Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 117

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117. Left hand

From the beginning, I didn’t even think about running away.

Even if running away is the only answer.

‘There’s nowhere to go.’

More than anything, I can see a way forward.

How could I leave that path behind?

The signpost in front of Encred asked.

Can you climb a wall without your right hand?

Did they say that if you don’t have teeth, you chew with your gums?

The chief of a slash-and-burn village once said that.

I really liked those words.

If you don’t have a sword, you will use a spear.

If you don’t have a weapon, you’ll fight with your fists.

If you don’t have both arms, bite them.

If you don’t have legs, you can just walk on your knees.


If you don’t have a right hand, what’s left?

Darkness, abyss, fear, pain.

Things that control Encred every time death comes.

Even in such darkness, Encred always saw light.

“Give up.”

It seems like someone is saying that.

It felt like I was pushing myself into the worst possible situation.

Now that I’ve said it myself, it feels even more so, but in reality, it’s nothing.

Why. I don’t know. Encred also knew the difference between himself and others.

How could you not know?

I saw the mercenary colleagues I used to eat together retire one by one.

Besides that.

“I can’t do it. There are so many monster-like bastards, so what is the point of cutting? Damn it.”

I have also seen people collapse because they are jealous of other people’s talents.

Encred was also jealous of such talent.

But if you just envy, nothing will change.

I couldn’t just let the day go by, and I had no choice but to swing my sword at least once more, whether it rained or snowed.

Because that was the only way Encred knew.

So I did that.

Was this difficult?

It wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t like swimming in a sea of ​​pain every day.

It was something I just had to do.

So I just did it.

Death is like that too. I know I can endure it, so I endure it. That was it.

‘for now.’

I felt like I had to try various things. Haven’t we learned something from the previous repeated today?

‘There is not just one road.’

Three ways.

If you can repeat ‘today’ by taking advantage of everything that stands in your way, do so.

I know that struggling like before is not the answer.

That’s why.

“good morning.”

I was able to start the morning with a smile and a greeting.

Ester stared at Encred with tired eyes.

Who is this person, greeting me so brightly this morning?

Esther’s eyes seemed to say so.

“Sleep more.”

Encred pushed Ester into the blanket he had been lying on.

Esther, who would normally have wriggled, was calmly dragged inside.

After putting Ester in the blanket, Encred went out.


I took a breath and relaxed my body using the isolation technique.

As always, when I relaxed my body, my head started spinning.

“A righteous mind resides in a strong body. “Brother.”

When Auddin said this, I thought it was nonsense.

Now I can understand it in a way.

That actually happened.

The more I trained my body, the clearer my mind became.

My head, which was as clear as the sweat I shed, was spinning.

The splinted wrist was not broken. Just before his death, he broke it while overexerting himself, but it returned to its original state.

Things I learned while training.

All the muscle training and techniques were maintained even after repeating today, but the injury did not recover.


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Injuries remain in the body, but recovery must go beyond today.

So, it is impossible to climb the wall with your right wrist intact.

‘Relax your shoulders.’

Broad, sometimes deep vision.

I keep thinking and wander around looking for the best path.

So, heading towards the path you have achieved.

What should be the first step?

What can it be?

Just keep doing what you were doing.

Just doing it every day, repeating it.

Something I actually did before I died.

It is discipline and training. The only difference is doing it with your left hand instead of your injured right hand.

“If you want to take a look, tie this first.”

Before I started like that, Venjens, who had been watching blankly from one side, approached me as I spoke.

“Am I your subordinate? “Do you want me to order something like this?”

When Encred thrust his sword, Vengeance grunted and tightened his grip.

I felt so f*cking bad when I saw this guy’s head fall off.

It was the same when Esther was hit.

The moment I saw the snow embracing the lake and the black leopard flying, something similar to anger rose up.

If I had to put that feeling into words, it was like a plague or hell.

‘What did I do that you want to die instead of me?’

The bitter feeling still remained. Like an afterimage, Benjens’ fallen head and Esther’s fallen head came to mind.

‘Ester, why am I feeling so low today again?’

What is that leopard like?

It was bloody. It was the kind of beast that would scratch and rip off soldiers’ shins and take their lives.

If you underestimate it because it is small, it is a beast that will climb up to your neck and bite off your leash in an instant.

But why are you being treated so helplessly?

‘I had no energy.’


Because they are risking their lives for you.

Encred also decided to do the same.

Risking your life and drawing a sword. If I could put my heart into training, I decided to give it a try.

“You seem so crazy. “When you rest, you have to rest.”

Vengeance said, handing Encred’s sword back.

Encred answered, taking it with his left hand.

“I was sorry about Jenny’s time.”

“… … “Did you know?”

Vengeance ruffled his hair and blurted out something.

“I know it’s not your fault.”

As expected, this kid is special.

I feel jittery.

He got so angry when he didn’t understand.

Encred tapped Venjens’ shoulder with his injured hand.

“The woman whose face I don’t see is probably somewhere on the continent.”

“… … 개새끼가?”

Seeing Venjens’ distorted face made me feel lighter.

Yes, it tastes like this.

I can understand Rem’s feelings.

I don’t make fun of people and harass them for no reason.

Venjens grumbles and retreats.

Encred stood holding his sword. The tip of the sword held in the left hand is pointing diagonally toward the sky.

What did you experience in the repeated today, the dead today?

I pondered the past. Laid the foundation. I was immersed. I fell into my own world.

It was a joy.

It was a different type of joy than before.

The kind of pleasure you can feel just by immersing yourself in one thing.

The moment when he shakes off the afterimages left in his mind by joking with Vengeance and falls into his own world.

Encred relived the experience of today.

Repeat and reflect.

This time, there was no case of the leather strap around the grip breaking.

“It starts with the feet.”

Swordsmanship instructors I passed by countless times.

Reflecting on their teachings.

It’s the foundation. Standing before walking, crawling before standing.

Go back to basics. These are things you need to learn before considering proper recovery.

Repetitive training to hold the sword and move it the way you want.

Encred did that.

Shoo! Whoop, whoop.

A fairly sharp sound is mixed in between the dullness.

I forgot the passage of time and swung my sword several times.


A long tone whistle sounded.


For some reason, Vengeance, who had been watching in fascination, reacted first.


He shouts and turns around, and Encred also comes out of his immersed world.


Ester, feeling a change in the surrounding air, came out of the barracks and stood next to Encred.

Encred said, touching Esther’s head with his fingertip.

“Don’t come out today. “You’re tired.”

what? This human? This is a natural question for Esther.

It seems like he is saying this because he knows he is tired today. Did you notice the trick I tried to relieve my fatigue yesterday?

Of course not.

I only know this through repeated experience today.


I see Kreis running towards me and shouting.

Encred pondered for a moment, resting the tip of his sword on the ground.

Should I switch to holding it with my right hand?

Does that make sense?

Injuries do not heal. When you die, you just go back home.

Do it with your left hand.

Didn’t you come to that conclusion?

There were no worries. In the first place, Encred is not the type of person who thinks deeply and agonizes.

There is no option to be trapped in today.

There is no option to run away.

If so, all you have to do is find something you can do.

That’s it.


Knocking away a few pebbles, he pulled his sword out of the ground and pointed it forward.

“… … “When I get back, I guess I’ll have to make an offering to the temple.”

“Mitch Hurier,” he said, appearing on the gravel. Soggy hair and a sword in hand.

The refined posture and sharp eyes are definitely different from before.

“What is he saying now.”

Vengeance next to me aimed his spear as if growling. Next to him, Esther actually growled and let out an animal cry.

A heavy cry spreading from inside the throat.

Although it was a sound that would make a timid person go numb, there was no hesitation in Mitch Huryer’s steps.

I walked without hesitation and narrowed the distance.

“I go first.”

After speaking, Encred stepped forward.

“Captain, your wrist!”

Cryce shouted from behind in an urgent voice. Wangnuni also seemed quite surprised.

The enemy suddenly invaded, and our allies fell to the ground.


f*ck! Stop it!

Kill it!

It’s noisy everywhere. Between the clanging sounds of metal.

Mitch Hurrier stops walking.

Encred answered Chrys.

“My left hand is fine.”

What kind of crazy shit is that?

Kreis opened his big eyes even wider. It’s because I don’t understand the platoon leader’s bullshit.

That was something no one here could understand. It was enough to sound like nonsense.

However, contrary to what he said, Encred’s spirit was no less than his opponent’s.

The opponent’s momentum encompassed and crushed the surroundings.

Benjens felt himself becoming smaller.

This must be what it means to overwhelm those around you.

Even Esther felt the pressure.

Kreis had nothing to say.

There was no way to get help from nearby soldiers.

I also knew that if I were to fail, I was in danger of dying.

But why does Encred’s back look so big despite all this pressure?

He is standing. He stood in front. showed his back.

Those few facts seemed to take the pressure off.

The spirit to stand up to the spirit of an opponent.

Yes, that seemed to be visible.

A look passed between Mitch Hurier and Encred.

“I hoped we would meet again.”

“I guess you opened your eyes thanks to me?”

Mitch’s brow furrowed slightly at those words. Shaking the opponent’s heart with words was one of the basics of the Valencian mercenary sword.

After shaking the other person’s heart with what I know through repeated today.

Encred shook his injured right hand. As if anything could happen.

Mitch moved his sword reflexively.

After surprising him with words and tricking him again by moving his right hand, he stabbed him from bottom to top with the sword he held in his left hand.

It is a Valenic mercenary sword with double blades.

The left-hand thrust could not be said to be perfect. He didn’t even like it.

I only played with the sword for about two days.


I’m stuck.

A clumsy stab is a stab, but more than anything, Mitch Huryer’s skills have improved significantly.

In a way, it’s similar to Encred repeating today.

I countered the sword stabbed from below with my own sword and deflected it, then moved my left foot forward.

The fluid movements continued.

Michi’s sword cut Encred’s chest in a smooth arc.


As he reflexively took a step back, his leather armor withstood Mitch’s sword once.

But that was the limit.


Esther tried to jump in from behind again.

“You crazy bastard!”

Venjens got angry.


cried Kreis.

Mitch Huryer wasn’t affected by anything around him.

I did what I had to do no matter what anyone said.

As if he expected Encred to dodge, he changed the position of his feet back and forth and took steps to narrow the distance, then stabbed him with his sword.

Pooh wow!

“What about your right hand?”

Mitch asks prodding. En Creed raised his right hand. The right hand is splinted and is injured.


Crimson blood flowed from Encred’s mouth as he tried to answer.

“You were unlucky.”

Wood clatter.

The blade is pulled out. A person with a broken heart cannot survive.

After that, Chrys said something and Benjens attacked, and Ester also attacked.

Anyway, why do you keep attacking me?

After those events, Encred encountered the darkness of the abyss along with pain.

Death comes again.

After opening my eyes, I repeated the left hand training.

Some days, I just quietly trained.

Some days.

“Jenny was a woman with an eye for seeing.”

“… … Kill them?”

I also made fun of Venjens for no reason.

I repeated this dozens of times today.

“You hurt your right hand!”

I even heard an excited Kreis shouting out loud.

“I heard you have left hand left.”

“What are you talking about, really!”

I used a Valencian mercenary sword, but it didn’t work.

So from next time, I mixed up wrestling techniques.

Before drawing the sword, he threw the last remaining whistle dagger, closed the distance, pretended to draw the sword, and then tripped.

Mitch was able to hold on to Encred’s feet just by bending his knees and lowering his center of gravity.


Next is the task of swinging the sword again.

At first, I couldn’t endure one sum, but after about thirty times, I started to be able to endure it two or three times.

On the 42nd day today.

For the first time, there was a change that Encred had not intended.

“Let’s have a game with me.”

Venjens, who was watching, immediately requested a sparring match.

Encred tilted his head as he felt sweat flowing down his forehead.

“with me?”

“So, who will you do it with?”

Encred nodded. This was like a habit. He never refused to spar.

Originally, Vengeance could not be Encred’s opponent, but now Encred was using his sword with his left hand.

“There is no attention.”

Venjens said and held out his spear. The momentum was quite brutal.

Ting, Encred bowed and struck the spear blade with his sword.

It was the beginning of sparring.


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