Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 109

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109. Setting fire is also a habit

The wizard’s gaze, Encred looked into the eyes of his opponent, Letsha.

‘Even wizards have eyes.’

There is a nose and a mouth.

It means being human.

“All humans have reflexive actions.”

Saxony’s teachings came to mind again.

Prepared accordingly.

All Encrid had to do was stop the raging thorn vines for a moment.

A means to do so.

A hidden trick.

This is something I have tried several times so far today.

There was enough practice.

What mattered was timing.

So now.

While holding up the sword with only my left hand and dodging it, a thorn vine hit me on the top of my left wrist.

The outside of the leather gauntlets obtained from the corpse lover in the sewers was torn to shreds.

At that moment, Encred raised his right hand upward.

Letsha’s eyebrows twitched at that gesture.

It was a natural reaction since only throwing throwing weapons was shown several times.

Letsha decided that there would be no problem no matter what the opponent threw.

Isn’t he wearing a spell barrier that blocks quite a bit of physical power?

A stone instead of a dagger flew in front of her as she was caught off guard. It was a thin bead that resembled crystal.


It was a light that suddenly exploded. A light source that cannot be compared to a torch.

Everyone, including Letsha, who reflexively looked at the object thrown by Encred, was blinded.

For a brief moment, they lost sight.


Encred’s body moved as he swallowed his breath.

This is Encred’s masterpiece as he waited for this moment while looking at the floor.

Hidden in my sleeve is a glowing stone obtained from the sewer.

I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to turn it on.

I didn’t know I would use it like this.

To hide and throw it, I used a technique called the Hide Knife.

The intention was to catch the opponent off guard by showing them empty hands, and it worked.

All of these situations overlapped to create a gap like a piece of paper.

That was enough for Encred.


One day, I learned about the assault aircraft by watching the apprentice knight and squire.

Run forward while keeping your posture low. She held the grip with both hands and raised the sword.

Lift your upper body high, move your left foot forward, shift your center of gravity from back to front, and make a vertical downward slash.

Letsha, who had just recovered her vision, saw this and screamed.


That was her final word and last words.

Ssuk, jjung-.

Letsha’s defense shield is broken. It was a heavy sword-style downward slash, and it was a blow that was designed to put a lot of force into it.

A single blow without thinking back.

Letsha’s head got caught.

Tung. Suddenly.

The blade, which had deviated in direction as it broke through the shield, peeled off the skin on her head, cut off her ear, split her collar bone, and came out underneath.


In the end, the blade that cut off part of the internal organs and 30% of the upper body came out around the waist.

Pieces of flesh, including one arm cut off by the blade, fell with a thud.

I created a magician who turned into a dead body, standing still and spilling internal organs and blood on the floor.

What would someone who was cut like this say?

The young light in my eyes suddenly dims.

It was clear what he wanted to do at the last moment.

A few vines wriggled behind Encred and he lost strength and fell.


Only then did Encred let out his breath. Encred knew that Letsha’s shield would break if it received more than a certain amount of impact.

For example, if it is struck with weight, it can be easily broken.

Didn’t he just ignore the dagger and not be affected by Finn’s axe?

In fact, it was also a round where I used everything I learned by repeating today.

The shining stone was also hidden using the hide knife technique.

“Aren’t you going to organize the rest?”

Encred said, snatching up a shining stone floating in the air.

Because of this light, you will quickly realize that there is a commotion on the walls even inside the city.

They said there wasn’t much time.


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Finn moved first, followed by Torres.

There weren’t many soldiers left.


The death of soldiers continued on the walls of the castle.

The moonlight still shines on Encred.

Even enemy soldiers, including Torres Finn, saw the moonlight shining like a halo from his back.

It smelled like something different, not like a normal human.

The smell of blood and roses mingled on the castle walls.

It gave off a very strange smell. It had a unique scent that made you believe it was a new perfume.

* * *

After climbing over the castle wall and getting down, it was Finn’s world.

As if she had already prepared, she stuck to the inside of the wall, dug out some of the ground, and pulled out a bundle.

“Preparation for emergencies.”

It was probably prepared by a spy inside called Cat.

Dirty mat came out from inside the bag.

She immediately threw it at Encred and Torres.

While Encred and Torres were at the edge of the slum against the castle wall, they were putting blankets over their heads.

Finn wanted to know something, so he stuck his head nearby and snapped the necks of the two beggars.

Looking at his ability to put his opponent to sleep without making a single sound, should I call him a pin?

Haven’t you watched this day over and over again countless times?

Finn’s Ale Karaz style Mutu was a ripe fruit, like that of an expert.

The majority of the slums had no interest in their surroundings. That means there are no more witnesses.

So the three hid in the dark and dirty shelter.

Encred followed suit and fell into his own world.

It’s a recurring thought. It was a repeat, just like every time.

When repeating today, there were three paths ahead of Encred.

So, is it okay to just choose one of those paths?

‘Do I really need to choose one?’

When I relaxed my shoulders, I saw something.

So, rather than having to choose one of the three paths, use all three walls.

It seemed possible.

In the hole where Gray Dog waited, I was able to experience being surrounded by elite troops.

When fighting against a group of monster lycanthropes, I was able to learn how to fight and avoid a melee.

What a good teaching material the Letsha of the Rose Vine is.

Encred is Gray Dog, Lycanthrope, and Letsha.

I saw all three as training tools. It was a good educational material.

Encred created ‘today’ like that.

‘I don’t think it was bad.’

My wrist hurts a little from the blow that hit me on the top of my left gauntlet.

Attacks that were impossible to block were sometimes hit by relying on the leather armor wrapped around the body.

But there are no fatal injuries.

“Shh, bow your head. “It’s patrol.”

At Finn’s words, Encred lowered his head and pretended to sleep.

The camouflage was completed by hiding some of the equipment and covering it with a dirty blanket.

“It smells crazy.”

“Be patient. Don’t you know there’s an uproar on the castle wall? “It is possible that he hid here.”

“Then, either sweep this place.”

“Shh, what are you going to do if they all attack you here?”

Encred narrowed his eyes as he listened to the two patrolmen talking.

“done. “Let’s move.”

She led Encred and Torres without hesitation as if they were following a familiar path.

As he raised his head while walking, a part of the city came into Encred’s eyes.

There is a tall bell tower visible in the distance, a dirt road, and a soft light coming from inside, but it is mostly a dark alley.

While Encred walked behind Finn, Finn stuck to Torres, who was following right behind him.

Let’s give Torres a look that asks him to do whatever he wants to do.

“Are all border guards like that?”


“Is everything like that?”

Finn pointed back with his thumb.

Behind, Encred.

Torres thought about Finn’s question for a moment.

Are you that much of a swordsman? So, a swordsman who has the knack of blocking the wizard’s bizarre thorns by deflecting them with his sword rather than a shield, creating an opening, and then cutting them down?

After teaching him a few times, is he a swordsman who uses his weapon, the Hyde Knife, in strange ways?

A swordsman who risks half his life to dodge and stand between lycanthropes and enemy elite soldiers?

In the end, is this the kind of swordsman who can cut down a challenging opponent and single-handedly cut through a colony of lycanthropes and defeat an elite soldier?

Torres reflected on the people in the frontier guard who said they were long.

Well, let’s see.

Crampons? Barney? Hyowoon?

It will work!

Just looking at your skills purely, it feels like you’ve crossed a certain line.

“Are you sure?”


“Do you think there are monsters like that out there?”

It was a really strange feeling.

It was clearly beneath him until not long ago.

When I came here and sparred, it was a good fit.

But things have suddenly changed. The skill level has changed, and swinging the sword has changed.


Finn let out a sigh of admiration at Torres’ reaction.

Look at what a soldier named Encred did.

‘Is this the platoon leader? ‘Just a platoon leader?’

What would happen if I went back and reported this?

As she looked around for the female fish the cat had left behind, she worried about whether Encred would believe what he had done.

While relying on moonlight and using the darkness to avoid patrols.

There was a lot of noise on the wall where they had made a fuss, but it quickly became quiet.

Encred thought it was more ominous to be quiet.

After defeating the wizard, it seems like your intuition is working properly.

However, if you believe in this too much, you will end up in trouble again.

At best, I used all three walls to get over the castle wall.

I wanted to face tomorrow like this.

That’s why I didn’t let down my guard.

I was paying attention.

If something happens, I try to react immediately.

So Finn wandered until morning.

The three felt tired, but nothing happened.

The commotion that started on the walls did not hit the city.

Rather, there was a hissing feeling.

As I was hiding in an alley, I heard two patrolmen passing by on the main street talking, and it was clear that it was like that.

“What happened last night? “I heard someone climbed over the castle wall?”

“Shh, I was ordered not to say that. “Don’t get your pay cut for talking nonsense.”

The two become distant.

Finn muttered behind him.

“Isn’t it good?”


“It’s cut off. “The cat is dead.”

“Are you saying it was a mistake?”

Torres asked repeatedly, and Finn shook his head, saying no.

“I did leave some wheat. “That’s a bit like that.”


At the corner of the alley, Finn groaned and said.

“There is a promised place in front of the castle gate, and it is buried there.”

“Why in front of the castle gate?”

“I guess that means it was urgent. “If you fail to escape, this is the last place you’ll stop by.”

It became a pain in the ass.

Torres asked, tapping Encred.

“Well, do you have any good ideas?”

“Retrieve your items in front of the castle gate and return. Isn’t that okay then?”

“That won’t be easy.”

‘Is this something you’re worried about?’

Encred looked at the two and thought.

‘My head stiffened.’

It could have been so. Is there one or two things that happened during the night?

Encred himself didn’t realize it, but they were both surprised by the appearance he showed.

Swordsmanship and the ability to take bold action to make any situation your own.

That’s what Encred showed us yesterday.

“Let’s start a fire.”

“… … huh?”

“Let’s set a fire under the cover of night and escape. Pick up your things on the way. “Preventing people from talking about what happened at the wall yesterday sounds like waiting for those who came in hiding to cause an accident, so let’s do that.”

Finn’s eyes sparkled. It was an amazing secret plan. And then a thought comes to mind.

‘I should have said it first.’

She recognized that her head was frozen. Then that’s it.

Finn was a great ranger.

A great ranger can also become a serious troublemaker.

If you look at it through the eyes of the enemy, it is like that.

The three hid well until night and then set a fire in front of the inn where hay was piled up.


A total of six places were spread out and set on fire at the same time.

Finn was the most excited. Her feet were quick and her hands were agile, and she was the first to shout that she was on fire.

That created people’s confusion.

Encred thought as he turned his back on the burning fire and moved in the darkness.

‘It seems like you start a fire every so often.’

At this rate, I felt like I would become an arsonist instead of a knight.

It seems like setting fires is also a habit.

Of course, it wasn’t something to worry about now. He grabs a perch, walks almost running, and throws it on the hay. On top of that, I added the oil bottle I stole from the inn.


It was a good ride.

It seems like he is becoming an arsonist expert rather than an arsonist, but the effect was outstanding.

“Fire! “It’s fire!”

Seeing that the sky was dark since daytime, it seemed like spring rain would fall soon.

That wasn’t today.

So the hay and straw bales burned well.

The wooden building next to it also burned down well.

Several perches were knocked down, and a fierce fire broke out.

While all eyes were focused on the flames, Finn and Torres Encrud escaped leisurely.

It happened just before the gate closed.

Of course, Finn dug into the ground and got the wheat.

“I guess we can go back now?”

Torres said.

Finn and Encred also nodded.

It was time to return.

“How did you know the wizard’s name?”

On the way back from the castle gate, Torres asked.

I wondered why you didn’t ask.

Encred spit out the excuse he had prepared.

“It was luck. “It was the name of a female wizard who killed countless of my colleagues when I was a mercenary, and I just spit it out.”

Are you asking me to believe this?

It sounded like it made sense because it didn’t make sense.

Torres’ head was racing, and he soon lost his nerve.

‘What’s there to know?’

It was okay if everything ended well. It was the attitude of a great soldier.

* * *

Abnair laughed.

Sitting in my office inside the cross guard, I kept bursting into ridiculous laughter.


‘It’s all opened? ‘In one night?’

We caught the enemy’s spy and extracted information.

Based on that, I dug a trap.

He pretended to be a spy and leaked information.

I thought they would kill anyone who came in.

Even so, I didn’t think anyone would sneak in using the cross guard.

I said so.

‘The elite soldiers in the hole were almost completely wiped out.’

Letsha is dead.

She wasn’t meant to die here.

Letsha of the Thorn Vine was a famous wizard.

“I would understand if a knight had appeared.”

It’s not like that.

The guys who came in after calming down the commotion tried to catch something.

I tried to do that, even if it meant using my direct unit.

A fire broke out while we were waiting.

I left open all possibilities, including an assassination attempt.

I was dissatisfied.

After that, there was no trace of those who infiltrated.

‘Complain and leave?’

Abnair continued to laugh. He was absurd and outrageous.

The mouth was smiling, but the eyes had a strange, non-smiling expression.

Azpen’s genius strategist.

He was called by that name.

I was completely wronged.

How can you not laugh?

* * *


On the way back to the training camp, when Finn was told that they should spar again, he thought Encred was definitely a crazy bastard.

Torres declined in a euphemistic tone.

“Isn’t it hard? “I’m having a hard time.”

The border guard arrived like that.

Encred saw a strange scene in front of the barracks.

This is a scene where a bald man, dressed in a shabby, beggar-like outfit, complains to a soldier.

It was something that made Encred tilt his head to the side.


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