Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 121

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121. Let’s recover the body first.


When I flicked the blade with my finger, a clear sound rang out.

When I hold it up to the light, it has a soft blue glow. She must have used a unique iron.

‘I don’t think it’s made of valerian steel.’

This is the sword that I quickly brought with me after killing Mitch Hurrier. At first glance, it was a high-quality, premium, expensive sword. Can you leave it behind?

Anyway, does Chrys know?

Encred turned his head to the side.

Three steps away, there was Kreis sitting next to him and staring at him.

He stared blankly with those big eyes. There were many things I was curious about.

Encred opened his heart and asked.


Before asking about the iron that made the sword, I felt like I had to answer that strange look in his eyes first.

“Because it’s fascinating.”


“Left hand.”

While speaking, Chrys glanced at Encred’s left hand.

Was he really good at using his left hand?

I don’t think so, but we were together for a day or two.

The left hand is so amazing.

Is this what it means to be a genius?

I have no talent for swordsmanship or martial arts, so I don’t know just by looking at it.

‘Wasn’t it normal all this time?’

Other than what I did, I think my skills were average.

When I saved myself, I saw people risking half their lives to save others, and I wondered if there were people like that.

‘Because risking your life to protect others doesn’t make sense.’

Should I save them just because they are members of the same squad? I think it had been less than a week since I had seen him at that time.

There was a big gap between my skills then and now.

At first glance, the enemy commander who surprised me was not an ordinary person.

Take the sword of someone who is not average with just your left hand?

“I trained consistently.”

Encred answered indifferently. Kreis nodded and asked again.

“Well, um, you killed the commander who surprised you?”

Is the left hand the problem, what was the battle?

Fierce? Feeling dizzy? It was a scene where those things intersected. If the suit failed, it was the platoon leader who would die.

If that had been the case, the platoon leader who was Vengeance or something, myself, and Ester would have crossed the river called death holding hand in hand and foot in hand.

However, in that dizzying situation, the platoon leader remained calm. I naturally confronted the person approaching me as if he were my opponent.


This time too, an insignificant answer came back.

As for Chrys.

‘He’s a genius of late.’

The talent showed up late.

I recognized that and decided to end it.

There was no reason or need to dig deeper. Apart from curiosity, there is no answer just by looking at it.

No matter what doubts you have, there must be something.

Is there some big secret? What is there to do here?

Maybe the platoon leader is a fortune teller who can predict the future, so he doesn’t know everything that will happen at that moment.

‘That doesn’t make sense.’

No prophet or fortune teller can predict the situation so carefully.

Moreover, Kreis thought that most such fortune tellers were just con artists trying to make a small fortune.

‘The world is Crona.’

Moves with Crona, collapses with Crona. Why are Naurilia and Azpen fighting?

When you see it, it is one.

Green Pearl Plain, the kingdom that occupies this place is literally like gaining a second treasury.

‘I’m going to try to eat my country too.’

Therefore, war between the two countries could be said to be indispensable.

In an age of war and struggle, it is only natural to take up swords and spears for gain.

So, we can stop paying attention to Encred’s genius, which will not be of any help to Crona.

“Does this seem like some kind of skill?”

At the end of his random thoughts, Encred pointed out the sword used by the opposing commander.

In the meantime, I brought you this.

“Good iron.”

“Do you think you asked that question just to get an answer?”

Of course not.

There was nothing to worry about.

“There is a famous iron ore producing area in the Azpen Kingdom, it’s called Demp.”

“Damp? Demps, demps. I’ve heard of it. “A village hidden between the river and the mountains?”

Encred, who was muttering to himself, nodded. He also has quite a bit of experience traveling around the continent.


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Kreis nodded and answered.

“Yes, I heard that the iron in the temp shows this strange color. “It is said that the highest quality iron is the one that starts out light blue, gets darker, and eventually shows no color at all.”

This is a story I have heard and known for a long time.

However, one thing was certain. It’s a sword made of Dempsan iron.

It will be more expensive than valerian steel. It must be more expensive than Noir wrought iron.

So this is a very, very, very expensive sword.

“If you sell that… … .”

“I’m not selling it.”

“to? “Would you like to change the sword?”

For those who go to battle, there is nothing more important than a familiar weapon. This is common sense. This is something that Kreis also knows.

Therefore, the platoon leader will not have to change the sword he is familiar with.

“How about using both?”

This wasn’t directed at Kreis. These are words I mutter alone.

A spring breeze mixed with warmth instead of coolness blew Encred’s hair.

Between the fluttering hairs, Encred’s eyes looked at the sword.

Kreis looked into the platoon leader’s eyes.

Should I say it’s a strange look?

What can I say?

Brightly shining eyes, eyes full of life and vitality, it was like the eyes of a boy who had received an unexpected gift.

Looking at those eyes, Kreis couldn’t bear to urge him to sell the sword any longer.

Platoon leader Encred’s blue eyes, like lakes resembling Esther’s, looked really excited.

Encred didn’t care whether Cryce saw him or not.

Why did you become good at using your left hand? There was no need to make a particularly great excuse either.

No, I actually have no excuse.

Because it’s not something that can be explained.

All I have to say is, ‘I’ve been training for a while.’

Although it may sound like you’ve become something of a genius.

Because there is no other way.

More than anything, Encred felt something resembling talent this time.

The feeling of taking a leap at once.

An experience that dramatically improves your skills.

What would take a hundred swings can be awakened with just a few swings.

‘It’s interesting, though.’

Will that repeat? No, I don’t know. In fact, I didn’t even need to know.

Is it okay to just do it the way it is now?

All you have to do is walk again in silence.

Talent wasn’t important to Encred from the beginning.

‘Once my body recovers.’

You will be able to try various things.

Sitting on a rock as a simple chair in the rear camp, in front of the medical barracks, Encred was absorbed in reminiscence.

Training, left hand, right hand, dog fighting, Mitch Hurrier, his sword, fighting, battlefield.

As I was shaking my head like that, I wanted to get up and move right away.

“I told you not to roll over. Why do you think I’m here watching the platoon leader?”

Kreis spoke next to me. Yes, that’s right.

Be sure to rest for at least a few days.

This is what the medic said when he saw himself injured.

The rear position was in charge of the supply corps, and for defense, the 3rd platoon of the 2nd company, i.e. the Vengeance platoon, remained, and reinforcements were said to be joining soon.

When reinforcements arrived, Encred decided to head to the front.

To do that, my body had to recover first.

I can’t take the splint off my right hand yet.

There was a stab wound on my shoulder, although it wasn’t that deep.

There was also a hole in my left forearm from the dagger.

If you look at it one by one, it’s not a major injury, but if you move too much, it’s an injury that will get worse.

‘This is it.’

Because I tried to do too much joint exercises, I felt sore all over my body.

If you haven’t trained yourself with the technique of isolation.

If there wasn’t a single point of concentration.

If the heart of the beast had not supported it.

If you didn’t feel it with the sense of the blade.

‘It would have been me who died.’

Encred sat blankly and focused on recovery.

I swung the sword in my head throughout my break.

At first, he held a sword with only his right hand, and later with both hands.

At the end of the imagery training, Encred held his sword in his right hand and Mitch Hurrier’s sword in his left hand.

‘Will it work?’

I do not know. I just wanted to try it. It felt like something fit perfectly in my hand.

It’s a double sword.

‘First of all, strength.’

That must come first before we can even get started. Holding and swinging a sword with two hands and swinging it with only one hand are completely different things.

Among the instructors who taught him, there were people who saw this and cursed.

Something like this, that is, using two swords for some reason.

“Dual swords? I think it’s a perfect fit to die for. Dual swords when you can’t even handle a single sword properly? “It is something that even a decent swordsman expert does not do well.”

It was an instructor who spoke clearly. Where did you meet that instructor?

It was a big city.

The author who said that refined swordsmanship comes from a refined body.

After receiving his teachings, I had a rather bitter experience.

As I was rolling my head, I started to feel hungry. When I was sick, I had to eat well and rest.

“A meal.”

Just then, Kreis brought us something to eat.

From thin wheat bread to thick bacon, dried fruit to cheese.

It was a compliment.

“Did you rob the supply tent?”

“no. It seemed like the supply company commander was grateful to the platoon commander. “If he had made a mistake, his head would have been blown off.”

As he spoke, Kreis struck my neck with the blade of his hand.

It was worth it. Rear positions exist for supply.

Whose fault is it if we get robbed by enemy raids?

Who is in charge?

If you ask me, the supply company commander is in charge and it is his fault. If there had been a fire somewhere in the supply tent, he would have been hotly beheaded.

A commander who loses a battle may be tolerated, but a commander who fails to remain vigilant cannot be tolerated.

“let’s eat.”

Encred chewed, swallowed, and drank. He drank water instead of alcohol. Even though it wasn’t the utmost sincerity, Kreis took care of him by his side.

So three days.

“depart. Are you going to join?”

Venjens asked, fully armed.

Reinforcements arrived at the rear.

I heard that the atmosphere on the front lines is becoming more tense.

Since all my platoon members were at the front, Encred had to go as well.

The cuts and stab wounds from the sword weren’t all healed, but walking was no problem.

“I have to go.”

Beside him, Kreis was lost in strange thoughts.

‘I saw the platoon leader using a sword.’

I don’t think I’ll die anywhere.

Should we follow him instead of being left behind?

I think I’ll get a lot out of it just by picking up a few of the loot that fell.

Above all, the supply commander was replaced and there were no familiar faces among the soldiers of the 3rd Regiment who came as reinforcements.

They say it is difficult to remain in the rear and endure.

This is what happened.

‘Let’s go out and get some loot.’

So Kreis also joined.


Even though Esther rested for three days, she still seemed weak.

Encred hugged Ester.

It wasn’t that heavy.

What does he eat well?

Why does my body seem to not grow at all?

Aren’t young animals naturally big and growing?

It seems like his size hasn’t changed much since I first saw him.

“Are you eating well?”

Encred said, stroking Esther’s head.

Esther blinked at the meaningless words and raised her head.

There was a man there with eyes similar to his own.

Who is worried about whom?

I almost fell for it this time too.


Ester hit Encred in the chest with her front paw.

I was told not to worry about others.

“Okay, if I have some free time, I’ll bring you something to eat.”

This guy misunderstood something. Well, it’s not that important.

You stupid human, let’s go.

Esther closed her eyes from unrelieved fatigue.

Encred took a step. Is there anything that has changed?

It’s just that the swords on both sides of my waist have increased to two.

“Two swords?”

Encred nodded in response to Vengeance’s question.

I saw him use his left hand, and we even had a sparring session with him.

Because he’s a guy who does a lot of strange things.

I thought so.

He joined the Vengeance Platoon and marched to the front. There were no problems while moving.

When they arrived at the front lines, the chilly air of the battlefield welcomed them.

While I was walking along the path filled with the smell of blood and metal, the sky became dark and it looked like it might rain.

A place where the smell of dull water, blood, metal, and various other smells mix together to give off the scent of death.

It was a forward base.

And here.

“It’s a plague, I thought my neck would go away if I waited. Oh, what? Why did you get more hurt when I told you to rest? yes?”

“It just so happened.”

There was a member of Encred’s platoon.

He raised his hand to stop Rem, who was about to get angry.

For some reason, I had the feeling that something would happen whenever I was separated from them, but what could I do? This is how things turned out.

Encrid, who immediately joined the barracks thanks to Venjens representing him in reporting his return, spoke briefly about what happened in the rear.

“Keep doing fun things when I’m not around.”

Rem, who was excited, picked her nose and grumbled.

That’s it. I survived, and if I’m here, I’m done.

When Encred took a seat on one side of the tent and asked him to recite the battlefield situation, Saxony came up next to him and spoke softly.

“We are just looking at each other.”

When I came here, I realized that there had been no fighting of any kind.

The troops gathered here are more than two battalions of infantry, including reinforcements.

So, more than a thousand infantrymen gathered together.

Here, there is a direct unit, a reconnaissance unit, and even a rear escort that protects the supply line.

‘Did you say this was the start of an all-out war?’

Main battle.

So, a battlefield filled with knights, wizards, and magic was waiting in the Green Pearl Plain.

In that situation, both armies are watching this fight.

I don’t know how this happened, but I heard that the atmosphere was so twisted.

The infantry battle on both sides to block the detour was the start of all battles.

The battle here has become the battlefield that determines who will start out victorious.

This fight, of course, will have an impact on the main battle as well.

Simply starting with the morale issue, if we win this battlefield, the field that our allies can utilize will expand.

Since we are opening a detour, it would be a good idea to use a separate unit.

The main forces of both countries were only looking at each other and were reluctant to send in reinforcements other than infantry, so it was said that they were in a standoff.

There was a sense of tension within the unit as it seemed like an all-out war would break out at any moment.

It was noticeable that everyone’s nerves had become sharper.

This did not apply to the madman platoon.

So, Encred said, ‘Ah, it’s a fight. It’s soon. So what should I do? I thought calmly, ‘Let’s just train.’

Encred woke up early in the morning and trained his body using the isolation technique as usual.

The watch guard who saw that thought he looked like a crazy platoon leader.

I also felt like I was seeing a long tradition that has been passed down since the troublemaker squad leader.

That evil man who wielded his sword whether it was raining or snowing.

That’s that little guy.

“There are no normal people in the platoon.”

The watch guard looked at Encred and muttered.

“Are you moving early in the morning, brother?”

Before the sun rose, the watchman turned his gaze to see a friendly maniac and a training maniac twisting each other’s bodies.

They seemed to be talking a few words, but suddenly they twisted my wrists and hugged me.

‘What happened to my hair?’

My stomach tingles because it feels like a life-or-death battle is about to break out.

Even though morale is already at a low point and the atmosphere in the unit is the worst of the worst.

They did all kinds of things.


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