Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 324

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I headed to the area designated by Melissa. It was a mountainous region to the east of the empire, the territory of Luchaquan, now downgraded to a local administration. Melissa designated locations around the world where space was unstable and prepared for collapse. He decided to protect the Magic Tower, which was the most dangerous place, and the twins to protect other important points. It was fortunate that there were no casualties despite the fierce fighting, as it was the center of the Kuan Mountains, the spine of the empire, which had extremely rugged terrain. We walked along the sheer cliff until we reached the expected collapse point. Standing at the top of Geosan, I looked out at the vast mountain range that crossed the empire. There was a dense green forest growing around the shoulders of the mountain, but as you got closer to the top, the rocks became fully exposed. The mountain ranges lined up look exactly like the human spine, so they are also called spine mountains. Indeed, it looked like a giant’s skull lying down.

“Tsk, Melissa’s prediction is not wrong.”

Since the collapse was said to occur in one place, it seemed like I had won. I felt a strange atmosphere from the foot of the Quan Mountains. There was no sound of mountain birds chirping. There are no hungry mountain soldiers. Even plants that were rooted and unable to move showed fear for their survival by shaking their leaves.

Just as animals react first to a disaster, they sensed the collapse. I was sure. My senses surpass those of beasts. Soon after, a collapse occurs. The collapse of the sky that happened in the last square. At the time, I didn’t understand the strange sensation of pricking my skin, but now that I’ve learned it, there’s no way I’ll miss it.


I sat cross-legged and started practicing until the collapse occurred.

Calms the chaos inside me.

Tsk tsk.

It’s a line that sounds like a second grader, but it’s real.

If you do not practice your energy and spirit every time you have time, your internal power will become entangled, and if your internal power becomes entangled, your body will collapse. Now, for me, practice has become not only essential to becoming stronger, but also as essential as eating and pooping. Practicing on a high mountain with clouds below makes me feel like I have become a hermit. In a way, it is consistent. Now that you have achieved success, if you keep improving like this, you might become a immortal.


Dalby was enjoying an environment rich in natural energy. Recently, she had been trapped in a crevice or in hell for a long time, so much of her strength had been used up. She did something terrible. After seeing Ogi Jo-won’s level, she explosively accepted and shared her power with him, but because her power was filled with chaos, she could not accept it properly. Moreover, after joining the family, Dalby was very reluctant to come into my arms. It is fear of chaos. From then on, she stayed outside all the time, just like she does now.

Daa, daa.

The village leaders of the mountain range came to say hello.

From Yeongsan’s tiger Yeongsu to Ongdalsaem’s rabbit Yeongsu.

The land gods came to visit Dalbi, as if a banquet had been held for Sangunnim.

Dalbi played with Youngsu.

It was peaceful and lovely to see all kinds of animals playing together.

I looked at them with warm eyes, then narrowed my brows and looked at the sky.

“If you’re going to come, come all at once.”

It was not possible to accurately predict the next collapse, but according to the road condition official’s coordination manual, the size of the collapse indicated that it would be safe for at least a week. Of course, I had no idea about road conditions or anything, so I had no choice but to believe it without question. The problem is that the collapse does not just happen once or twice. Melissa warned. It is said that if the collapse continues, it will eventually lead to metastasis. Just as dots gather to form lines, and lines gather to form surfaces, as the number of collapse points increases, the dimension collapses and eventually merges to merge the world.

The Earth was ruined like that.

The end of the Earth was not something like the ‘annihilation of humanity’.

It would be better to destroy ourselves through nuclear war.

The ground may be turned upside down by a huge meteorite like in the dinosaur era,

Otherwise, it would have been ‘less’ unfair if humanity had become extinct due to a fatal disease.

At least as far as I know, the Earth was destined to be completely destroyed within the next few years.

“If you couldn’t stop it from the beginning, try so hard… ha.”

I thought about what Melissa said.

‘The destruction of your world could not be prevented. This is because the axis was damaged to the extent that it could not be maintained just by the first collapse.’

The destruction of the Earth was certain.

Damn, if I had known that, I would have volunteered for the search party, avoided getting into trouble, and enjoyed it until I died. Well, it’s just a result, but thanks to that, I’m able to continue my life now, so I don’t have any major regrets.

‘But this world is different. ‘Reinforcement’ is also easy because it is a strange structure ‘built up from scratch’. Just as the beings called the Three Gods separated Hell and created this world, if we strengthen the boundaries of space, we will be able to prevent collapse.’

The creation myth of Ajivika is no longer a myth but a fact.

I don’t know if they are really holy gods or not.

It is true that beings called the Three Gods separated Hell, imprisoned the devil, and created this world. Ajin are people who have coexisted with demons for a long time. So where do the ‘humans’ of this world come from? Melissa came up with a shocking hypothesis. It is called ‘immigrant’. Other than those from other countries… Immigrants from all over the world. Of course, she went on to add that she couldn’t be sure.


A chilling wind blew.

The mountain range, which was full of cheerful energy due to the feast of Dalbi and the spirits, suddenly turns cold.

The wind was colder than a blizzard in the northern snow mountains. Also, not blowing like other winds, but overhead. It blew down from the sky as if trampling the ground. Youngsu, who was having fun, hid behind Dalbi. Dalbi looked up at her with a fierce expression. Her puffy clouds dispersed in an instant. The sun was covered by a shadow. However, it is not hidden behind the clouds. Signs of collapse occurred slowly and steadily.


The collapse seemed to start suddenly, but it was actually caused by a combination of ominous factors. I sharpened my senses and focused on the entire situation. I didn’t miss any small changes. Even if I wasn’t present at the collapse, the world’s inhabitants needed more information to deal with it. Soon, cracks began to appear in the sky. It was only dozens of minutes after the omen occurred.

Quad Deuk!

The sky of the collapsed empire was no different from before. The collapse of the sky is a temporary phenomenon that occurs when a collapse occurs. If you remove the cause of the gap, the wound will disappear as if it were completely healed. However, if you can’t stop it, the wound will be deeply engraved and will not heal. It is gradually becoming a fatal wound leading to death.

Melissa believed that first response was important.


It was clearly a serious situation. They said the world might collapse.

But I wasn’t worried, let alone scared. I was nervous. However, it is a different kind of tension. I even felt excited, like a gamer looking forward to a new area and new monsters. Is the change in brain structure used in situations like this? It was similar to the situation faced by Kim Chang-sik in his past life, but the mindset of the person I was then and the person I am now were completely different.

at last.

What I wanted.

It might have been something like this.

“What is going to pop out?”

When it first collapsed, the Murim people attacked. If you think about the Earth, the most frequent raiders were martial people, monsters, and ‘mythical beings’. I hoped it was a martial artist. At least I can talk to someone, so I can dig up information. Being a monster is annoying. It’s no different from dealing with the devil. What I hate the most are mythical beings. They… It just sucks.



The size of the collapse was bigger than last time.

Kwasik, Kwasik, Kwazizik!


It gets bigger.

Kwajijijijijijijijijik, jjijijik, kwaang!

“What, why is it like that?”

It was too big.

Enough to completely cover the vast Spine Mountain Range.

It’s ominous.

Finally, the color of the sky was completely removed and black darkness appeared like last time.

The attacker’s appearance began to vaguely emerge beyond the collapsed hole. At first I didn’t know what it was. All I could perceive was that it was huge. It’s a wide surface. Was the entire land of another world swept away in the aftermath of the collapse? I was watching without paying attention, but as it gradually revealed itself, I felt embarrassed and my heart swelled.

I realized that something bigger than that mountain peak was not an object.



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Eventually, when the width of the huge surface became relatively narrow and became a long cylinder, I recognized what it was.


It was a huge sole.


I laughed.

“Was it you?”

The devil’s colossus was big enough, but not as big as them.

The beings that the National Guard hated the most were the twins called the Three Evils.

They were the beings that humans hated and feared the most.

An earthquake occurs just by taking a step.

If you struggle, the entire area will be devastated as if a hydrogen bomb exploded.

A shout is thunder and a fist can crush a mountain.


Humans were afraid of gigantic beings. Giants are the embodiment of reverence or fear of greatness. Fear of giants are creatures that have always appeared in myths and stories since the past. Sometimes as a great evil, sometimes as a god. God’s miracle is explained through the story of a small human killing a giant, and the world is destroyed when the giant punishes the human. Humanity in the 21st century has forgotten the fear of big things. This is because humans believed that they could create something huge on their own. However, the aircraft carriers that dominated the seas and the skyscrapers that rose high in the sky only crumbled in the incarnation of the myth.

It was three years after the first transfer began, and a few years before I applied for the search party.

It appeared over Jeju Island when humanity was still believing that it could ‘cope’ with an unprecedented disaster. The giant was transferred to Jeju Island. The military power of the Republic of Korea could not kill the giant. To be precise, permission to use tactical weapons was not granted until all Jeju residents had been evacuated. As a result of prioritizing the evacuation of citizens, the giant occupied Jeju Island for over half a year. And when the giant’s life finally ended after being bombarded by bombers, the mountain had already disappeared, and the heavenly land of Jeju Island had become a wasteland filled with huge footprints.

A ‘herd’ of giants is not like that.

By ‘just one’ giant.

The population is extremely small, and only a handful of cases have been reported even after several years of metastasis.

They are all enemies of humanity who have caused catastrophic damage.

A giant appeared before my eyes.

“ha ha ha!”

How can you not be happy?

This became a proving ground.

The person I was in my past life and the person I am now are different. It was a certain fact, but I wanted proof to wash away even the slightest fear. I had to overcome that giant. Then I. enough… … .

I will become the savior of this world.


Just the aftermath of the giant’s body falling out of the gap in space created a storm. If the bodies of giants descend to this land in their entirety, the Spine Mountain Range, which has been the home of life on this land for tens of millions of years, will be destroyed like Jeju Island. I’ll never see that again.


The land gods realized their limitations and gave their strength to Dalbi.

Dalbi, who received strength, gave me strength again, and I felt full of energy and drew out strong energy. There is no hesitation. I rushed towards the giant soles rushing to trample the ground without hesitation. I’m literally like an ant to this guy. Skade Mer is nothing but a thorn.

“To reduce damage.”

I drew strength.

“Eliminate any traces that come out of the cracks.”

After leading the Skade Mer to his waist, he assumed the stance of footmanship.


Power resides in the blade.

It resonates and trembles violently.

Bloodthirsty sword, today is gluttony.

“Mighty power!”

A swinging sword.

The expanding sword river.

The immense power contained in a simple trick.


The soles of my feet were split with one swing.

The giant’s feet that seemed like they could never be cut down.

It lost its shape so easily by a sword wielded by a human.


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