Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 10

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10. Stabbed.


The guy with the throwing ax screamed his death.

A poisoned dagger was stuck in his side and a spear blade was stuck in his throat.


Blood foams at the mouth and the light fades from the eyes.

That’s it.

Encred looked into the guy’s eyes and stepped back.


The ally right next to me let out a scream.

Then the enemy in front also let out a scream.


They were both big. It felt like the carriage had collided with the crashing sound.

So the two held each other and started spinning around.

Seeing that, Encred stepped back.

What should you do to preserve your body?

What are one or two lessons I learned while risking my life over 120 times?

How to preserve your body.

That means not fighting as much as possible.

Encred hesitated.


“f*ck you, bastard.”

Swords, spears, axes, and clubs rush at you, swearing instead of cheering.

“Don’t touch my brother. “It’s all right.”

A dying soldier’s will.

“Don’t be damned. “Even if you say that, I don’t take responsibility for your younger brother.”

A soldier who pretends to remain calm upon hearing of his comrade’s death.

“I’m dead! “I’m dead!”

A new soldier who lost his temper in the heat of battle.

“That crazy bastard.”

“Leave it alone, maybe imitate a berserker.”

A veteran who takes care of his unit members while watching new recruits run amok.

“My name is Bar-, kkeok!”

An enemy soldier who reveals his name for showiness.

An ally laughs at him as he pulls out the spear he stabbed.


The tip of my toes touches the ground, raising dust.

I could see dust floating in the sunlight.

Next to him, there was an enemy soldier screaming and bleeding.

Next to him was a friend who fell and broke his head.

Flesh was scattered on the floor and blood soaked the ground.

No matter how hard you try.

You can’t survive in the middle of the battlefield without doing anything.

‘Sigh, huuuu.’

Inhale briefly and exhale long.

Encred controlled his breathing.

As soon as I could catch my breath, I saw the blade of a spear flying through the dust.

Encred held his shield loosely and blocked the spear blade.


The spear blade that hit the shield bounced to the side.

I was able to avoid the impact by holding the handle loosely.

At the same time, a club flew diagonally from the side.

Encred crouched forward, dodged the club, and launched himself at the guy holding the club.

He thumps and pushes the other person’s chest with his shoulder. He fell, pulled out a dagger, and stabbed him right in the middle of his thigh.


The blade cut through the thick fabric and left a long gash on the opponent’s thigh.

“이 개새끼가!”

The enemy shouted and pushed Encred.

Encrud, who used the force of the push to regain his balance, pulled out his sword and swung it sideways.

A thigh injury can make movement difficult. The opponent, who hesitated, was unable to dodge and was hit on the back of the neck by the blade.


It is a blade that is half retracted. Encred pulled the blade with force.


The blade that cuts the muscles, nerves, tendons, and bones falls out.

As blood began to pour out, the soldier covered the back of his neck with his palm.

Of course, covering a wound like that with the palm of my hand didn’t change anything.

Encred didn’t look back. Because the spearman who hit the shield knew that someone else would block it.

“You damn bastard!”


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It was Belle. She didn’t ask for nothing. If you save it, it will continue to circle around you and look after you.

He is a loyal friend.

earth! earth!

The sound of metal clashing continued to ring out.

Encred broke his attention from the person he killed and picked up a stone that had fallen on the floor.

Then he turned around and threw it straight away.

While fighting with a whistle, the enemy soldier was hit on the back by a rock and stopped.


Bell swung the spear and hit his head.

It was a great blow.

“I think the debt has been paid?”

Belle said breathlessly.

“Do you really think so?”

Why are you trying to pay off your life debt so easily?

“It seems like I only paid back half.”

Belle scratched her helmet with her bloody hands.

Would that be cool?

Belle took a step back. After falling asleep once, he learned how to control himself appropriately.

Encred also moved his pace little by little according to the flow of the battlefield.

“help me. “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

I saw a soldier begging and biting into blood foam.

It was a familiar face.

A dice gambler who has seen people die over and over again.

“I couldn’t save you.”

Encred said calmly.

I tried countless times, but it was impossible to save him.

The battlefield we entered like that.

Look for the pervert crying for mercy among the approaching enemy soldiers.

It wasn’t difficult.

The moment he found it, Encred pulled out the last remaining dagger and threw it to the running beat.

Thump, thump, thwack!

The dagger was thrown at a timing that no ordinary person could avoid, drawing a solid line in the air.


The guy twisted his body and caught the dagger with his shoulder.

The dagger that went in at an angle hit the shoulder armor and bounced off.

Although it is a reflex action, it is a defensive technique that is close to the correct answer.

Encred felt eyes glaring at him.

As soon as you block the dagger, you figure out where it was thrown and look this way?

I keep thinking about it, but that stabbing pervert was no ordinary person.

The guy runs away. Every time I hit the ground with a crackle, bloody dirt splattered behind me.

It was only a few steps away.

So, it was time to test everything I learned from this repeated day.

I was in better physical condition than ever.

So the preparations are over.

He slashed his sword vertically. Encred raised his shield.


I felt the heavy force of the blade striking the oiled wood.

“The basics of swordsmanship? “It’s strength.”

This is what one of the swordsmanship instructors said.

“Defeat power with technology? Heng, that’s ridiculous. Then, why don’t you try defeating Froc using only your skills?”

“I know there are at least one or two people who died while dealing with the giants and doing something like that.”

“The basis of swordsmanship is strength. “Strength, so roll.”

Thanks to that teacher, I was able to build my body properly.

Encred, holding a shield, was not easily pushed back.

His strength was similar to his opponent.


The stabbing pervert snorted.

While my vision was blocked by the shield, the guy kicked my ankle.

Encred blocked his toes with his shin guards.

Boots with iron plates are a weapon in themselves.


I felt an exhilarating pain in my shin, but it didn’t break.

Then that’s it.

Push the shield out and draw the sword, moving from bottom to top.


As if the stabbing pervert had expected it, he had already retreated out of the range of the sword.

Then he jumped forward deeper than the distance he had retreated from.

It was a charge aimed at the opportunity where the sword was swung.


Encrud swung his shield like a blunt weapon with great energy and energy.

The lunging pervert pulled his chin close.


The guy who got hit on the head fell sideways.

Encred, who was about to swing his sword again, stepped back.


The guy fell to the floor and pulled out a dagger and swung it diagonally.

If I had rushed at him like that, I would have been stabbed in the upper part of my shin guard.

In a short period of time, I looked at the position of the guard and found a gap.

The world would call something like that a talent.

In order to do that, Encred had to die countless times and learn about the heart of the beast.

It wasn’t an opponent.

However, there is no skill that has been demonstrated countless times on the battlefield.

Encred could see it in his eyes too. The opponent is a new recruit or a soldier with little battlefield experience. Otherwise, I wouldn’t rush in like that.

It was like that when we first met.

I almost got stabbed by myself.

Although he has no experience, his talent is brilliant.

But I wasn’t jealous.

‘I can catch it.’

can do. I gain confidence. I have a feeling that today will not be in vain.

It was time for hard work with death to pay off.

“This bastard.”

I saw poisonous eyes.

The guy got up, and in the meantime, another ally intervened between Encred and the guy.

Without hesitation, the stabbing pervert lowered his body and struck his ally’s shin with the hand holding the sword.


The sound of bones breaking.

It’s always that pattern when an ally intervenes.

The next action is to stab an ally in the neck with a dagger.

A flowing and flexible attack pattern.

It was a pattern I already knew.

The stabbing pervert stabs the drawn dagger.

The surprised soldier couldn’t do anything but just widened his eyes.

Just before the blade pierced my neck.

With a huff, the soldier’s body was pulled back.

Creak, clatter.

Instead of piercing his neck, the blade pierced his cheek, skimmed his temple, and scraped his helmet.


The surprised ally fell backwards. He was so shocked that he fell on his butt and couldn’t speak, just gasping for air.

Encred stood in front of the soldier, clenching and unclenching the hand that had been holding the neck of his ally instead of the sword.


This is your own fight.

That was his opponent.

It was something that needed to be confirmed for what one had achieved.


My heart is racing.

Encred felt complicated emotions.

First, whether it is right to move beyond today.

Questions about whether you can beat your opponent.

A passion for victory that blooms without warning.

Even the unreasonable intuition that only by overcoming the opponent in front of you can you move forward.

“I won’t look at it.”

The stab pervert said.

Look, how stupid this is.

This is evidence that, apart from talent, there is little experience.

If you were really going to do it seriously.

‘I should have shown the gap instead of talking.’

Since I was hit, I should have pretended to be sloppy and then attacked back.

If you wanted to win, you had to do that.

So, Encred did that instead.

“Whoop, whoop.”

I deliberately exhaled harshly.

I flinch at a single gesture from the other person.

The other person’s eyes, which seemed red at some moments, were a plain brown color.

Those brown eyes shine.

The stabbing pervert approached and slashed.


It was a completely different speed than before.


My heart is racing. There is no need to panic or close your eyes.

The heart of the beast is always bold.

“You just have to watch until the end and quickly avoid it.”

Rem always said that.

I thought you were making fun of me.


It seemed. Strengthen your ankles and straighten your body.

The blade suddenly grazed my shoulder.

Immediately after dodging, I cut the sword horizontally.


The opponent raised his dagger.

Encred’s sword and his dagger formed a cross shape.


In that state, when I applied force and cut it, the blade rubbed and sparks flew out.

He twisted the dagger at an angle and let the blade fall to the side.

Instead of swinging his sword, Encrid raised his shield and attached it to his body.


The blade struck the edge of the shield.

Sparks flew here too.

The stabbing pervert had already pulled his sword back and swung it.

Have you ever experienced it once or twice?

The pattern was familiar.

I quickly turned my head, and before I knew it, the enemy was no longer in sight.

Without hesitation, Encred raised his sword vertically and struck the floor.

I took a low stance and the guy who was running at me stopped.

The tip of the sword sinks into the blood-soaked ground.

The guy just awkwardly bent his back and raised his head.

The young man’s life was fierce in his eyes.

“Remaining talents.”

As I speak, I gnaw my molars.

Residual talent is also a skill. Child.

Encred did not answer.

Instead, he dug into the dirt with his toe and sprinkled it on his opponent.



The guy quickly blocked his face with his forearm.

I block this again with my reflexes.

It’s not a scene I’ve seen once or twice.

It was insignificant.

“You bastard!”

When they win, they show off and talk about mercy.

Although I can see a mean joy in my eyes.

When you are on the defensive, you quickly get excited.

I figured out his personality right away.

He got up and attacked again.

Kang! Perfect! Sigh!

As I blocked the barrage of sword strikes with my shield, the shield soon began to creak.

As they were rushing, the guy who closed the gap at some point stabbed me with a dagger.

The target is the side.

Previously, I suffered from this and died after gasping for air.

Encred raised his elbows.


It is a blade blocked by a hard leather protector.

At the same time, Encred thrust his forehead forward.

Valencian mercenary sword, melee weapon.

It’s a headbutt.


“100 million!”

I hit it with all my might, and my head started spinning.

Normally, there would be someone swinging a club from behind at this time.

Not today.

No one throwing throwing axes.

Instead of those two, there’s a bell.

“f*ck, I’m helping!”

I spoke in response to Belle’s shout.

“Stop anyone who gets in your way.”

‘He’s my opponent.’

As I suppressed the feeling of nausea and regained my balance, I heard the poisoned person muttering.

“You crazy bastard.”

‘Yes, if my head is dizzy, you will be dizzy too.’

The dizziness went away quickly.

“I will watch you struggle and die.”

Throbbing pervert poses. One foot forward, the other foot back.

An attitude like a charging cavalry.

What starts from that stance is a thrust with the speed of an arrow.

The tension is constricting my heart.

The heart is released through breathing.

‘Be bold.’

Can we overcome the wall of talent with today’s repetition?

It’s time to find the answer.

The guy moved.

It was just a dot. It only seemed that way.

I’ve experienced it several times, but it’s still the same.

The dot soon turned into light and a blade, piercing Encred’s body. No, I narrowly avoided it.


The blade grazed his side.

Look at your posture, predict where you are aiming, and dodge according to the movement of the blade.

Encred’s body faithfully followed his thoughts.

A burning pain followed as my side grazed.


Instead, put your left foot forward and your sword hand back.

Pull your right elbow hard. Like an arrow raised in protest.

Apply strength to your left foot and shift your center of gravity.

I learned by watching.

I learned by being stabbed.

Completed by sparring with Rem.


When moving forward, focus on balance rather than strength.

Put your will into the blade.


A strong will is put into a sword.

I released my tight muscles and swung my sword.


The tip of the sword, which had been continuously sharpened with a whetstone, pierced the pervert’s heart.

Cuts through leather and thick cloth armor.

It touches that heart.

A feeling of satisfaction as if the sword, hand, and arm became one.

A moment to enjoy a sense of accomplishment in return for your efforts.


Someone shouted.

Encred didn’t even recognize the shout.

Even before I could get drunk on the joy of victory.


I felt a tremendous shock starting from my left side and felt my body floating in the air.


What is this?

It was a situation I had never experienced in the 1125 ‘todays’.


I don’t know if it was Bell or someone else, but I heard a shout like that.

That was Encred’s last memory.

He fainted.


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