Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 106

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106. Avoid and avoid again

It was when I broke up with Leona Lochfried.

In front of the Border Guard walls, the guard warrior named Mathis immediately attracted the attention of those around him.

That was clearly intentional.

It was about momentum.

“Living becomes a momentum. If your sixth sense opens, you can do it. It’s easy. Ah, it might be a little difficult for the platoon leader.”

Crazy Saxony bastard.

Anyway, the words are spicy. Was the tongue cast in a blacksmith shop?

There is a sword in words.

That doesn’t mean Encred cares about that, though.

I just call him a crazy bastard and move on.

In conclusion, what Saxony said was right.

My sixth sense opened.

Even though I had already used something similar to the force in the request to catch a cat, it was difficult to attach it to the body.

I learned it again this time. Once I relaxed my shoulders, it became easier than I thought.

So I guess I ended up using it.

When telling Torres and Finn to be careful, Encred said with increased energy.

And now.

“Slide to the side, I will lure the rest.”


Finn reacts.

“What bullshit?”

Torres also reacted.

It hasn’t been that long since I last saw Finn, and Torres isn’t much different, so I don’t think they’ll risk their lives to protect each other.

“Damn it, rangers don’t abandon their comrades.”

“That goes for me too.”

But why are these two so active?

Finn and Torres’ eyes sparkled. The eyes were filled with firm determination.

Yes, you both are really good human beings.

I understand that.

“f*ck off. “It’s disturbing.”

Encred was buried. I don’t have time to explain everything.

I also explained it in another article today.

Both of them didn’t fall off as if they were ticks.

“… … “Why is this cool?”

Then Finn muttered.

“This bastard?”

Torres raised the bar, but both still understood what was being said.

Encred was sincere.

“Stay at maximum visibility and join us when we’re done. I have an idea. “Everyone can survive.”

It is a male command. It’s better to show your will than to explain something you’ve done a few times. There was no time to explain everything one by one.


“See you later.”

Torres spoke with an ambiguous meaning and then took the first step to the side.

Finn followed behind him, looking back twice.

Encred thought as he watched the two leaving.

Even though the two were separated, all of the enemy soldiers holding long spears had to chase after them.

What should I do to do that?

I already knew the answer.

Encred took a quick look behind him and shouted.

“L-uh, take off your helmet!”

Words that mean nothing to those who know nothing.

“L-er! “He who killed my hair first and sent it to heaven!”

Encrid shouted loudly, like a bard writing poetry.

Among the seventy-eight today, I heard what kind of person Roger was.

Although my relationship with Finn is bad for a different reason.

He was said to have been nicknamed the commander who never took off his helmet.

That was really impressive.

From the top of his head to his forehead, there was a desert above his head.

That was his shame.

“Are you carrying a barren field with not a single blade of grass on your head?”

At first, I wondered if this would work.

OK, it was easy.

When I was caught by Roger in another today, I accidentally took off his helmet.

“Was he bald?”

I saw Roger’s eyes turn at this one word.

To sum it up, I had to bring my resentment toward Finn to this side.

‘I feel a little sorry, though.’


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Encred ran his hand through his hair for no reason.

My thick black hair slipping through my fingers, showing my presence.

“What the f*ck?”

Roger’s eyes rolled back.

I don’t know, but if I got caught now, I really wouldn’t have a nice death.

Torture will become the basis.

So, you shouldn’t get caught.

Encred ran, and even after seeing Finn and Torres leave, Roger gave orders.

“Catch that!”

Twenty-nine pikemen, full of rage, ran forward.

Even if you shout out in excitement now, if you’re in that state, you’ll quickly want to divide the number of people and plunge spears into Finn and Torres’ necks.


As soon as I can finish thinking about it.

On the other side of the polearm unit, centered around Encred, the howl of a monster rang out.


Because it was the day of the dual moon, the surroundings were bright.

Because the moonlight ensured visibility, I could clearly see the monster rushing from the other side.

It is a lycanthrope, a wolf-headed monster that runs kicking the ground with both legs.


Encred, who saw that, caught his breath by exhaling once and then stopped.

The odds are high here. We need to tie up all the pikes and lycan babies.

‘Look at me.’

How to radiate momentum.

That means putting the intention to kill the opponent into your whole body.

Deciding that you can kill everyone in this place.


Grab the grip on the scabbard and pull it slowly. The blade reveals itself, reflecting the moonlight.

Encred put his right foot out about half a step and spoke with his whole body.

If you come near me now, I will cut you down.

Momentum, survival, speculation.

An intangible pressure spread, one of these three clearly evident in words.

The momentum was so strong that even all the long spear units and the lycanthropes who were rushing towards him forgot about Torres and Finn, who had fallen to the side.

Led by that momentum, a group of werewolves and a spear unit rushed in.

At the center was Encred.

It seemed like an act of suicide.

* * *

Roger was starting to get annoyed.

If I catch a bitch like a wildcat, things will end in a strange twist.

But should I just miss it like this?

no. I wanted to catch and kill him.

Isn’t she the bitch who killed my brother?

“f*ck, chase me.”

I will definitely catch you and kill you. The moment I made up my mind, Encred shouted.

From ‘Take Off Your Helmet’ to ‘Barren Land’.

My heart is pounding, my heart is racing. I felt like my blood was boiling as I was filled with anger.

“That f*cking bastard?”

He was determined and determined.

If you catch that dog, you won’t kill you.

I will make you beg for death.

At that moment, my senses flew away and I shouted and told him to chase after me.

A time when Roger himself was running.


The monster howled.

The moment Roger saw the group of werewolves popping out from the other side, he suddenly became irritated.

‘Holy shit.’

How did things end up like this?

‘That bastard.’

It’s because of the guy who mocked my hair as if he were reciting poetry.

I couldn’t calm down for a moment because of that bastard’s taunts.


Roger tried to calm himself down by swearing at the werewolf, but it wasn’t easy.

So what should we do?

The worry was short-lived.

‘Kill them all.’

A bitch like Letsha or something is pampering her or something, she’s a monster.

If you fight in good formation, you can deal with even a group of lycanthropes forming a colony.

That’s when I was going to do that. When I made up my mind to open my mouth.

That moment.

The one chasing him exhaled and stopped and grabbed his sword.

I held my sword and spoke with my body. He said it with force. I said I would live.

‘If you come near, I’ll cut you.’

In Roger’s eyes, the surrounding background was erased, and before he knew it, only one person remained, holding out a sword.

It was like this in his eyes, so what must it have been like for other soldiers?

No matter the formation or anything, the battle started like that due to the momentum.

Since there was no word to stop, the spearmen at the front continued as they were doing. Fight when you see an enemy, that’s what he used to do.

like that.


I stabbed the spear with all my might.



The claws of the werewolf who had just approached struck the blade of the spear.

The cacophony of wolf howls, claws and spears.

At that sound, a cold ray of reason returned to Roger’s head.


They rushed at us without forming a proper formation.

It was because I was in a hurry.

No, it was also because the enemy was making fun of his weaknesses.

The momentum was also a problem.

Because it’s twisted and twisted.

It was the beginning of a melee.

* * *


The first to reach Encred was a werewolf.

Its claws were aimed at my neck. En Creed took a step back as he saw his big swinging arm movement.


Take a deep breath. I can’t hold out while out of breath.

From now on, it will be like walking on a single path between cliffs.

Let alone letting down your guard.

It has become a path where mistakes cannot be tolerated.

So what do you need?

‘With boldness.’

The beast’s heart beats.


A group of werewolves charging in and a long spear unit digging in to the side.

Although there are enemies everywhere and you are surrounded.

It’s not a reason to worry. What’s more, isn’t this a battlefield that he himself created?

‘So, what’s next?’

Sharpen your senses. It goes beyond the five senses and moves into the realm of the sixth sense.

I also had to avoid claws or spear blades flying from behind.

Encred did just that.

He brought his left foot forward and swung his sword to the side.

It’s not a powerful knife, though.


It was enough to block the claws of a wolf that was running right next to me.

I took the northern style passing step, turning sideways with my left foot.

Originally, the order here would be to break the arm or weapon of the guy who stabbed me in the back with a heavy sword-style slash.

‘Forward again.’

Instead, he bowed his body.


A wolf’s claws graze over your head.

Suddenly, Encred opened his eyes half-open.

My gaze was also blurry.

If anyone looked closely, they would say it looked like the eyes of a fish on land.


Instead of focusing on one person, this is the method Encred chose to survive here.


Raise and spread the blade of concentration. To the extent of swinging the sword around the body.

The outcome of a battle is determined by judgment, distance, time, and location.

Make a decision in the moment.

Measure the distance from the other person.

The time your feet move and the time your enemy’s weapon reaches you.

Estimating the time it takes for your sword to reach the desired location.

Recognize where you are currently standing and where you will be standing in the future.

With that, Encred danced alone here.


Sometimes the werewolf’s claws met his blade.

The blade of the spear grazed Gambison’s side.

There were also fingernails that grazed just in front of the neck.

There were times when people tried to step on my toes.

Encred didn’t cut anyone.

Even when I was so close that my toes were almost stepped on, I just pushed the other person with my shoulder.

The result.


It only led to the soldier’s death.

The werewolf bit the back of the neck of the soldier who was pushed away.

Blood splattered out, leaving a blood stain on the monster’s face.

It wasn’t necessarily my intention.

Avoid again and avoid again.


Even when the werewolf tried to bite his shoulder, he sat down and avoided it.


When I heard the sound of the monster’s teeth closing, I stood up and pushed the monster back.

that is.

Puff puff!

Shut up!

The only result was that the spear was stuck in the stomach of the werewolf that was targeting Encred.

I did my best to avoid, not attack.

Then, he sneaked away, moving around the outskirts of the battlefield rather than the center.

The werewolf had to kill the group of humans holding long spears right away.

The long spear unit had to deal with a group of werewolves right away.

And all of this was visible to Torres and Finn, who were not far behind.

“… … that.”

“You’re crazy, you’re crazy.”

Torres and Finn took turns talking.

The two stopped, forgetting about the situation, their eyes busy following one person’s movements.

Encred dodged and dodged again.

Although he was occasionally hit by a spear pole and his fingernails scratched his body.

I barely managed to avoid it. There were no fatal injuries.

Above all, build momentum in the middle and see what he can create with just a few words.

The fight between the group of monsters and the elite soldiers became a fierce battle.

“I think the humans will win.”

Still, an elite is an elite.

Although the formation was broken, the unit members banded together and looked after each other.

Jump into it and recover some of the stamina you lost.

They formed a group to block and stab with shields to fight back.

That worked.

Then, Roger moved.

He single-handedly took on three or four werewolves and killed one by sticking a spear into its head.

Instead of a long spear, he was carrying a short spear and running wild, like a tiger.

“If you just leave that alone.”

I saw it heading towards Encred.

Even without looking at Finn, I knew that that guy’s eyes were full of venom.

He used to go crazy when you teased him with his hair.

“You crazy bastard.”

“I have to go help.”

In response to Finn’s muttering, Torres shouted as if he had made up his mind.

Meanwhile, an enemy commander named Roger charged fearfully and thrust his javelin at Encred.


Finn saw that and let out a loud scream.

Because in her eyes, Encred’s side looked hollow and hollow.

“f*ck. No, I avoided it.”

Torres said. He was right. It was a mistake.

The spear was attached to the side. Instead of dodging, he grabbed the opponent’s weapon with his forearm and side.

It seemed like he narrowly avoided it.

It seemed like a desperate crisis.

At least that’s how it seemed to Torres.


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