Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 108

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108. It was a longshot.

‘I think it will work well.’

Finn, who faced the castle wall, felt that the view of the border was clearly blurred compared to before.

Although not at the level of the sixth sense, she also had a sense of being a ranger and a pathfinder.

Torres, who followed, doubted whether this was the right path, but shook his head inwardly.

‘It’s not time to worry.’

I hope you decide to do it.

He is also a member of the frontier guard and a soldier who received a special rank in the Naurilian soldier grading system.

Even though he didn’t earn a hundred per day, he was a useful man who could do two or three things on his own.

And Encred.

“I go first.”

There was no need to put the pin first. He quickly put his hand into the crack in the wall and began to climb.

I took off my now-mangled Gambison, and even though I used a few throwing weapons, the longsword clinking around my waist was still there.

“… … “What on earth is he doing?”

He climbs walls better than himself as a ranger. It was something Finn would say.

“I don’t know either. “I’m on my way.”


Torres thought over what he said and realized he had said something strange.

“I think I knew a little bit about it before, but I don’t know now.”

“Anyway, follow along.”

Encred’s climbing speed on the castle wall was very fast. It was art. I slapped the monkey’s cheek.

Without hesitation, I moved my hands and feet in stride.

Finn followed behind him.

Since we arrived in a hurry, we only had two stakes, so we only had two ropes to hang on the castle wall.

Finn looked down and saw Torres barely following him.

Although he whines, he has excellent athletic ability to begin with.

‘Then what about him?’

This is Pin, who turned his head upward again.

Encred, who had already almost reached the end of the castle wall, stopped in a crouching position under the battlements.

It was convenient to think of the battlements as being thick and high above the castle walls for defensive purposes.

So, unless you have some talent, it is difficult to climb over the battlements with your bare hands and fall inside the castle walls.

‘Can’t I go up there?’

I don’t think so.

If it was Finn himself, all he had to do was hang on with his fingertips, pull his upper body, and then move on to elasticizing his waist.

What if you hang a small hook that you carry around? It’s easier. It was also possible to jump over it by attaching a hook and wrapping a line around it.

All you have to do after passing is to hold the hand of a colleague who is following you and pull him/her.

Anyway, it didn’t seem like Encred stopped because he couldn’t get over it.

Before crossing the battlements, the dangling Encrid didn’t even look difficult.

He looked down and wagged his finger.

Although it was a simple hand signal, it was not difficult to understand.


Are you saying there is a secret party inside the castle walls?

In fact, Finn could not feel any sound or presence.

‘Are you saying you’re more sensitive than me, a ranger?’

In fact, I couldn’t even feel Encred. I just know from experience.

Encred, hanging beneath the battlements, was lost in thought.

‘What kind of trick did they pull?’

Block your sixth sense.

Even though I repeated this over and over again today, I couldn’t figure it out.

It will be clear that some kind of spell was used to manipulate him.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be this peaceful.

It was only at the opening that I was already inside the cave, so the moment I felt something ominous, it was over.

Even if the lycanthrope group missed this land, that is, the area in front of the cross guard is a land where monsters always come and go.

Didn’t you notice the presence of troops hiding on the castle walls?

It was clearly some kind of trick.

Until today, the 60th day, I tried my best to find out what the trick was.

‘Let’s leave it alone.’

The difference is in importance. There are many things more important than the magician’s tricks, and the ultimate goal is clear.

Going beyond today.

Training during that time.

So, move forward using the sword as a guide.

Does it matter if I give up trying to find out?

There was no problem at all.

I know this from what I have already repeated today.

‘I guess it’s like this.’

Encred clung to the battlement and slowly moved to the left.

There needs to be a gap in the castle wall to hang on to.

This wall of the cross guard was a place where you had to deal with not only regular monsters but also sometimes colony monsters.


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Because of that, there were a lot of scratches here and there.

Although repairs were made, there were many gaps.

There was no difficulty in moving as I put my fingers and toes in the gap.

Encred changed positions while hanging on the castle wall, drawing a picture of what was beyond the castle wall in his head.

When I first got here, I could only predict and guess.

Now I was able to guess the location of the wizard named Letsha.

No, I am sure.

This arrogant wizard has never been out of place in any of the repetitions of this day.

After settling down, Encred sent a hand signal again.

[You guys go first.]

Finn and Torres saw the hand signal and started moving. First Finn, then Torres.

Finn, hanging from the chest wall, reaches out and helps Torres.

The moment the two crossed over.


The lights were brightly lit overhead.

There must have been seven or eight torches burning at the same time.

It’s not a sight I’ve seen once or twice.

“How did we get here? “Are you sure my children have moved?”

Letsha’s voice.

Just beyond the castle walls, as expected.

She doesn’t know herself, but she knows her place.

That alone was an advantage.

I also knew her name and what kind of spell she was using.

“Mr. Lee.”

Torres swears.

“It’s true.”

Encred, who heard Finn’s muttering, stretched out his hand.

Hold the edge of the chest wall with your fingertips.

I pulled myself up with only one arm.

It is a strength that Rem and other members of the squad have repeatedly admired. In addition, my body felt lighter thanks to repeated training through isolation techniques.

He suddenly raised his body and as soon as his head rose above the chest wall, he swung his body around in the air as if he was rolling forward.

In the past, it was a move that was close to a stunt that I couldn’t have guessed.

Thanks to training with isolation techniques and rolling over countless times.

Encred’s body spun in the air and fell to the bottom of the chest wall.

I straightened my body forward, bent my knees, and placed my feet on the floor.

Whoop, whoop.

The floor was sobbing because I couldn’t do it separately.

The wizard Letsha was seen right in front of Encred.

With eyes wide open in even greater surprise.


Before he could open his mouth and say anything, Encred’s hand moved.


It’s a whistle dagger.

Letsha was surprised, but not embarrassed.

Where did this come from? She just thought like this.

Of course, this was possible because I had faith in it.

Because there was an intangible barrier created by a spell around her.

It is a shield that blocks Quarels shooting right in front of your nose.

I’m waiting for you to knock on my defense shield.

Encred’s Whistle Dagger did not aim at her.

I aimed for the necks of the four soldiers holding crossbows beyond her.


Encred’s Whistle Dagger, which activated one point of focus, hit the target accurately.

It was rewarding to train during that time.

Four enemy soldiers collapse. And just before they fell.

Letsha reacted.


A strange cry came out of her mouth.

Soon, a thorn vine flew from the floor. She bent over violently and struck her waist.

The fight started now.

“First the soldiers!”

Encred shouted as he drew his sword.


Swing the drawn sword. Maybe it’s because I was too focused.

My head was hot.

‘Cut the thin ones. Cut off the thick stuff.’

Encred moved based on the Yugeomsik rather than the Junggeomsik.

Although I never learned it properly.

“It is good to know the basic principles of swordsmanship. It would be foolish to only learn the double-check method just because you use the double-check method. “Don’t you need to know your opponent’s swordsmanship so you can respond and fight?”

Ragni is usually lazy, and only when it comes time to teach himself does he show any enthusiasm.

Sometimes, really sometimes, I would burn with passion.

That’s what I said on that day.

Afterwards, I learned the basic principles of each sword technique.

During that time, I practiced against vines over 70 times.

Today, Encred’s 70th anniversary, shined.

I cut the thin ones.

By cutting out the thick stuff.

Bubble, pounding. Tongue.

Some brambles were as thick as your forearm.

The impact was similar to that of a wooden club, but he blocked it with his sword face, lowered his posture, and let it flow upward.

It was Yu Geom-sik.

“This guy!”

Letsha was extremely angry. How dare you avoid my vines? Like a swordsman?

Her hand moved, and soon three or four vine spears and vine whips flew out.

Encred did not rely on clumsy intuition.

Instead, I opened my eyes wide.

It’s like a feeling where all the concentration is concentrated in one’s eyes.

A feeling like your eyes are burning.

This way, everything was visible.

As if each thing was moving slowly.

Repeat the same thing again.

Strike with the sword, swing, hit, spill, and cut.

feeling? I threw that away.

the sixth sense? No need now.

There is no need to rely on intuition.

All you have to do is look at everything and hit, avoid, and slash.

While avoiding two vine attacks.

I heard a cackling sound around me.

It was a soldier’s death. Torres and Finn’s skills are not something to be ignored.

Torres’ ability especially shined when he drew attention from elsewhere.

Didn’t you see firsthand the skill with which he wields a dagger?

“Yes, I will make you dance until you die.”

Letsha’s eyes lit up with anger inside.

The wizard’s eyes, which resembled snake eyes, looked directly at Encred.

Encred ignored it.

Haven’t we already seen it several times?

The beast’s heart seemed to be pounding and speaking.

No, it’s Rem. I felt like I could hear what Rem was saying.

“If you’re going to get hit by something like that, take out your heart.”

Don’t worry, you crazy Lem, you won’t get hit by something like that.

As the evil eye did not budge, the wizard’s vines became more aggressive.


It becomes thinner and faster.

Phoebe beebing.

Until now, the most common vines used by Letsha were spears and whips.

If we push the current situation further, an arrow shape emerges.

Although it was not a real arrow, it was similar to an arrow in that it was thick and fired fiercely.

Can humans stop the barrage of arrows?

‘does not exist.’

As long as you don’t become a knight, that’s right.

But if you have to.

If the moment comes when you have to hit the rain of arrows.

What should I do if I can’t avoid it?

‘How can I do it?’

I have to repeat and say that he died.

Should I call it military spirit?

Or should I say infantry mentality.

No, it’s just a person named Encred.

There is no giving up. No regrets.

I risked everything in my life on the way forward.

Encred, holding the sword tightly in both hands, concentrated while feeling the burning pain in his eyeballs.

‘Connect dot to dot.’

Cut everything based on the connecting lines.

Thin, twisted vines sprouted from the bottom up and poured out from all directions.

The moment I confirmed that the number exceeded ten, I gave up counting.

Encred dispersed his concentration around his body.

What I realized between the lycanthrope group and the gray dog ​​unit was the loss of concentration.

This allows you to avoid attacks coming into the area.

Before that, there were things I learned from the fight in the doghole.

Instant judgment.

To act without hesitation in every situation, at every moment.

Encred mixed the two and did just that.

Bub bub buk.

Soon, vines were torn in all directions in the air in front of him, exploding green fluid.

Blood appeared on Letsha’s forehead, and blood also appeared in her eyeballs.

The vines didn’t stop.

Encred’s sword.

And Finn and Torres, who were fighting the soldiers, also glanced at the scene.

Now, I don’t think it’s enough to just say that we fight well.

Torres thought as he stood behind one of the soldiers and grabbed his arm.


Then Quarel flew to where he was.

With a sharp crack, the bolt plunged into the stomach of the soldier Torres had killed.

“Why don’t you look carefully and shoot?”

Crack. Wow!

At that moment, a scream was heard from one side.

It was the work of a pin that slithered across the floor as if it were a snake.

The soldier, whose leg was bent in a direction it shouldn’t have been and twisted, was foaming at the mouth.

Finn didn’t stop.

If you stop, you’ll end up stuck in Quarel.

Meanwhile, the fight between Encred and the wizard continued.

No one could get close to the two.

Sharp thorn vines flew out like needles.

Occasionally, a few of them would bounce out and hit the surrounding walls.

All those who did not want to die at the hands of our wizards retreated.

Thanks to that, Torres and Finn were able to take a breather.

Even Torres didn’t want to get close when he saw the sharp tip of the thorn vine that was making a hole in the castle wall.

‘Is this something that can be solved by killing a soldier?’

And then Torres realized.

In the end, the direction of the fight here depends on those two.

What if the wizard wins?

Torres and Finn would also be dead.

But how long can Encred last?

In both Torres’ and Finn’s eyes, Encred was in constant crisis.

Some of the vines that he had been avoiding until now began to brush against his body.


“Did you trust the piece of leather wrapped around your body and attack me?”

I heard the wizard’s voice. A low muttering, not at all excited, confident that the winner has been captured.

‘It’s not good.’

Torres thought.

That was right.

Encred was in a series of crises.

I quickly reached my limit.

However, that was the moment Encred had been waiting for.

Letsha is confident of victory.

This timing with Torres, Finn, and the enemy soldiers watching this fight.

Encred’s right hand, which was holding the sword with both hands and swinging with only his left hand, moved.

It was a winning decision.


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