Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 115

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115. Aren’t you sleeping?

A high-speed sword sparring with Rem.

It was a sword-fighting sparring with Ragnar, with only slight clashes.

I exchanged blows and joint moves with Audin with my bare hands.

When the sparring ended like that.

“Now you can walk.”

Rem said.

Baby steps, even if it seems like a funny thing to say.

I found out that in reality, that wasn’t the case.

A gentle smile appeared on Rem’s face as she spoke.

Encred looked satisfied.

“Waste has been reduced.”

Ragna also added a word.

It’s hard to take this as a compliment, though.

Although what he said was ordinary, Ragnar’s eyes showed unprecedented enthusiasm.

He is a guy who goes about most things with his eyes only half open.

The look in his eyes was because he was more than satisfied with his current sparring with Encred.

Cold heat came from Ragna’s eyes.

“You continued your sensory training.”

Saxony gave a calm compliment.

“You are one step closer to God.”

Audin said something strange.

I thought about it a few times, but the meaning wasn’t very good, so I looked at Audin. Rem spoke before Encred.

“Isn’t that the same level as praying?”

“no. Brother, it’s a blessing.”

Where is the blessing?

Anyway, the sparring is over.

“That’s the troublemaker squad leader?”

“Now you are the crazy platoon leader. “You bastard.”

“What is that?”

“That friend is that friend.”

“They say he’s a training-crazy maniac.”

The words of the onlookers were heard. Those who had remained silent until now, those who were shocked and kept quiet.

Encred was out of breath and his shoulders were shaking.

My wrists were sore.

My tired limbs lost strength.

Still, it didn’t really feel bad.


‘it’s a shame.’

Because my right wrist was injured, everyone took care of my situation. That was very disappointing.

Still, I learned something.

Past experience.

So, these are the things you encounter when you cross the cross guard wall.

Even Frock, who came back and fought.

A feeling of pouring the sum of all my experiences into it.

From there to new things I learned today.

I wanted to think about it.

In other words, I wanted to fight more.

“Hold on. “If you do more than that, your wrist will hurt.”

Rem, who was quick-witted, said. know. Resting is also important.

Isn’t this something that I learned and realized right away?

Encred took a breath and shrugged his shoulders.

Those watching also turn around.

Some people saw Encred and pretended to know him.

“Are you here?”

This is the Venjens platoon leader. Now that we have reached the same level of status.


Since Encred was a couple of years older, the words came out naturally.


Why does that friend look embarrassed?

After greeting several others, including Belle and the seamstress, with my eyes and hands, I entered the barracks.

“Okay then, let’s talk about it. “What are you doing here?”

Rem blurted out.

He was curious. What on earth had to be done for such a dull person who only knows how to work hard to improve his skills so much?

The fact that Rem was able to walk was a compliment to a human being who had overcome a certain barrier.

Although I bumped into my wrist for some reason, I felt a clear change.

He repeatedly showed slashes that seemed to bend like a whip.

Do you have confidence in your body, in your weapons, in your arms, in your hands, in everything you have accumulated over the years?


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This was the difference between Encred before he started scouting with a cross guard and now.

Confidence, no hesitation.

It is a confidence that will not hesitate.

Some would call this skill.

Some might say that this is a result of technology.

It felt like everything I had accumulated so far had been refined.

I thought it would be interesting to hear the story.

What kind of fun things are you doing in a place where you are not?

Ragna sat in front as if he was curious, and Saxony and Audin also took their seats.

Andrew, Mac, and Anne are also listening.

“I feel like a storyteller.”

Encred muttered. These are the platoon members sitting in a huddle in front of him.

It’s a story, how difficult is it?

Encred recited what happened in a simple way.

A story about falling into a trap, spearmen in front, archers in the back, and the keen eye of ranger Finn.

The lycanthrope and the wizard waiting on the castle wall.

Even the fight with Frock.

Aside from repeating today, I spoke honestly, and also added that I was lucky in between.

It was a series of content that did not fit with the calm tone of speech.

“Are you cursed with something that makes your skills improve when you almost fall?”

Rem asked with a grin.

Because it seemed that way to him.

Every time I faced the risk of death, my skills would improve significantly.

Was the platoon leader actually a genius?

No, it’s not like that even if I die. I know because I taught it myself.

So, was something stimulating during the crisis of death?

Anyway, it was amazing how his skills improved when he was in danger of dying, but Rem didn’t care.

What does it matter?

“Anyway, it was fun.”

The others who were listening next to him were also roughly nodding their heads, but Andrew asked with a look in his eyes as if his soul had been threshed out.

“You came back from a place like that alive?”

Can we just say that the stories we have heard so far are just luck?

The same goes for sparring earlier.

Before, I thought it might still be worth a try.

When did the skill gap become so wide? Has she been neglecting her training all this time?

‘No, absolutely not.’

Because he was hanging out with a bunch of crazy people, every day was a series of suffering for him. His skills have improved proportionally.

Mac said it too.

“I hate to offend you, but I have to admit what I have to admit. “If you hang around with Rem, your skills will improve.”

So, he did his best. I devoted myself to training like never before. Still, a gap arose.

“I was lucky.”

Encred’s mouth opened. It was the same answer as usual. Andrew had nothing more to say.

Encred said he should sleep now and checked the condition of his wrist.

Somehow it seems worse than when I fought Proc.

“I’ll have to wait in the barracks tomorrow because of my wrist injury.”

“It’s not like we have to go all the way to the barracks, but yes, fighting would be impossible.”


“I want to rest too.”

Starting with Saxony, these are the words of Kreis, Rem, and Ragnar.

This was what Encred also expected. They would tell me that my wrist condition was getting worse and that I should rest.

If your superiors ask why you sparred with such wrists.

“That’s our platoon’s tradition. You didn’t know?”

Rem will probably answer something like this.

No matter what, resting was also important. It’s true that my wrist got sore after the fight with Frog.

I could swing the sword a few times, but if I tried too hard, it would definitely break.

“Have you put down your shield?”

Ragna asked as he found his place. En Creed nodded her head.

“Because it’s more comfortable this way.”

As he spoke, Encred took out his guard sword and showed it to him.

The teeth of the blade are slightly chipped, and there is a dent in the center of the blade.

It was worth using.

“There are things that everyone can’t get used to.”

Ragna nodded.

It was a night of return. So, when it was time to go to sleep, let’s all lie down in bed and Rem said.

“Let’s not be pushed around by procs and the like.”

Wouldn’t it be more awkward to label a proc with something like that?

“That’s right. I need to train myself more. “There is a lot to do.”

Ragna also added.

Saxony gave a cold look without saying a word.

“Brother, platoon leader, everything is possible if you train yourself.”

Audin, who possesses the devil’s tongue, also added his words.

“If we fight again, we win.”

When I answered with enthusiasm, everyone laughed.

“Well, you have good confidence.”

After Rem spoke on behalf of the group, it was time to face the darkness again and try to sleep.

“Let’s do it properly when my wrist heals.”

“Once that’s all healed, I have a lot to tell you. “Catch up on some bad habits.”

“There is no end to training. “Brother.”

“There is more to do.”

From Rehm to Saxony, they opened their mouths again.

learn something new moving forward Finally walking and walking again.

It was something Encred had really wanted.

Right now, I have to focus on recovery.

My wrists were stiff.

‘It seems like you don’t want to send me into battle.’

It was a strange feeling.

Isn’t it really unique to see the people who care about you?

Anyway, instead of going out yourself, will everyone, including Rem, fight a little harder tomorrow morning?

I can not know.

Encred still doesn’t know exactly why these people follow him so much.

We can only guess and guess.

I don’t particularly want to drag it into the realm of certainty.

I think it’s better now than to mess around and make things happen.

I’ll talk to you if I need to.

All you had to do was treat it the same way as before.

“Let’s do that.”

I answered again and now I was really trying to sleep. however.

“Anyway, it’s not like a proc.”

As Rem spoke, he raised his body halfway and drew a sharp line in the air with his hand.

“Block like this and hit like this. Faster than that guy. Just your wrist is better. I will engrave it right down to your bones. “Kill the frog.”

“There is a process of learning basic foods other than the Junggeom formula and incorporating them into your body.”

“You must maintain the isolation technique of removing the right hand. “Brother.”

“… … “How to not let down your guard.”

Everyone in the platoon stops talking.

“Aren’t you guys sleeping?”

I felt like if I left it alone, I would talk all night long.

What is this?

Is this because I am so happy to see you after such a long time?

Or maybe there was no one to bother.

Andrew’s eyes are too bright for that.

“I’m going to sleep. “I was already sleepy.”

Rem’s words were the last. Everyone went to sleep.


Esther, who had been hiding her presence in a corner, came into Encred’s arms.

Encred lay down and thought back to his fight with Proc and today’s sparring. Today’s sparring was incomplete.

Still, my blood boiled.

In a way, I didn’t know that it was a process of confirming what I had done so far.

Why does it seem like there is a new way forward?

Refreshments, miscellaneous thoughts, and the warmth Ester gives me in my chest.

I fell asleep all of a sudden. Just like that, Encred fell asleep.

After a while.

“They say my talent can be used anywhere.”

Andrew whispered softly, mixed with lament.

Mac, who heard from the side, had nothing to say.

Clearly, by his own standards, Andrew was a great resource.

So much so that I can see my skills improving.

But this platoon.

‘This is, um, this is really it.’

Where are people like this common?

I don’t think so. It was my first Mac. Why are there so many people who fight so well?

This is even true of Platoon Leader Encred.

My skills have improved significantly. He told me not to stick with Andrew before because he was at a high level.

Doesn’t it feel like a certain line has been crossed now?

Because Mac was running out of things to say.

“When comparing yourself to others, swing your sword one more time.”

I spoke in the spirit of a mad platoon. At those words, Andrew let out a sigh.

* * *

Morning came and Encred opened his eyes.



I saw Ester rubbing her cheek against her chest.

I reflexively raised my right hand to stroke my head, but then changed my hand.

I can’t use my hand because it has a splint on it.

I stroked Esther’s fur with the tip of my left finger.

Esther let out a happy cry.

He also overslept.

Sunlight seeped through the barracks, and when Encred half-raised his body, Kryis came in from the barracks entrance.

“woke up?”

“I overslept.”

“I was probably tired. Will I be able to relieve my travel fatigue by resting for a day or two? After going through all that trouble?”

I’ve heard everything that happened to Encred last night. Kreis knows that his platoon leader’s physical strength is monstrous, but if he doesn’t feel tired after such a forced march, he’s not human.

“Let’s eat first.”

I got up, barely blinked, and had a meal. For breakfast, we had well-cooked potatoes and thinly sliced ​​bacon topped with salt and grilled.

“Is the quality of the meal good?”

“They care about me in many ways. Oh, and the rest of the squad went to the front first.”

Kreis said, pointing upward.

Does this mean that there are high expectations for this platoon?

So what’s the special meal?

Rem and others moved first? Is that good news or bad news?

I think he probably moved his wrist a little harder to give it an excuse to rest.

Will my platoon members act as the commander intends?

I don’t know about that.

Even if I comfort him directly, I can’t do it.

Maybe he’ll fight hard for a day or so.

He might have done so if it meant giving him some rest.

Rem originally said he would kill three people, but today he might kill five people.

That was something to look forward to, but will it actually deliver the battle the commander wants?

That was something I didn’t know.

I don’t know how much my platoon members will be needed in the area of ​​strategy and tactics.

That was the end of my thoughts.

I never learned large-scale tactical operations in the first place.

The commander will do his job.

Warmonger Marcus.

It will live up to its name.

After finishing his meal, Encred trained himself with isolation techniques just enough to not put any strain on his right wrist, and then began recovery.

It was a process of reflecting and pondering what I had learned, a continuation of what I normally do every day.

‘Was there a mistake?’

If so, where? Don’t repeat the same mistake next time.

All experience gained in a life-threatening fight is wealth.

This is what an instructor I met in a small fishing village I visited while wandering said to me.

Those words still remained with Encred.

As I was reliving the fight alone, I started to feel itchy.

I couldn’t stay still so I got up, but I couldn’t even hold the sword properly because of the splint and bandage on my right wrist.

Standing with his eyes half closed, Encred drew a picture in his head.

Auddin, Ragnar, Rem.

Starting yesterday’s sparring in reverse order, going through the proc, the night of dealing with the wizard, the moment of being surrounded by lycanthropes, and the moment of escaping after facing elite soldiers.


Luck followed. Of course, since it is luck brought about by repeating today, it can also be said to be calculated luck.

Think again and move your body. As a result, my blood naturally boiled.

There was no way I could overcome it without swinging the sword.

“A maniac who is crazy about training.”

Did someone call him that?

‘I think they look amazingly good together.’

At the end of my idle thoughts, I couldn’t bear it anymore and pulled out my sword.


My right hand was broken so I used my left instead.

‘I normally use a sword with just one hand.’

What would happen if I only had one left hand? What if I improved my strength even more?

Thinking over and over again, I held the sword with my left hand and lowered it.


It was a clumsy cut.

That’s how I felt too.

It was so different from when I did it with my right hand.

‘It feels like starting over, though.’

It was several times better than staying still. I needed an outlet for my boiling motivation, desire, and desire right now.

“That bastard is completely crazy, he’s saying shit with his left hand because his right hand is hurt.”

Venjens, who was left behind to defend the rear, watched Encred from one side and opened his mouth.

Of course, Encred didn’t even listen. No, he couldn’t hear.

Complete immersion.

Encred was retracing the path he had taken with his right hand with his left hand, looking at things he had missed.


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