Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 114

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114. Because I crawled forward

The soldier who guided Encred to his quarters gently rubbed his eyes.

I felt like I saw something wrong.

‘Is this right?’

I don’t think so. My eyes seem a little strange.

The moment he saw the platoon leader, soldier Ragnar stood up.

‘Why are you waking up so suddenly?’

Ragna was called the lazy lunatic even among the mad platoon because he rarely got up from his seat.

A guy like that gets up right away?

It was a scene that made everyone who had been watching him, especially until recently, slap their thighs and jump out of their seats.

‘Why is it like that?’

He was a guy who surprised those around him just by getting up. That bastard.

Wasn’t he a crazy, lazy bastard who didn’t listen even when I told him to get up and get out, that the enemy soldiers were in front of him?

“It’s late.”

Ragna suddenly spoke and picked up his sword.

“Please check to see if there has been any regression in the meantime… … .”

What happened wasn’t enough, so I applied for a sparring match? And that one first?

Sometimes harsh words were exchanged within the squad, but for the most part, he was the type of guy who didn’t even bother to listen.

That guy suggested a sparring match. Holding his sword, he seems to be itching, igniting his motivation. It was an attitude that made anyone want to step up and swing the sword right away.

“Did you turn?”

Rem blocked the path of the lazy, crazy Ragna.

“Didn’t you know that I always do the first sparring? “Isn’t that right?”

Why is this happening again?

This guy is just called a crazy person.

So, he’s the craziest guy in this platoon.

A madman who swings an ax for no reason.

A maniac who is the first to throw a tantrum when there is a fight.

The madman was laughing now. It wasn’t a laugh that was laughing at the other person, nor was it a lifeless laugh.

It’s pure laughter.

When it overlapped with the unique appearance of a barbarian, it was a smile that seemed naive.

“Are you hurt?”

They even worry about other people.

I thought that crazy barbarian would care about people other than splitting people’s heads with an axe.

The soldier was one of the battalion commander’s direct subordinates.

I was there to guide Encred and find out what kind of great man the platoon leader was.

The scenery before my eyes was so awkward.

“I don’t think it’s broken.”

He comes forward too.

That bastard had a snout.

It is said that at one time, he was friendly with quite a few members of the unit.

Recently, the soldier has become a crazy person who just glares at him. He didn’t speak so well that I thought he had cut out his tongue somewhere.

Was his name Saxony?

They called that bastard a clear-eyed lunatic.

Just staring at him, his clear eyes that made my skin crawl for no reason made me feel sick.

“Have you applied the medicine?”

The clear-eyed lunatic, that is, the thing he was talking about, was also fascinating, and he even went so far as to look at the wrist of the platoon leader.

‘It seems like a dream.’

Why have they changed like this?

The last one was a holy madman.

These were the four people who were already rumored within the unit.

Each one is truly unique and crazy.

Among them, he is the most notable one.

Although its size is reminiscent of a large rock, it walks around with a gentle smile on its face. Above all, unlike other crazy people, he was kind.

However, I wasn’t a good listener.

A unit member who sometimes looks like he has a halo when he is praying.

It looks like he could devour an enemy unit with just a tap, but this crazy bastard says he can’t fight because he didn’t have God’s call.

In the adjutant’s opinion, this guy was truly crazy.

A priest whose prayers are reciprocated proves himself with divine power.

But this guy doesn’t use divine power. Then what can it be?

A prayer that was not answered means that you are not a proper priest.

‘What is the word of God?’

I searched for God every day and used that as an excuse.

If you join the military, aren’t you supposed to listen to your superiors’ orders?

No, if it’s going to be like this, why are you here?

The holy madman opened his mouth with his usual smile.

“Brother, you lacked training. Have you been playing for a while? You get hurt because you’re lazy on a regular basis. Train. training.”

Regardless of whether he believed in God or not, the maniac, who was always kind, preyed on people with a smiling face.

‘Just cut the crazy person apart. A clear-eyed maniac shoots his wrist with clear eyes, and a lazy maniac looks diligent. ‘A holy maniac preys on people?’


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What is this? It was very, very, very difficult to explain the situation.

This guy was the only one who could sort out this whole situation.

The adjutant’s gaze turned to Encred.

He said whatever he could, whether he was watching from the side or not.

“It’s not broken.”

After saying that, he looked around and continued.

“You just need to rest a little. This is not the problem, what on earth have you been doing? “Why is it a platoon of crazy people instead of a platoon of troublemakers?”

Eight days at most. Meanwhile, why has the troublemaker turned into a madman?

Encred’s doubts were reasonable.

Rem answered confidently as usual.

“I think it happened because there was no platoon leader, it was all the platoon leader’s fault. Anyway, something like that. “It’s all the platoon leader’s fault.”

It was just a crazy person saying crazy things.

“So what about sparring?”

A lazy maniac got it.

“If you underestimate a small injury, it will cause trouble at a critical moment. Let’s take off the bandage first. A crazy person? Who says that? “This is my first time hearing it.”

“I don’t know. “Brother, the platoon leader.”

Afterwards, the clear-eyed crazy guy and the holy crazy guy also gave unique answers.

The adjutant knew that Encred would criticize them greatly.

I thought there was a problem with the crazy platoon, even if there was no leader.

Above all, isn’t there Andrew next to him who has now stopped crying?

He is a member of the platoon who became Nuntaengi and Bamtaengi.

Those eyes were proof that there was trouble within the platoon.

“Why are his eyes like this?”

Sure enough, Encred insisted.

“I sparred with you. “To improve my skills.”

Just from the words of a madman.

“Well, that was good.”

I agreed.

Is this a good thing? My colleague’s snowball is blue? Is it new blue? My eyes are so swollen that I can’t see clearly.

“Still, I’m not leaving. “I will remain under the captain.”

The guy named Andrew also had a strangely different mood when he saw the platoon leader, Encred.

Usually, he only glances at you instead of talking directly to you, but now it seems like he’s confronting you out of the blue.

“Okay, so I said I like you. Shall we give it a try? wait. “I’m going up to have some fun with our platoon leader.”

I could tell Rem just by looking at his face. It’s laughter all the time. It looked like a happy smile. At least that’s how it seemed to the adjutant.

After that, the madman said something and waited for Encred to get his troops.

“Go and find out. Why did you call me? “Why do you need that lucky friend?”

The adjutant took it upon himself to guide the platoon commander, and of course it was the battalion commander’s order.

So I had to report whatever this guy did, and I waited for Encred to do anything.

That was the end.

A clear-eyed madman takes off his bandages.

A black leopard appeared from nowhere, blinking its blue eyes and yawning.


Encred looked at himself. Then the other unit members also turned their gaze towards the adjutant.

“Aren’t you going?”

Encred asked. It didn’t sound like we should stay here and hang out together.

“Oh, yes, I’m coming. “I hope you rest well.”

The adjutant turned around.

After he left, Rem tilted his head and asked.

“Why did it follow you? “I just kept rolling my eyes for days.”

“Eye color?”

“He kept looking at me. “I thought you were asking me to kill you, so I was planning to decorate your head with an ax sometime tomorrow.”

“You crazy bastard, then it’s not assault on your superior, it’s murder.”

“Is that so?”

I’m not asking because I don’t know. Especially when he laughs like that, he definitely knows it.

“Leave it alone. Don’t create problems with your superiors for no reason. “In particular, that man is directly under the battalion commander.”

“If you don’t suit up, you can just be discharged.”

Of course, that wouldn’t be a typical campaign.

Rem’s campaign will be like escaping from the army with two axes.

While Encred and Rem were talking back and forth, Saxony took out his ointment, knelt down on one knee, and dabbed it on his wrist.

I felt a cold sensation on my wrist. It’s a strange feeling, cold, refreshing, and tickling.

It didn’t seem like it was an ordinary drug.

Maybe it’s because it’s been a while since I last saw you.

Why are you so active in treating injuries?

Anyway, Encred said what he had to say.

“Let’s live by being consistent with what is said above.”

As for the reason why he called me, I heard it on the way.

The battlefield situation was on the verge of a dog’s penis, morale was low, and there was commotion within the unit.

The nickname ‘Mad Platoon’ was a nickname that proved the noise.

It would be a waste of skill to raise the discipline of the military by cutting off their heads.

But if I endured it and tried to do something, it would have seemed like everyone would cause trouble.

‘The company commander must have protected them as well.’

I don’t know what the fairy company commander was thinking, but he tended to take care of himself and his unit members whether he knew it or not.

It must have been a similar reason why I brought my platoon members here.

As soon as the organization is changed to an independent platoon under the direct command of the company commander, they step out without their own captain?

Encred also knew how big of a problem that would seem.

So he must have brought it.

Aside from worrying about how he was taken away, Encred also knew this much.

Of course, Kreis explained everything on the way.

However, there is a problem they overlooked.

‘It’s not like you’re listening to me.’

Even when trying to break up a fight, words don’t work, so you end up pushing your body into it.

They were not great men who would go out and fight just because they were told to do so.

It was still like that now. No one heard what Encred said.

I spilled it all. I have no intention of correcting what I said above.

‘What can I do?’

This is the troublemaker squad, the crazy platoon.

Saxony, who had wrapped the bandage again, said with his eyes downcast.

“You shouldn’t overdo it, but it will also be your responsibility to suffer later.”

Even if you try to stop him, he won’t listen. Saxony took a step back.

“okay. “The trouble is mine.”

As we continued talking to this point, Kreis, who was standing behind us, opened his mouth.

“Am I not even visible?”

“huh? “Are you here?”

“I could see it.”

“Are you here, brother?”

The three of them, excluding Saxony, spoke next. Saxony only gave a quick glance.

Anyway, he was involved with Kreis for various reasons.

The relationship is mainly about exchanging information, introducing pr****utes, and selling drugs.

Kreis was satisfied with this because he knew well that he should not expect anything from them.

After that, it was sparring time.

As they rushed out in front of the barracks, only then did Enri pretend to know.

“I’m scared to even talk to you. In some ways, I respect Andrew for stepping forward.”

Enri’s face was fine. In a way, it means behaving well.

‘If you look at it another way, it’s just this much.’

There was no conflict with any of the unit members, but that didn’t mean I could get close to any of them.

Encred did not judge people carelessly.

Still, I know the insight of my unit members.

Not all of them have Enri by their side.

It means that this guy is not expected to do his part in the unit.

But I would rather go home now.

I didn’t say any nonsense like saying it would be a good idea to be discharged.

What do you say?

Even though everyone told him to quit and quit, he is still holding the sword to this day.

Yeah, I didn’t give up.

Never backed down.

I even crawled forward.

That was the current Encred.

This is the result of crawling, at least half a step at a time. Even though my wrist was damaged against Frog, I was able to show it.

Something has changed.

Something that has been accumulated over the years.

I felt like I could still do that. Just enough to not strain your wrists.

I didn’t think it would be difficult.

“I said I came first.”

Rem stepped forward, smiled, and swung his axe. She didn’t even say anything to begin with.

Encred also swung his sword.

Rem’s arm was bent like a whip and the ax blade looked like that too. Stretching and bending.

Encred’s sword was also bent against him.

As it was swung at high speed, an afterimage was left behind and the ax blade met the blade.


One clash, one exchange.

With that alone, the corners of Rem’s mouth twitched up.

“Look at this?”

Rem muttered, and the smile on his face deepened.

The sound of metal clashing against metal, a sound that rang out in the night, created an uproar around the area.


“Are you the mad squad again?”

“What is it today?”

Then, when they found out that this was happening in the madman platoon, the group of soldiers naturally became spectators.

Instead of fighting among themselves like usual, new faces were seen, and it became a good spectacle.

Of course, there were people who knew that face.

Vengeance, or Bell, who fought together on the previous battlefield.

Or the squad leader who sewed Encred, part of the border guard, or even those who faced Encred in the promotion battle.


Metal met metal, sparks flew, and noise erupted.

Everyone watched Rem and Encred’s sparring for a moment, and everyone was speechless.

“Well, um, what is this?”

Someone’s muttering spoke for the words of all the onlookers.

Encred, that Encred.

Even if you have recently been promoted and become a senior soldier.

In any case, the opponent was significantly less skilled than him.

The author was often the object of ridicule and called a nerd squad leader.


He swung his sword, threw it away, and stabbed it so quickly that it was invisible, matching Rem’s axe.

He was the same number as Rem, who had recently gained a reputation as a madman and even gained the admiration of some of his allies by cutting down enemy soldiers.

At least that’s how it seemed to them.

That wasn’t the end.

“Let’s talk about the rest later. “Because there are a lot of people waiting.”

Rem stops while sparring.

Behind him is Ragnar.

Behind him is Audin.

They took turns fighting Encred, and Encred was not easily defeated by them all.


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