Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 100

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100. Just because you’re not lucky (2)

“Do I really need to take that long sword?”

It was a campsite and just before departure from the garrison.

Finn pointed out Encred and Torres’ equipment.

“Why not?”

“You’ve never climbed over the castle wall, right?”

Of course I didn’t pass it up. Isn’t climbing over the castle wall an easy experience?

“Again, go as light as possible. “If you wear that thick Gambison, it will spread before you even climb the castle walls.”

Finn was right.

The first task was to climb over the rocky mountain.

When we crossed the rocky mountain and arrived in front of the castle wall, Encrid thought it was a good idea to listen to Finn’s advice.

‘As light as possible.’

That was the key.

Finn lowered his posture and clung to the front of the castle wall.

Encred and Torres also lowered their posture and approached.

Torches could be seen burning brightly in the defense towers between the castle walls.

‘Is it possible to sneak in?’

My stomach was cold. The grass under my feet barely reaches the height of my shins, so it doesn’t seem like it will cover my body.

However, it was not a moonlit night.

I don’t know if it’s raining and I can’t see anything.

The surroundings are clear. It seemed very easy to spot people moving in the open plain even without a torch.

My heart was pounding.

Rather than climbing the castle wall, I felt like I would end up getting pierced by an arrow or something as I approached.

If it weren’t for the beast’s heart, my legs might have been shaking.

Encred’s eyes saw Finn’s back in the lead.

Lower your posture and move forward without hesitation. There seemed to be no hesitation in his steps.

‘Is there a part of me that believes it?’

I don’t know. After arriving in front of the castle wall. I walked a long distance while sweating.

Of course, if you run with determination, the distance will be narrowed down quickly, but the shadow hovering over the defense tower prevents you from even thinking about doing so.

“Would it be possible to avoid the gaze of the defense tower if we took the route we just took?”

Torres probably felt the same way, so he asked in a whisper as soon as he got to the castle wall.

Then Finn answered, and the answer was surprising.

“No, I tried to run away quickly if I got caught.”

“… … what?”

“You didn’t get caught. That’s it then. what. I saw before that the kids were a little more relaxed on moonlit nights. It wouldn’t be possible if it were our kids. really.”

It wasn’t some great talent, it was left to luck.

“This is crazy.”

Torres muttered.

Encred also felt the same way.

If you change your mind a little, it seems plausible.

‘If you get caught, you run away.’

At least cavalry would have to come out to chase after the Rangers, but what kind of land is this?

It is a land of monsters and demonic beasts.

These are the worst conditions for cavalry to move.

Even if it’s just a griffon that likes horse meat, try rushing at it.

Gryphons are monsters that require at least platoon-level troops, if not knight-level troops, and even trained elite soldiers.

I don’t know if there are gryphons here, but cavalry anyway.

‘There’s no way around it.’

Then the answer comes out. All you have to do is decide on a day when you won’t be able to get there and just walk with great strides.

If you are unlucky, arrows will fly.

Which sharpshooter would accurately hit a looming shadow at night?

It was a bold approach that took advantage of the enemy’s guard on a bright moonlit night.


“Did you spend the day thinking about climbing the castle walls at night?”

I guess it was intentional that I came on a day like today when the duel moon appears.

As Encred chanted, Finn turned his head.

The moonlight illuminated only half of her face, so that one side seemed dark and the other silver.

Finn pursed his lips together and spoke in exclamation.

“Hoo, are you sharp? They say kids are lazy on days like today when the dual moon appears. Did you see the shadow wandering in front of the defense tower? At best, it was just the two of us. “The numbers are also small.”

Encred nodded and looked away.

There are four defense towers on top of the castle walls.

There are two guards in each tower.

Not much.

‘If you go up, there will be a corridor-shaped passage.’

The passage over the castle wall will not be very wide.

The border guard and cross guard walls were built at the same time.

‘It’ll be a similar structure.’

Draw a picture in your head. What to do after climbing on the castle wall.


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There is a big difference between predicting in your head and moving as expected.

Encred wasn’t the only one who thought about it.

“I don’t know if I’m going to lose all my strength while climbing the castle wall.”

The same goes for Torres. He was also worried about what would happen next.

Finn shrugged his shoulders at those words.

“Since I’ve come this far, I have to go first. “I trust the stamina and grip strength of both of them.”

Encred raised his head and measured the height of the castle wall again.

It seemed to be roughly three to four times Encred’s own height.

“this way.”

Finn started guiding again.

I would say it was the outskirts of the castle walls where we arrived following her guidance.

It was also a place where the moon passed by the defense tower and created a dark shadow.

As we got closer to the castle wall, the surroundings looked black.

A torch burning on a defense tower in the distance.

And Torres and Finn standing right next to each other.


All-night sounds heard from very far away.

Other than that, if you take about ten steps to the side, there is only the bright moonlight illuminating the ground and the contrasting darkness that fills the surroundings.

Finn’s eyes were visible in the pitch black darkness.

During the day, it had a brownish tint, but now all I could see was something sparkling in the dark.

“The walls are not guarded as thoroughly as expected, and it is especially rare for people to stop people from crossing the walls. “As long as you don’t get noticed by the patrolman, that’s it.”

“Is there anyone who knows or bribes the patrol’s patrol times?”

“Will you be there?”

“You’re leaving it to luck again.”

Finn and Torres were whispering.

Encred didn’t think that this was a strategy that necessarily depended on luck.


All you have to do is let your guard down, climb over the walls, and hide in the city right away.

“Beyond here is a slum. All you have to do is hide well, that’s it.”

The number of patrols patrolling here must be significantly less than other places.

Why not?

Border guards are also like that.

What kind of soldier would happily walk among the bad smells and the people who frequently beg?

Moreover, in the middle of the night, a half-crazed vagabond could attack you.

Therefore, although not all of the current movements are calculated, they are infiltrations filled with experience.

“You have experience.”

“You really have sharp taste.”

Who could easily imagine the act of climbing over a castle wall?

So, on the contrary, it is sloppy.

Even more so if they had dug a tunnel and made a hole in the ground.

It would be very rare for someone to choose to climb over the castle wall as a means of getting inside the cross guard.

So it is the safest way.

Of course, hard work is necessary.

From the route over the rocky mountain to the preparations for climbing the castle wall.

There was nothing that was easy.


Finn spat on his hand and rubbed it, then kicked one of the leather pouches on his belt at an angle.

The pocket was full of stone dust.

Pin, who sprinkled it on his hands and started climbing the castle wall.

He found an opening, hooked his fingers, kicked the ground, and began to cling to the castle wall.

Even if it was erected straight, the wall made of stones had many gaps here and there.

As Finn climbed up the castle wall, he began inserting stakes from his belt at an angle into the cracks in the wall.

Make a diagonal line from top to bottom.

He hangs a rope on the stake and climbs up the castle wall again with his bare body.

“Can you copy that?”

“me? “I can’t do anything.”

Encred and Torres talked with their heads raised, hidden in the shadows created by the moonlight blocking the castle walls.

Finn climbing the castle wall looked like a monkey or a nimble squirrel.

She stretched the line and did her job.

Then Encred and Torres grabbed the rope and started climbing.

The stakes driven diagonally creaked and spilled stone dust.

Still, there was no way to get selected.

It wasn’t just about holding on to the rope.

If I saw a gap between the loosely woven stones, I would stick my toes in and hang on with my fingertips.

The two also filled their hands with the prepared stone powder, sometimes holding on to the rope, and sometimes sticking their feet and fingers into the cracks in the castle wall, and took a breather after holding on.

When I looked up, I thought it would go up quickly.

‘I feel like I’m going to fall.’

It was harder than I thought. Even Encred, who had been trained through isolation techniques, had stiff muscles in his limbs.

In particular, my forearm muscles were tingling.

This is despite the fact that it is a place where one has repeatedly trained by holding and swinging a sword every day.

“The muscles used for each movement are different each time.”

For some reason, Audin’s words came to mind.

With that in mind, climbing the castle wall would also be a good means of performing the isolation technique.

Looking up, I saw that Finn had climbed up with great strides.

Anyway, if there is a beginning, there is also an end.

After whining like that, I climbed the castle wall, which was about three or four times the height of an adult male.

Carefully place your hands and feet on the castle wall and place your body on top of it.

Stepping onto the floor, Encred thought there was no one around.

His intuition and sixth sense told him so. So he felt a little relieved.

“You’re having a hard time climbing up at night.”

It’s a voice that sounds like it’s been waiting.

It was a clear and pure female voice.

After that, a clicking sound follows.


Between perches, three or four more torches burned above the moonlit spot.

I don’t know what kind of talent he did.

You light the torch with just a snap of your fingers.

surprising. It’s a feat you’d only see in a circus.

So should I stop shaking my head because I’m surprised?


The moment he felt his eyes sting from the torch, Encred took in a breath of cold air from all the way up to his chin and immediately shook his hands off.

The dagger gets caught in the hand that goes past the waist and flies away.

The whistle dagger is an ordinary throwing knife because its sound is the only drawback.

However, the throwing method was as sharp as I had learned.


Behind the dagger Encred threw, another dagger hissed and flew out.

Even though it was not blocked by a shield, the dagger bounced in the air with a sound as if it were being struck with drumsticks on a messed up drum.

Both sacks.

“Well, this is really bad luck.”

Torres said after seeing that. It was a frustrated tone.


Encred asked without looking back and gently held the dagger in both hands again.

“He’s a wizard.”


A wizard appears here?

This was the first thought that came to Encred’s mind.

Only then did I see the other person standing alone between the torches.

This is a woman standing across the moonlight and torchlight.

He had long wavy hair and vertically split eyes that resembled snakes.

The distance is only about ten steps.

The number of soldiers surrounding the area seemed to be less than ten.

And all ten of them were holding crossbows and taking aim.

‘It’s not good.’

It’s a natural thought.

The moment the wizard opened his mouth to say something more.

“come out.”

Finn’s voice rang out.

Encred reflexively lowered his body at those words and pressed himself against the wall of the narrow passage.



A sound rang out from behind. Something heavy passed by Encred’s face and pushed out the air.

I could clearly feel that in my cheeks.

‘You threw the axe.’

I immediately recognized the situation and looked ahead, only then did I see a transparent film reflecting the moonlight.

If you look closely, it is a protective shield that can be seen at first glance.


Soon the ax came spinning and struck the defense shield mercilessly.

A different sound was heard when blocking a dagger, and the shield seemed to be cracking.

Since the ax stopped in the air, it looked like it had stuck in the shield.

“Jump off!”

Finn shouts again.

The ax stopped in the air and was immediately crushed.


The blade broke, the handle was crushed, and it split into pieces and fell to the floor.

Ting-di-di-ding, tou-doo-duk.

The wizard who dismantled the ax in the air raised one corner of his mouth. It was an obvious ridicule.

It also seemed like a smile that suggested he try anything.

Torres was the first to jump at Finn’s shout.

He moved most nimbly. He grabbed the rope tied to the outside of the castle wall and used it to slow down his fall.

After that, Finn jumped out of the castle wall, bare-body.

If you fall correctly, you won’t break your leg.

If we were talking about a building, it would be approximately 5 stories or more tall.

If you fall wrong, you will die.

Still, there is no hesitation.

And Encred.

‘If I have to get out anyway.’

I decided that it would be advantageous to stab a woman called a wizard once.

Lower your posture and gather strength in your thighs.

I remember the squire’s technique, which I saw once and tried to imitate, but ultimately couldn’t make it my own.

Kwaduk, thong!

kick the ground

In an instant, he narrowed the space and extended his hand towards the wizard’s neck. What I was holding in my hand was a guard sword with a wide blade.

If the shield is broken by an axe.

‘Break it with force.’

split the head

How did you kill the wizard you met earlier?

All you have to do is stick close and cut down.

Avoid invisible spells with sense.

It’s a confidence that comes from having dealt with a wizard.

Quarrel remained, but that was a problem for later.

As Encred narrowed the distance, he saw the eyes of a wizard.

Eyes slit vertically.

The moment I met those eyes, my limbs almost lost strength without me knowing.


The beast’s heart strengthened its muscles and held them together.

This is a thought I had at the same time.


But sometimes confidence can be toxic.

“Some people fool their sixth sense. This is someone you have to be careful with. “Wizards are like that.”

A Saxony word that comes to mind.



The pain that follows.

“You idiot!”

Finn’s voice shouts upward, wondering if he fell to his death.


Just before death, Torres’ coughing sound was heard as his senses became sharper.

When Saxony discussed wizards.

Because I’ve already killed a wizard.

Because I avoided the spell through my sixth sense.

I ignored it without listening properly.

‘I did something stupid.’

Are all soldiers at the same level?

Are all knights of the same level?

So what about wizards?

It’s all different.

Encred looked at the thorny vine that wrapped around his arm and eventually pierced his neck.

Just when I thought I had overcome the wizard’s gaze, something wrapped around my arm from the floor. It was a thorn vine.

“I am the Letsha of the Rose Vine.”

After the wizard finished speaking, Encred closed his eyes.

It was the end of the second day.

When the third day began, Encred trained his body in the same way and swung his sword.

After practicing with Torres’ hide knife, I switched to a thin rock for practice.

It was an act to remember the third day.


“Did you say you can disguise yourself as a top at dawn?”

I asked about a third way to get over the wall.


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