could be the reason for blowing the horn early in the morning, especially when there was no visibility due to the fog?

Kreis also thought the same thing as he rubbed his eyes.

If you come in from the damn morning, your skin won’t get better.

The random thoughts were gone for a moment, and then my head started to spin.

The friendly forces used more soldiers for reconnaissance than usual. The same goes for guard duty.

They didn’t even share a drink in the joy of victory.

They didn’t even provide any more food.

The battle is not over yet. The commanders of each unit would have set the tone for their respective units.

Let a fight you win be a fight you win.

It was preparation for the next time.

There was a saying like this on the battlefield:

Today’s victory does not guarantee tomorrow’s victory.

‘He’s a good commander after all.’

Kreis thought highly of Marcus. I didn’t understand all of his choices, but I thought they were reasonable to some extent.

“set! “All troops assemble!”

A messenger’s voice rang outside.

Kreis thought it strange that the enemy was hiding in the midst of all this. Why are you holding on to your camp?

If you want to escape, you will have to make a final stand, ask for support, or do anything.

Just hide?


The answers to simple questions may not always be simple.

Sometimes, it could come out clearly and plainly.

‘It’s because I think my guys have the advantage in the current situation. ‘Or think there’s a chance to turn it around.’

In other words, there are more hidden numbers.

Even a battalion commander would not know that.

Now it’s a question of whose prediction is more accurate.

Is the knife prepared by Azpen sharper?

Is the ally commander’s shield stronger?

Well, this is something that Kreis can’t do anything about.

“Are you going to stay alone or get armed?”

Encred tapped Chrys’ head as he was lost in thought for a moment.

“Ah yes.”

Anyway, I have to stick close to this side today.

Encred could see Cryce’s true intentions.

It seemed like he wasn’t planning on leaving his side for a while. Otherwise, I wouldn’t wear Gambison like that.

They say there is no one in this world who wants to die, but I thought it was amazing to see Kreis cherish his life.

Someone who will somehow survive.

It seemed that way.

When I went out of the barracks, everything was busy. Troops move and gather in their own way at the sound of horns and the words of messengers.

“Hehe, it stinks. “It smells.”

Somehow Rem seemed to be in a good mood.

“The fog is annoying, but, um, it’s okay.”

Ragnar was not lazy.

“If you establish your senses, fog cannot be an obstacle.”

Saxony was kind today.

“The Lord says there are plenty of empty seats in heaven today.”

Auddin’s prayer sounded more fierce than any time recently.

Are you going to fill the empty space in heaven? It sounded like he was determined to kill them.

Andrew, Mac, and even Enri.

The body is light.

When sparring yesterday, Encred felt an endless surge of power.

It felt like I was using today’s strength for tomorrow.


Even though I had a rough ride yesterday, I was in good shape today as well. No, I think it’s better than yesterday.

‘No pain in my wrist.’

Even the cuts and puncture wounds have already grown new skin.

It was an ensemble created by divine and fairy medicine.

“All troops sortie! Move! from now on! from now on!”

Ahead, the messenger raised his voice.

Our troops began to move through the fog.

The fog on the riverside was thicker than any other day.

It didn’t seem like witchcraft. It was purely based on intuition, but unless the enemy was a nerd, he wouldn’t use the same method twice.

I thought our troops would have prepared for that as well.

“It’s good. good.”

Rem cub kept wiping his mouth.


“I think there will be something fun today.”

Sometimes I wonder what’s in Rem’s head.

If it was a problem, Encred also had that feeling.

I had the feeling that a new enemy was approaching beyond the fog.

So, my heart started pounding due to the excitement of battle.

When everyone around them, even the commander at the front, was tense, they finished forming the line.

“f*ck you!”

The voice of the ally in the lead burst out.

“Shoot! “Shoot quickly!”

Beyond the hazy fog, Encred was able to see a strange sight.

It was a blurry gray shadow.

It had a bear-like build, and its head was high up.

It’s a bigger lump than Audin.

A monster shadow with something similar to a head standing one and a half times higher than Encred himself was running through the rain of arrows.


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