Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 118

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118. Leap

“Come at me!”


The sword and spear met again and again.

Venjens was tough and strong. No matter how much stronger your muscles are than the average person.

The opponent was also a well-trained soldier.

It was difficult to press with force using only one hand.

‘Then how?’

I fought, thought, and acted.

It sheds. It sheds strength and pierces the gaps.

A line connecting dots.

Find the optimal movement path, insert your sword, watch the reaction, and step back.

My feet were moving quickly.

Then, when he saw an opening, he struck heavily from top to bottom, taking advantage of the charm of a heavy sword.


Venjens blocked the blow with his spear and stepped forward.

This was a fight Encred was more familiar with.

Haven’t you fought countless times with Finn, who uses Ael Karaz’s style of baktujutsu?

In addition, I learned Balaf style martial arts and became familiar with ground techniques called bed techniques.

He kicked Vengeance’s foot with a thud, then took advantage of the opportunity and struck the spear blade with all his might with his sword.


In an instant, the spear blade turns sideways.

In that moment, he forcibly held the sword to his throat.

It felt like I could hear a cracking sound or something breaking from the muscles of my left forearm.

Still, I won.

“Your left hand.”

“I trained originally. Often, when I don’t see you. “It was a secret weapon.”

A prepared excuse is always beautiful.

After repeating this day so many times, I have become good at making excuses.


“Why is Dalian suddenly happening?”

“I don’t know, because I’m watching, I want to have a fight.”

Were you just training the basics?

Did you see any particularly remarkable movements?

Repetition of steps, stabbing and cutting movements.

Was there anything else?

Benjens also had nothing to say.

So, I knew that Encred was already higher than me.

Skills and personality.

I couldn’t hate that bastard anymore since he saved me during the fire in the military barracks.

When I saw him training his sword with his left hand, I wondered what he was doing.

‘Why do you use your left hand so well?’

However, something seemed to be lacking.

“Well, what is it? It’s strange.”


No, damn it, if you explain things like this, who will understand?

Benjens cursed himself and rolled his head again, and rolled his tongue about what he had gained through his rolling head.

“It’s like a dead sword.”

This was the best. If I were to explain further, it would seem like a series of clumsy words.

But what more can you say to someone who fights better than you?

But when I looked at the situation, I found it quite funny.

He immediately came forward and asked to fight, but then he lost and was blaming his opponent.

“No, that’s it.”

“for a moment.”

Encred stopped him and started looking blankly into space.

Although my eyes were open, my mind was elsewhere.

Benjens was unfair.

I didn’t come forward out of jealousy or envy. Because Vengeance was pure at that moment.

Literally like when I first picked up the spear.

When I first started my military service, I grabbed a horseman and was so excited that I swung my spear morning and evening.

I remembered that time.

My blood boiled, and I couldn’t stay still.

The guy with his right wrist cut off.

I heard a rumor about this guy who returned from a bloody mission, sparred with his platoon mates, and then fell asleep.

He is that kind of guy. He must have been beaten and exhausted.

But why are you rolling around like that?

But why is that bastard smiling?

Because I couldn’t think of jealousy or envy.


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My blood boiled.


But suddenly Encred, who was looking blankly into space, spoke. Then I looked at Vengeance standing blankly.

“What are you doing?”

I asked.

Vengeance blinked and then answered.


But what are you thankful for? Anyway, it’s clear that he’s a strange bastard.

Isn’t a training-crazy maniac a fitting nickname?

It’s definitely a better nickname than the devilish platoon leader.

Encrud realized something from Venjens’ words.


The dissonance I felt as I pondered the past and walked down the same path I once walked.

Rather than feeling and looking for what was wrong, I was busy swinging my sword every day.

Because I didn’t know a better way.

But now that I know.

It’s a difference in sensation. There are differences in sensation between the right and left hands of right-handed people, starting from the fingertips.

That came first.

‘Starting with meals.’

Starting with using a spoon and fork.

I also know about training that uses the sensation of your fingertips and arm muscles together.

‘Hyde Knife.’

good night. This was going to be the way.


Chrys’ voice rings out again.


Esther shows hostility.

“f*ck you.”

Venjens swears.

“Thank God for allowing us to meet again.”

And Mitch Hurrier, who I don’t think he had done before, but who had become absorbed in religion, stood in front of us, wet.

Even if I run away, the day goes back to normal.

It was a wall that I had to overcome with just my left hand.

What need do you have for words?

The only answer is to hold a sword and fight.

Encred fought in silence. He swung his sword. walked his feet

I tried to memorize my opponent’s patterns.

And died.

Pain, darkness, abyss, death.

After dying and waking up again, he started living with his left hand the next day.

“what are you doing?”

Kreis asked, tilting his head.

“Fill my stomach.”

“Is your right finger hurt too?”

“No, I don’t want to use it. “It’s better not to use it.”

“It’s too much.”

huh. It’s a lame excuse.

Twenty days have passed since I started living a left-handed life.

In the meantime, Venjens requested to spar several more times.

It was the face of a soldier who longed for pure force that made his blood boil.

“good night.”

After twenty days had passed, only today did the word “dead sword” come out to him.

‘Thanks to you.’

Swing the sword again and die.

So die, die, die again.

It was on my 90th day that I felt a change.


If I walk with my left hand the path I walked with my right hand, will I end up repeating the same thing?


The Encred back then and the Encred now are very different.

‘Focus on one point.’

Immersion, training to draw the sword while sinking into oneself.

A body that has changed through the technique of isolation.

A body that changes with immersion.

And yet, the heart of a beast that makes you not lose your composure.

The movement of my body, that is, which direction does the shaking blade point towards?

How much does my body move when that happens?

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

The training continued until it was boring.

Encred faced a moment he had never felt before.




Beyond the blade moving as intended.

I felt that there was no problem in roughly imitating the basic formula of Jeongjung Healing Recovery.

Precise, heavy, fast, smooth and bizarre.

My body moved as it pleased.

What is talent?

I couldn’t define it in one word.

You will also need some physical talent.

Even forgetting everything and focusing is part of your talent.

I couldn’t even afford to feel pleasure.

The sword found its own way and moved.

My body moved on its own.

There was no need to look around. Even as I moved around like this, I felt the eyes of those around me looking at me.

It was something I had to go through to correct my humble talent through acquired efforts.

So this is my first experience.

Something I would never have experienced in my lifetime.

Add sensitivity to the balance between immersion, body, and composure.

Encred felt that his swordsmanship had improved dramatically in just one day, rather than repetition.


At the same time, there were also shortcomings.

It’s detail.

What should I do to fill it?

It wasn’t something that could be done by simply swinging a sword.

Things you see between open talents.

Beyond just living with your left hand.

It seemed like all I needed to do was attach the hide knife to my hand.

So it’s a repeat again. Just because I clearly saw what I was lacking didn’t change anything.

So repeat again.

Sometimes the days can be boring and sometimes painful.

‘Is this okay?’

Encrud felt joy as he walked down the path one by one with his left hand.

Watching yourself grow.

There was nothing that burned him like that.

Today I sharpened my senses and felt somewhat prepared.

“Let’s have a round of sparring.”

As always, Vengeance attacked.

Now, I am a friend who challenges me every day.

The fight wasn’t long.


When I struck out the spear blade and swung the sword up, the blade seemed to bend like a snake.

The blade stopped in front of Vengeance’s neck.

“f*ck, it’s my left hand.”

“I trained originally.”

Benjens closed his mouth at a similar excuse as today.

Venjens was just dumbfounded.

‘How can you do this with your left hand?’

There was no lamentation. In the first place, I just asked you to spar with me out of envy.

“What are you thinking like that?”

Just then, Encred asked.

Benjens told it like it was.

“I thought I should work hard when I go back.”

At those words, Encred looked blankly and smiled softly. He had a handsome face that was desirable.

He immediately opened his mouth and spoke.

“OK. Then Jenny will come over someday.”

“This bastard?”

How can I get this excited all the time?

Jenny was Vengeance’s seizure switch.

Encred laughed and pushed him away, and Vengeance also laughed.

‘I have to let Jenny confess.’

Then, you shouldn’t die here.

Bleep profit.

The whistle blew.

The 112th day has begun.


Step on the gravel and Mitch Hurrier appears.


Kreis was a little late today.

Just because today is repeated doesn’t mean it’s the same every time.

Of course, it didn’t matter whether Kreis was late or not.

Wear the sword sheath on your right waist and hold the grip with your left hand.

“This is, indeed. “I guess I should say I was lucky.”

Mitch Hurrier looked at Encred and muttered.

Encred didn’t listen.

At some point, there was a whistle, Mitch Hurrier, Benjens, Esther, and Kreis.

I forgot myself.

It contained only a sword. A line that forgets the sword and the opponent, point and point.

What is fast?


The blade meets the scabbard and emits a friction sound.

Before the sound was over, the drawn sword fell on Mitch Huryer’s forehead, drawing the optimal path of movement.


Such a sound was heard in Encred’s ears.

A preemptive attack was made with all of one’s might, entering a state of immersion while taking time.

This blow could be said to be better than my current right hand.



Mitch Huryer’s sword was also drawn.


Blade meets blade.

The blades crisscrossed, Encred pushed forward with force.

Knock knock!

Mitch’s foot was pushed back.

If I took my foot off the ground, I was likely to fall. He held on, and Encred closed the distance without giving him time to draw his sword.

After narrowing the distance to the point where I don’t have to reach out like that.

Encred let go of his sword and grabbed Mitch Hurrier’s hand holding it.

For a moment, I pressed my hand down with all my might.


A light bone friction sound was heard.

“You crazy bastard!”


Mitch Hurrier slammed his knee into Encred’s thigh.

However, Encred did not want to let go of the other person’s hand.

After being hit near the cheekbone by the opponent’s fist, I had no choice but to step back.

‘The fist is really spicy.’


As he retreated and shouted, the quick-witted leopard leapt forward.

“My sword!”

I’m not telling you to attack, you leopard.

Encred’s heart was touched.

Esther was sticking out her tongue when she saw what this ignorant person was doing, but then it jumped out in response to the name.

At the shout that followed, she bit Encred’s sword grip with her teeth and threw it back.

Esther had to put all her effort into this movement.

Today, magic was closed and my body was not normal.

Boom, rattle. Tung.

The sword flew low and landed one step in front of Encred.


A spear flew into the spot where Esther was.

It was an enemy soldier behind.

The man who stabbed the floor with his javelin tried to kick Esther again.


This time, Vengeance stopped it.

“Where are you, bastard?”

The enemy soldiers who were facing each other excitedly and snorted, and the two began throwing spear blades, spear poles, fists, and feet at each other.

Encrud picked up the sword in that gap.

“Are your hands okay?”

Encred is the one who put the splint on his right wrist. So it didn’t seem like the right question for him to ask.

“You bastard.”

It was a question that made Mitch Hurrier twist his lips and glare at Encred.

His thumb was broken in a collision a little while ago.

You wouldn’t be able to hold a sword properly without your thumb to receive strength.

Mitch took one look at his broken thumb and then looked at his opponent.

Now I see that Encred is holding a sword with his left hand.

Were you originally left-handed?

I don’t think that was it.

When he fought with himself, it was his right hand.

I did my best for that too.

To remember that, this situation is just absurd.

“Sorry, but I’m ambidextrous.”

Mitch Hurrier said and grabbed his sword with his other hand.

Left hand.

Of course, Encred was holding the sword with his left hand.

“Yes, I will do the same starting today.”

It wasn’t wrong.

Because I’ve become quite accustomed to using my left hand through today’s repetition.


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