Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 56

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“It’s luxurious.”

When I came out to the kitchen, food was already prepared.

What was on the table was different from yesterday. There was extravagant grilled meat, potatoes, spicy red sauce, and even honey. It’s nothing special to me, who is used to dinner at Quartz Castle, but it must be very valuable food in Melkaran.

“Isn’t it too much to serve to a guest staying overnight?”

I spoke as if I was being critical of the housekeeper who prepared the food. Gulshi looked at me in surprise and shook her head. Gulshi seemed to be afraid that the delicious food might not be eaten due to the landlord’s whim.

“No need to worry.”

He offered us a meal and spoke casually.

“It’s the day the ‘inventory’ comes in, so we have enough planting material.”

As we sat down at the table, he placed a thick piece of meat on the plate in front of me.

“You couldn’t eat at all yesterday.”

Then he put some fresh vegetables on his plate. He didn’t even touch the meat.

“Do you hate vegetables?”

I didn’t answer and just looked at him quietly. He chewed the vegetables greedily like yesterday. The way he stuffed his food into his mouth and chewed it felt different from that of a deer or cow. Eating the new green leaves felt as if a carnivore was chewing on the flesh.

“This is delicious.”

Ah! Ah!

The only sound that could be heard on the table was the sound of him chewing the root vegetables. Gulshi watched me carefully, picked up her fork, and quickly ate the meat. While watching the two of them eat, I turned my gaze to look at the meat on the plate in front of me. It cuts easily when cut with a fork. The meat seemed soft and tender. Bright red blood pools on the plate, as if it was undercooked.

“… “What kind of trouble is this?”

The farmer answered with a grin.

“The meat you like.”


Now I eat meat without hesitation.

It’s pretty delicious.

From my past life, until now.

Even for me, who is familiar with all types of meat, it feels a bit unnerving that this is my first time tasting it.

* * *

That afternoon, at the farmer’s recommendation, we headed to the ‘field’.

Surprisingly, he was indeed a farmer, and not far away there was land so fertile that it could not be considered a desert. He frowned as he looked at the black soil filled with moisture. can not understand. The weather is still dry and hot. Even if there is an oasis, it is definitely not an environment for crops to grow.

However, the closer we got to the field, the more we could see that what the farmer said was not a lie.

Before I knew it, I could see fresh green sprouts in the black soil, and soon I could see a field actually planted with crops. The scale is also quite large. In one field, red tomatoes were scattered around, and next to them were cucumbers and lettuce.

“Is it possible in this weather?”

Gulshi looked around with curious eyes.

“Take care of the desert and grow crops! Are you a priest of the Harvest Goddess?”

For the first time, his expression changed. The corners of his mouth rose strangely up to his cheeks. Oh my god, they say you can’t spit on a smiling face, but if it was a wash basin like that, you could at least spit out phlegm.

“Melkaran is a cursed land before it is a desert. “The earth of death, which swallows up life, will never forgive a sprout.”

A farmer inspects his crops with a smile.

He was proud of the fields he had cultivated.

“The fertile land where wheat and barley grow is rarer than a vein of gold.”

The farmer’s field was strange. Crops with different harvest times were growing in the same soil.

“But I found a way.”

He opened his arms and cupped his hands inward, as if embracing the field. Then he took off his shoes and walked slowly to the dirt field. At that moment, all the crops in the field began to sprout stems. As if drawn, the leaves swayed towards him, and the roots shook off the dirt and rose up towards him.


At first glance, it was a majestic sight, as if a mere plant had realized the grace of its parents who would raise it, and wanted to touch and care for it. Gulshi let out an exclamation, but I got goosebumps again.

It’s clearing.

Dalby knew.

That the plant’s longing gesture is not an expression of knowledge of grace and virtue, but a scene of a terrible longing appetite. It is a gruesome sight of a hyena struggling to eat a farmer like a corpse.

ha ha ha-!

Soon the roots of the plant entangled the farmer, but he laughed happily.

“My crops, which have bloomed brilliantly with the nourishment of death, are much more delicious than the vegetables grown in rich, fertile soil.”


“Also, rats raised on crops are more delicious than any delicacy in the world.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of leaves being gnawed was heard around the field. desert rat They were originally smaller than a mouse, but they were bigger than a fox. The pit was full of rats with glowing red eyes. Gulshi’s lips twitched as she realized the identity of the meat she ate for breakfast.

“It’s disgusting.”

The farmer asked me, giggling.

“Ignorant traveler traveling to Melkaran. “Aren’t you curious about the method?”

The soil emits an unpleasant noise and a disgusting odor from the crunching of rats.

And a guy who doesn’t hide his life.

I hid my heightened emotions and slowly looked at the field. There is something unpleasant that can be felt deep in the black soil, buried undetected, but there is nothing that Cheonan Tong cannot see. As I strained my eyes, I gradually saw the roots of the plant. And following the end of the root, I saw it about 10 meters underground. When I realized the plants that grew abundantly in the desert and the fertilizer that caused them, I got sick and my throat tingled.

“Aren’t you curious?”

Plants grew by eating fertilizer.

Fertilizer suitable for the land of death.

“Yeah, you f*cking bastard.”

The atmosphere suddenly changed with my words. Gulshi hurriedly stepped back, and the farmer stopped laughing and his expression hardened.

“At first I thought the devil was behind me.”

It had to be that way.

His malice was too great.

And the purity was too deep for one person to possess.

Like a devil,



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So I suspected that the devil was behind it.

Psychopath? A bastard worse than an animal?

no. No curse is enough.

In fact, he was best described as a ‘devil-like bastard’.

“But you are not a devil.”

The farmer answered in a soft tone.

“What are you talking about? Why do you suddenly mention the devil?”

Then he stepped back and took out the farming tools he had brought with him from the bag.

The pickaxe, as big as it is, is covered in dirt. It was red and fishy dirt.

“why… “How many people?”

Regardless of the species, the roots of the plants were abnormally long.

And at the end of the root was a human head that had not yet rotted.

Plants were growing as food for humans.

If I hadn’t seen it through Cheonan Tong, I wouldn’t have been able to find the cause of the discomfort I felt the moment I saw it.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The farmer was calm.

“Still acting like a fool? 개새끼야. “You ask how many people were buried?”

Only then did the farmer show his true colors, putting the pickaxe on his shoulder.

under! … ha ha ha!

He bowed his back and burst into laughter and spoke in an excited voice.

“In the land of the dead, humans are the best fertilizer than anything else.”

The farmer reached out and picked the tomatoes.

“To grow tomatoes, you need three ‘fertilizers.’”

I put it in my mouth and chew it.

Tomato juice is red like blood.

“Look at my miracles that have been working for ten years.”

He opened his arms and showed off his field.

If three humans are needed to grow one tomato plant, how many humans have been sacrificed to grow the numerous crops grown in this field so far? I didn’t bother to calculate it.

“Humans are very useful. “You can eat meat for ten days and it’s also great as a toy.”

As he revealed his madness, the stems of the plants shook strongly as if they had been swept away by a typhoon.

I felt familiar in the farmer’s crazy eyes. Not from this life, but from a past life.

The day I realized that we often put a value on life, and that the price of human life is much cheaper than we thought.

“Melkaran… okay.”

I looked up at the sky.

It was a clear sky without a single cloud despite the sweltering desert heat.

However, something different from the slowly blazing sun shines and interferes with the blue sky.


Dalby yawned and came into my arms.

The spirit of the spirit soothed my heart, but that was all.

There was a lot of disgust in this cadet.

However, the mud I had seen so far was what the ‘devil’ did to humans.

“I thought you might have forgotten.”

It started to come back to life.

I think I know what the Lannistar meant when he said that he goes to Melkaran whenever he gets bored.

A long time. How cruel humans are has been diluted by the devil.


The farmer who revealed his true colors now thought he was a predator.

“I knew it the moment I saw it. “You will make great fertilizer.”

He thinks this time will be the same as the victims buried beneath the ground.

“Are you afraid? Fear is very nutritious. Be more afraid, the field eats your fear… ah?”

He couldn’t know. The pain of the cut wrist will come later.

“That’s my… … .”

The farmer slowly looked down at his hands.

When the ‘food’ fell in the field, the roots immediately wrapped themselves around the farmer’s hands ravenously and sucked up the body fluids.


Only then did the farmer struggle in pain. The more he struggled, the more blood poured out. The crops in the field happily drank the farmer’s blood. Also, as if one hand wasn’t enough, the roots spread out towards the farmer. Before he knew it, he had become his prey.

“You… evil!”

When he realized that the culprit who cut off his hand was me, he let out a harsh scream and rushed at me.

It was foolish. I was so consumed by the pain that I didn’t realize that I could easily kill myself.

I swung Ramel Star and cut off his remaining hand. The sword he learned from Lanista must have seemed like a sparkle in his eyes. He looked down at his arms in disbelief. Blood poured out from the wound, but the farmer’s anger did not cool down.


The flesh on his arm melted and he wrapped around his wrist to stop the bleeding.

I thought it was fortunate.

If he were an ordinary human being, I would have been disappointed.

It was unknown whether it was because they ate plants grown on humans or whether they had the ability to regenerate like lizards. I swung the knife indifferently.

The reason I didn’t hit his neck was to inflict pain. At the moment of death, I hoped that he would feel at least a little bit of guilt toward the victims. However, even when I looked closely at him with eyes that see emotions and the power of ‘suffering’, I could only see anger.

“Ugh, ah. Ugh!”

Even with only his head left, the guy didn’t stop breathing. He only screams intermittently, but he is a stubborn guy.

“Damn you.”

The reason I wanted to kill him in a cruel way was not because of satisfaction.

what… Let’s call it its own kind of memorial.

The victims buried beneath the ground probably died in this manner.


I squatted down next to him.

Two bloodshot eyes, eyes more terrifying than the devil, glared at me as if they were going to kill me, but I didn’t care.

“Be good in your next life.”

Then he got up and kicked his head.

The farmer’s head, which flew far away and landed in a corn field, became increasingly covered with roots. It screamed and went crazy, but it was just food. He got back all the evil he had done. I don’t feel uncomfortable. It is a good thing that the evildoer’s end ends in retribution. Suppose I accidentally fell off a sand dune and stopped a victim.

“… “I wonder if it’s really a coincidence.”


Dalby stuck his head out of his embrace and looked up at me. Sometimes I had a clear idea of ​​what Dalby wanted from me. When I stroked his head, her body trembled as if it felt good.

“young master… … .”

The wall of hanging is big.

Even though he witnessed the sight of a person being cut into pieces, there seemed to be no mental shock at all.

“I don’t feel well.”

However, when Gulshi found out the identity of the food, she felt sick.

“Ugh, wow!”

Let’s make ourselves vomit.

“Run away, girl.”

I looked up at the sky and said.

“yes? Kyaahh-! ”

The guy who was having a hard time started screaming and running as soon as he saw the flashing sky.

Gulshi passed the hut in an instant and hurriedly climbed up the sand hill. I just shrugged my shoulders at Gulsey’s desperate actions to survive. He’s usually slow, but at times like this, he’s very quick.

“You’re very angry.”

On the other hand, I leisurely watched the sky like a spectator.

Did I even get used to it after seeing the birth of a star a few times?

The twinkling light fell quietly, and the remains of the collapsing star left traces all over the sky. As the shooting star got closer, the surroundings became brighter than during the day, and the cursed plants struggled in pain. I conveniently call ‘that’ falling from the sky and beyond a ‘star’.

But actually, I don’t know what the essence is.

Because I’ve never seen stars.

“It got bigger.”

Dalbi looks angry. The meteorite was bigger than when he confronted the demon in the lake. I know he doesn’t hurt me, but his heels tingle slightly.

Daa? Daadaa-!

“I wasn’t scared.”

Dalby’s teasing laughter made me ruffle his fur.

“You guy.”

The power to manipulate meteorites.

I’ve never heard of it in my past life either.

The twins could easily destroy even a star, but that’s it.

I realize it again. Past life, devil, reincarnation… … . So, is there no God?

“Oh, so I’m friends with Shin now?”


Finally, the meteorite hit the ground, and along with Dalbi’s loud cries, an earth-shattering storm and roar came. I closed my eyes tightly due to the great shock and the blinding flash like the sun. At that moment, I thought something had happened in the split second I closed my eyes. It may be a minor change, but for a moment, I felt that Dalby’s fur in my arms had grown longer.

But when the aftereffects subsided and I opened my eyes, Dalby was still the same.

“… what’s this?”

Only a few long silver threads in my hand prove that it was not an illusion.


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