Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 49

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Hunting demons was like killing cockroaches.

All the large cockroach nests that infiltrated the empire were burned down,

Demons with persistent vitality will be hiding in the gutter, waiting for an opportunity.

The methods have also become more sophisticated than the great wars that took place decades ago.

Although they weeded out the pretenders hiding among the leadership, it was not possible to test all of the empire’s tens of millions of citizens. Moreover, the Kunkan Empire is like this even though it has already suffered from measles once.

In places that did not experience the Great War, in the Western Continent and beyond, in the eastern region of the Sternil Kingdom, there may be many demons hiding there.

Obviously, other countries are in a worse situation.

“Is it a diplomatic issue next?”

On the way back to Quartz Castle, he stopped at each village that had been damaged by the devil and gave the earl’s treasure. Of course, I didn’t forget to say that Reinberg’s Polestar was a gift.

* * *

Spiritualists who participated in devil hunting were likely to be the devil’s top targets.

They were willing to remain with the Starfall Knights.

I tried to build a fence. He wanted the Starfall Knights to be promoted to a full-fledged knighthood, not just in name.

In order for a family to become an official knight, the emperor’s approval was essential. And as soon as I submitted my application, a few days later I received notification that the Starfall Knights had become Reinberg’s official knighthood.

I became the leader of the Starfall Knights.

“Do you like them?”

It’s clearing!

“You’re strict.”

The Order’s insignia and flag were also given.

The mark of the Starfall Knights was a pattern depicting a deer, resembling Dalby.

But Dalby didn’t seem to like it and cruelly stepped on the badge I held out with his hoof.

My heart ached.


When I looked sullen, Dalby wrapped the flag’s cloth on his back and started jumping around.


I was happy.

* * *

That morning,

The winter rain that had been falling for several days has stopped.

The sunlight coming through the window was warm for the first time in a long time.

It’s a refreshing morning. For some reason, I had a feeling that something good would happen today.

But after the morning assembly.

It rained in my heart.

Quartz Castle, which was abuzz with preparations for New Year’s events, expressed condolences by hanging artificial flowers made of fabric in the windows of every house for a week from that day. It was more gloomy and desolate than the rainy days. Sadness was colder than the breeze.

I stared blankly at the ‘colors’ of mourning, like gentle waves, rising from Quartz Castle. When the tears dry, they do not disappear, but spread out like waves like mine. The waves gathered together and became rolling waves. Many people will be mourning the death.

The unpicked flowers withered.

Sister Ushas said. She said it was not a painful death. But she felt guilty, and I felt guilty. Her twins felt her respect and admiration, and the sublimity of her love. The unspeakable grace that allowed us to be born is given only for one reason: the bond between parents and children.

Although he bore the surname of Kunkan, he did not follow the example of the imperial family.

The funeral was held as a wooden funeral, as she wished.

Not leaving behind a body was the method of death that the Kunkan people were most reluctant to take. Her father also wanted to have her buried in the royal tomb, but he said he could not give up his stubbornness as she had been during her lifetime.

A funeral was held in the garden.

It was a garden that my mother, who loved flowers, often visited before she became pregnant with us. Now it has become Melissa’s older sister’s lodge, but today it has become an ordinary garden with bright flowers in full bloom, just like the old garden.

“It’s a flower field in winter… … .”

Melissa must be considerate in her own way.

My father personally conducted the ceremony. Her mother lies in her flower-decorated coffin. Demenia Kunkan passed away at the age of just over sixty. The wind touched the flower in my hand. This was taken from the recovery room. Even if the wind broke the stems of the flowers, they did not lose their scent and color for several months.

The blue wolf Mac howled sadly.

My father slowly touched my mother’s face.

At first glance, it looks like he is calmly accepting death.

I saw an unbearable sadness in my eyes. I couldn’t express it. Just looking at it made me feel frustrated, like I was falling into deep water. His father was drowning in deep water, desperately enduring his grief.

Melissa had said.

The reason my mother developed an incurable disease was because her fundamental vitality was weakened while giving birth to us.

The mother tried to give birth to a child by sacrificing her own vitality. Damn it, what a strange fate. Her mother called her princess. Her mother, who was born with a congenital defect, suffered a difficult birth, and the weakened queen passed away within a few days. Because of that, her mother incurred the wrath of her father and had a difficult time.

The royal family disappeared and the era of the emperor who succeeded Kunkan began, but my mother still inherited the Kunkan royal family and called herself a princess. She is a noble woman who inherited the queen’s bloodline and rejected the emperor who abandoned her.

I couldn’t even imagine what my mother was feeling when she gave birth to me.

Time to say goodbye.

Mom’s face looked relaxed.

I looked at it for a while and then the wind lifted the flower into my arms.

It was then.

The wind blew out the scent from the flowers. It had such a rich scent that you wouldn’t think it had been several months since you picked it. The scent of flowers was warm and happy. It felt like he was caressing me. He gently caresses his cheek, pats his head saying it’s okay, and hugs him gently saying he loves him.

“iced coffee… … .”

I saw.

It was the end of her life, but her mother’s smile was happy.

The scent spread and embraced the twins. Even though they couldn’t see it like I did, they seemed to know it intuitively. The blue wolf Mac lowered his head, and the scent stayed by his father’s side for a long time before quickly dispersing in the wind and disappearing.

* * *

After a week of rituals, I headed to the secret basement of Quartz Castle.

The key my mother gave me was related to the basement library I discovered earlier. That day, she told me that her mother Her mother had a premonition of her death. She gave me her keys, and on the day she died she took out the most secret book of the library and told me to open it. I said she would recognize the book if it were me.

When I opened the basement library, the smell of old books filled my nose. Last time I came, I couldn’t take a closer look. The library was a more secret place than I thought.



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My mother was an intellectual who was so knowledgeable that she was called the wise man of the empire. She did, but it seems she knew more than was known. On the wall of the library was a secret room hidden with mechanical devices. She wouldn’t have discovered it without her keen eye, but it was like an open door to Cheonan Tong’s power.

When six bricks were removed, a keyhole was visible through a gap in the wall. I put in the key my mom gave me. When I slowly turned the key that was inserted properly without any deviation, the hidden door opened and the room that my mother had hidden without telling anyone was revealed.

As I handed over the keys, I remembered what my mom said.

[Sorry, Polestar.]

[I handed over a burden heavier than a thousand rocks to my beloved son. I am a bad mother.]

[It’s okay to ignore it. No, ignore it.]

[but… If you weren’t afraid of the secret you had to hide… … .]

Unlike usual, my mother looked urgent and anxious, as if she was being chased by something.

[If your eyes could really see ‘it’… … .]

[I shouldn’t stop because of my stubbornness… … .]

[Polestar. I wish you were an ordinary child.]

[But you must… … .]

[Oh, what have you done to my son… … .]

My mother, who was always rambling, looked me in the eye with clear eyes and spoke to me just once.

[The book will tell you the secret, Polestar.]

* * *

It’s grotesque.

The ‘pieces’ contained in the glass bottle are not human.

It looks like a human hand, but it has a lot of black fur, and the nails look longer and sharper than a dagger.

The word ‘werewolf’ was embossed on the wooden shelf where the glass bottle was placed.

There were more than just one or two bizarre items. The glass bottle filled with red liquid that looked like blood had the word ‘Vampire’ written on it. The secret room contained specimens of all kinds of monsters. My mother, who was called her sage, seemed to have reached dark places in her quest for knowledge.

What is most surprising is that my mother even studied ‘the devil’.

Demon statue, magic circle, blood, brass bowl. It’s a place of complete devil worship.

I opened the old book on the desk.

[6, 14, 522.]

-Fourth record. While investigating the devil’s bed following Gorentena’s traces, a man calling himself a devil hunter… … .

The old book.

Demenia Kunkan, it was my mother’s diary.

* * *

I read the diary.

The diary, written in small letters, was a secret that her mother hid and a part of her life.

Everyone has a secret. I am also hiding a huge secret: I remember my past life. But honestly, the demon research her mother had done when she was young was quite a shock.

Did my father know?

My mom went on adventures that I thought were amazing.

The contents of the diary were interesting. I thought it was like ‘Tomb Raider’.

When I was almost finished reading the diary, I found a diary that could be a clue.

[How many days… Unknown. It took a lot of sacrifice, but it was achieved in the end. The natives called this strange magic book Sefer Raziel or the Book of Raziel. It is a cursed book in which the secrets of the world are engraved at the cost of one’s life. The chief said that only blood relatives could read the words engraved on Sefer Raziel. I have no doubt that this book contains secrets about the devil. I thought that with my small sacrifice, I could save people. But blood relatives! Should I at least have a child? I absolutely hate it.]

The diaries he wrote afterward were extremely personal.

Hmm, this is why I fell in love with my father.

My mother didn’t keep a diary for a long time, but it wasn’t until several decades later that she started writing again.

[I am pregnant with his child. The greatest joy in the world came to me, but soon the responsibilities of the past caught up with me. What should I do?]

The Book of Raziel, the book my mother told me about.

The mother’s changed feelings were clearly revealed in the diary she wrote a few months later.

[no. Let’s postpone it. At least I want to see my child grow up and get married.]

[Only until grandchildren are born.]

[If I die, he and my children will be sad.]

[…] There is no need for my family to take responsibility.]

* * *

I closed the diary.

I got up from my seat and headed towards the place where there was a clear ‘light’ coming from earlier.

Although it was wrapped in black cloth, it was so dazzling that I noticed it from the moment I entered the room.

I took off the cloth.

It was a pure white book, clean and without a speck of dust even though it had been sleeping in an old room for so many years. This book is the Book of Raziel, a magic book containing the devil’s secrets. There was an old note stuck between the books. I took out the note and read it.

[I hope my small sacrifice becomes the salvation of people.]

As I turned the book, I saw paper soaked in blood.

Probably my mother’s blood. Even after decades, it did not dry out and was red as if it had just been spilled.

Let’s turn the page again.

The ‘secret’ my mother was longing for was revealed.

“It’s just as Mom said. This book… … .”

To put it simply:

It was the ‘Devil’s Dictionary’.


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