Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 124

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124. Crazy Andrew

Encred naturally tried to step forward himself.

Isn’t that what came out for that purpose?

I slowly wanted to use my body. It might still be too much to use two swords at the same time, and it didn’t matter that he had to save his right hand for recovery.

I felt confident after seeing the other person’s posture, steps, and hand gestures.

The left hand was sufficient. His opponent was not Mitch Hugh Lear.


The vertical face of the ax touched Encred’s stomach.

At the same time, Saxony put his hand on his sleeve and Audín put his hand on his shoulder.

Ragnar stepped in front of Encred.

“I can do it.”

Ragna says.

“I told you to recover your body first.”

Rem also said: There was something firm in his glance. Something like I can’t leave here.

I could feel the will of all the platoon members.

So, are they going to step forward?

Cryce said that it would be best to avoid Lem and others coming forward.


“If that’s enough, I’m the youngest.”

Rem said while holding an axe. The corner of her mouth curled up, looking quite amused by the gay situation.

And the youngest he called.


Encred’s mouth opened and Andrew tilted his head.

Why are you calling me?

“Go out and kill him.”

Rem said.

They said it was so natural and not difficult at all.

Andrew blinked for a moment, then remembered his anger from earlier.

I’m sure the guy who said the product wasn’t ripe enough was that guy, right?

The opponent raised a spear. The main force of the Azpen Kingdom is the short spear infantry.

Aiming straight ahead with a not very long spear. In reality, there was no weapon as effective as a spear in infantry battles.

“Come out. “You cowards!”

What would you say is the most insulting word throughout history?

Even if we can’t rank them, we can’t leave out the word “coward.”

Andrew brought up the anger he had forgotten for a while.


When Andrew took a step forward, the other person also took a step forward.

So the two of them looked at each other and narrowed the distance.

From behind, Mac looked at Andrew with concern. It’s not a question of winning or losing, but I thought I might get hit by an arrow and turn into a hedgehog.

Anyway, the platoon leader spoke harshly.

‘If it’s wrong.’

Mac tightened his grip on the handle of the buckler he had brought with him.

It is a shield made larger than the original one used. He was originally skilled in using a sword and shield, or sword and shield.

‘I hold on while blocking.’

Unless the allies are fools, they will shoot arrows when they come.

Considering that the people standing at the front of both armies are all holding large shields, arrow attacks will not be fatal.

‘If you hold on and get out.’

Worries are temporary. If you think about it, the great people here don’t seem like they’re going to end up somewhere else.

So all he had to do was take Andrew and get out.

Mac gave up his worries. She wanted to watch with peace of mind.

Actually, I wasn’t worried about anything other than the arrows.

I’ve been watching Andrew all this time. He has improved from before. He moved on. He was even more interested in the sword.

The way our allies looked at us was strange.

If Encred and others stepped forward, it was a fight they would naturally win.

But not them, but another soldier came forward.

Andrew Gardner.

A soldier of noble birth who once rose to the rank of squad leader, but joined Encred’s platoon on his own.

There were some who thought it was a different species.

Some people were worried about whether that blood clot could handle a weapon properly.

Slowly, the bad air spread.

How many soldiers who have confidently stepped forward have been hit so far?

I couldn’t help but wish Encred or others would step forward.

Andrew looked at the other person with anger.

The opponent was also the same.

“Hmph, you just use your tongue and leave the fighting to your subordinates.”

That probably wasn’t the intention. Andrew had never seen Encred avoid a fight.

Above all, the difference in skill level must be remarkable.

Even if he was injured, I didn’t think a guy like him would do anything to my platoon leader.


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In Andrew’s opinion, Encred was a genius. A true genius whose skills improve rapidly in a short period of time. The owner of a true talent different from his own.

He truly thought so.

“Are things less ripe? “What do you think?”

“Bring in the guy who said he was the head of a ghoul!”

The two did not listen to each other. We only expressed our anger to each other.

Soon, anger became a spear and a sword.

The cold fog cleared, and on the ground filled with homegrown grass and pebbles bathed in sunlight, the two angry people exchanged opinions.

As Andrew watched the spear blade fly, he instantly remembered the past few months.

Although it’s not that long.

‘Crazy savage bastard.’

When I saw the enemy soldier’s javelin while dealing with Rem’s axe, it seemed like some kind of kid’s joke.

Of course, if you get stabbed in the body, it is inevitable that there will be a hole.

Although it was a blow that could not be easily defeated.

“A bastard who is worried when he sees a gap has nothing to say even if he falls down. “Little one.”

What Rem said over and over again stuck to my body.

Mac admits, Andrew was talented. Rem recognized that too.

He was someone who had the taste of being raised in a different way than Encred.

Of course, I only touched on it to a certain extent. The heart of the beast or anything else was not shown or said.

That wasn’t a skill that could be shared carelessly.

That was enough for Andrew.

He had real talent. Quite an outstanding talent.

Andrew, who saw the javelin flying, swung his sword. From right to left.

The blade hit the tip of the spear, not the stem.


While a spear is advantageous for straight attacks, a sword, a short weapon, would be more advantageous for lateral attacks.

For a brief moment, the short spear bounced to the side, and Andrew’s feet stepped on the gravel.

Well done.

Narrow the space. A fight begins with a foot and ends with a foot.


The enemy soldier pulled his spear and swung his elbow.

Andrew swung his sword at the same speed he approached.

The blade rising from the bottom split the guy’s forearm in half.


Blood is spraying from the forearm of the guy wearing the Gambison.

Amidst the blood spraying out, Andrew’s eyes shone.

Is there a need to cut and finish it?

No. This is a fight and a war.

Andrew’s feet moved again. Taking a step to the left, he swung his sword again and struck the spear pole with a clicking sound.

I calmly stabbed the retrieved sword.

The speed was neither fast nor slow, but it was fast enough for an enemy soldier who was unconscious from the pain of his arm being cut.

Pugh play.

A moderate resistance was felt in the grip holding the sword.

It is a sword stuck in the gap between armor and helmet. When Andrew pulled out the sword that was about halfway in, blood flowed out.


The enemy soldier stumbled and fell to his knees on the ground. I try to cover my throat with my hands, but what does that mean?

The difference in skill was stark.

This happened because Andrew was outstanding. The enemy soldiers were also regular soldiers who had received considerable training.

A soldier who has killed quite a few of our soldiers.

However, he was no match for the talented Andrew, who was bullied by Lem.

The opponent, who had fallen on his knees and stretched out his neck forward, was struggling with his hands.

The opponent has very little left to breathe. If I leave it alone, it will die.

Andrew stood behind the enemy and plunged his sword vertically.


Definitely kills it. With that will, the sword entered the back of the neck and took the remaining breath of the enemy soldier.

Silence, quiet sunlight, all that remained.

Kreis, who was watching from behind, thought that this was a better move than when Encred took action.

It was the performance of an unexpected person.

“Crazy Andrew!”

In addition, the name that has undermined the morale of the allies is shouted in a way that makes it sound like the enemy’s nightmare.

Soon the name of Andrew, who had killed an enemy soldier, rang out everywhere.

“Oooooh! maniac!”


This is something.

Encred shrugged his shoulders while listening.

It works better than you think?

For some reason, I felt like I was being cheered.

In the name given to Andrew, he sounded like a madman or a hero who killed a ghoul’s head.

Rem chuckled.

“Bosch, you can be the youngest for that level.”

Since when was he the youngest?

“Andrew, back!”

Mac shouted to Andrew. Now was the time to get out.

Andrew took a few steps back. However, he did not lose strength in his eyes as he looked towards his enemy.

“Mine is all ripe. “You bastards!”

Oh my, what does that mean?

Mac was dumbfounded.


This time, Encred couldn’t hold back and started laughing. I teased him about changing the atmosphere, but was there any resentment left behind?

“Come back. “Andrew.”

Andrew’s return after killing an enemy soldier accompanied by cheers.

That’s when the atmosphere started to change.

What Kreis had hoped for had begun.

It was the blade of the battalion commander Marcus that I had been waiting for.

* * *

Marcus slowly began to drool.

‘Something has to explode.’

In my opinion, the numbers are similar and the level of training is also similar.

The Azpen bastards did a great job packaging it.

They sent out those with outstanding skills among the enemy soldiers and started it as if it were a duel between knights.

Thanks to this, morale is at a low point.

Still, it was okay. However, it was necessary for this moment to change the atmosphere.

That’s what I expected after watching Mad Squadron.

In fact, a barbarian soldier named Rem stepped forward.

‘Why is the atmosphere becoming more ghoul-like?’

A dirty, ugly, poisonous, dog-like atmosphere.

It is said that both allies and enemies reacted coldly.

So should I try to change the mood somewhere else?

This happened while I was thinking about this and that.

A crazy platoon member whose name I don’t know, one of the soldiers who received resources just to fill in the numbers, easily defeated the enemy soldiers.

We won not narrowly, but overwhelmingly.

It was now.


Both the messenger and the adjutant moved at Marcus’s words.

Soon a small flag went up above the battalion commander’s barracks.

The signal reached the unit commander who was waiting near a river with sparse rocks.

If there is a gray dog ​​in Azpen.

In Naurilia, there was a slayer on the frontier.

They were all ten soldiers per day.

‘You idiot.’

Marcus actually welcomed the clumsy behavior of the enemy commander.

The atmosphere of the battlefield can change in an instant.

Above all, the moment morale rises after hitting rock bottom, the repercussions are even greater.

Here, Marcus was the one who thought that whoever was good at killing would win the battlefield anyway.


“Kill them all.”

Marcus’s self-talk didn’t reach anywhere.

The order has already been given.

The frontier garrison, the independent company Naurilia was proud of, moved as one body and struck the enemy’s flank.

Starting with the riverside approach, they hide behind rocks or near the water and pretend to be small in number by reducing their size.

Until the point where you rush in and encounter the enemy.

These were all unexpected blows to Commander Azpen.


The border guard commander spoke, and the unit members did as they did.

Torres was one of them.

The approaching enemy soldier thrust his spear blade towards him. When I grabbed the flying spear with my hand and pulled it, the opponent tried to hold on, and in that gap, he used his pulling power to stick with me and put the dagger under my chin.


With a short noise, an enemy soldier with a beard made of iron under his chin fell to the side.

Torres lunged at his next opponent without even having time to retrieve the dagger.

Other garrisons were also busy fighting.

Hyowoon, who was amazing with a long sword, was one of them.

The sword of Hyoun, a soldier from the north, flew like a dance.

With a puff, he took the lives of two enemy soldiers in one go, then turned halfway around and threw out his sword.


The foot of the enemy soldier, who blocked the intense sword blow with his shield, flew backwards.

It was a heavy and heavy blow.

Aizen killed the enemy soldier who flew backwards.

Aizen’s specialty was the trident.

He was a fisherman, but his skill with a trident was amazing.

Aizen’s spear pierced the enemy soldier’s back. The central blade of the trident that dug into Gambison penetrated the enemy soldier’s back, pierced his armor, and came out through his stomach.

Barney’s specialty was quick feet.

She was also a soldier who had no disadvantages in being a woman.

Barney ran among the enemy soldiers, throwing daggers and throwing things that looked like round stones with his sling.

Boom! Scum! Sigh!

An enemy soldier who was hit on the head by a rock fell to the side. Nothing like a leather helmet could block the impact of a bullet fired from a sling. In fact, it is a consumable item that requires a lot of labor to make by carving stones, but the effect is outstanding.

The frontier guards were each with unique personalities.

They were also specialized in guerrilla warfare, not group warfare.

They did so.

They went on, raiding and killing.

Torres took control of his platoon and began to delve into one side.

Hyowun stood next to him and swung his sword several times to block the enemy soldiers.

A group of soldiers with longbows, that was their goal.

To be precise, the goal was to win over the archer commander.

Each platoon of the border garrison moved toward its own target.

The battlefield shook greatly as they moved.

The enemy commander did not go out of his way to turn the battlefield upside down.


The border garrison sent Gray Dog to block it.

The rest of the troops fell back.

* * *

If it’s wind, it’s a storm.

If it’s an earthquake, it’s a large earthquake.

If it were a wave, it was like a tsunami.

Originally, the flow of the battlefield was bound to fluctuate.

It’s strange that we’ve only had a confrontation for so long.

Encred also read the changed atmosphere.

Even though I couldn’t even see the movements of the border guards.

Something had begun.

Unless it is.


I don’t think our archers will act like that.

Toad doo doo.

Arrows drew a curved line above the heads of Encred and the members of the madman platoon.

In contrast, the enemy’s counterattack was poor.

Even a few arrows didn’t fly properly.

Instead, a fast-moving reconnaissance specialized unit chased after Encred.

“Kill them all, don’t let them live!”

They are chasing after with crossbows and light weapons.

Encred recognized the surrounding situation.

“Reverse, hit and fall to the side.”

Afterwards, the order was given.

The number of those chasing after them is twenty at most.

Then there is no need to avoid it.

About two squads.

So all I had to do was get rid of it.


Rem shouted excitedly and waved his axe.

He was so excited that he swung the ax left and right so hard that Enri, who was next to him, dodged to the side.

“They are armed with crossbows.”

Enri shouted after looking behind her.

Is that going to be a problem?

It won’t work.

Encred himself dodged the flying arrows several times. I wonder if my platoon member isn’t that talented.

The more you know and the more your skills improve, the more new things you see.

These are strong.

Rem will soon take the lead.

After that, the crazy platoon that had taken up position stopped, turned back the way they came, and attempted to charge.

Somehow, I became the leader of my team. And at the forefront was Rem.


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