Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 125

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125. Today’s victory does not guarantee tomorrow’s victory (1)

“Shoot! “Kill me!”

The commander who led Azpen’s light armor unit shouted.

Three members of the unit running ahead aimed and fired loaded crossbows.


It was said that avoiding three crossbows and bolts flying from such a distance was one of the greatest feats.

Even though it’s something you can’t even attempt unless you’re a master.

Thump, thud.

Rem avoided the crossbow by simply rolling forward when the bolt flew.


As soon as Rem rolled over, a bolt hit the spot. It looked dangerous, but since it was Rem doing it, it didn’t look dangerous.

Even while rolling, Rem’s running speed barely decreased. He rolled at his running speed, got up using his ax as support, and ran.

How do you handle your body to do something like that?

Even Encred seen from behind was impressed.

“Just watch.”

If Ragna hadn’t stopped him next to him, Encred would have wanted to help out too.

There was no such opportunity.

I started with RAM and finished everything on my own.

Before the three soldiers who had fired the crossbow could reload their bolts, Rem seemed to have reached out to them.

The enemy soldier reflexively drew his short sword.

They were armed differently from spearmen.

Even if three spearmen gathered together and formed a formation with spears, would Rem nod?

Probably not.

But three short swords?

There was no way to compete with him. The picture came out exactly as Encred expected.

Shoo! chin! Jump!

As the ax cut through the wind, the head of an enemy soldier flew off, and the ax drew a trajectory like a beam of light around Rem, who was moving like a storm.

Everyone caught in that path died.

The ax was struck so quickly and forcefully that when the ax that split the head came out, blood and brain matter flowed all over the floor.

An enemy soldier with a split head stabbed his shortsword in the air.

Even before the body’s reaction was over, the dead enemy soldier fell forward.

Blood flowed on the floor.

Rem started rampaging towards the fallen guys.

Saxony, who was suddenly out of sight, caught up with the enemy commander.

Saxony slashed his dagger at the commander, whose mouth was wide open in surprise at the sight of Rem.


The enemy commander’s head was cut and blood was sprayed out.

This is exactly the blood that is sprayed from the carotid artery being cut.

Saxony moved again. Quietly and quietly, priorities were clear.

Starting with the crossbowmen targeting Encred.

He did what he thought. They grabbed him from behind and cut his throat with a dagger or stabbed his lungs.


The head of the soldier holding the crossbow turned back. There was a brown pupil with an indifferent red tint.

Killing people is just simple labor.

It was the height of insensitivity. The enemy soldier ended his life looking into those terrible eyes.

Audin only hit the enemies that rushed at him.

Literally just swinging the palm left and right to strike it away was enough.

Okay! Jump!

This is an enemy soldier that flies left and right with a single slap. Yellow teeth protruded from the mouth of the guy who was charging with the short sword and fluttered in the air.

This was no match for me.

What can I do when my body is blown away by a single blow to the cheek?

Mac also moved. He is also a soldier who does his part. Enri stood in the center, with his back to Andrew, and repeatedly pulled and fired his short bow.

There was nothing to say about Ragna.

One step forward.

Go forward and walk. For those caught by the swing of the sword, only death awaits.

One of the scouts attacked with two shortswords in each hand, but even that ended with two swings of the sword.


After blocking the first sword strike, the sword bounced away and flew through the air like a swallow, hitting the enemy soldier’s neck and passing by.

This is an enemy soldier who has a second mouth on his neck.

Ragna swung his sword a few times, then shook his head and shook the sword into the air.

It seemed like he didn’t quite like the sword I was holding.

If you look at him like that and not get a proper sword, he was definitely not a normal person.

Encred had nothing to do.

Not only was there no way for him to step forward, but the fight was over in an instant.

Mac and Andrew, while Enry kills them both.

The rest were massacred.

“Let’s fall.”

Instead of admiring, Encred opened his mouth. What would you do if you intervened while the two armies were rushing at each other?


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First, I had to take a detour to the side, step back, and look at the situation.

As they fell to the side, an encounter occurred between the enemy infantry, whose shields were decorated with arrows, and our own infantry.

Just as lovers who have been separated for a long time meet and make love and exchange affection, so did Yanggun.

Instead of love, tongue, and affection.

Picking out each other’s eyeballs with each other’s spears.

Boo boo boo!

The spear blades cut into each other’s bodies. The allies died and the enemies also died.

The direction of the fight was in good spirits.

It was the first large-scale battle.

As a result of the border guard’s surprise attack and the excited Rem running a little wild, it was a great victory.

Where did victory begin?

Of course it was a platoon of crazy people.

From the platoon leader who turned his mouth to Andrew who actually swung a sword.

“Oooooh! go away!”

“I won!”


No, but there’s no need to say I’m crazy out loud like that.

The eyes of the infantry, that is, our soldiers, were focused on one side.

These people had blood all over their bodies.

It was an independent platoon including Rem. All of them had some traces of battle, but Encrid in the center was unharmed.

I couldn’t even breathe.

In fact, the sword was not swung once.

I couldn’t even throw a dagger.

First, recover your body.

The intentions of everyone in the platoon were clear.

“It’s a platoon of madmen!”

“Encred! Enki! Handsome!”

“good night! good night! good night!”

The cheers of those who were intoxicated with victory poured out to Encred and others.

As was evident from who was active, this independent platoon was Encred’s platoon.

There are people who call his name.

Should I do something? I wondered if I should at least raise my hand.

You didn’t swing your sword even once? Except for the first battle, they fell behind, and the actual battle was done by the infantry, the flower of the battlefield.

But why do I welcome it so much?

“It’s an independent platoon, and it’s a platoon of less than ten people, but if you can make this much of an impression, you’ve done your job. what.”

Chrys, no matter where he was hiding, sneaked up to join us and said.

“That is so. But why doesn’t it seem like no one is looking for me?”

It must be because of karma.

Encred just thought and did not answer. He doesn’t need to ruin his mood now. Instead, he hit Rem on the shoulder.

“Good work.”

Rem chuckled. Ragna retrieved his toothless sword.

“I need to get a sword.”

He said and expressed his impressions. The attitude is that it is none of my business whether people around me cheer or not.

I was about to bite the infantry, who were intoxicated by the brief cheers, the joy of victory, and something like that.

Our commander did not go out of his way to pursue the enemy.

From now on, morale will be superior this way.

The position has completely changed. Starting tomorrow, which side will be more uncomfortable on the battlefield?

Kreis watched the situation unfold and tried to think of variables.

‘What do you want?’

In order to survive and pick up something, I had to make various calculations. Kreis did just that.

It’s not that difficult.

enemy’s intentions.

‘I played around with magic on the previous battlefield.’

Wouldn’t they pull a similar prank?

“Let’s rest.”

These were the words of Encred, who returned to the barracks. It’s literally a moment to rest.

“Everyone is on guard duty and everything else.”

One of the messengers came and spoke. I also thought that the fairy company commander might not come to visit.

That didn’t happen.

Will today’s victory be tomorrow’s victory?

No one knows that. Because occupying an advantageous position does not mean you win.

So, right now, they are probably having a hard strategy meeting to continue their victory.

Encred’s prediction was accurate.

Marcus wasn’t intoxicated with victory.

* * *

“Looking at them just walking away, I think there’s something going on with these bastards. Did you say they used some kind of magic trick before? “What does that feel like?”

“doesn’t exist.”

They stand in a circle around a wide table.

The adjutant was just responding to Marcus’ words.

incantation? What happened once cannot be suffered twice. A shaman was also hired here.

She was an old woman from her home country, and even though she didn’t have the talent to actually perform magic, she could sense when the other person was doing something.

That alone was enough.

For Marcus, the world of magic was none of his business.

All this had to do was be true.

“If you bring an asymmetrical force from Azpen, some of the Red Cloak Knights will immediately support you.”

If the opponent mobilizes a knight or wizard.

We are ready too.

Marcus nodded.

He was the type of commander who felt the atmosphere of the battlefield with his skin.

Although I use my head, I tend to enjoy the atmosphere anyway.

‘I didn’t want to go in.’

The enemy retreated as if to chase him.

As I tried to follow behind him, something bothered me. It seemed as if a banshee had breathed on him from behind.

This is a version of a monster that freezes human hearts by crying.

Isn’t that a bad feeling?

Marcus ended the battle there.

“What about the damage to the border guards?”

“They are both dead.”

No matter how special a soldier was at flying and crawling, it was natural for him to die if he was cut by a sword or pierced by an arrow.

Nevertheless, the fact that only two of them died could be seen as a good save.

The number of enemy soldiers killed by the border guards was in the dozens.

In particular, the blow to the longbow unit was devastating damage.

Originally, it was a battlefield won. Now there were two things the opponent could do.

One retreats.

The other is asymmetric power input.

Therefore, all Marcus had to do now was to continuously patrol the scouts and check for signs of the enemy.

There was no battle the next day, and Marcus used twice as many scouts as usual.

Nothing was saved.

Turtle might be the nickname of the Naurilia heavy armored unit, but the opponent held on like a turtle hiding in its shell.

The inside was never shown, and it was rare for scouts to encounter each other.

It seemed like they had made up their mind to retreat and hold out only within the camp.

Is it telling me to come in?

The cold feeling still remained, so I couldn’t come up with words.

“If we hit it now, it’s a complete win. If you say you have prepared something in the camp, wouldn’t it be enough to start by shooting arrows and stopping it?”

“You don’t even need arrows. “All you have to do is surround the outside, set fire to a few tents, and attack them with spearmen.”

“How about moving the border garrison to block the enemy’s rear retreat route?”

Although the adjutants each expressed their opinions.

‘I feel uncomfortable.’

“I’m waiting.”

Marcus decided to maintain the status quo. It was a judgment based on intuition. Gam, who has saved himself in countless battlefields so far, said this.

The enemy still has something.

* * *

Azpen’s commander clearly saw the enemy’s strength.

Naurilia’s method was still the same.

‘Stirring into the border garrison.’

The strategy of this guy named Marcus was also obvious. Concentrate your power and turn the battlefield over with one blow.

It worked. Because I was attacked in an unexpected place and the atmosphere changed.

so? What does that mean?

I saw everything the enemy had prepared.

So, what are you going to do to stop me from sending it now?

Assholes hiding under the hem of their skirts.

The commander cursed Naurilia in his mind and predicted victory.

It was time for his battlefield to begin.

You can start by killing that arrogant guy.

This guy is crazy or something.

The guy who opened his mouth with a fresh insult called a ghoul head.

A guy with an axe.

A servant called a knight has already proven that the power of a small number can change the outcome of the battlefield.

So, do those few people really have to be knights?

Azpen’s commander took that into consideration and prepared a weapon.

No, it won’t end with a dagger.

His sword would become a mace that would crush the entire battlefield.

* * *

One day was enough for the injury to fully recover.

A day of rest with no work, filling my stomach with quality meals.

Encred had a brief dream during the night, but quickly forgot it.

The ghosts of the past emerged. He was a mercenary who showed us that skill and personality are not proportional.

It wasn’t a very pleasant memory, but there was nothing to recall.

Anyway, it’s a combination of Audin’s divinity and a medicine made by fairies.

I wondered if I would ever be able to enjoy this luxury again.

“I guess it’s thanks to the medicine I sent.”

This was what the fairy company commander said when he came to visit me early in the morning.

Encred was training, drenched in sweat.

Technique of isolation.

Among them, Audin said that now is the time to strengthen the joints.

There were times when I thought that I was being asked to do all sorts of things.

It was always clear that it was beneficial in the end and that it was a hardening effect that made the body stronger.

Haven’t you already proven that with your own body?

Lie face down, place your toes and palms on the ground, push your body out, and open and close your wrists.

At first I thought it was easy, but after doing it a few times, it wasn’t usually difficult.

Should I say that it feels like a heavy weight is being placed on my wrist?

There is one look from a fairy looking at her with her arms crossed.

Now, the leopard’s gaze has suddenly regained its vitality, as if it has regained its stamina.

There is a big sadistic pervert watching happily from behind.

Right in front of the barracks is the gaze of a crazy savage crouching and staring.

Other dark reddish-brown eyes.

There was also Wangnun, who kept scribbling things on the ground and erasing them all by himself, wondering what he was thinking.

Lastly, a lazy genius swordsman who often gets lost was waiting next to him, holding his sword.

“Didn’t you have something to do?”

Encred asked the company commander as he finished his morning training. The fairy looked directly at Encred with green eyes and opened her mouth.

“I don’t have any.”

Then why are you there and not going?

I tried to tell with my eyes, but it didn’t work.

“Do you do it now?”

Ragna asks from the side. Ragna wins by deciding the order through a bet.


Encred decided to engage in sparring.

It was worth fighting now. Moving my body didn’t cause much trouble.

Encred’s gaze turned to Ragna.

Ragna looked like a child carrying a baby.

Why do you want to spar like this?

I do not know. Still, it didn’t matter. Well, what did you know to deal with them so far?

Encred grabbed his sword.

First, hold the grip with both hands. The tip of his sword pierced the sky at an angle.

There was one more sword hanging from his waist.

Even though everyone saw it, they kept their mouths shut.

Encred wanted to meet their expectations.

That desire was boiling over.


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