Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 274

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To stop him, I wrapped myself in my body armor and swam through the lava. If you’re not nervous, you’ll get burned. Even for me, wading through muddy lava was a very annoying activity. The deeper I went, the hotter it got, and I could feel the burning even through my self-defense gear.

When we finally reached deep into the volcano.

I opened my eyes in the lava, unable to see an inch in front of me.

Cheonan Tong reveals.


It was a huge bird.

The feathers are flame and the body is bubbling lava.

It is a bird with a rather nice appearance.

“f*ck, it’s a real legendary Pokemon.”

The heat and fire the firebird gave off was enormous.

It was the source of lava. Even in the enormous flames that burned everything, I slowly made my way through the flames and approached the guy. hot. The closer we got, the clearer it became. It was like wearing padding on an electric blanket and a thick blanket on a midsummer day. It’s probably like this because it’s me.

When I finally got close enough to touch.

Dalby stuck his head out of my embrace.


At that moment, the lights went out.

The lava eruption stopped.

The volcano that was seething with the power of Youngshin soon became dormant.

The huge firebird that used to spit out intense fire has now become a cute little baby bird. In an instant, Shinsoo changed from a giant bird covering the mountain to a sparrow to be carried by a cat, and flew away flapping its cute wings. Then she sat on the back of Dalby’s nose and rubbed her beak.


[Hehe. Fortunately, the. I think you will regain your strength soon.]

I thought about whether the word ‘gaegane’ that Dalbi frequently uttered contained a meaning that went far beyond the meaning of a simple swear word. The single word ‘Gaeganne’ may seem sacred and great to the spirits, like a king’s decree or a suggestion from God. Once again, I felt a little guilty that the first word I taught Dalby was a low-level swear word. Well, even if I wrote it without knowing it at first, Dalby now seems to definitely know the meaning when I use it.

“He’s cute too.”

Things worked out easily. At one word from Dalbi, Youngshin, who had lost her mind and was running wild, came to her senses.


[Hwagung-nim says thank you. Hwagung is the ambassador of the Star Palace and is a bird that once guided the sun. Once his strength is restored, he will definitely be of great help to you.]

“Well, now there’s one person left.”

I hope it was worth spending a lot of time on.

* * *

“Did you feel it too?”

Eagle Master Zenko spoke in a low voice.

His expression was always as serious as an eagle’s, so I called him ‘poisonous eye.’

“Yeah, it’s so quiet.”

Tiger magician Bampy nodded.

The two were colleagues before joining the Knights and were famous mercenary spiritualists in the West Continent.

Jenko was in charge of reconnaissance, and Bampi was in charge of search. Even without my special orders, they performed their duties well. Unlike the younger knights, the two were always sharp and trusted colleagues.

As Vampy frowned, his darkly scarred face became more grim. The three claw marks running diagonally from the forehead to the lips were an intimidating appearance to others and a medal to Vampy. When I asked him before, did he say that it was a scar from the glory of fighting and defeating a beast-type demon with his bare body?

“There haven’t been any Kachiki attacks for several weeks.”

“My eagle searched for hundreds of kilometers but couldn’t find it. “Many of the enemy soldiers have completely disappeared.”

Zenko’s eyes narrow.

“Wherever you go, the people who were swarming under the rocks like bugs have disappeared… … .”

“I’m sure they didn’t kill them all.”

I just quietly listened to their conversation.

There were only two people who had a proper conversation at the meeting.

Other technicians had very little practical experience. Fortunately, when the moth magician grandfather was around, he took the lead and guided them well, but when their mentor disappeared, they were not good at thinking. After all, this knighthood needs a caracal. When I return, I will have to use the ‘Lanistar-style training method’ to make him stronger and adjust his strength level.

“They must be coming together.”

“Like a swarm of locusts?”

“okay. Let’s assume two things. They are seriously considering us as enemies and deciding that this is a crisis, so they are gathering troops, or for some reason they have no choice but to gather. I think it’s the former, but we also need to prepare for unpredictable situations. “Because the devil is an unpredictable being.”

“I agree with your opinion. The demon of corruption may be gathering the Kachiki to protect himself. “Because our captain clearly taught us that fighting against it would be futile.”

I was embarrassed and just shrugged my shoulders.

Zenko asked me.

“I want to hear the captain’s opinion.”

This is not a complicated task.

There are no tactics. Just chasing the ending.

Killing the demon of corruption.

That is solely my role.

But they will also bear great responsibility.

“It’s war. It’ll be dangerous. A war you have never experienced before. I hope you don’t forget the advice I first gave you. If it’s dangerous, run away. We didn’t come to sacrifice our lives. “You just have to trust me and hold out until I kill the devil.”

With the eyes of the knights focused, I confessed my true feelings.

“If you don’t believe it, you don’t have to go to war. I don’t blame you. Just for following me this far, I… … .”

Actually, I already knew the answer. In this situation, who would shout, ‘I’m leaving!’

I’m also really bad. You deliberately pretend to be for the sake of getting what you want.

“How could that be! “I will follow you to hell!”

Vanguard, Romero shouted.

Then Lapis and Lazuli smiled and raised their hands.

“Me too.”

“If we don’t trust Polestar, who will?”

It was something I had never experienced in my previous life. This is why people must have strength. Faith is surprisingly simple. If Warren Buffett recommends a stock, he will immediately invest all his money, but who would be crazy and bet all his money on an unemployed person in the neighborhood? Their beliefs were very reasonable and reasonable.



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It might feel a little better to hear it in person.

“There is no man as strong as the captain.”

“As always, the devil will die at the hands of the captain, and we will become legends.”

The two men also added a word.

“I can assure you that I have experienced a miracle. He will definitely succeed. Mr. Kajuwea, there is no need to be afraid… … .”

Kajuwea got angry and shouted at Narande Jr.’s words.

“Ha, I was the first to know you, Master? Ever since I saved Kalbane Village, I decided to give my all to this man. success! wealth! honor! “Is there any way you can run away when it’s right in front of you?”

I got into the mood.

Everyone expresses their determination.

Even MacRaney blushed and said he would try his best.

Gulsi quietly came next to me and nudged my side and whispered.

“… “Your best friend is me.”


“Because I trust you the most.”

As expected, I was in a bad mood. The words I wanted to hear so much in my past life.

It seems like you are throwing a tantrum like a child because you want to hear what you want.

“thank you.”

It didn’t feel bad.

* * *

We arrived at a place called ‘Dragon Mountains’ where the last divine beast is located.

It was an empty place. In a place where only bare rocky mountains exist, there is no sense of life at all. It was dry and cloudy. Is there a divine beast in this place where only dust and rocks roll around?

“Are you really here?”

The white snake stuck out its tongue and looked around.


“maybe? “You sound uncertain?”

[Fifth Spirituality – ‘The Angry Dragon’. He… Actually, I don’t know either.]

As I got deeper into the mountains, my doubts grew more and more. Even though Youngshin is corrupted, she exudes powerful power. The power of the divine beast was like vast nature, so there was no way I, who was sensitive to energy, could not feel it. But on the dry rocky mountain, I felt only thirst and emptiness.

I discovered a cave hidden in a rocky mountain range.

I walked to the cave. The dark cave was full of stalactites, but there was no sense of life. I went deeper and deeper, but the only thing that echoed was my footsteps. Did I walk hundreds of meters deep underground? At the end of the stalactite path, a huge cavity emerged.

“Hey, White Snake.”

[Yes, representative.]

Center of a wide cavity –

Artificial objects that exist there.

I looked at it and asked White Snake a question.

“You spirit beasts resemble beasts that exist in ‘nature.’ You are a snake, and the others are whales, birds, and even scarabs. “Dalbi is also strange, but he is a deer.”


[That’s right. The starlight falls and follows nature. We borrowed the form of the beasts of this land.]

“Yes, then.”

It was a statue.

A huge stone statue that gives me an intimidating feeling as if it could come to life at any moment and swallow me up.

The elaborately carved stone statue clearly resembled a ‘dragon’ from legends.

“Did he also borrow the appearance of an animal?”

It was truly a ‘dragon’. It was different from any other divine beast. If the ‘essence’ of that statue is truly a divine beast, and if the characteristics of a divine beast resembling a beast have been revealed, does this mean that a transcendent being called a ‘dragon’, a creature with a different path, even exists?

[I don’t know. The fifth divine beast is someone who is not recorded in the ‘Palace’… … .]

I opened Cheonan Tong.

The eyes that only looked at the surface gradually began to penetrate into the deeper essence,

Eventually, I realized the secret of the statue and sighed.

“If a guest comes, you have to get up, right?”


The statue cracked open and soon began to break apart.

‘Something’ trapped in the statue rises, scattering stone fragments and dust.

It was really alive. Be it camouflage, seal or whatever.

It had turned into a stone statue and was just existing in this deep cave.

The fifth divine beast who awakens at my call.

… Is it really a divine beast?

“Is that the fifth divine beast?”

Even White Snake wasn’t sure.

[There are clearly five attendants who serve the star. But the author… Something is strange.]

“Is it corrupted?”

The one that finally peeled away the rock and revealed its complete form.

A huge reptile with bronze scales.

It was an immortal creature that only appeared in stories – a thing called a ‘dragon’.

[no. But I can’t feel the blessings of the stars or the birth of life at all! It’s like our original state.]

“Primal state?”

[Until the stars gave us life, we were mere beings. Oh, my goodness – could it be that he wasn’t given life?]

While the white snake was shaking its tail and making a fuss.

The dragon’s ‘divine beast’ opened its eyes.

It was clear that he could not feel any force of life at all.

His will could clearly be seen in his huge white eyes filled with power.

[I am-]

The dragon opened his mouth.

thank god. You can say it, right?

[Not a star attendant.]

The white snake was frightened and screamed.

[Aaaah! Then who are you?]

[I am… … .]

The dragon shouted in a loud and majestic voice that made the cave rumble.

[The one who received the fate of ‘weapon’-! The only ore forged by Paragos. A weapon only for stars.]


When the dragon spread its wings, the cave became narrow.

The dragon showed off its presence and looked down at me with its white eyes.

[However, it would be wise for you to use me now.]


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