Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 110

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110. Good luck and misfortune come at unexpected moments.

Finn and Torres went in first to report.

Torres will do the overall reporting, and Finn will assist with the rest.

All Encred had to do was report his return.

So in front of the accommodation.

An unexpected person appears.

It was Gilpin.

Her clothes were torn here and there, and her face had blue bruises.

One of his eyes was half swollen, but he seemed to be moving now and was limping.

Looking at it, it doesn’t look like my leg is broken.

“Let me see.”

When I took a quick look, it looked like I had sprained my ankle.

“I’m fine.”

There was a subtle hint of impatience in Gilpin’s tone.

Encred nodded.

“What’s going on?”

This person is managed by Kreis.

Of course, something happened to the Gilpin Guild, so it would look like this.



“The frog that ate with the guild leader of the previous generation.”

Ah, Frog.

There was nothing to remember.

Yes, they said that when spring comes, frocks come.

That meant it had arrived now.

But isn’t it a little early?

“Starting with the explanation.”

First, I wanted to listen to the story.

If Kreis was dead or something really urgent, I would have told Gilpin to go with him right away, without even having to talk about it.

* * *

Kreis has been eating and sleeping in the city for six days already.

Spending about a week outside the base was Kreis’s daily routine.

Even more so.

‘He said he’s going to compete soon.’

So how much do you have to prepare?

From the beginning of the year to food and various errands.

There were many people looking for Kreis. Not just soldiers, but even officers.

Thanks to this, there were many people who took advantage of this convenience.

It was the sixth day like that.

I wanted to organize everything I needed to do before competing as much as possible.

Above all, after joining the Gilpin Guild, the fun of counting crona has increased.

Does this make you want to go back to your unit?

‘see. How much will I earn today?’

If you want to open a salon later, it will cost a lot of Krona.

So, it was best to earn as much as you could.

Recently, the squad leader received quite a commission for the items he took and sold.

‘Where do you not pick up something like that again?’

Well, I heard there was a wizard hiding in the sewers.

Does that happen often?

“It’s time for lunch. “Let’s grab a meal.”

It was around noon and I was about to call Gilpin and prepare lunch. What was served for lunch was a noodle dish made from ground whole wheat.

It was a stir-fried noodle dish made by pulling thin noodles and topping them with olive oil and tomato sauce.

It was somehow worth eating.

“So you blocked off the basement of the shoe store?”

Kreis asked, rattling his fork.

“It was all blocked right away.”

Gilpin answered, swallowing the noodles that were mumbling in his mouth.

The intention was to become a night guard, even if not a night guardian.

For that reason, the Gilpin Guild used its power in places beyond the reach of the standing army.

The work of burying the shoe shop underground was one of them.

Because the standing army doesn’t care about such things.

I shook out everything I needed to shake off, but left the oysters behind.

Of course, the squad leader robbed him first.

What is a night guard anyway?

Aside from making money by properly cooking the wanderers who come into the city, the idea is to give the impression of a protector to the citizens living in the city.

effect? Needless to say, it was great.

Even when receiving payment.

Even when organizing the protection tax.


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Especially when gathering information, all of the city’s residents became Kreis’s ears.

‘If we decide to do it, we might be able to weed out all the Azpen spies.’

I think that will happen when the Gilpin Guild absorbs all the surrounding guilds.

It didn’t seem like something I could rush to do just yet.

Kreis stopped eating and mulled over the plan in his head with blank eyes.

‘Force ties the squad leader together.’

When the squad leader moves, it becomes an opportunity for the squad members to move.

Since each squad member is clear about what they want, it won’t be difficult to persuade them.

‘How many people are in charge?’

There were also slums in Border Guard. There are people who have given up on life and are lying around.

There are some people who live a distant life.

‘Bringing some from the slums.’

Destroying other guilds and absorbing small children.

Kreis may not have known anything else, but he was confident in his ability to see people.

It may be because I grew up having fun rolling around since I was young.

When I was begging, I used to know at a glance who I would beg for and what I would get.

Of course, it took hundreds of hits until that happened.

The moment I thought that if I spoke to the wrong person, I might get hit, my instincts bloomed.

‘I think it might work out.’

Should we call it a back alley guild integration operation?

It seemed like we could completely dominate the back alleys in less than a year, or even half a year, once the foundation was established.

If all goes according to plan.

However, there are always variables in the plan.

That was the variable.


Did you say that luck and misfortune come at unexpected moments?

It was the same for Kreis.

Someone broke down the door to the living room of the mansion and entered.

It was a man covered in a thick cloak.

How did Kreis get here? I didn’t even think about it.

I didn’t even ask who it was.

There were a dozen guild members guarding the mansion.

Among them, the two who were guarding the door were lying sprawled on the floor.

‘What about blood?’

There is no blood on the floor. Wouldn’t he be dead? Yes, it seemed.

Kreis accepted and recognized the short-lived situation and the sudden misfortune.

The extraordinary head turned frantically, and the eyes looked everywhere.

“Yes, please come this way.”

This was the first word that came out after the judgment.

“Do you know who I am? “The response is refreshing.”

The monster in the cloak shrugged his shoulders and said. The cloak shook with the movement.

The voice was rough and grumpy. I wondered if my vocal cords were injured.

“I don’t think that’s important.”

“I have a good feeling.”

As he spoke, he took off his cloak.

Inside the flowing cloak.

Around my heart, I saw an opponent wearing armor made of iron plates.

It’s a chest armor, a heart armor.

“… … ah.”

It is difficult for humans to recognize the appearance of a proc.

Still, Gilpin recognized the other person.

A frock with a white scar on its neck.

This was the reaper who came every time, the guy Gilpin was talking about.

‘Isn’t it too early?’

Didn’t they say that it would come a long time after spring had arrived?

“Where is the guy from before going?”

“He was tired of this place, so he went upstairs first.”

Kreis calmly accepted Frock’s words.

Gilpin broke into a cold sweat.

If you say one word wrong, you will immediately be pushed to the top.

The fear of death looms. It is a threat posed by the overwhelming difference in force.

In this situation.

“What about meals?”

Kreis asked calmly.

Frog twisted his lips.

“What a fun kid.”

Frock moved with the horse, and Gilpin rebelled and was beaten.

It ended with three. If the opponent had not paid attention and had drawn a weapon, it would have been over.

Kreis didn’t even protest, but he was hit.

“Humans only listen well when they are right. This is my theory. “What is the name of the guy who killed the former guild leader?”

After beating him like that, Prock lifted Krys up by the collar with one hand and asked.

Kreis shook his head.

Who in your squad can take on this monster?

Rem, Ragnar, Audin, Saxony.

Among them, whose name should I name?

Who should I find?

The moment I saw the frock, I had no hesitation because it was something I thought about at the same time.

“Cough, if you just asked, I would have answered.”

“you hate me. “First of all, I want to beat it up and listen to it.”

Crazy prog bastard.

Contrary to what he thought, Kreis smiled and replied, “I see.”

“The Border Guard standing army killed them. His name is Ragnar.”

“Why are you sitting here?”

“It’s an agency. Acting guild leader.”

“It’s fun, it’s fun. Hey, bald head.”

Gilpin collapsed in an instant and didn’t even know how he was hit.

My eyelids just hurt so much, and my thighs were so numb that I couldn’t get up.

“Uh, yes, yes.”

“Bring Ragnar. “Then let this guy go.”

At those words, Gilpin looked at Chrys.

“song. Bring it. “Our real guild leader.”

Gilpin was also quick to notice.

The idea was to bring in someone great enough to kill the Frog bastard.

Frock wasn’t stupid either.

Even though I couldn’t tell the truth from lies, I knew that this pretty little human man was up to something.

Froc made up his mind.

‘Kill that bastard.’

Let’s put shackles on this guy.

The person who originally managed this place had died, so it was time for a new manager.

Since it takes a lot of effort to contact the home country to do anything, we decided that local procurement was necessary.

What if I make a mistake? Losing a body was not even a task.

* * *

“How many days has it been since Kreis was captured?”

Encred scratched his nose once and asked.

“It’s three days.”

“Who are my squad members?”

“It just so happened that they all headed to the battlefield.”


“I don’t know that. “I just heard that it doesn’t exist.”

“Have you confirmed that Wangnun is alive?”

“I saw it a little while ago.”

“Did you break all your limbs?”

“… … yes?”

“no. “As long as you leave your limbs intact.”

Encred muttered to himself, then nodded and stood up.

Encred and Gilpin had retreated from the front of the unit and were squatting in a corner and talking.

Gilpin tilted his head upward and looked at Encred, who got up.

I was wondering what this was doing.

Shouldn’t we go rescue Krys right now?

Encred finally opened his mouth.

“First, report your return and then come.”

“Shall we wait?”

“No, Frock is at the mansion, right?”

“Aren’t you going right now?”

Right now? It didn’t seem necessary.

If Frock had tried to kill Kreis, he would have killed him long ago.

But the fact that I didn’t even break my arms or legs for three days.

‘It means you’re holding up well.’

What Kreis was aiming for was clearly visible.

It means calling any member of the squad. So, he must have brought up the name Ragnar.

Rem, Audin, and Saxony can be recalled somehow.

What is the reason for picking Ragna, who is the most difficult to call and is a lazy person?

Anyone can come.

‘The problem is that I’m the only one left.’

It was surprising even to Encred that all of his squad members headed to the battlefield without him.

So even Kreis couldn’t have predicted it.

The troublemaker squad member went into battle listening to someone else, not himself.

I also thought the person who took me was amazing.

I’d be lucky if my blood pressure rose while controlling Rem and his friends and my head didn’t explode and I didn’t die.

“Tell him to go back and wait one more day.”

At those words, Gilpin’s face distorted ugly.

“The guild leader is dying.”

It was a natural reaction for Gilpin.

He was satisfied with his current life.

The level of a guard, not a guardian of the night, was perfect for him.

There were fewer headaches, and this put my mind at ease. Yes, I felt more at ease.

Although Kreis revealed Crona, he was fair.

That’s why. Gilpin wanted to preserve this peace.

Gilpin, who had originally given up and tried to run away when the guild was torn apart before Frock came, is no longer there.

It seemed like he also had something to protect.

“I have to go.”

He said it again.

Encred shook his head.

“Go tell them to wait one more day. Then, Ragna will come find me.”

After speaking, Encred turned around.

Gilpin still had no choice. He had to turn around too.

I had to go back and tell them.

If you don’t tell them the situation, they will tear the guild leader to death. Frock seemed to have done so.

Gilpin took steps to patch up the broken peace.

‘Oh God.’

He was looking for a God he did not believe in.

Encred headed inside the unit.

“It’s been a few days already, what’s going on? “I asked, but he didn’t say anything.”

The soldier guarding the front of the unit asked on the way in.

‘I am loyal.’

Encred thought about Gilpin. A standing army has taken control of a back alley guild?

If you were a little unlucky, you had nothing to say even if you were executed.

So I wouldn’t have been able to say it.

Still, he would have wanted to protect it.

Those feelings were conveyed well.

“What a piece of shit.”

Encred answered roughly and entered the unit.

Kreis will not die if one more day passes. It was visible in his opponent’s attitude.

‘I don’t think he’s stupid.’

Frog has the image of being simply ignorant.

Just as each person is different, so are Procs.

There are intelligent frocks, ignorant frocks, and delicate frocks.

The same goes for fairies, dragons, and giants.

Of course, this is separate from the characteristics of each race.

‘if you have time.’

Unless you need to go right away.

Encred clenched and unclenched his fists as he walked.

He wasn’t stupid.

What I learned through ‘Today’.

‘It got better.’

Otherwise, he would have been killed immediately by the lycanthrope or the enemy commander.

However, he even defeated a wizard.

Isn’t this proof that your skills have improved?

So, can you deal with Frog?

When dealing with a stabbing pervert, my side was completely cut off with one kick, so I was blown away and passed out?

So, now?

‘I think it will work.’

It may not be confidence without reason. What Krys found was not himself, but a member of his squad.

‘Frock, Frock, Frock.’

Isn’t this the person you want to hang out with more than anything else?

Preparation for that.

There were no serious injuries, but fatigue had accumulated. Didn’t I stay up all night for two days?

On the way back, I took a nap and just rested, but it wasn’t in perfect condition.


‘After reporting my return, I’ll start by resting.’

Encred did just that.

Unless you have the option of letting Kreis die.

I had to deal with Frog.

It can be said to be a pain in the ass.

Encred felt strangely excited that the situation had turned out this way.

‘It’s strange. ‘It’s strange.’

Would you have been scared originally? No, rather than being scared, he would have attacked even though he knew he would lose. I can’t just watch my person die. Encred lived like that.

However, if it had been before, you would have sensed defeat and taken a step back.

Now I felt like I didn’t know if I would win or lose.

“Company commander?”

When I entered the unit, many people were missing.

There was also news that the fairy company commander led a squad of troublemakers as the advance guard.

I wondered who took him.

Because of this, Encred had to report his return to the platoon leader of another company.

“Are you going to assume that you are the only one left in the independent platoon and join right away?”

It was a person I knew well.

“I’m tired, so I’m joining in two days.”

“Okay, if you can, go as quickly as possible. Because there seems to be some problem on the battlefield. “There might be a second expedition.”

The platoon commander waved his war certificate and spoke hesitantly.

Encred nodded that he understood and turned around.

After unpacking my luggage in the empty accommodations and soaking in hot water, I covered myself with a cozy blanket and fell asleep.

What if I die from Proc and have to repeat today?

It was sleep to stay in top condition.

Encred quickly fell asleep.

It was a very deep, dreamless sleep.

Encred woke up, opened his eyes, washed his face, and chewed meat for breakfast.

“You’re eating well this morning.”

The meal guard shook his head.

It is a technique of isolation after chewing and swallowing the meat.

It was good training for digestion and generating heat in the body.

After that, I sharpened the blade of the long sword, took it away, and counted the remaining whistle daggers. Two sacks were all.

It was because I couldn’t retrieve everything I threw.

‘Do you think that author can make it for you?’

Thinking of the city blacksmith in my mind, I lifted the blade at an angle in front of my eyes to check.

It was okay.

There are no cracks anywhere.

There are a few teeth that have come out, but that’s about it.

The blacksmith said that if you cut down a wizard, the blade would be damaged, but it turned out to be better than expected.

Is it different for each wizard?

Only after making all the preparations.


“Where have you been?”

Esther appeared.

I thought he had left because I didn’t see him.

“Just a little while. “I’ll be back for a bit.”

Just like that, Encred went out again.


Esther got angry behind her. He seemed to be asking where I was going to leave him.

“shall we go together? Instead, just watch.”

Esther jumped up at Encred’s words and fell into his arms.

Feeling the warm body temperature, Encred took a step forward.

The destination was the mansion where Kreis was held.


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