Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 73

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Soul stone.

The souls of the dead were bound by the holy relics of the Ajibika religion.

Lanista said before. People have a mind body.

If your Sim is a soul and your body was killed by a demon.

Where is their ‘chi’?

Remaining energy.

When I absorbed the soul stone, I absorbed a huge energy like the sea left behind by tens of thousands of souls.

I don’t want to describe the souls of the dead as ‘fantastic’, but this is definitely good news.

If Lanista saw him, he would have slapped him on the back for saying that he was a crazy person who was picking up strange things and eating them.

“Get it.”

Absorbed the holy relic of the soul. I don’t feel any special power. However, a powerful energy rises that is incomparably stronger than before. I put my energy into Danjeon, and without being overly proud, I reached the level of martial arts, the ‘peak’.

“It’s clear.”


I chose to go to Melkaran because I thought I could gain strength.

There were no carefully planned plans or goals.

But I gained great power from the fallen ancient empire.

This is also the power of the sacred object of ‘gain’.

It was a power that the Manifestation Demon Emperor, who rose to the top of the world, coveted until his death.

“… Or maybe it’s the holy relic calling out to the holy relic.”

It was strange. I acquired four holy relics of the Ajibika religion, powerful relics of gods that were passed down like legends, in one year. Of course, I had most of the help from the twins, but I felt as if the holy things were calling to each other.

When I return, I will first talk to Melissa… … .

Oh my gosh~!

You’re not going to forget it!

Gulshi’s cries echoed from the basement of the castle.

Oh right.

I almost forgot.

* * *

When she saw me with my eyes wrapped in a cloth, she got scared and screamed.

“OMG! Are you okay, master? “Did you hurt your eye at all?”


I responded while looking at Gulsey’s condition.

“It’s because it looks so good.”

“… Weird. If you cover your eyes with a cloth, of course you can’t see, but saying that it’s because you can see so clearly is strange, strange… … .”

“Don’t try to understand. “Because I don’t know either.”

After the soul stone disappeared, Gulshi’s body became fine.



“Close your eyes for a moment.”


“I’ll be back soon.”

I put Gulshi on the bed and left the castle alone.

The performance of this damn dog is not good, it is at the level of a National Guard patrol plane.

* * *


An unusual event occurred in a city where ghosts had left and there was silence. The square collapsed, creating a deep and huge hole. Even in cities buried underground, the bottomless pit was unfailingly deep. The black bottomless pit that appeared in the pale city was an unpleasant foreign object. Eventually, the puddle filled with blood and turned into a red lake.

“Giant soldier.”

A grotesque giant rising from a pool of blood.

A giant soldier appeared who chained devils with nails in them and wielded them like weapons. It was the same giant soldier that fought the Black Priests before.

thud! thud! thud!

The guy who crawled out, dragging his body dozens of meters, was looking for me, bleeding. Every time he took a step, the ground shook as if there was an earthquake. I calmly observed the Giant God Soldier’s behavior.


While I was paying attention to that guy.

In a split second, two more pits appeared.

I hoped not, but as expected, the two pits filled with blood, and two giant gods crawled out one after another. With this, three giant god soldiers appeared in the city. It seems like those guys who are destroying buildings while swinging their hands the size of houses are looking for me.

Three giant gods.


“are you okay.”

Still, I don’t borrow Dalbi’s power.

I wasn’t scared. Rather, even though I thought I was crazy, I felt excited and overwhelmed. The desire to improve brings about awakening. In the current case, it can be seen that awakening has caused a feeling of improvement. I want to try it. Boiling power. My body itched as if I had become Asura, a demon who enjoys fighting. This time Dalby stepped back and just looked at me. For some reason, I thought that the sparkle in his eyes was curiosity.

“Naegong is like the expression of will.”

I drew up internal energy from the dantian, supplied it to my limbs, and awakened my head. It was only when I was able to use internal skills that I realized why Lanista taught me only the immortal stance because Dalbi’s power was not suitable for martial arts. Dalbi’s power is harmonious. He has no destructive intent to harm anyone. It is a powerful and pure power, but it does not fit the principles of martial arts.

But it’s not internal strength.

The power that flows within my body is purely influenced by my will.

As I used my power with the intention of destruction, a fierce force surged like a roar.

“I cut it.”


Ramel Star was converted into the most basic form of sword.



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A sword spirit appeared.

Proof that martial arts has reached its peak.

In this world, he is called a master, meaning he has mastered the sword.

The sword technique I used with Dalbi’s power was actually not my strength. I am not a half-pun master, but now I use only the strength I have.


Let’s reveal our swords.

The three giant soldiers immediately found me and swung their chains.

The chain, thick and long like the anchor chain of an oil tanker, attacked me, destroying the building like a piece of water. I had no choice but to avoid it before. This is because they had no intention of facing head-on the attack of the giant god soldiers cutting down the mountain. But I no longer avoided it. I felt like I could cut it down now.

From top to bottom.

The simplest but most threatening attack.

I struck down my sword with the spirit of a warrior.


A chain thicker than a log broke with one blow.

Immediately, the chained demons rained down nails on their bodies, but instead of dodging, I swung my sword and struck them all down. It was the level of swordsmanship that I realized after gaining inner strength.

After dodging the attack, I jumped towards the giant soldier. I trampled on the nail devil’s head and quickly climbed onto the giant’s head, once again taking the stance of both sides. And he swung his sword to cut the dozens of meters tall giant in two with one blow.

Quad deuk!

It passed through the Giant God Soldier’s flesh and skull, shattered its chains, cut off its bones, and cut from the top of its head to the end of its crotch in one blow. There was nothing blocking my sword. The tens-meter-tall giant split in half, spouting blood. This is a level that could never have been dreamed of in the past.


Don’t miss the flow.

After slaughtering one giant god soldier, I didn’t stop using my internal attack power and rushed towards the two giant god soldiers. They swung their chains at the same time, but the difference in strength was too great. He dodged the chains and cut off the giant soldier’s legs. Leaving the fallen guy behind, he jumped on the arm of the remaining giant soldier and plunged his sword into his face. He’s the devil, but if you explode his brain, he dies. I lifted the sword stuck in the guy’s face upward with all my might, smashing his skull and crushing his brain. Afterwards, his legs were cut off and he struck down the fallen Giant God Soldier’s neck to finish him off.


Only after the whole process was over did I exhale. The three giant gods soon turned to ashes and dispersed, but traces of the battle remained. I looked around and saw that part of the city had collapsed. When I heard that the ancient empire was destroyed by a giant god soldier, I thought it was deserved. That’s how big a disaster it was to people, like a typhoon or an earthquake.

“I killed three of those giant soldiers. “In just one breath.”

Previously, to kill one animal, you had to use the power of the black priests to kill it with the power of the ball. But now, without even borrowing the power of holy relics or Dalbi, he killed three giant gods with only martial arts.

This is something to be surprised at. Even across the empire and on the continent, there will be few warriors who can do as much as me.


It was a bit boring too.


I feel like I’m getting a little closer.


Now I feel like I have gauged the distance between them and me.


The higher the level, the more amazed I am at the twins.

It took nine attacks to kill three.

However, Lanista killed nine colossi in one attack.

If we say that Lanista embraces ‘one world’.

At most, I only got a picturesque house on that green meadow.

“What is this feeling? Are you really jealous? I? “Those monster bastards?”

jealousy? It is absurd.

Only when there is some degree of comparison can one feel inferiority.

Because I thought they were monsters on a completely different level from me.

Never mind.

Not yet.

* * *

As soon as I came out of the underground city, I was faced with the dark red sun rising in the sky. The ominous sun was closer to Melkaran than ever before. There is a stronger odor than before. Melkaran used to be an unpleasant place, but now it was as if they had entered an abyss, and the surroundings were full of malice.

“Knight of the Apocalypse.”

I remembered Begison’s warning.

It wasn’t the Colossus that destroyed the ancient empire.

The dark red sun is scorching, but shadows are cast all over the desert. I bit my lip and headed toward the neutral village.

A neutral village we arrived at following the traces of the devil.

What I encountered was a miserable scene.

It’s clearing!

“… “Father Malonso.”

The dead wore priestly clothing.

They were people I knew well.

The corpses of the Black Priests were strewn about. I looked at their signs. All of them looked as if their heads had been ripped off in one blow. Priest Malonso’s body was located a long way away. His face was wide open, unable to close his eyes in grief. I closed my eyes. He was a black priest and had a secular personality. He was really trying to say something. Dear Sister Ushas, ​​I told you that a good priest helped me.

“The priests… … ! “Huh.”

Gulsi, who arrived late, witnessed the disaster and covered her mouth.

The place where the Black Priests were exterminated was close to the neutral village of Alieva. There was no time to retrieve the body. I quickly headed to the neutral village. The black priests are dead. I didn’t expect the villagers to be alive.


Is that fortunate?

Villagers, including Alieva, were seen in the village. The residents looked very frightened. They did not leave the village despite the death knight’s attack, and looking at the backpacks and luggage on their backs, they seemed determined to run away.

“Confucius! “You must run away immediately!”

Unlike other residents, Alieva had no luggage. Instead, he was carrying a shovel and a gun bag.

As soon as he saw me he motioned for me to run. I calmed him down and asked him what happened. Alieva began to speak with difficulty, her pale lips trembling.

* * *

“… That’s when he saw us after killing the priests. He suddenly turned his head towards the east and disappeared like dust. Every moment was like a nightmare. In that short period of time, which lasted only a few seconds, the priests… … .”

Alieva sobbed in a sorrowful voice. The east side of town is the direction where the ancient empire was located, in terms of time… His disappearance coincided with when I obtained the soul stone.

“The priests suffered a disaster while trying to protect us. At least the body needs to be recovered… … .”

“Okay. But I don’t have time for that now. Run away. “He will come looking for me soon.”

The devil wants me.

me too.

I wanted the devil.


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