Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 102

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102. Just because you’re not lucky (4)

“What was more enjoyable?”

Being pierced by an arrow and becoming a skewer to death?

Being strangled by the wizard’s vines and pricked by thorns?

Getting your whole body bitten off by a lycanthrope?

The boatman who appeared spoke and laughed.

A smile that is recognizable only because he allows it.

It was very surprising once again. What should I say about this?

It was as if someone had told me that the boatman was laughing.

I know the boatman is smiling, but I haven’t actually seen his smiling face. He didn’t even hear laughter.

In my mind, I only recognized that the other person was laughing.

Having heard the question, Encred answered.

Toward the black river, the ferry boat, and the boatman.

It was not clear whether the answer I was giving was to the boatman, to the ferry boat, or to the black river.

Still, I was able to open my mouth.

“I heard arrows are best.”

That’s better than being bitten to death by a pack of lycanthropes or a wizard’s vines.

“… … Go crazy. “You have to be so crazy to make me happy.”

Could it be an illusion that the boatman seemed momentarily speechless?

Encred didn’t go crazy. Not at all. He just answered right away because there was no need to worry.

“It was a cool answer.”

“You crazy bastard.”

The boatman started out laughing and then got angry.

Of course, it seems like someone told me this too. I don’t know if the boatman was actually angry. He just realized that he was annoyed.

That was the end.

Black darkness is painted over the black river.

Close and open your eyes.

It is dawn without dawn.

Still the same today.

Encred stood up easily. There is no heaviness in body or mind.

Of course, he was bitten by a werewolf and his internal organs were torn by nails, leaving him with the pain of death.


I decided to forget about it with one sigh.

Even if you really can’t forget it, it will be okay if you move your body and swing your sword.

Encred was calm. Attitude and mind.

‘Relax your shoulders.’

Originally, it was a time when I would have been trying desperately to survive and escape from today.

Encred was quiet. It was like a quiet lake.

Wasn’t there something new you realized?

‘Is struggling the only answer?’

That won’t be it. Walking for tomorrow remains the same. However, simply running with all your might may not lead to the fastest route.

And you don’t necessarily have to go the fastest.

‘There are three ways.’

Wake up and exercise your body as usual. Then she began to organize her thoughts.

It started out as a ghoul.

‘Those guys too.’

It was strange. They appeared to be a group of people who were moving under someone’s orders, or who had experienced something like that.

‘There must be a wizard involved.’

That wizard was on a different level from the one I had experienced before.

‘Letsha of the Rose Vine.’

The name I heard was vivid in my mind.

Can you catch it?

There was no need to ask this question.

Because I had to catch it.

Next, my thoughts reach a group of lycanthropes. It is a process of reviewing what you have experienced in reverse order.

‘It’s a trick done by a wizard.’

It was a certainty.

When you cross the castle wall, you will be greeted by a wizard.

As we headed towards the opening, a unit appeared blocking the front and rear.

At the front were elite soldiers armed with broad shields and long spears, and at the back were archers.

It’s perfect preparation.

‘Unless you know in advance.’

I don’t know how things turned out, but the conclusion is that the opponent is already reading our movements.

So is there a spy?

If there was, it would have been marked somehow when the lycanthropes attacked.

The information may have been passed on in another way.

It was a situation that made the boatman laugh.

All three paths could be said to be walls.


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It is not a wall that can be overcome by simply training.

‘Should I say it’s not unlucky?’

How can someone die like this every time?


Does anything change just because you’re not lucky?

does not exist.

Encred was the same. It was still the same. There was nothing that made my heart waver.


Encred refastened the strap on his sword.

It is a sign of starting a new day.

Encred divided the morning into chunks in his head.

It moved accordingly.

After the technique of isolation, training in swordsmanship.

Practicing the hide knife again.

“Can we have a round of sparring?”

I spoke to Finn and trained him in Balaf style martial arts.

“Who is chasing you? “Why do you seem more urgent today?”

Torres said as he gathered his equipment. How many knives are hidden inside that body?

Encred thought and answered as he watched Torres wear a belt with eight knives.

“Just do your best every day.”

“And then you get hurt.”

It wasn’t a body that could be damaged to this extent.

“Then shall we go?”

Finn, who had been hanging out with us since the morning, said.

It was also the end of Encred’s training, which had started at dawn.

I couldn’t go there drenched in sweat, so I changed my clothes and headed out.

While on the way, Finn said that Azpen’s scouting party would not be easily seen.

It was something I had already heard.

Finn said as he walked through the bushes and saw some seemingly delicious fruit.

“That’s poison.”

“You should be careful.”

Encred answered immediately.

“You’re a bit strange.”


Torres, who was cutting bushes with a dagger or something like that, intervened.

“You act like you know something. “It looks like I’ve been here before.”

Is this a woman’s sense, or a ranger’s sense?

“This is my first time.”

“Speak comfortably.”

“Of course.”

Do you want to talk to me again?

It was like that on the first day.

Fortunately, Finn didn’t say anything like that.

Instead, he just looked at Encred with a strange gaze.

Even if today were repeated, not everything would happen the same.

A few little things would change.

This is the entrance to the dog hole that we arrived at.

“How deep is it here?”

Encred asked before entering.

“hmm? “If you walk diligently, it will take less than an hour.”


“Why is that?”


“Are you scared when you go to dark places? do not worry. “I’ll hold your hand.”

“That’s not it.”

Finn chuckled and opened his mouth.

“Ranger goes first.”

The path down with the mound as a shield.

The same thing happened as before.

Encred did not make any preparations, let alone any warnings, to the two.

Instead, I remembered everything that happened.

“What should I do if I am surrounded?”

I have never asked this question to anyone in my squad. That means I learned nothing.

But I know something from my experience so far.

That such a situation should not be created.

If you can avoid it, it’s right to do so.

So what should you do if you can’t avoid it?

That was something to think about from now on.

Encred was looking for an answer.


The enemy was visible. This unit is armed with long spears and shields.

The number is at least 2 squads.

A few torches brightened up my sight.


As if they were waiting, a group of enemy soldiers armed with short bows blocked their backs.

‘I think we’ll be in our 20s here too.’

I turned my gaze to the front again and saw a man who appeared to be the commander.

He was the one sticking his head out between the shields, but he was wearing an iron helmet that covered his forehead, so only his eyes were visible.

Although it was faint, a hint of joy was visible in his eyes.

It feels like I welcome this situation.

“You wildcat bitch.”

The commander opens his mouth.

“Mr. Lee.”

Finn turned his head back and forth, then pulled out his dagger, held it in reverse, and lowered his posture.

The left hand is held diagonally in front of the face, the right hand is pulled back, and the knife is hidden from the opponent’s view.

It looked like a wildcat hiding its claws.

Torres quietly moved next to the shadow cast by the torch.

The eyes of some soldiers holding shortbows followed Torres from behind.

‘Your eyes are bright too.’

This means that he is a properly trained soldier.

As expected, it is like that.

If you fall into a trap, it’s over.

It’s a trap that you can’t escape unless you’re a knight.

Finno and Torrance are also excellent troops.

If only this place wasn’t an oyster.

If it wasn’t blocked back and forth.

‘Then it might be worth a try.’

Can not be done. You can resist, but you will die.

It was just before the commander shouted something.

“for a moment.”

Encred stepped forward, showing his left palm.

Without even drawing the sword. It was a hand gesture showing that he had no intention of fighting.

“I don’t think he’s someone I can communicate with.”

Torres mutters.

Finn was still staring ahead with a sinister look in his eyes.


I have the luxury of being confident that I have everything covered. the commander asked.

Encred needed to close the distance with his opponent.

As Torres said, this is not someone you can communicate with.

I just needed a moment of relaxation.

Just before a fight, there was something to check before the opponent made a violent move.


He went forward with both hands raised, expressing that he had no intention of fighting.

Encred’s gaze examined the opponent’s weapons and clothes, clearly visible in the torch light.


It was pretty stacked.

It is a hole that takes about an hour to walk.

The dust on the enemy soldier’s body did not look like it had accumulated in just one day.

‘I didn’t just wait for today.’

So, this was a question asked for confirmation.

“How many days have you been waiting?”

“… … what?”

As if he had hit the nail on the head, the other commander’s voice was filled with confusion.

That was a sure answer.

‘I wasn’t sure and waited.’

What is it, what made them wait here?

I’m curious again. Of course, curiosity wasn’t important right now. The result is important.

The fact that they have been waiting here for several days.

“You hid your presence well.”

Encred spoke again. Even though everything I say is to criticize the other person.

The commander had no way of knowing that.

“This bastard. What are you? Are you a wizard too?”

Was a wizard involved here too?

What on earth is Ressha from Rose Vine doing?

“You are Letsharo.”

While I was at it, I went one step further.

“… … “f*ck, I don’t know what it is, but roll over.”

That was it.

Soon the enemy soldiers rushed in, arrows and long spears aimed at Encrid, Finn, and Torres.

The commander gestured to his unit and retreated.

Finn seemed like he wanted to kill the commander.

He did not have the talent to break through the enemy soldiers who blocked his path with his shield and stabbed him with his long spear.

It is difficult to demonstrate her special skills in a place like this. As a result, she only shows the power of an ordinary soldier.

Torres was different.

He kicked the wall, making a move that went beyond the opponent’s expectations, and then waved his hand in the air.

Four throwing knives flew out of his hands.

Even Encred couldn’t see where it was flying.

It was a trick that Torres had hidden.


It wasn’t enough.

The archers and those blocking the front all covered their entire bodies with thick leather shields.

‘If I’m going to aim, I’d rather aim for the toes.’

Just here.

Putting aside the answer to getting over the wall, Encred decided to carry out what he had in mind.

Dealing with hardened elite soldiers.

There are also many elite soldiers.

For Encred, this moment was a very unfamiliar experience.

How could it be possible for people with lesser skills than him to target him as a group?

I didn’t have that much skill.

Meanwhile, the means of wielding a sword have increased.

He killed the pervert by stabbing him, and also cut down a guy named Mitch Hurrier.

An assassin also targeted him.

But this was really my first time doing something like this.

Fighting in a minority position against a group, unit, or force.

If it is a battlefield, you can use nearby allies.

There is no such opportunity here.


Wouldn’t this be an opportunity to improve your skills?

After thinking about it like this.


I couldn’t help but mutter to myself.

“You crazy bastard.”

A long spear soldier with a tired expression slashed his spear at the smiling Encred.

Just before he died, the guy who was laughing and muttering that it was funny, with blood pouring out of the corner of his mouth, probably didn’t look normal.

Of course, Encred didn’t care about that.

I was full of thoughts about trying out this and that right now.

‘It is not possible to focus on one point and feel the blade.’

There is no answer if your field of view is narrowed against multiple enemies.

What if you cut and crush them with a heavy sword like you did when dealing with a group of ghouls, a group of wolf beasts, or a group of face dogs?


The opponent is not a magic beast, but a unit-based enemy who knows how to use strategy and tactics.

I turn my head and think.

Same as usual. The only difference from before is that my shoulders have lost a bit of strength compared to before.

I tried to enter through the hole for several days, but when things didn’t work out, I went to see the wizard on the castle wall.

He was overcome countless times by Letsha’s vines, and when he was stopped, he danced with werewolves using the moonlight as his friend.

Of course, the dance always ended in death.

Because Encred had made up his mind, he did not feel impatient.

I just do my best at every moment.

Just because I relaxed my shoulders didn’t mean I was going to spend the day in vain.

After 42 days like that, I learned how to use a hide knife.

“Why is that okay?”

Naturally, Torres looked like a surprised rabbit.

For him, he was able to imitate his own secret technique in just one day.

“Because I’m lucky.”

It was an excuse that didn’t make sense, but Torres also had nothing to say.

“In one day?”

All I could do was mutter something like this.

Because showing it to Torres didn’t make him more skilled at using the hide knife.

Encred put Torres at ease by sending him today more than 70 times, not just 42 days.

I no longer showed my hide knife skills in front of him.

Now all I had to do was repeat it alone.

Day by day, he became more proficient in Balaf style martial arts.

It was thanks to sparring with Finn, who had learned Ael Karaz style martial arts.

After repeating today again and again.

Encred uses a hide knife, Balaf style martial arts, fights against the wizard on the castle wall, improves his grip by climbing the castle wall, and trains his sword skills while dealing with a group of werewolves.


I felt there was no need to repeat it any further.

So, what’s next?

It was time to move beyond today and head towards tomorrow.


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