Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 105

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105. Gambling that knows how to win


The enemy soldiers’ cries rang out, and of course they started chasing like crazy.

Encred glanced behind him and then turned slightly.


A pile of dirt fell where he was about to pass.

It was no sign of collapse.

It’s just a symbol of bad luck.

‘No, maybe I’m lucky today.’

Since one Quarrel only grazed my head, I could say it was good.

The tip of the long spear held diagonally forward grazed the top of the oyster.

The enemy soldiers began to run fearfully.

Although there was one battle.

‘It’s not like I’m losing stamina.’

The problem is that there is no light source.

Finn is a ranger and a pathfinder who has eyes on the soles of his feet to see the road.

There was no way she would fall out because of the darkness.

It was the same for Encred.

In the meantime, I went around imitating Finn’s steps.

Even though it may not be perfect, you can roughly guess the shape of the ground using the soles of your feet.

Besides, how many times have I taken this route?

Even after doing this, if you fall and break your nose, it is not a matter of talent, but a sign that you are using your head as a helmet holder.

Encred also had an excellent memory.

For some reason, Finn and Encred were able to run in the dark without problems.


Only Torres was in trouble.

Because every time I stepped into a pothole, I flinched in surprise.

Still, he had extraordinary athletic ability, so he quickly gained balance and ran.


With the sound of torches.


Sometimes the sound of a spear blade scraping against the cave ceiling.


Other than that, it was a chase that only continued with heavy breathing.

Although Finn and Torres had the lightest bodies here, they were not at a level where they could overtake them by increasing their speed.

So, I felt like I was going to get caught at any moment.

As I was running like that, the moonlight began to shine in front of me.

It was the entrance. The entrance to the dog hole.

Finn ran down the ramp first and threw a crossbow behind him.

Rather than just throwing it away, it seemed better to use it as a throwing weapon, so Encred picked it up and threw it with all his might.

The guy who was following closely behind saw this and raised his shield, which had been turned to the side of his body.


Perhaps because it was not made of very strong material, the crossbow bounced off, with pieces of wood flying in the air.

We slowed down the chase a little, but it wasn’t significant.

Torres was a little behind, so I only threw it to help him.

Torres looked at that, looked at Encred, and nodded.

It was a glance and a nod of gratitude.

‘In the meantime, Gong Chisa.’

Finn went out first, and Encred also placed his hand on the entrance hole at the top of the ramp and pulled himself up.

As the dust fell, Torres lowered his head.

“for a moment.”

Torres suddenly spoke, drew a dagger with his left hand and stuck it on the crypt ramp, and turned his body diagonally backwards.

‘Oh, this again.’

I lean against the semi-slanted wall and shake my hands behind my back.

Since I couldn’t support it with just my feet, I stuck a dagger in to support my balance.

Throwing away the dagger.

‘This is my first time seeing something like this again.’

It is a sight that was not seen in Encred’s repeated today.

Since today is not the same every time it is repeated, it was not that surprising.

The dagger flew backwards.

puck! puck!

Even though they had thrown away their torches, the enemy soldier did an excellent job of blocking the flying daggers with his shield.

“these guys.”

The two soldiers who blocked the daggers let out harsh sounds. Its eyes glowed blue, and it seemed like they wouldn’t kill it kindly if they caught it.

Of course, Encred was caught.

If I got caught, it couldn’t have been a good ending.

It can be grilled on skewers with spear blades.

A blade stuck in your head.


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In fact, not all deaths can be welcomed.


Torres stuck out his tongue when he saw that the dagger had been blocked.

Even with torches and moonlight shining, it is a dark place. Stop that?

It is impossible to produce soldiers like that with any amount of training.

Torres was convinced when he saw the enemy soldier block the dagger.

‘It is at the level of a border defense unit.’

Well, it means that if you get caught, you get kicked out.

Even though Encred was right next to him, reaching out to him.

‘No way.’

“How many people do you think there will be?”

He asked while holding hands.

“If we meet separately, I think we can all deal with them, but what if they come together like that?”

Encred also has no answer. But strangely, the tension on Encred’s face was blurred.

Why does he have some spare time?

Torres thought and diligently climbed up.

One of the spearmen from behind showed off a trick similar to Torres.


The short sword was thrown as a throwing knife.

Your skills are good too.

Encrud thought so and pulled out his sword and struck it down.

The short sword blade was caught in the middle of the blade.

Cheering! Boom!

The short sword that bounced hit the ground next to him.

The blue day shined red and blue, reflecting the moonlight and the torches shooting up from below.


These are the words of Encred who struck down his sword.

Torres’ movements became faster.

“come out!”

The pin that came out first clattered, pulled the pulley of the remaining crossbow, fixed the string, and shouted.

While Encred and Torres were moving left and right, Finn pulled the trigger of the crossbow.

A Quarrel shot was fired with a thud and disappeared into the hole where the shadow flickered due to the torch.

Because it was not a rapid-fire crossbow, one shot was the limit.

A thud was heard, but there was no time to check whether it had hit the head or was blocked with a shield.


This time Finn spoke and moved first. Encred and Torres followed suit.

Torres was in the middle, and Encred was at the end.

The direction was towards the campsite where the main unit was originally stationed.

Finn kept rolling his head as he ran.

‘Where are we going?’

Toward the main unit? What if this was a trap set with intention?

But if you head to the riverside, won’t there be an Azpen ranger?

No, if you make such a fuss and move in the first place, you will become a target of demons and monsters.

How can I deal with fifteen ghouls?

What if you have the misfortune of running into a colony like this?

Dealing with a colony of demonic beasts or monsters with a small number of troops is an act of suicide.

The demon beasts that just roamed around and the demon beasts that became a group called a colony were completely different stories.

As a ranger, she knew very well about monsters and their ecology.

‘What’s the worst here?’

You’ll get caught. I had to think about demonic beasts and monsters later.

“To camp.”

Encred put an end to Finn’s worries.

A glance behind you.

Encred was seen following behind.

Although all three are out of breath, their eyes and mouths look oddly relaxed.


Why does it look relaxed?

Ah, my mouth is closed. I didn’t pant while running like this. She started to feel out of breath herself.

Wasn’t the weapon heavier than him? He also has a long sword on his waist. He looks relaxed while running like that.

Finn couldn’t ask why he was heading in that direction.

You just have to judge.

Encred had no further involvement in Finn’s decision.

Anyway, no matter where I go now, I’ll feel like I’m screwed.

‘It’ll take care of itself.’

I’ll probably follow Encred’s words and head to the campsite.

Also, if possible, retrace your steps the way you came.

This is a ranger’s habit. Retracing the path that was judged to be safe.

I knew this because I had already experienced it several times today.

While he was running down the road, Encred’s hands began to move busily.

He removed his sword from its sheath from his belt and began swinging it left and right as he ran.

To be precise, he stabbed the sword towards the floor and then raised it upward.

Tuk, bung, thuk, bung.

A flat stone floated in the air following the sword that moved with its sheath.

Encred used his sword as a club to strike it back.


There were more than five spearmen following closely behind.

Even within the unit, they were quick-footed guys.

Among them, the one standing at the front snorted.

It was laughable to see people trying to block my path with something like a large stone.

He held out his spear forward without even lifting his shield.

There was nothing to avoid. It was an attempt to swerve and not slow down.


The spearman thought that everything had gone as he intended.

There would have been no problem if it weren’t for the long shadow drawing a strange curve in the air as it hit the stone.



It was a snake. There was a snake clinging to a flat stone.

“Holy shit!”

The spearman quickly pulled out his shortsword and swung it.


The snake’s body was cut off. It wasn’t a magic beast.

But it was poisonous.

Among them, one spearman was unlucky. A poisonous snake jumped out from under a stone and wrapped around my shin, and a snake burrowed between my boots and armor and bit my leg.

It wasn’t extremely poisonous, but I felt pain and a tingling sensation in my legs.

The spearman whose leg had been bitten took out a dagger and stabbed the head of the snake that had bitten his leg.


Blood and yellow fluid flowed from the mouth of the person he killed.

“It’s a poisonous snake!”

The soldier ripped off the dagger case, made it into a string, and tied it around his calf.

It was natural for me to stop in place.

And it was natural that the others’ steps faltered.

Damn you, poisonous snakes, you sneaky bastards.

The poisoned soldier looked forward, biting his molars.

Meanwhile, Encred was performing a trick of striking a stone with a hand-made sword sheath.

At first it was a stone with a poisonous snake on it.

Afterwards, regular slings were also mixed in.

If you don’t have the knowledge to distinguish between them.

I had no choice but to dodge or hit them all.

“What a bastard.”

The commander who followed also looked at the situation and rolled his eyes.

I was about to catch this wildcat-like girl.

“I run while blocking with my shield!”

His judgment was effective. Neither a stone nor a snake could stop a soldier who only stuck out his eyes and blocked himself with a shield.

Of course, Encred never dreamed of defeating them with poisonous snakes or anything like that.

‘It’s helpful to learn this and that from Enri.’

I heard that there was a poisonous snake under the yellow flat stone.

I happened to pass by this road so I used it.

It was very useful.

I put one guy down and slowed down the rest.

“Whoa, whoa, why is it a campground?”

When the enemy, who was running at that point, slowed down, Finn adjusted his speed and came next to me and asked.

Torres must have been curious, too, so he came up next to me.

Encred glanced behind him and said.

“Hehe, we need allies to deal with that number.”

Finn’s expression crumpled at those words.

“Ha, ha, it’s already empty. My unit members have moved on.”

Finn misunderstood.

Torres also misunderstood.

Encred pretended to be surprised and spoke.

“But we can’t change our ways now. “We set our course again after the campsite.”

Now I can naturally speak up and take the lead.

Finn and Torres knew there was no answer.

Now I have no choice but to go.

The backs of their heads were itching.

Before I knew it, I could see the guys chasing me again, puffing out their breath and narrowing the distance.

Is it possible to run in unison like that?

It was fascinating. How trained an elite soldier is to be able to do something like that?

Only after seeing that did Finn know the identity of the opposing unit.

“f*ck, they look like Gray Dog bastards, huh?”

Gray Dog, gray hound unit.

The name that is more familiar to the ear is persistent lover.

In many ways, they had a deep connection with Encred.

Mitch Hurier was in that unit.

They even sent me a gift called Whistle Dagger, wrapped in a mixed-blood fairy.

It was said that the opponent was an elite team comparable to the frontier guard.

Although we already knew this, Encred pretended to be surprised.

“Oh, really?”

However, the problem was that it seemed like a strangely relaxed way of speaking.

Neither of them, except Encred, had the energy to pay attention to it.

The stronger the opponent, the better.

That’s what Encred thought to himself.

Before today, there were seventy-eight todays.

What has Encred been doing in the meantime?

I developed the ability to make split-second decisions when dealing with dozens of elite soldiers.

I even asked a guy named Roger some pointless questions and dug up his information.

I was pouring out everything I had found out.

All three began to increase their speed. When I saw the guys following behind me, my legs naturally got stronger.

“after! after! hook!”

Torres runs next to me, controlling his breathing.

“Jing, hoo, you bastards!”

The same goes for pins. Meanwhile, seeing them open their mouths, it seemed like they really hated those bastards.

On the way to the campsite, Encred took a detour on purpose.

Finn noticed, but didn’t say anything more.

There is even a slogan that says the Ranger goes first, so it is natural for one to be ahead in a situation like this.

Encred took the lead very calmly.

I went first.

So what should I do? I have no choice but to follow along.

This is the campsite we reached that way.

The cave they dug, now covered with dirt to erase any traces.

A few tall trees and a few small mounds on one side.

And on the other side, I saw an unexpected sight.


It was a pack of werewolves.

“Oh no, Mr.!”

There was a group of over twenty monsters, especially werewolves, who could not be guaranteed a win even if they met in good health.

Looking at the guy standing in front leading the way, I saw that they had formed a colony.

‘Oh, the worst.’

Finn almost gave up on life at this moment.

Torres’ eyes were busy trying to figure out what was going on.

Encred was the only one who was taking a breath for the next time.

‘This is the turning point.’

Half of it is gambling, but today I repeated it so that gambling did not remain gambling.

So, it is a gamble that you know how to win.

Encred stepped up to win.


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