Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 372

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The storm stubbornly tore the world apart. The power of the rain, which was the wind of the Wind God, embraces destruction and cries out for purity. The storm that swept away the land dirty with the remnants of the red flowers was already huge and powerful enough to shake the entire mountain.

The last remaining member of the Hwahong Hunting Group continuously made death-emitting flowers bloom, but was unable to kill the storm. In the end, the petals were torn apart and soared into the sky, and the sharp wind carrying Kang-woo’s revenge began to tear apart the real people struggling and holding on to the spot where the flower was exposed.


The body of the real person was torn apart. Every inch of flesh was torn off his body, as if he had been eaten by a pack of animals. He did not die, and his wounds soon regenerated, but as the wind carved into each wound and whirled, the pulverized body was more than the regenerated flesh. When the wind of rainfall finally died down, only traces of what was once a person remained. His lower body is missing, only half of his upper body remains, and his limbs resemble the tentacles of a mollusk more than those of a human. The real person, who was sprawled out unsightly, was unable to escape the shock of the storm and trembled convulsively.


Kang-woo, who dealt with the power of a disaster that could destroy the world even for a moment, paid the price for pouring all the power he had accumulated so far. He fell down, breathing heavily, and blood vessels all over his body burst and he was covered in bruises. He was vomiting blood and barely conscious. If I hadn’t trained his body, he would have become a ruined person due to the poisonous fire. However, it was Kang-woo who was standing, and it was Kang-woo who was showing his will in his eyes.

In general, it was Kangwoo’s victory.


The immortal’s body slowly began to regenerate as if it were trampling on Kang-woo’s revenge and determination. The real person turned his black eyes and looked at Kang-woo. He wasn’t scared because he wasn’t going to die. Its body was far from a living thing. It has no blood or heart. As if torn paper is glued together, the flesh begins to come together piece by piece and return to its original body. When it opened its mouth, it spoke.

[You too.]

Kangwoo was still not his enemy.

It’s just something that needs to be killed.

[It is a fleeting insect that will be trampled upon.]

From the beginning, the real person considered the end of this fight to be his victory. Since no attack could kill him, he was convinced that it was he who would win. I decided to give him a little help to punish his arrogance.

Reality is unfair.

That also applies to Kang-woo, who is dealing with someone who cannot die.

The same was true for the Hwahong Hunting Team, who had to deal with a helper called ‘I’.


What I gave Kang-woo was the minimum amount of strength he could have to raise his body. Even if he cannot use martial arts, he can swing a sword. As Dalbi’s power brought vitality to him, Kangwoo got up from his tired body. He walked with difficult steps and stood in front of the real person.

[no use.]


I lowered my sword.

The real person’s head was cut off.

The fallen head alternately looked at its own body and Kang-woo.

[It is fleeting.]

The blood vessels sprouting from the neck snatch the head back and drag it back to the body.

Kangwoo’s sword swung again.

The head was split in half, but regenerated as soon as the blade passed through it.


Kang-woo, who was swinging the sword, was not in good condition. Her arms trembled as she was unable to lift the 7 kg sword. His legs were all he could do to stand, and his organs didn’t even have the strength to function properly, so he couldn’t breathe and was coughing like an asthmatic patient. However, it was engraved in his eyes. The eyes burning with revenge could not be extinguished.

Kang-woo continued to kill real people who were coming back to life.

Kangwoo couldn’t even speak.

Every time he swung his sword, a silent cry seemed to be heard.

Sigh! Sigh! Sigh!

Kang-woo, who committed repeated murders.

As Dalby’s energy permeated him and he had the strength to speak, he raised his sword high and spoke.

What he said.

Resentment towards enemies.

It wasn’t a pledge for revenge.

“Where did you hide your money?”

[I don’t have any special expenses.]

“what? lie… … .”

[I didn’t get it from the beginning. This was because Mongolia’s prison was located in the western region.]

He obediently revealed the secret.

“… “Really?”

[There is no need to lie to you. You will be the one who dies anyway. and.]

The black-eyed real person laughed for the first time.

[Because just realizing that all your efforts to earn a living were in vain is very enjoyable.]

Kangwoo was furious and swung his sword, but he was no longer able to cut off the bundle of blood vessels.

The speed at which the body of the real person is regenerated has increased.

Now, the rain has recovered without any effort and has begun to take on a red aura.

[It’s your turn to be trampled, bug.]

It was time for the guy to stand up and laugh.

I stood next to Kangwoo.

[…] … !]

The guy who hadn’t noticed me looked shocked when I suddenly appeared next to him.

The fact that I am here means that eight real people have lost.

He wasn’t so stupid that he didn’t realize that.

[How… … !]

I ignored him and asked Kang-woo a question.

“Are you satisfied?”

Kang-woo shook his head.

“I am… “You can’t kill him.”

He handed me his sword.

“Please finish it.”

I took the sword and squatted down next to the real person.

The guy looked embarrassed, but his voice was calm.



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[You can’t kill me either. Like a bug… … .]

“Hey, f*uck.”

[…] … !]

“Do you know what happened to all those who called me a bug?”


I hit the guy in the face with the hilt of my sword.


The guy who didn’t feel any pain even when his head was cut, let out a groan, clutching his crushed face.

The face, shattered like a clay pot, never recovered. When he realizes that fact, his black eyes shake violently.

“Are you surprised?”

[How is this… … .]

I looked back at Kangwoo.

“Give me your hand.”

Kang-woo held out his hand without knowing why, and was led by me, squatting down next to him. I held Kangwoo’s hand and gave him strength. Disparate forces. Kang-woo frowned as the power of ‘death’, which would have been unpleasant for life, came into him, but did not reject it. I handed him the sword again. Kangwoo nodded his head and I grinned and said to the real person.

“You’re f*ucked, dude.”


Kangwoo held my hand and slashed his sword.

The chest that had finished regenerating was split by the blade of the sword. There were no organs in its body. Instead, the red light glows softly like a firefly. As the red light touched Kang-woo’s sword and disappeared, the real person now lost his arrogant attitude and screamed desperately.

[stop! Don’t take it away! That means stop!]

The more it struggled and released red power, the faster its life died out.

“Pray for your life.”

I glanced at Kangwoo’s expression. He had an ambiguous expression. However, his face was definitely more lively than when he realized that he couldn’t finish it with his own hands.

[Please save me.]

Ah, what a servile life humans are.

can’t die Immortal.

A person who was infinitely arrogant when he believed that-

Let’s realize death. Becoming servile like a city government bastard.

The assassin’s death, a legend passed down in the shadows of the martial arts world for hundreds of years, was as miserable as that of a criminal in a back alley.

[Please save me. Elderly. Please save me. please!]

“Just words?”

[this… From now on, the Hwahong Hunting Group will serve only the elders. Please, please!]

“It’s not a very attractive offer.”

[Elderly! Without us, Murim would not be able to withstand the raiders from ‘beyond’! I will tell you everything, so please be merciful with a heart as big as the Great Buddha.]

I heard him talk.

I was disappointed because the story was more useless than I thought.

In the end, he didn’t know about the beyond.

It’s just that the power of the Hwahong Hunting Group is not from the martial arts, but from beyond, and to maintain its power, it must kill beings from another world called ‘raiders’. That’s it.

There’s no need to ask.

“What do you want to do?”

Kangwoo’s strong eyes remained unchanged.

Quad Deuk!

He swung his sword down without hesitation.

Quack! Quack! Quack!

Although he was already dead from a single blow, his hand did not lose its strength.

It is often said that revenge is vain.

At the end of revenge, there is nothing left and it is better to stay away from it as it will only be a spark that burns oneself.

Even if you succeed in getting revenge, only emptiness will remain, so focus on caring for yourself.

Yeah, that’s bullshit.

Kangwoo’s face was extremely refreshing.

The rain, which had been pouring down for a long time, only woke up after it turned into ashes and scattered around.

However, Kang-woo, who fell down with all his strength, was unable to get up and fell down with his head on the ground.

I held out my hand and helped him up.

“There was a reason why the Hwahong Hunting Group and the Sokcheon Alliance could not find the secret until now. “Mr. Mong went to the West after the fall of Inner Mongolia.”

“West Station?”

The next destination has been decided.

“Western region, the land of the demon cultists.”

* * *

Most of the raiders have now been taken care of by Kang Woo. There are not many people even in Murim who can endure the rain that has reached the end of the Hwagyeong. You have to be at least Jangmun-in level to be able to overpower Kang-woo. Even then, the news of the annihilation of the Hwahong hunting party may have spread, but Sokcheonmaeng’s pursuers gradually decreased and were not seen at all by the time they passed the Cheonghae area where the Kunlun faction was located.

But they didn’t give up on the secret. Kang-woo and I both knew very well that it was just quiet because they were doing behind-the-scenes work. I received unexpected information at the last guesthouse near the mouth of the mountain where the Kunlun Mountains begin. After crossing the Kunlun Mountains, there was only the Kunlun Sect, and to get to the western region where Maqiao was located, we had to cross the Great Desert, so it was time to take a rest and take plenty of water and food.

Several of Hao Wen’s disciples came to visit us. They say it’s not difficult to track them because they didn’t bother to hide their traces, but making direct contact is a different story. Hao Wen belongs to Sok Tian Meng, but for some reason, they gave me ‘information’.

The information was a letter from Hao Wenju.


An old man with a white beard that I met in Haomun, Gangseo.

Hao Wen Ju.

His intention in giving me ‘information’.

I commissioned Hao Wen to exterminate the Hwahong hunting group.

And not long after, the Hwahong Hunting Group died.

He knew what it meant.

“It’s the heart of a beast.”

Hao Wen-ju was a terrible businessman.

[Nithwa, Sahong, Daenap, I Ching – under Kunlun, execution of inaction.]

I’ve heard of it.

Inaction is appropriate, no action is still.

Does it originally mean the state of nirvana, where the body and mind are quiet?

In Moorim, the meaning changes greatly.

Lanista told me.

He said that he went through a total of six bouts of inaction and silence until he ascended to the top of the martial arts world.

Inaction means that the forces of the martial arts, including the Sokcheonmaeng, join forces to eliminate ‘public exploits’.

It was the biggest all-out war of the martial arts world, as the best masters of each sect and power came forward and waited in line to kill only those who achieved merit. In slang, it is ‘Dagul’. It’s been quiet for some reason, but it looks like they’re preparing for the final battle.

I informed Kang-woo, but he spoke calmly.

“Are you going?”

“of course.”

When he heard my answer, he smiled faintly as if he knew that would happen.

“Let’s give it a try.”

I thought it would be a good way to warm up before heading to the ‘beyond’.


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