Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 113

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113. Yes, I’m here.

“Quota ends today.”

It’s the third day since I competed.

A hand-to-hand combat began with a light provocation.

Rem went to battle for three days straight and returned looking the same.

He shook the ax in both hands on the floor, scattering blood.

As soon as Rem came out, he killed three people at a time. His exciting ax swing made the three look like firewood.

It was a living firewood that, when split, sheds brain pulp and internal organs.

In the beginning, the moment the friendly and enemy forces came together, they quickly cut, slashed, and came back with their heads exploded.

If my mouth didn’t water after seeing this, I had to throw away my commander’s ticket.

At least, if you have eyes to see, this is a talent you don’t want to miss.

Rem wasn’t the only one like this.

“I’m fine alone, but why do you keep adding soldiers?”

The same goes for the soldier named Ragna who walks shuffling as if he is bored.

At first it wasn’t noticeable at all.

They fight and fight all the time.

He holds on for a while and comes back. Unless someone attacks them, they don’t really risk their lives in a fight.

‘It’s a waste of skill.’

The fairy company commander was one of the people who recognized Ragna’s skills.

I just left it like that.

One day, while traveling between battlefields, he got lost alone.

‘How can I get lost here?’

Did they go around a mountain range, or secretly cross a river and attack the enemy’s base?

All it did was push back the main camp.

Anyway, it seems that the soldier named Ragnar went to the enemy camp by mistake, and that meant his life was dead.

He came back alive and well.

And that too, leisurely, while holding the enemy commander’s head.

“Oh, I heard you wanted to go left there.”

This is what I blurted out when I came back. The enemy general’s head hanging from the tip of his finger was a bonus.

“You said you were lost?”


The fairy company commander asked and received an answer. That was the end.

In the first place, I had no intention of forcing anything when I brought him here.

They were brought in under those conditions.

“Fill the vacant position of your platoon leader.”

To them, the name Encred was synonymous with magic.

“No, they sent us from above, so why are they telling us to fill the empty space?”

“If you play, you will be doing what Encred told you to do. Are you going to cause trouble there?”

Although they didn’t say a few words, those who didn’t even snort when told to go to war gathered their belongings.

“I’ll do just that, three a day.”

This is Rem.

“Let’s do that.”

This is Ragnar.

Saxony nodded quietly.

“According to God’s call.”

Even the religious Audin moved.

Andrew, Mac, and Enri were the ones who had to do whatever they were told to do, so it went without saying.

The guy named Kreis had been away since applying for leave.

Andrew seemed to be glad to go into battle with one eye bruised and blue.

The same goes for Mac, right next to me, whose other eye is stained blue.

“It’s a battlefield, a fight, a departure!”

As soon as he heard the company commander’s order, he showed that he liked it.

“good? “I shouldn’t like it.”

Looking at the two, Rem grinned. In that smile, the fairy company commander saw the devil for a moment.

I blinked once and it quickly disappeared.

These were the people who were brought in like that.

The skills of Saxony and Audin were similar to the other two.

The guy named Saxony only pretended to work hard, but the enemy soldier who blocked his path couldn’t even give him a scratch.

“Why isn’t it right, haha ​​haha, we’ll see.”

The enemy soldier finally spat out those words, but Saxony did not even respond. The complaint was that a passing dog was barking.

He often returned without killing an enemy soldier or getting hurt himself.

Auddin has only entered the battlefield once so far, and as soon as he appeared, he smashed his opponent’s forearm with his bare hands.

Those who saw the scene in person said that even though they were friendly forces, their hair stood on end.

Breaking your arm? What’s so great about that?

However, what does it mean to carefully grab the other person’s wrist and snap it like you would break a thin twig?

It was a sight that made me wonder if it was human power.

“f*ck, don’t come, don’t come!”

What would that look like to the enemy soldiers?


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Even our allies are in a scary situation.

A soldier named Auddin attracted the attention of those around him with his mere presence.

Although it is smaller than the giants, among ordinary soldiers it is a fierce figure with two heads on top and wide shoulders.

How could this not stand out?

‘There are less than ten people, but their fighting power is strong.’

What can I say, it feels like the number of people with similar skills to me has increased tenfold.

Simply saying they are outstanding is not enough to describe them.

If used well, it is a move that will harass the opponent beyond its power.

‘It must have been because of something like this.’

This may be the reason why they have survived until now despite various incidents and troubles.

He is the fairy company commander who took responsibility and watched over him because he brought him here.

Just like this.

This was the fight they allowed.

So, what happens if you want more than what is allowed?

“Get out of here, where do you retreat first?”

He was a platoon leader-level soldier who knew nothing. He was also the recently joined commander.

He didn’t know them. The troublemaker squad, Rem, who is famous for assaulting his superiors, and Audin, who has no hesitation in separating flesh and bone when it comes to God’s teachings.

A Saxony that shoots its killing blows without a sound.

Ragna, he was a guy who rarely had anything happen to him.

It was Andrew who stood in front of the platoon leader who knew nothing.

Rem was already looking very uncomfortable.

‘If you leave it alone, you’ll bleed.’

I’m glad it ends at a bloody level. He might have split his head open with an axe.

“We are part of an independent platoon. Therefore, the authority to command operations lies with the immediate superior.”

This is Andrew, who has tried some military water. He accepted it squarely.

“what? So you’re just going to watch from behind?”

The newly appointed platoon leader could not tolerate this.

Do you fight roughly and then step back and lounge around in the barracks? Who risks their lives and who fights and who plays?

Has everything turned around?

Whether it’s an independent platoon or something else, as a superior, I can’t stand to see things like this.

Andrew saw himself ignoring Encred in the other person’s appearance.

At that time, I was an idiot who knew nothing.


Andrew sighed, looked at the sky, and lowered his head. There was a man there who was aloof and had given up on something.

“My name is Andrew Gardner, the eldest son of the Gardner family. This is a unit belonging to nobles. “Just get out of there.”

It was something I didn’t even mean to say. The expression was aloof and dejected. It’s hard to say that this is the expression of an arrogant nobleman.

Andrew couldn’t even pay attention to his facial expression.

Mac approached me without saying a word and patted my back as if to cheer me up.

“Well, what the f*ck, is it okay if you’re a noble?”

The platoon leader moved his lips in a strange atmosphere and then opened his mouth.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to look at the intestines.”

Let Rem react to those words.

Andrew challenged his opponent to a duel. As Andrew knocked down the platoon leader, Lem had no reason to swing the axe.

Instead, Andrew just got excited and criticized himself.

“No matter if you are a noble or something, this is the military.”

The fairy company commander approached and scolded Andrew.

“I will reflect on this.”

As he spoke, the fairy company commander tapped his shoulder. He said it was okay and said he knew everything, and he scolded me with his words, but he comforted me with his hands.

Encred’s independent platoon.

It was no exaggeration to say that Andrew was the biggest contributor to preventing accidents among those now called the Crazy Independent Platoon.

By frequently becoming Rem’s sparring partner, he quelled Rem’s desire to kill.

Sometimes I had to deal with people who attacked me because they didn’t know anything.

Thanks to this, morale within the unit was in shambles.

Part of the reason was the madman platoon.

Of course, there were other reasons as well.

The 1st Infantry Division is currently located northeast of Border Guard.

It was a gravel field with the Pen-Hanil River on the left and several hills on the right that could be crossed in a day.

Grass peeked its head throughout the gravel field, and on the riverside, weeds that reached up to the waist of an adult were occasionally seen.

In the Green Pearl Plain, part of the knights and the main force were deployed and were confronting the enemy main force.

The role of the 1st Border Guard Infantry was to block the enemy forces here.

It was like a wall blocking the detour or the participation of the separate team.

In a way, it was a force that would be divided depending on whether the main battle was won or lost.

If our team makes the first move, we will deploy some of the knights here to wipe out the enemy.

If it were the other way around, you could face the opponent’s knight power without even having a knight.

It was definitely like that at first.

Because both sides were paying attention, this battle ended up being a prelude and a vanguard battle.

An infantry battalion and an independent company.

Power and conditions are the same.

The main camp of both armies was stationed on the Green Pearl Plain and were keeping an eye on this battlefield.

Until now, the Naurilian army has been pushed back every time.

There was even a rumor that there were giants among the enemy soldiers.

Some enemy soldiers stood out and taunted those who fought better than them, telling them to attack them.

All of this shook the morale of our troops.

In a situation like this, a variable was needed.

Variables for winning.

Such variables were also visible to the battalion commander.

The madman platoon, aren’t they the ones who stand out the most?

“All we have to do is fight properly. Are there any requirements? “It seems like if you force it, everything will bounce.”

The battalion commander was wise. He recognized the status of the madman platoon at a glance.

The fairy company commander was somehow brought in, but it is an uncontrolled force.

If necessary, I would press it with force, but that wasn’t the case right now.

‘I haven’t lost yet.’

The battle begins now.

The battalion commander Marcus was a combat enthusiast, not a nerd.

If we could persuade in a rational way rather than using force, the morale of the soldiers would increase several times.

“We need their platoon leader.”

The fairy company commander responded and the battalion commander’s permission was given.

“Bring it.”

That was the end.

The company commander showed military courtesy and turned around.

This morning, Rem spoke as if making a declaration.

“Bring our platoon leader, Jushu. “It doesn’t feel good to fight without even knowing if that guy is alive or dead.”

It sounded like a threat that he would stop killing three people at a time if they were not brought in.

Immediately, a fast-moving scouting messenger moved.

Three days after the messenger departed.

Platoon leader Encred stood in front of the company commander.

A platoon of madmen had just arrived at the rear to greet Encred.

Thanks to that, we were able to meet each other after three days.

“If you come back, shouldn’t you come back right away? “Did you miss me?”

The company commander told a fairy joke to Encred who was facing him.

I was happy to see Encred’s expression crumpled.

When I saw that frowning face, I felt relieved from the frustration I had felt as I saw Encred’s crazy platoon member who had not listened to anything.


The company commander’s gaze landed on Encred’s right wrist.


“Because there was a fight and a fight in the city.”

“Is that whack-a-mole a frock?”

At those words, the eyes of Chrys and Esther, who came together, were focused on the company commander.

Only Encred was calm. This too must be a joke.

“It’s not a major injury.”

My wrist wasn’t broken. Although there was something wrong with his bones, it wasn’t to the point where he couldn’t hold and swing the sword.

Treatment is required, but the injury is not fatal. In the meantime, the effort I put into strengthening my wrists using the isolation technique was rewarding.

“Anyway, you’re welcome to join.”

The green-eyed company commander spoke.

Encred showed military courtesy. The fairy also nodded at his military service.

“Then, go and see.”

Encred went straight to where the platoon members were gathered.

I still wanted to go as soon as possible.

Accidents happen even when we are together, but the scale of accidents that occur when Encred is not around is extraordinary.

* * *

‘I should quit.’

At first, the clueless platoon leader started an argument.

There is no such person anymore.

I’m starting to get tired of playing with Andrew.

‘There’s no need to be here.’

Then all I had to do was leave.

Rem thought it was time to think about discharge.

I wasn’t thinking about things like honorable discharge like others.

Well, it just disappears.

This is a thought that comes to mind as the days away from Encred go by.

‘If you don’t come today, I’m leaving.’

Still, Rem repeated the day. It’s a boring and meaningless day.

Those days when I don’t even feel interested in going to the battlefield and fighting.


boring. boring.

If you want to kill it, you should quickly stab it with a spear. Why is its mouth open?

Because of that, I was out of breath and didn’t even notice that the tip of the spear was shaking.

Rem swung his ax towards the bell.

The ax blade struck the spear blade.



This is an enemy soldier whose grip was torn off by that single blow and he lost his spear. Lose your weapon while fighting in the middle of the battlefield?

This kid was less than half the size of the platoon leader. No, comparing itself is a sin. It’s a sin.

Take a look.

The ax split the enemy soldier’s head. It was still boring.

He kills three people and returns. The repetition of each day led to a combination of boredom and boredom, and Rem suddenly thought of quitting. This place was losing meaning to him.

Let’s move to the rear, there is no more fighting. There was nothing more to do.

Ragna was in a similar state.

He was most unmotivated.

‘Is he dead?’

Otherwise, why is there no news?

Since there was no platoon leader, it was back to before.

I just can’t seem to get any motivation. suffering? It was even bothersome to feel that.

Ragna spent his time wasting his time half-heartedly doing everything.

Except for one time when I lost my way and slaughtered a dozen enemy soldiers, I did nothing.

Auddin asked while praying to God.

‘Is it time for me to return?’

Audin’s master answered as always. I respected his will in silence and silence.

Since there is no answer, what is important is Audin’s heart.

‘Should I go back or not?’

Audin asked himself and had not yet answered.

Saxony chose the military because it had a purpose.

That purpose has now been roughly achieved.

All I had to do was leave. There is no need to waste time here.

If you think about it calmly, it is true. Unnecessary work, meaningless work.

A series of days like that.

This is the height of inefficiency that would normally be unimaginable.

But why does he remain here?


Saxony decided to leave.

Of course, I had been making the same determination for three days already.

It was just another day where each member of the squad spent their time.

The time when the sun went down and a dark shadow began to fall on the son-in-law.

Someone entered the barracks, now nicknamed the Mad Squad.

“I’m back.”

A calm word.

It’s always the same.

Encred is back.

Everyone in the barracks was silent. Just a quiet exchange of glances.

An unexpected person jumped out first.

“Uuuuuu! “Why, why, why now, why, why, why, it’s late!”

Andrew greeted him, shedding tears.

The blue-tinted eyes prove the sadness of the past.

The crying clearly conveyed his true feelings.

Encred stopped laughing when he saw Andrew’s face.

“Why is that thing so damn faster than me? “Are you here?”

Rem’s voice was heard behind Andrew. After that, Ragnar, Audin, and Saxony were also seen.

Mac and Enry in one corner.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Encred.

“Okay, I’m here.”

It was a return report.


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