Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 122

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122. Hey, you bastards who haven’t ripened anything yet.

“It seems like something has changed in the past few days. “Brother.”

Audin is the master of the devilish tongue hidden behind a simple smile.

He frequently told people to stop training and that it was okay to take a break, but when he did that, he caught people like rats.

No, you wouldn’t catch a real mouse like that.

Of course, Encred was very satisfied with that.

Where did the greed in my heart branch out?

Learning is a step toward moving forward.

So, teachings like this were always welcome.

Next to the big man Auddin, who had made his way through the morning fog, Encred was sitting and standing up slowly, with his shoulders width apart, putting a strain on his thigh muscles.

Audin immediately reached out to Encred.

Encred reflexively blocked his hand. It is a technique that is sometimes called fighting, if it is a taktak, wrestling, or martial art, or a balaf style.

The hand that struck once was repeatedly bent and aimed at Encred’s body.

I grabbed Audin’s hand that was trying to grab my shoulder, pushed it, broke it, and blocked it with my shoulder, and my foot came in.

When I hit it, a large palm again blocked my vision and pushed down on my entire body.

Audin, still clinging to him, opened his mouth.

“You’ve increased a lot.”

This is what I heard when I saw it from the rear camp.

The skill itself improved thanks to the pins attached to Ael Karaz’s style of martial arts, but it was still not possible to defeat Audin.

To begin with, the height and skeleton were different, and the muscle density was also different.

Audin’s physical strength was far superior to that of Encred, and his quickness was excellent despite his large size.

At some point, Auddin’s hand came in at an invisible angle and grabbed Encred’s neck.

Audin was pulling me with force, so I couldn’t resist.

When it comes to close combat, wrestling and martial arts, even your body is said to be a weapon.

If you have different body types, don’t stick together.

This is what Auddin said several times while teaching wrestling.

Encred also asked what he should do to overcome the size difference.

“The technology just needs to be different. So what should I do?”

Anyway, I guess I’ll just have to roll to my death.

This is what I heard when I was broken and hit again and again on the bed.

Audin soon overpowered Encred and sang something similar to a song in a deep voice.

“The Lord said, ‘Break the joints to pieces.’”

No, I don’t think God would say that.

Of course it was a joke. Au Din pressed down on the nape of his neck and one shoulder and did not apply any more force.

Of course, it’s painful enough if it just stays like this.

‘I caught it with my senses.’

The reaction was slow. This may be due to several reasons.

Among them, injuries may be one of the reasons.

Pain can cause slow reactions.

“If we go to battle, we will fight again. “The platoon leader, brother.”

That’s what I mean.

It was a natural thing. Although my right wrist is a bit bothersome, it doesn’t mean I can’t use it at all.

Moreover, they are the reason I was called here.

When a battle breaks out, of course we will go to the battlefield and fight again.

“It’s too much for a body like this. “Brother.”

Audin said while suppressing it.

His right shoulder was cut and his left forearm was stabbed. His right wrist was still in a splint, and he had bruises all over his body.

Saxony’s ointment had already been used up, so all I could do was mix up herbs and paste them together.

Because the injury was so severe, there was no room left for ointment.

It wasn’t a large amount to begin with.

“How long do you plan to stay like this?”

I wondered what they were doing.

After being defeated, there was always a process of reviewing the sparring process.

Now it was time to release it and begin the process.

The strength of Audin’s strong grip remains the same.

“Brother Platoon Commander.”

Call yourself in that state. Encred answered with his upper body half bent.


The early morning fog was so thick that I could not see the surroundings clearly.

It’s such a fog that you can only see each other’s faces after taking a few steps inside.

There was a watchdog on one side, but he glanced at me at first, and now he wasn’t interested in this side of things.

Auddin, aware of the situation, made up his mind and took action.


Encred heard a sound he had never heard before.

It was a sound that felt like it was hitting your body, not your ears.

Soon, it seemed as if a warmth was seeping into my body, something that is not often felt on a riverside covered in early morning fog, and even more difficult to feel at this time before the sun rises.

It felt like sitting leisurely and reading a book in the afternoon sunlight. Or, it’s something that would be perfect for a nap.

How should I express this?


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Are you okay?

Somehow, something seeped into my whole body.

A short moment passed as I felt peace, warmth, and comfort, as well as a faint numbness blooming from the injured area.

It wasn’t that long.

Only then did Auddin’s strong hands let go of Encred’s neck.

Encred raised his head and looked at Audin.

Religious squad member, that’s what they called him at one point.

He seemed as faithful as a priest.

Priests who believed in God would sometimes show signs or miracles.

People called that miracle divine power.


“no. Brother doesn’t say anything. And he’s not telling anyone. “I swear to the Lord that I will do this.”

Encrid looked into Audin’s eyes. Light stayed inside the pale yellow, blurry eyes.

It seemed like light, brilliance, etc. stayed. That’s how it looked in Encred’s eyes.

“Please swear.”


Auddin turned away without saying another word.

“For the fog by the river is also a blessing from the Lord.”

Auddin stepped to one side, knelt down, and began his morning prayers.

This is it.

Encred scratched his head a few times.

‘What on earth do you believe?’

Sometimes I wondered why my platoon member did this to me.

Does it look pitiful just by looking at it?

Does it make you feel nostalgic when you see them squirming around?

I do not know. My curiosity disappeared quickly.

What does it matter?

Auddin Pumrei, no one knows that he deals with divinity. He didn’t know that using divinity itself might be tied to precepts or something.

One thing that is certain is the feeling, that Audin took a risk.

“Lord, forgive me.”

Seeing that prayer begins like that, I think it’s true.

‘There’s no need to do it like this.’

Still, you can’t take back what you received.

Encred took off the bandage on his wrist.

I flicked my right wrist a few times.

Based on the experience I gained from falling and getting hurt several times.

‘In a day or two.’

Your wrist won’t have any trouble writing.

Other wounds hidden under the bandage seemed to have improved significantly.

The tingling pain has significantly disappeared.


I spoke to the large platoon member who was praying, but Audin was absorbed in prayer and had no answer.


The smell of death, typical of a sharp battlefield, mingled with the smell of wet earth coming from everywhere.

For Audin, it was difficult to just leave the squad leader alone.

‘Lord, because you are always there.’

I ask my master, who has no answer.

Was what he did now really right?

If it is discovered that you have used divinity, heresy inquisitors will come.

I left the church with many restrictions.

Although it was not an oath, at that time, restrictions were imposed on the body at the level of an oath.

Because I endured the ban and exercised some of my divinity, I felt like someone was stabbing me with an awl.


‘I couldn’t bear to watch it. ‘Lord.’

The author who burned his body with the flame of effort was being rewarded.

I couldn’t let that spark go out here.

It could have been a whim, but Audín just wanted to do it, and he did it.

After meeting Encred, he believed that the word of the Lord was within him.

‘So I will do whatever I want.’

Auddin finished his prayer.

Before I knew it, the morning sun was shining and the fog was clearing.

Even if the body was restored by divine power, not all wounds were healed at once.

If you do that, someone who is sensitive will feel the divinity displayed, and because of the prohibition, it was more difficult to use divinity than this.

Still, looking at the platoon leader, he looked much better than before.


Encred’s body seemed much lighter as he exhaled and moved his body.

God and man, blessing and curse.

The topic has not been resolved yet.

At least, seeing a platoon leader like that made me feel at ease.

He frowned as he endured the pain, but he didn’t think he would regret what happened today.

It was a premonition, an intuition, and a certainty.

* * *

After finishing morning training, I was about to apply a new bandage.


I’m calling Chrys.

The entrance to the barracks tent fluttered open.

“Are we here?”

A small body with green eyes.

He was a superior and possessed skills that did not match his petite appearance.

In other words, it would have been nice to say that he was the person who helped create the current madman platoon.

This is a fairy who formed an independent platoon and brought them to the battlefield without Encred.

“I heard you were hurt?”


As soon as he came in, he looked at Encred and spoke to him, and then the company commander threw something.

Encred caught it as it flew by.

It was a round wooden barrel.

A flat wooden barrel similar in size to the ointment I received from Saxony.

It was an item with a leaf-shaped engraving on the lid, and it appeared to have been made by someone with considerable dexterity.

“Company commander?”

“Apply it. You can’t get fairy medicine even if you pay a thousand gold. “It’s an engagement gift.”

Encred still couldn’t get used to the fairy’s jokes.

Above all, because this was an unexpected moment, I made a blank expression.

He came in and threw something and said it was an engagement gift.

“I like that expression. “It looks good.”

The company commander left those words and turned around.

Did he really just come to give you ointment?

“I got really curious. “Platoon leader, what is the secret?”

Kreis looked from the side and asked.

Encred also opened his mouth in bewilderment.

“I’m curious too.”

No, why did he suddenly come and throw ointment and leave?

As the company commander said, fairies are people who have excellent skills in handling these medicines.

The company commander also seemed to have deep knowledge of pharmacy, as he judged poison during the assassination incident in the medical barracks.

“I think it’s better than mine. It’s useful in times like this.”

Saxony spoke from behind. I leisurely clean and maintain my equipment without even turning my head. Even though he doesn’t seem to be looking, he is a guy who is paying attention to everything around him.

Therefore, he knew the battlefield situation very closely and was sensitive to the atmosphere.

“I don’t think that’s the reason.”

Encred shook his head.

Isn’t the fact that he’s making a joke like that proof that that’s not the reason?

Beside me, Rem started giggling.

“You can only have three children.”

Crazy bastard.

“Platoon leader. Instead of doing that, come out of the military and open a salon with me.”

Wangnun opened his eyes one more time.

That kind of talent can’t be easily acquired.

He spewed out nonsense about how it was better to develop his innate magical talent rather than his late-blooming swordsmanship talent.

Even though there was nothing to do, Encred didn’t want to live like a noble lady, so he meant to keep quiet and shut up.

“Stop talking nonsense and just take off the bandage.”

Ragna continued to watch the situation closely until then.

“So, can we spar?”

Somehow, Ragna seemed to be more active than Encred recently.

“You crazy lazy person, do you think the wound will heal just by applying some ointment?”

Rem scolded him.


Ragna did not confront him and only showed disappointed eyes.

Yes, I don’t think one ointment will help.

It wasn’t just one connection that was the problem, it was that I had personally received a miracle in the morning that anyone other than a high-ranking noble could not even see.

Kreis took off the bandage, and Encred cleverly turned his shoulder so that the wound was not visible and applied the ointment directly.

“I will apply it for you.”

Chrys spoke, but Encred shook his head.


“Tsk, your lover gave it to you, is this it?”


Encred sat down on the bed, stretched out one foot, kicked Chryce’s thigh once, and carefully spread the ointment on his shoulder.

When I repeated the same thing on my left forearm, a tingling and refreshing sensation spread from the injured area.

‘It seems like good medicine.’

It felt more refreshing than the ointment Saxony had given me.

Encred wrapped the bandages again.

And after that, it seemed like it was now at a level where it could move quite a bit.

It’s okay, but should I swing the sword a few times?

It doesn’t look like there will be a fight right away.

They are in a situation where they are just staring at each other in a confrontational situation.

If this continues, a fight will begin immediately.

“Anyway, if you decide to fight these boring things, you will fight until your head breaks.”

It is said that there was no large-scale battle until Rem became so frustrated.

Should I swing the sword?

Or should I still take a break? I’m wondering.

Pooh wow.

A horn sounded from outside.

Whistle when preparing for a surprise attack.

It was Naurilia’s tradition to blow horns on the battlefield.

“The enemy is coming! All troops gathered! set! Gather by unit!”

A messenger could be heard running and shouting outside the tent.

“Here you go again, you crazy bastards.”

At those words, Rem stuck out her lips and grunted.

“Is that Ashu? “Those are bastards with nothing to do, devilish platoon leader.”

“Why don’t you leave out the last nickname?”

I wondered what was going on.

So let’s put on our equipment and head out.

“Don’t even think about getting into a fight. Let’s take care of our bodies first. a little.”

Rem said something.

“I think it’s right to focus only on recovery until sparring is possible.”

Ragna also helps.

Audin only smiled. It was amazing to see such a large person smiling with the two letters ‘charity’ in mind.

“Were you planning on fighting? Unless you go crazy, what can you do with that body?”

Saxony is like scolding a male child.

Is this Won, treating you like a child thrown into the river?

In reality, his platoon members would not treat him that way.


I won’t stand by and watch you get hurt again.

Don’t even think about getting hurt right in front of me.

Well, it sounded like this.

It was the same whether it was Audin who used divinity or the rest.

These are my platoon members.

Looking at it this way, it could be said that the battalion commander’s choice to call him here was excellent.

In any case, they are moving under his command.

‘I don’t know if you can call this control.’

Encred still didn’t have the confidence to handle his platoon members as he wanted.

I didn’t have the will to do that.

“It’s a set. “Platoon leader!”

It was the voice of Andrew, who was on guard duty outside the tent. The three of us, including Mac and Enry, went out together, so they were supposed to be together.

Did you say that you were given three shifts on purpose?

When Rem continued to harass her, the soldier coordinating her shifts was considerate. How much trouble do you have to endure to receive this kind of consideration?

“let’s go.”

Encred stood up and said.

Although the shoulder area was cut, the leather armor was still strong.

On top of that, Gambison and the swords worn on both waists.

Well, it’s a bit reassuring.

It was time to go see the battlefield.

I was also curious about what the enemy was doing.

Are you persistent in even requesting a duel?

I heard that they kept saying that we should meet one-on-one when the rank came out.

“Such fights are tiresome. “I tried to swing the ax vigorously for my platoon leader, but there is no battle, there is no battle.”

When I heard about the war situation last night, Rem was complaining a lot and avoiding duels because they were annoying.

And so the battlefield unfolded.

“Hey, you bastards whose things haven’t ripened yet!”

The enemy’s voice rang out.


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