Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 123

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123. Was your mother a ghoul?

What is this?

The two armies faced each other with a small, clattering gravel field, a river on the left, and mountains and forests on the right.

It was within reach of the arrow. In fact, some of the archers of both armies were watching.

With a slight sense of tension, they pass through a rain of arrows, plunge spears into each other’s necks, or swing swords.

Otherwise, it was time to swing the mace and break the head off with the helmet.

To begin with, what should I call this?


“Oh my, what if I’m going to die without even being able to use it?”

Three guys came out and shouted, their voices booming. The pronunciation was also clear.

It seemed like a distance of more than 300 steps on foot, but the swear words pierced my ears.

How loud is your voice?

Although it seemed like an unsophisticated thing to do.

‘Does this work?’

It worked. Morale is already at a low point, so I wonder if I should just ignore such behavior. It’s frustrating.

But what if you suddenly shoot an arrow and rush at me?

The fact that the morale of the two armies was low without a significant difference in numbers means that it was a lost battle from the start.


‘It’s right to keep an eye on it, though.’

Do you think you will find the answer just by watching?

I think we’ll have to either use exceptional mercenary skills or use a small number of elites.

No matter how blind I was to the situation, I knew that I had to do something right now.

Still, Encred was more relaxed than others.

At least I didn’t feel like I was going to die here.

Whether there are minor injuries or not.

Whether a platoon member is by your side or not.

It was just a hunch. If you look at it that way, he has grown by leaps and bounds.

In the past, I would have been thinking about all kinds of things to survive right now, but I’m just watching the situation of the war.

‘Are you full?’

I thought it was a bit confusing. At least for now, Encred wasn’t a problem to worry about.

If you are leading a unit or if the lives of your subordinates depend on it, it is natural to worry about this.

Encred is starting to wonder if he is really leading the madman platoon.

All they do is follow them on their own.

So right now, we need to take care of urgent matters first.

“Andrew, don’t get excited.”

Encred raised his hand to block Andrew’s chest.


“There is no shame in being a virgin.”

By repeating the words, I comforted Andrew’s hurt heart.

How was Andrew the other day?

We met while on a mission together as part of a reconnaissance squad, and the enemy with a good voice used the same words he used when he provoked him.

I had to calm Andrew down so he wouldn’t get too excited.

“… … “I think they’re feeding me this.”

Andrew muttered. The corners of his eyes drooped.

It wasn’t. It was a misunderstanding. Encred spoke again.

“Hold on for now, the opportunity to vent your anger will come.”

The new battalion commander was Marcus, and unless a regimental commander or someone related to the Knights Templar came, he would remain in command of the unit.

Unless Marcus had a head full of flowers, he wouldn’t have been treated like this.

“Contain all the anger you have now and use it in battle.”

“I wasn’t angry, but I didn’t even think it had anything to do with me.”

“Not now. “Hold on.”

Encred comforted Andrew, who spoke superficially. It was active.

He even tapped Suje’s shoulder and pushed him back. Andrew took a step back helplessly.


Enri, who was listening from the side, cleared her throat.

Mac showed an embarrassed expression.

The rest of the platoon.


Rem started giggling. Even Saxony, who had no expression on her face, would give a faint smile when she glanced at Andrew.

“Brother, it’s okay. “Take refuge in God.”

Audin even recommended that he become a monk.

Ragnar glanced at Andrew and nodded.

“are you okay. “There is a chance.”

What chance? No, it’s not that I didn’t do it because I didn’t have the ability.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Andrew really had no idea. In fact, he had forgotten what Encrid said when he provoked him.

If I hadn’t said it now, I don’t know if it would never have occurred to me.

I had to train my sword.


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I had to save my family.

To him, anything else was a luxury. He was a worker who fulfilled his life faithfully.

But why are you making fun of me like this?

“They say it’s okay. “You bastard.”

Lem hit Andrew’s shoulder with his fist.

Andrew felt wronged, and anger that had never existed rose up.

Naturally, the anger was directed to the front.

If I vent my anger this way, I won’t be able to see the sun rise tomorrow morning. His instincts changed the object of his anger.

‘Because of those crazy ghouls.’

Those who shouted about things are the problem. I wanted to tear off the snouts of enemy soldiers.

Afterwards, swear words were exchanged.

A few of our allies came forward, but it felt like they were being pushed back.

What a fight.

I was wondering what this was, but the opponent’s strategy and intentions were very clear.

The idea is to drop morale to the bottom.

It was clear to see that the team’s mood worsened even with just a few words like that.


There was a warm air around Encred.

Even if it seems like an insignificant change when looking at the battlefield as a whole.

“Well, um, I’ll show you a good salon when I get back to the city.”

“Don’t lose your first experience in the red light district.”

“It’s better to start with an experienced older person. “I know someone who’s an aunt, so what’s it like?”

I began to hear the thick farmland chatter of nearby soldiers.

“Won’t you shut up?”

Andrew glared wildly in all directions.

Thanks to his sacrifice, the atmosphere here has changed. When someone swears, the best way to respond is to ignore them.

“You’re very talented.”

These were the words of Kryce, who read Encred’s intentions.

It was a time when a change of atmosphere was needed. Originally, everything started from small things.

Kreis was thinking about what he would do if he were the commander.

Normally, he would stand on the battlefield when he would have been leisurely waiting to see when the fighting would end in the rear.

Naturally, I began to think of ways to survive, that is, things necessary to fight a winning fight.

This is the first of them. Changing the mood.

Encred started it.

“skill? I did it because I was really worried. “There was an order not to take the first step and fight.”

It’s definitely a joke.

Was this all aimed at you? No, I don’t think so. I think I probably got drunk on a sense or instinct basis.

‘Anyway, he’s a strange person.’

This was also Encred’s charm. Even though he lived an intense life, he never forgot jokes and never tolerated a dull atmosphere.

Andrew got teased and got a red face.

The atmosphere changed to center around the crazy independent platoon.

What are we going to do, let’s just fight.

Well, this feeling and that kind of temperament started to come out.

Since this was a platoon of people with that purpose in mind, Rem opened her mouth as if she was starting to feel itchy.

“But how long can we just watch?”

I’d rather feel relieved if we just fight.

Both groups were full of tension and did not start.

It was a situation where the bowstring was pulled tight and the flesh was held on.

They said that people with sensitive nerves can’t sleep properly and some even feel nauseous.

It’s worth it.

It’s been like this for a few days already.

Rem and others are also starting to get annoyed.

The good news is that the three new members, Andrew, Mac, and Enri, are in good shape.

We also work together.

As they banded together to deal with the bullying from Rem and other platoon members, they became closer to each other.

Enri, it’s a good situation to take a step back.

In the first place, it is not normal to endure Rem and other platoon members.

As a result, they were not swept away by the sense of defeat that was widespread throughout our army.

I’m so stressed out and busy with work, do I have time to think about anything else?

“Would you like to clean your mouth?”

Kreis suddenly said.

Our troops’ stance was clear. Waiting for the enemy to attack.

Cryce used it to propose to Encred.

Encred is recognized by all members of the platoon, including Rem, who has a foul tongue. His ideas and words are enough to turn anyone’s stomach.

“I don’t really have anything to say.”

Regardless of whether or not you have great speaking skills, what can you say in this atmosphere?

Encred was sincere. Still, Kreis suggested it again.

“Still, just for a change of scenery.”

Okay, let’s see.

It doesn’t seem like it’s particularly difficult.

Enemies and allies were fighting with tongues, not swords and spears.

Encred moved slowly. The independent platoon did not have a specific designated position.

As they moved, a path naturally opened up.

As I passed by, several soldiers with familiar faces asked me where I was going.

Encred answered those who asked in a calm tone.

“I just wanted to give you a word of help.”

I didn’t think much of it until then.

He was an enemy who was busy making a fuss about things and making noise about what the Queen’s male pr****utes knew what to do.

So I was at the forefront, and Benjens was there.

“Are you in the lead as soon as you come back from the back?”

“Our unit is the unit that maintains its strength the best.”

It appeared to be a platoon that had all converted to spearmen instead of some archers.

This was the 3rd platoon of the 2nd company, so Encred was stationed in front of the 2nd company.

I took one look at Vengeance and saw the enemy standing in the distance. I felt like I knew what to say.

Encred went a few steps further.

Rem, Ragnar, and Saxony joined him.

Encred was bold, even though it was beyond the range of the arrow’s reach and at a distance that could have resulted in a hedgehog if he shot with intention.

If you’re going to fight with words anyway.

If the problem is that morale is low.

How about showing boldness?

“There, come out!”

Come out and shout. It was a provocation directed at the opponent. This side is out here, what are you going to do? It was also a bold question.

You said what the fight was like so far.

After an argument, a second-class soldier challenges him to a duel.

Did you say that the steamboat was subdued through a fight between those who were not commanders?

Well then, wouldn’t it be okay to do something similar here?

‘What should I do?’

Instead of following him, Chrys only said a few words, which sounded reasonable to Encred’s ears.

“You can catch about five in a row, right? “I think that will work.”

This was it.

If Encred appears in a soldier-level duel, it is better to ignore him and crush him at all costs rather than have the commander intervene.


Show your difference in skill by killing and killing your opponent again.

The idea is to make the opponent a commander and defeat them.

When I looked at Kreis’ big eyes, he seemed to have something in mind.

A trick to do something by boosting morale.

Encred believed in Kryce’s brains and his tricks, so he entered the battlefield like that.

An advance that was like a provocation.

The allies are also muttering.


“Ah, the crazy platoon leader.”



A familiar person is a familiar face, that is, a known person in the unit. Above all, I have recently proven that I am not inferior to even my skills.

The entire team must have felt a strange feeling.

Even Vengeance felt like something was going to happen when he saw Encred stepping forward.

reason? I do not know.

The atmosphere of the battlefield was like a sharp blade.

Until now, it seemed like the blade was aimed at our allies.

It felt like the wind was starting to blow in a different direction now.

Kreis thought that what he was aiming for would work.

‘Then, well, I’ll do something.’

I felt like I had a general idea of ​​what our commander was waiting for.

After hearing rumors about a man named Marcus, I guessed his fighting style.

He would be ready for anything.

Kreis decided to help get started a little. If you made a mistake, just quietly walk away.

In any case, the losses were small and I decided to take advantage.

As Encred stepped forward and the atmosphere was shaken, one of the enemy soldiers who spoke out came forward.

“It came out. “You bastard.”

Encred came out thinking he had nothing to make fun of, but didn’t he just pass by Venjens on the way out?

Why did Vengeance hate him?

To conclude, wasn’t it because of the face?

“What are you, why are you wearing a ghoul head?”

An indifferent word, a sound shouted as it flows through the wind, echoing faintly.

It reaches the ears of both allies and enemies.

It wasn’t anything special.

However, the distance is such that we can vaguely see each other’s facial features.

The enemy soldier, the ghoul head, looked at Encred’s face.

‘What the f*ck?’


It was the kind of face that made me irritated for no reason.


“Was your mother a ghoul?”

Encrid suspected that the enemy soldier’s mother might be of a different species.

Let’s point our finger at the enemy’s face, thinking it’s reasonable suspicion.

“What, you f*cking bastard?”

The enemy soldier immediately vented his anger. It was a miracle created by mixing two words together.

When Audin heard that, he couldn’t help but be impressed.

‘Even God will punish you.’

Rem burst out laughing.

How is it different from other people?

Andrew, who followed behind even though Mac told him not to go, only then his expression brightened.

Yeah, what can you say with a face like that?

Doesn’t the appearance look too free-spirited?

When it rains, it has a snub nose that seems to catch rainwater through its nostrils.

Why are your eyes colored like that?

The eyes were so small that it was difficult to see the color of the pupils unless you looked closely.

Why are there so many pimples on my face?

It could have been mistaken for a ghoul.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Andrew burst out laughing so brightly.

“f*ck, let’s see if your hands are as spicy as your tongue.”

The enemy soldier fell for the provocation.

It started with the tongue and continued with the spear, sword, and blood.


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