Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 120

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120. You must be doing well.

‘I think we can move on to the next step.’


Rem walked while whistling.

‘If you make up your mind and push through.’

I really liked the sight of the platoon leader who returned. He was excited to go back and trouble Encred.

Would it be possible to advance to the next level of Heart of the Beast?

I can’t believe I’m excited even though I’m thinking of passing the secret that I wouldn’t teach a continent guy even if I brought him a mountain of gold coins.

‘It’s strange, it’s strange.’

Encred was a very strange person. He doesn’t do anything in particular. But it’s not hateful. I hate you.

In some ways, it makes me want to take care of it.

Is it because of the way he honestly swings his sword every day?

Or is it because of his personality that he silently took on all the chores and never complained?

If I had to give a specific reason, it would be difficult to answer. Although that can also be a reason.

‘I just like it.’

In life, there are bound to be people like that. A person I like for no reason.

‘I didn’t know this would happen to the continent guy.’

Rem stopped walking and called out to Audin, who was blocking his path.

“Hey, big guy. Can’t you use your divine power while praying? “What’s wrong with the platoon leader’s wrist?”

“Do you want me to rip your mouth open? “Brother?”

“huh? “Do you want me to get to eye level with an axe?”

There is no Encred here. Auddin turned her head and made eye contact with Lem.

Chilly air filled the space between the two, and Ragna passed by, shuffling his feet.

“… … Brother, would you please cross this road that you find annoying?”

“You idiot.”

As Ragna crossed between them, the steam was lost.

This wasn’t the first time I complained. Even though everyone was watching, I tended to just leave it at that.

Saxony walked alone, off to the side.

If Ragna took his eyes off for a moment, he would arbitrarily turn diagonally instead of straight ahead.

I don’t know how I got my sense of direction.

No, sense of direction wasn’t the problem.

I was closer to walking aimlessly because it was annoying.

Everyone was in their own way, but each person, including Rem, was thinking of Encred, their platoon leader, in their own way.

‘I guess we can train him to attach a sword to his body.’

Ragna was the same. Even though the platoon leader is out of sight and has lost motivation.

I was gradually building up in my head what I had to do when we met again.

It was the same with Auddin.

‘The muscle remodeling is complete.’

Is it now time to touch the joints?

If you change your muscles, joints, and posture, your body shape changes. Train your weak points.

‘If you break it and break it again, cut it and cut it again.’

There was also a secret to building a body that would not collapse from joints or blows.

However, if that’s all it takes, there won’t be any bodies left for the platoon leader’s brother.

‘We will do it one by one. Lord.’

Auddin concluded his thoughts with a prayer.

What’s different about Saxony?

‘It would be nice if you could correct your steps.’

Even if you don’t walk silently like an assassin.

Noisy steps tend to involve unnecessary movements.

‘Maximum efficiency with minimum operation.’

Saxony reflected on the training he had done and looked for something useful among it.

Although it is not swordsmanship.

‘It might help.’

Saxony was quite observant. He knew that what he taught became Encrid’s blood and his flesh.

At the end of these thoughts, a question occasionally arises.


You don’t necessarily need to teach him anything.

If I tell you first, you won’t know.

Until then, let’s leave it alone. Saxony made up its mind.

Of course, if a barbarian, a religious person, or a lazy person gets excited about teaching something regardless of what you want, you might get caught up in the trend, but I plan to refrain from doing so as much as possible.

It’s unpleasant to be tied together with them.

From what I saw from the side, they were all like that.

One guy started whistling something obnoxious and started a fight.

Another guy is walking aimlessly with a blank stare.

The big soldier kept muttering something to himself and looking for the Lord.

The other one is walking alone, contemplating something, at a distance, as if he is not in the same group as those three.

Is this a normal unit?

Of course not. Even when they were part of the original troublemaker squad, they were somewhat angular.


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When the organization was changed to an independent platoon, things changed very clearly.

It was difficult to say that these were refined soldiers. Even the march was arbitrary. I came under the command of the 4th company commander, but instead of being part of the company, I followed him separately from the side.

There are less than ten people, and the fact that it is an independent platoon is ridiculous.

However, there is no soldier who argues with them.

‘Leave it alone.’

‘If we touch it, only we will get sick.’

‘If you want to become a penis, touch it.’

I already knew this from several experiences. They were crazy people who were beyond trouble.

This is a unit whose skills are also crazy.

I was walking like that.

The distance from the rear camp to the forward base is half a day’s walk.

That’s the case when the unit moves.

You might be able to go faster than that if you move individually instead of marching.

Since they had to start at dawn and go straight to battle, they were adjusting their marching speed appropriately.

However, it wasn’t a place where you could take a break along the way.

If I went diligently, I could arrive before lunch.

In other words, if there is no particular problem, there is no reason for anyone to stop the entire march.


The soldier in the lead said after seeing the signal from the front.

The march stops.

This happened because the fairy company commander raised his fist at the head of the unit.

“What happened?”

Rayon, the 3rd company commander, asked from the side. It was the 3rd and 4th companies that retreated to the rear and then rejoined.

“Hey, that’s strange.”

said the fairy.

What is it?

Rayon frowned. She couldn’t see anything.

The place where the fairy company commander’s fingertips are pointing is the riverside. The Pen-Hanil River, the lifeline of Naurilia and the source of drinking water for all the neighboring kingdoms.

“I hid.”

There were several rocks near the riverside where people could hide, and occasionally ghouls would pop out.

If you go a little further, you will see Tehom Forest on the right, and there are quite a few monsters there too.

But now, this is a battlefield, a place where most monsters and beasts have long been wiped out.

It wasn’t common for monsters or beasts to attack the military.

So, if there are people waiting.


The fairy company commander’s intuition was accurate.

“There’s a damn fairy bitch.”

Someone stuck his head out from behind the rock and said. He was a man with short hair and a thick chin.

It was the uniform of an Azpen soldier, a helmet that covered the forehead and head and exposed the ears.

The distance was long enough for an arrow to reach, and the guy only released his body halfway from the rock.

The fairy company commander cast his gaze behind him.

Her sharp eyes found Azpen’s famous speedboat floating on the riverside.

It was a long boat that could accommodate about eight people at most. It was a speed boat that cut through the water at a frightening speed when the fixed oars were hidden under the water and the boat started rowing.

It looks like he was prepared to get on it and run away if he got into trouble.

If we go to the river, there is no way to chase us from here.

‘That boat is quite fast.’

It would be awkward to call it an ambush.

The number seemed to be only about ten people.

‘It’s a provocation.’

The 3rd Company Commander Rayon followed the Fairy Company Commander’s thought process in a similar way and came to a conclusion and spoke.

“You do all kinds of things.”

“Lowering morale is the basis of military strategy.”

While the two were talking, one of the enemy soldiers pulled himself out of the rock.

“I am Lowell, a soldier of the Principality of Azpen. Is there anyone who will fight with me? “Let’s compete fairly!”

It was also a tactic that had been used many times.

Not troop vs troop, but challenge to a duel.

A fight between a soldier and not a knight.

“A commander-level person steps forward and deals with a single soldier? Don’t you think it’s shameful? Or do you guys not know how to fight?”

A guy named Lowell chuckled and added.

Should I shoot an arrow and put it in the head?

Even though the fairy company commander thought so, he did not hastily do anything.

At first, the soldiers were sent out and suffered.

Next, he was attacked even though he sent a platoon leader.

In terms of individual skills, the opposing soldier was superior.

However, if a company commander steps up and fights, it doesn’t work.

Should I say that it was a strategy that struck a strange gap?

‘Did they say there was a genius strategist in Azpen?’

That strategy itself does not significantly reduce the number of soldiers. However, morale plummeted.

The enemy soldiers fight so well, but why are there no opponents like that among our troops?

‘If I step forward.’

When a company commander stepped up, the other person spoke out.

In fact, he didn’t lose every time he fought a duel.

It is said that Palto, the commander of the 2nd company, was so angry that he smashed the head of a soldier who was attacking him with a mace.

However, even after killing them like that, their morale dropped.

“You should be ashamed of yourself for interfering in a soldier’s fight!”

The battlefield was heated up with these sounds.

The allies, who were fine at first, were being pushed back on the battlefield day after day and were defeated in duels, and their morale was gradually dropping.

There are differences in individual soldier skills and training, but the numbers are similar.

You feel like you have won or lost even without fighting.

So, you probably keep doing things like that over and over again.

They want to kill you, but they are fully prepared to run away.

What if I push ahead with my troops without accepting a duel request?

I wouldn’t know if it had been like that from the beginning. If we do that now, morale will drop again.

So let’s just wait and see?

That would really be like opening the door to purgatory with my own hands.

“What, they came all the way here?”

I was wondering what to do, but there was a soldier approaching from behind.

There is no formation or alignment. A soldier so free-spirited that you wonder if he is a unit marching together.

It was Rem from the independent platoon.

“Would you like to kill that thing?”

The fairy company commander spoke just in case.

Before leaving, didn’t a soldier named Wangnun give me some advice?

“I will at least listen to you for today. So, use it sparingly. “The atmosphere is also scary.”

It’s okay if it doesn’t work out, but if it works out, it’s fine.

That was the mindset.

“Let’s do that.”

Rem nodded cheerfully. He seemed to be in quite a good mood.

“Hey, what did you say your name was?”

“what? “Are you here to fight?”

Rem walked out alone, and Ragna followed behind without thinking until he was grabbed by the forearm by Audin.


“Brother, we are the enemy.”

“Oh, I see.”

Before we knew it, Saxony had become a spectator with his butt pressed against the smooth stone on one side.

No one seemed to have the slightest sense of crisis.

It was the same for the fairy company commander.

And a subtle sense of anticipation appeared in the eyes of our soldiers.

Who is Rem?

It’s crazy. When he was an ally, he was like a dog, but to an enemy, he could be like the world’s best dog penis.

The anticipation is rising and rising.

A thick-chinned soldier poking his head out from next to a rock grinned and walked out.

“I guess there was no one who came forward, not even the immigrants. “You’re not going to lure them in like this and fire arrows, right?”


Saxony thought while looking at his opponent.

It wasn’t the distance you could reach by swinging an axe, but it was enough distance for that crazy barbarian.


Rem threw the ax as soon as the opponent showed his head.

The movements of his hands were like the wind.

To the regular soldier’s eyes, he couldn’t even see how Rem’s hand was moving.

It suddenly seemed like he was shaking his arm up and down, but it was so fast that it seemed like an afterimage was left behind.

The afterimage appeared to have created wings near Rem’s right hand.

Pararak- Hehehe!

I heard the sound of sleeves flapping in the wind, and then the sound of something flying.

The ax flew with a whirling sound and stuck in the forehead of an enemy soldier named Lowell.


The guy’s feet came off the ground with a light noise.

He flew. He flew for a moment without wings until he fell on his back.

Chin – Grumble.

The pebbles pushed against his back collided and bounced sideways.


The guy who fell had his head split open and died. An ax was stuck between his eyebrows, and his eyes were not even closed.

It must have been a death I never dreamed of.

Meanwhile, Rem ran with an ax in his left hand.

Crack, crack.

I kicked the ground a few times, narrowed the distance, and got behind the rock.


Along with the noise, blood spurted out from behind the rock, on the other side where Rem entered.


Rem immediately moved to the next rock.

This time, with a heavy noise, an enemy soldier’s head was cut off and rolled on the floor.

After that.


An enemy soldier jumped out from behind and ran into the river, but Rem chased after him, grabbed his head, and hit his face on the ground.



Is it a moan or a scream?

Rem stamped the enemy soldier’s face on the ground several more times.

The way he took pictures at the same beat and intensity made him look like a craftsman who was creating something repeatedly.

Of course, what Rem creates is not boots or farm equipment, but only death.

Goong, goong, goong.

After hitting it three or four more times and confirming that it is dead, I get up.

When the four were killed, the enemy soldier ran away without even looking back.

He ran towards the prepared boat, put his body on it, and started rowing as hard as he could.

Rem didn’t chase.

The allies didn’t waste their arrows for no reason either.

“The rice gods.”

Instead, put your thumb between your index and middle fingers.

It showed finger swearing that is common across the continent.

It was an insult meant to ask whether your mother sells herself sexually.

Even after seeing this, the enemy soldiers were busy running away.

“let’s go?”

Rem retrieved the ax from his head and came back and spoke.

The fairy company commander chuckled.

As a result, the morale of our troops did not increase.

Overwhelming skills? That’s good, but


‘I don’t want to die like that.’

‘Why is your face like that?’

It was because of the way he killed and the evil deeds he had accumulated.

“Are you going to change your face?”

The soldiers saw threats like that coming out of Rem’s mouth frequently.

Seeing this in action gave everyone goosebumps.

When Rem stepped forward, it had the effect of lowering the morale of both allies and enemies at the same time.

“Let’s go again.”

After the body was roughly recovered and put away. The company commander ordered the march.

* * *

‘You must be doing well, right?’

Encred was busy taking care of himself from the rear.

There were no fatal injuries. Still, there were many wounds that could easily linger if not treated.

I couldn’t join right away.

Since infantry reinforcements were scheduled to arrive later, we decided to join them.

We should be able to leave in one to two to four days.

‘I’ll take care of it.’

I was worried about my platoon members for a while and then quit.

Encred just had to do his best.

Where are the platoon members going out and dying so easily?

If you kill another guy, you kill him.

If they stepped forward and fought, the morale of our troops, which had fallen to rock bottom, would also rise.

‘As long as you fight.’

The platoon members stepped up and fought.

However, the situation turned out to be different from Encred’s expectations.

Because the enemy’s morale was falling at the same time.


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