Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 23

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No one can see Yeongsu.

At least among those gathered here, there is no one who can see the spirit beast.

So they don’t know whether I am a spiritualist or not.

The atmosphere is cold. I felt countless eyes tearing apart a day that no one had paid any attention to until now.

The remarks of the continent’s strongest spiritualist were by no means light.

The congratulatory speech ended, but no one applauded.

My sister Melissa, sitting next to me, giggled and whispered to me.

“What should I do?”

I shrugged.

There was someone who kicked the chair and got up.

He was over 2 meters tall, had brown muscular skin, and wore a black cloak.

A middle-aged man with a strong appearance got up from his seat and walked toward the center of the banquet hall.

No one has anything to say about his actions.

Because he is Duke Luchaquan.

I listened to the history of the empire with interest in my mom’s class.

Duke Luchaquan and the mountainous region he ruled were not originally part of the empire. During the Great War, in order to recruit the troops of the northeastern mountain people, the Solgar family took the lead and appointed the chieftains of the mountain tribes as imperial nobles to embrace the mountainous region.

It was a desperate measure that used barbarians from the border to prevent a great war. If it was used, it would be thrown away. However, the chieftain of the mountain tribe was more resourceful than expected. He continued to be a faithful servant of the Solgar family, and now that the power of the imperial family has weakened, he is called one of the four great ducal families.

Of course, he was still Solgar’s faithful dog.

Luchaquan, Duke of the Empire, son of the chieftain.

He raised his voice loudly.

“First of all, I want to congratulate you. May the majesty and glory of the mountains dwell in the Reinberg family!”

Duke Solgar clapped slowly first, and only then did applause erupt.

After that, Lu Chaquan continued to praise her with candy, and then slowly revealed her true colors.

“We all know that the Moon Child is amazing.”

A play that is clearly visible.

“But I was really impressed that Confucius Polestar was a spiritualist. Duke Reinberg, the best spiritualist in the empire, guarantees it, so I have no doubt that it will become a new pillar that will support the empire. “Isn’t that right?”

Damn, it’s so stupid.

“So, if you don’t mind being rude, how about showing me Karaxia’s wings right here and now?”

His behavior was downright rude.

The families following the Reinberg family showed signs of discomfort, but Duke Luchaquan’s actions did not stop. He seems to be overconfident that Duke Solgar is behind him.

“They say the power of a spirit beast is so amazing, it’s not a difficult request, is it? As a reward for making us step ‘twice’.”

We once had a birthday party.

So I touched their pride.

It was an unexpected psychological warfare.

No, was that intentional?

The atmosphere was so cold that it hardened like ice.

I glanced at my father. He didn’t say anything.

He committed the task and left it up to me to make the choice.

I looked at the twins, I looked at the nobles, I looked at the ceiling.

Dalby was hanging from the ceiling of the banquet hall.

That bastard, why are you there?

Dalby felt my gaze and spoke in a voice only I could hear.

Is it clearing?

“… “It will all go to waste.”

I stood up.

“Let me prove it.”

It was a night when the moon was shining brightly.

Dalby was smart.

He came down from the ceiling and stood next to me.

I didn’t see it then.

How did you do that?

It was quite amazing to see it from the side.

The moon-shaped pattern engraved on Dalbi’s body gradually grew from a half-moon shape to a full moon shape.

Eyes filled with a soft light like Dalbi’s moonlight look toward the sky.

“Look at the sky.”

This is the only option. The waves come against my will.

This makes me feel like I’m a ‘twin’, but the one who messed up first was Lucha Quan.

If I am swept away by the waves and become foam, I will become a storm.

Among the nobles, the first one to notice was my father. His body flinched for a moment, and Youngsu Mac ran to his father’s side, but then he sighed and slowly sat down. My father felt my gaze and turned his head. He whispered softly.

“The first step is really spectacular.”

Soon the Lanista stood up.

He looked at me and chuckled.

It’s clearing!

Dalbi’s cry.

And then, a bursting sound that splits the air is heard.

Others also noticed the strange thing, but it was already too late.




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The ‘moon rock’ dropped by Dalbi shattered and exploded the thick roof of the banquet hall. The marble roof collapsed helplessly. The entire building shook, but did not collapse due to the force of the ‘mac’. The windows shattered, spewing out glass shards in all directions, and the collapsed ceiling hit the nobles.

However, no people were injured by the debris.

Lanista cut the collapsing roof into small pieces with one swing of his sword, and the fragments moved on their own and flew out. It must be Melissa’s magic.

Daa… … .

Dalby seemed tired, so he snuggled into my arms and closed his eyes.

“great job.”

Its light faded.

The moon tattoo on his body has now become as small as a crescent moon.

It will be okay as time goes by, but I was grateful that he used his strength for me.

I slowly looked around the banquet hall.

Perhaps this is the ‘gaze’ the twins were receiving.

Show-off, superiority, fear.

I feel like I’m drunk.

It’s not a bubble, it’s a storm.

It is clear that the disease has spread.

After going through some crazy things with my twins, I didn’t think this crazy thing was a big deal. I looked at Lu Chaquan who was embarrassed and smiled slightly.

“How is it? Duke Luchaquan.”

The birthday party ended with a bang.

* * *

The birthday party went awry. In the empty banquet hall where all the guests had fled, I stared blankly at the open roof. The moonlight was bright, and Dalby was jumping around excitedly. I thought collapsing the roof was excessive. But it felt pretty good. When I think about it, from my previous life until now, there has been nothing ‘too much’ in my life. Cheonan Tong shows many things. Even the risk of taking my life. But in the end, dying in vain was the same.

Like bubbles, in vain.

“Your path in life has changed from today.”

My father returned after seeing me off. He sat next to me.

“haha. “The broken roof is like an eggshell that Karaxia broke to fly.”

And he encouraged me by tapping my shoulder. Although it would be quite a headache to repair the broken banquet hall, his father seemed happy.

“The spirit beast that follows you will be a fragment of the spirit beast I saw in the land of the demihumans. No, that mountain-like spirit might be a fragment.”

My father told me a story about a spirit beast that he saw in the land of the demihumans long ago. He leads numerous spiritual beasts, has a body like a mountain, and is a spiritual beast and divine beast that the earth supports and the sky looks after. My father said while looking at the night sky.

“If we regain all our power, we might even make the moon fall.”

Then he looked at me and smiled. It was a kind, warm smile.

“Thank you, Polestar.”

If I were to calculate the time I had lived combined with the memories of my previous life, I would have had a child the same age as myself.

However, the only time I met parents like parents was in the life of 14-year-old Polestar.


I have experienced a death as meaningless as a bubble.

If you live like a storm and die one day, will that death be in vain? Or… … .

“I won’t disappoint you.”

Dalby was so excited that he jumped up and down.

* * *

On the way back, I clearly saw the full moon.


I kept thinking about what my father said.

“Dad says you haven’t regained your strength.”

It’s clearing!

“So can you drop that now?”

Dalbi is jumping up and down.

It’s clearing!

I figured out Dalby’s language patterns. Every time I felt a negative emotion, he called me ‘gagganne’. Likewise, if the guy has a negative attitude, like he hates twins, he says he’s a dog. On the other hand, when you are positive and in a good mood, you shout ‘daa’.

“Hmm. So what if you get all your strength back?”

Daa! Daa!

… I suddenly wondered if the twins would be able to stop the moon from falling.

* * *

I got up from bed. It was a blue morning with the sun not yet rising, and I could only sleep for three or four hours.

It’s clear that what happened yesterday energized me in some way. I got up from my seat, waited for a moment for it to ‘sit down’, and then quickly got dressed. If I cut my body open, the internal organs would spill out, but funny enough, my body was empty until now. Having a purpose is related to vitality. You may not need Aronia Shake anymore.

I put on my clothes and came out of the room. The mansion was quiet as the morning bell did not ring. I was lost in thought as I walked down the long hallway of the dark mansion. The red eyes of a black wolf seemed to be vaguely visible in the darkness at the end of the hallway.

Beasts prey on the weak. I have no intention of becoming prey. I don’t regret what happened yesterday. It’s better to inflate and show off before you’re weak and eaten. Gradually, I remembered something I had forgotten. Why did I, in my past life, apply for the National Guard?

Arrived at the parade ground.

The place that used to smell like sweat was empty and only gave off the smell of the shattered morning breeze.

I took off the ‘Ramel Star’ and made it into a long pole. I performed the martial arts and batting technique that Lanista first taught me. Ramel Star was more difficult to handle than the iron bar. This is because when concentration is scattered, it returns to its armor form. Rather, I thought it was a more suitable weapon for martial arts training.

After only a few swings, Lanista appeared on the parade ground.

That guy has already surpassed the status of a master swordsman and is the best warrior in the world, with no one to rival him in this world.

But he always came to the parade ground before me. I was wondering when he would show up, but he showed up this early in the morning. At that level, there is nothing more to learn on your own. I have no choice but to admit it. I respect him. Putting his humanity aside, he was a man stronger than tempered steel.

“Have you realized?”

Lanista immediately spoke to me.

I thought about it carefully, then shook my head.

“Not yet.”

He assumed a strange posture.

It’s probably ‘Naegongsimbeop’. The strange power of the martial arts people who accumulate energy in the Danjeon.

A few months ago, when I returned to Quartz Castle after four years, Lanista told me to take up arms.

‘I’ll teach you martial arts.’

Now I have spoken to Lanista.

“Teach me martial arts.”

The lion-like eyes stared at me as if they were going to eat me, but I didn’t avoid my gaze and looked straight at them.

“Take up arms.”


Burning the fire in my heart for improvement.

* * *

I moved more actively. I watched his every move with my eyes wide open, but his head felt like it was going to explode. It was also not something that could be obtained just by looking at it. But even though my thighs were bruised and my ankles were twisted and throbbing, I didn’t stop getting up from where I fell.

Even if you decide to gain strength, the method does not change. Unfortunately, even if you go crazy alone, you will never be able to surpass the twins. So, I had to bump into them again and hone myself. I had to suck up everything I could get. Bad relationships from the past are insignificant.


Lanista wasn’t the type to be looked down upon. The harder I attacked, the more roughly he beat me. I had a baton and he had bare hands, but the length of the weapon made no difference to him. First, I thought I had jabbed the baton into his chest, but before I knew it, a fist was hitting my face.

“Kaaak, tuu!”

He spat out blood mixed with saliva.

In the past, I thought this was the end. Your body would have reacted automatically, forcing you to give up. But I grabbed the baton again. What I needed was more recklessness than was necessary. Cheonan Tong shows. I will never, ever touch a single hair on a Lannistar.

This is the truth.

However, as I experienced in ‘Past Life’, I did not settle for the facts.

I followed the seventh posture of the batting stick method. After swinging his baton with all his might and breaking Lani Star’s arm, he, like a tenacious snake, did not let go and tried to stab his head and solar plexus. But in my eyes, I saw the guy’s fist reaching towards my face with much faster movements than mine. That’s dangerous. If so, my other molars!

It’s clearing!

It was then.

Even though my body couldn’t react, my eyes steadily watched what was happening.

Dalby appeared in an instant and blocked the space between Lannistar’s fist and my face.

As soon as Lanista’s fist touched, Dalbi burst like a balloon and scattered.

I immediately let out my voice, but it took a while before my mouth began to scream.



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