Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 111

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111. Puffy cheeks

‘I can’t leave it behind.’

It was surprising that the fairy company commander took all the trouble-making squad members and now platoon members.

Encred wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen the empty quarters, so of course Chrys, who had already been out of the barracks for several days, wouldn’t have known.

So, I guess he was asking me to call Ragna.

‘I managed to avoid being taken away during the expedition.’

Since Encred himself was left behind, did he make an excuse to join them?

Or did he leave Chrys behind out of consideration for the fairy company commander?

Anyway, Kreis remains, and there are no squad members.

The point is that Encred must be saved alone.

I can’t immediately call in my squad members who are off to the battlefield.

But are you mobilizing a standing army for internal affairs within the Gilpin Guild?

‘It’s a no-brainer.’

I will do my best to help you. Yeah, I don’t know if there’s anyone I can look forward to.

The fairy company commander. Even if she stays, it’s almost like a gamble on her part.

What about Torres? Although it may be difficult as a platoon leader in the frontier guard, I may be able to help as an individual.

‘The border guards, except for some, said they would go out immediately.’

The unit took care of Encred simply by allowing him to rest for a day after reporting his return.

Does this mean that what was gained through this mission was great?

Encred lightly shook his head from side to side.

Random thoughts kept filling my head.

Just do what needs to be done.

Here’s what to do.

“We are going to rescue Chrys. Yes, those big eyes.”

He said while stroking Esther, who was snuggling in his chest.

I thought Esther kept glancing at me and giving me strange looks, so I told her again that she was a friend with big eyes.

This is a goal that was said out loud for no reason.

After hearing that, Esther looked at Encred with eyes like blue lakes.

Encred also looked at Esther with eyes of similar color.


There was no way Esther would answer.

What answer does the leopard give?

However, those eyes seemed to say something.

It was as if he was asking if it was right to go to rescue him and if that was the only reason.

“I’ll do my best.”

Encred showed some of his inner thoughts.

Werewolves, Azpen’s Gray Dog unit, and even a wizard.

I wanted to check my skills with Torres and Finn on the way.

That desire boiled over like crazy.

Where am I now? What is my condition? How far did my sword reach?

‘How much has it increased?’

I don’t know. I had no idea at all.

It was like that originally.

It’s something you need to know to see, but Encred’s day is always new.

He was an explorer who discovered new lands every day.

He was a pathfinder who always pioneered new paths.

He was a mountaineer for the first time on a mountain and a hunter in a hunting ground he had never seen before.

I moved forward while looking at the signposts, but I didn’t know where I was actually standing.

That was why.

After hearing that Froc had appeared, I calmly checked my physical condition and took a rest for the day.

I got the idea that this was someone who could confirm the location of the milestone.

‘Will my sword work?’

When I encountered Frog the other day, I got hit and my ribs were complaining of weakness.

What about this time?

Not all progs are the same.


There is no better comparison than this.

If it fails, the proc will become a wall blocking ‘today’, but that’s okay. It was okay.

This wouldn’t have happened if any of the squad members had been there.

That’s why Encred had no choice but to step forward.

Should I say it is elaborate?

Or should I say lucky.

Otherwise, should I say it’s bad luck?

Bad luck, it was like a friend who always followed behind.

It will be the responsibility of those who swim in the river of misfortune to overcome it.

As his thoughts reached Rem and other members of his squad, Encred realized how small the world he had seen was.

‘It’s funny.’

At one time, I thought of my squad members as mid-level or higher soldiers.


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Middle class? It’s funny. That was a funny thing to say.

None of the squad members stay within the soldier rating system.

I know that now.

In fact, if there had been any member of the squad, there would have been no reason to be afraid of Frog.

‘But now I’m alone.’

I can’t abandon Chrys.

Because I don’t even want to back down.

As I took my left foot, I thought about the days when I was dealing with Rem.

I stepped on the floor with my right foot and reflected on what I had learned from Saxony.

Audin again on the left foot.

Put Ragna in your right foot.

With every step I took, I reflected on what I had learned.

The instructor I met countless times, the day I repeated again and again.

I’m not scared that Frock is my opponent. Is this a harmony created by the heart of a beast?

Beyond composure, boldness, and boldness, the spirit of victory rose.

Encred’s pupils fluttered like flames.


Esther hit his chest with his front paw. It was as if he was saying not yet.


Encred answered and walked, soon reaching the mansion.

Bald Gilpin was waiting.


“This is the parlor.”

Where was the living room?

Encred entered the mansion following Gilpin’s guidance and stopped in front of the living room door.

‘Am I now planning on killing myself?’

Or have I just gone crazy with the desire to win?

I do not know. The answer was beyond the door.

Esther came off the chest and bounced to the side.

Looking at that, Encred thought.

‘Is this someone I can communicate with?’

It seemed like that would be the case, seeing as they kept Kreis alive.

It will make sense.

But apart from that, it was also a matter of suppressing it first.

If you came here to fight, you will fight.

What are you talking about with the other person?

After taking a short breath, Encred decided to go beyond conversation and speak through action.


He kicked down the door, rolled forward, and threw his right hand forward.

The whistle dagger folded and flew away through space at a frightening speed.


A sound followed.

As if he had been waiting, Frog’s arm moved with a flash of light.

* * *

Is this crazy guy?

Presence, then speculation.

Behind the bitter speculation is an attack. There was no hesitation.

It was a move that seemed to have been planned even before standing in front of the door.

Prock could see the arm of the guy who burst through the door moving.

As soon as he saw the flying blade, Frock pulled out his weapon and struck it away.

For an ordinary human being, this would be a movement that would be close to a stunt.

This was not the case for Frock.

Whoop, whoosh. earth!

He struck down the flying dagger with the edge of the blade.

The blown whistle dagger crashed and became lodged in the crude leather decoration hanging on the wall.

The guy who threw the dagger runs straight ahead and pulls out his sword.


The drawn sword flew in an exciting trajectory from top to bottom.

Frog bent his finger and hooked it on the hook next to the sword handle.

The slippery skin of the frog prevents the grip force from being properly transferred to the weapon.

Thanks to this, Frog created a weapon named Loop.

When it becomes a sword, it becomes a loop sword.

When you hook your fingers into the loop and bend them, the tips of the three round fingers, which are unique to the frock, touch the palm of your hand.

After that, you just have to swing it.

Hung, Zeng!

Iron and iron meet to announce the beginning.

Soon the swords and swords began to dance and play an orchestra.


Flames bouncing in the air, successive attacks at incredible speed.

Prock was secretly impressed as he watched his opponent block his attacks over thirty times and even counterattack occasionally.

‘This guy, is this fun?’

Kreis was sitting in a corner. His hands and feet weren’t tied and he wasn’t broken, but he couldn’t run away.

Although it was only two days, Frog boasted of his incredible stamina.

Because I could barely close my eyes for a moment and always stayed in my seat.

Kreis was able to run errands and eat without any problems. I even had a joke with that frock bastard.

But running away was a different matter.

‘What happens if I jump out?’

Everyone will die. All remaining guild members.

It was natural that if he was caught, he would be left as a piece of meat next to his dead guild members.

That frock bastard will still be like that.

They said it would come long after spring, but it came early.

Kreis also had his own beliefs.

If one or two of the squad members came, something would happen.

So, Rem or Audin, Saxony or Ragnar.

‘Not the squad leader!’

When the door opened, Kreis looked forward to it.

I was disappointed when I recognized the person who came in at a glance.

Now I was so shocked that I couldn’t even close my mouth.

‘What is this?’


A series of noises that seemed to destroy the living room.

What you see before your eyes is a trajectory and a trajectory.

Something created by a blade.

There are only sparks flying between them.

What is this?

Clearly, the one who came in was the squad leader.

‘Fight against Frog?’

It didn’t even look like it was being pushed that far. At least that’s how it seemed to Kreis.

Encred raised his sword to the side, keeping an eye on the opponent’s weapon that seemed to be bending.


The shock passes through the forearm and spreads throughout the body.

It was a disaster to hold on with all his might. shed strength Mix Yugeomsik. Tricks that seemed impossible before were now possible.


He flicked the blade to the side and stabbed it straight in.

It is a blade that cuts through the air with a thud.

Froc struck his sword again.


block it I block, spill, and avoid again.

How is this possible?

It was thanks to the experience of fighting the wizard’s thorn vines.

Countless experiences have led Encred to wield the sword today. I avoided it. I made it stop.

The basics are defense.

Block and block again.

The opponent’s weapon was something like a hunting knife with a wide blade. It was a favorite weapon used by ordinary Frocks.

When it comes to loop swords, this type of sword is usually seen.

The heaviness was extraordinary, and the opponent handled it like a rapier with Frog’s unique outstanding strength.

Encred forgot everything and fell in love with the sword.

The opponent’s sword and your own sword.

The line connecting dots bends and becomes a thunderbolt.

Frock’s weapon was like that.

Encred caught the falling lightning with his sword.

My knees are half bent because I can’t let go. Let’s gently strike forward with the sword as it is bent.

Froc took a half step back and stabbed his sword.

Stab it with a wide blade.

It’s an anomaly.

Still, Encred felt the sting like a sharp awl.

My senses danced on the blade.

His senses, which were originally somewhat sensitive, became sharper than ever thanks to Saxony’s training.

A world where only the sword, oneself, and the opponent remain.

We hung out and forgot the passage of time.

Block and block again.

If you see an opening, stab, strike, and cut.

I tried mixing the techniques of the Valenic mercenary sword.

Pretend to cut, then stop and stab.

Now it is a swordsmanship that is clearly embedded in the body. Should we say that it is a special sword following the double sword ceremony?

Frock shook off most things with force.

It was thanks to his strength that was far superior to that of humans. The athletic ability and nerve that came with it also played a role.

Ta-dang! Pick! puck!

Avoid some things and shake off others.

The blade grazed his cheek, and Frog struck the armor with his fist.

I caught the fist and stabbed the sword, aiming for the heart, but Proc dodged it by rotating his body half a turn.


A bubbling sound came from Frog’s excited throat.

Encred didn’t show any enthusiasm.

Just focus.

I focused solely on one thing.

‘Don’t scatter it.’

To gather and focus.

Rather than dodging by looking at the sword, you dodge by relying on the feel of the blade.

Such moments continue.

Encred suddenly entered a new world.

Frog’s finger on the hook.

The shaking of the wide soles of the feet.

Violent muscle movements hidden within slippery skin.

Move your hands and extend your arms accordingly. He also lifted his feet and twisted his torso.

The moment when concentration is added to concentration.

The moment when you forget the dots and the lines made by the dots.

Encred saw the direction of the ensuing battle one inch in advance.

A moment that may just be a passing image.

Because I saw it, I saw it.

I felt it, so I knew the odds were there.

Encred did just that.

Until now, whenever I had the chance, I aimed for Frock’s heart. No, he only aimed for the heart.

The current sting was the same.

The stab, with the will to pierce it, pierced the space like light.

Frog pulled back his right foot and avoided it with a step.

ping. Suddenly.

The blade brushes over the breastplate. Frog’s cheeks swelled when he saw that.


Touch your heart?

Unable to hold back, Frog’s blade fell towards Encred’s neck faster than before.

It was like a lightning strike.

A gap that can be done in a split second.

Encred pulled back the sword he had stabbed.


The two swords, which were in succession, met and stopped in midair.

“Are you trying to fight me with force? “You stupid human.”

Frog growled like an animal.

Instead of answering, Encred reenacted the scene he saw.

‘If you do it this way.’


While standing still, bend your knees halfway to create softness.

It receives the opponent’s power and mixes the sword and the true sword.

It seemed like the blade of Proc, who believed in his own strength, would come down and split Encred from the forehead.

“f*ck you, boss!”

I heard Krys shout, but both ignored it.

Encred gave a moment of strength and drew his sword forward along the edge of the proc.

Although it only lasts for a moment, it pushes away the power of the proc.


Encred’s sword runs along the blade.

Frog’s posture, which had been pushing down with only his strength, was disturbed for a moment.

Frog reflexively blocked the heart attack with his right forearm holding the sword.

If you aim for the heart, it will be another meaningless blow, so.

Encred’s sword drew a smooth arc.


The target was Frock’s left arm.

Frog avoided that too. His blood was gushing out, but his arm wasn’t completely cut off.

It is a blade that cuts through the slippery skin.

The blade of the inflated proc also moved as the cheeks puffed up.

He didn’t just suffer.

The wide blade that had bounced away was struck again.

Encred raised his right hand to block it.

The blade fell on the gauntlet taken from the Necrophile wizard.

Sigh! Puzzle.

The blade flew to the side with an unpleasant sound. The outside of the gauntlet was cut and slashed, but her wrist was not cut.

It was a combination of the sharp blows learned from Audin and the tough gauntlet.

“You’re crazy.”

Frock said.

Even if I had a shaky left arm and the ability to regenerate, this wouldn’t have been fun.

Froc gave a scary look in his eyes even as he was bleeding.


Encred had a premonition of the end of ‘today’.

I lost strength in my right wrist, so I missed the sword.

Although I caught it with my left hand.

How many times will I survive?

I don’t know.

But I was quite satisfied with the current blow.

A blow that created an opening by targeting the heart.

It was really okay.

Frog is a race that is also a talent reader.

He felt uncomfortable looking at Encred.

why? Because you’re so talented?

no. Because it’s the first time I’ve seen it. This had to die.

I definitely had to die.

He clearly seemed like a person who had reached his limit, but how did he do such a thing?

Use your own downward slash and repeat as if you were aiming for the heart.

‘You take your left arm like that?’

In that brief moment, the human received the weight with his bent knees and pushed his feet forward by moving the soles of his feet as if they were scraping the ground.

He bet on one move, and he was the one who lost.

What if the other person’s right wrist was still intact?

‘It was a battle I lost?’

Frock’s cheeks puffed out even more. He must be killed.

His sword rose upward. It was the moment when it would end if I hit it.

Encred was calm. Frog didn’t like that attitude any more.


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