Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 175

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The guy who was checking his watch suddenly ran off somewhere. I felt something strange about the devil behaving strangely and wanted to follow him. Eventually, he disappeared into countless forks, but it didn’t matter. He followed behind him, acting secretly so as not to be detected. He followed a clear trail through a maze of passages. Tens of minutes later, the place he finally arrived was a cave. A disgusting cave full of Rat Men, who were said to have been driven out to a distant desert –

The devil had a conversation with someone.

It spoke human language.

His tone was old-fashioned and forceful, like that of an aristocrat.

“Increase the food.”

The person talking to the devil had his face covered with a robe, but his voice was familiar.

“How can I get any further from here…” “Last month alone, 17 people sacrificed their lives.”

Starving Rat Men did not hunt humans.

Rather, in response to his anger, he showed hostility toward a fellow demon, the Rabbit Demon. When dozens of Rat Men flock in and their black eyes flash –

It was that moment.

“You foolish human being. The black quicksand never misses its mark. “How dare you try to deceive me?”


Dozens of Rat Men were crushed in an instant. The shapes of the demons, crushed like badly trampled chewing gum, were unrecognizable. The human could not bear the pressure and stumbled and fell. Because of that, the robe came off. A middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, he was the vice-leader of the Rhinoceros mercenary group.

The rabbit demon checked his watch frequently. There is displeasure in his red eyes, as if he were disapproving. He handed the paper to the vice-captain.

“The remnants of Sirom’s defeat and the kingdom’s traders will arrive soon. “If thirty young men are not offered before the bell tower rings six times in four days – the contract will be cancelled.”

It was a contract.

The vice-captain clenched his teeth so much that blood leaked out. But fear was greater than shame. As he placed his hand on his contract, an ominous black light leaked from the paper. The rabbit demon glanced at his watch and immediately opened the abyss and disappeared into hell. The vice-captain, who was left alone, stood blankly for a moment and then burst into tears.

I expected it, but it was true.

A deal with the devil.

The mercenaries protected the city by sacrificing a small number of villagers.

The residents of Nephi build wealth and make a living by sacrificing their neighbors and family.

They built themselves a chicken coop for the devil.

* * *

Returning to the city, I saw a procession of traders visiting Nepai and ethnic minority refugees who had lost the battle against the Sternil Kingdom flocking to Nepai. The inhabitants of Nephi welcomed them kindly. Fahed, the leader of the rhino mercenaries, willingly prepared a home for the northern mountain people, Sirom, while miners and Nephi merchants sold rare ores to traders.

The canned minerals in Nephi’s mine are not ordinary gem mines.

It is a unique mineral that emits light, possesses magnetism, or has the property of dispersing magical power.

What is strange is that all kinds of rare minerals have been mined only in the Nephi Mine for decades.

As if he had made a ‘deal with the devil’.

A mineral the size of a fingernail was traded for a bag of gold coins. The traders hid their bases and affiliations, but I could tell that some of them were merchants from the Sternil Kingdom.

The faces of the inhabitants of Nephi are-

I smiled wider than ever.


I watched in pity as they filled their warehouses with expensive pottery, silk clothes, spices, and grain.

“Everyone knows.”

What they gained through the sacrifice of a few was not just life and livelihood.

Extreme greed did not care about killing and eating their neighbors.

In the end, he tried hard to deny that his turn would come someday.

“Take everything out.”

Now is the time to end it.

I grabbed the hilt of the silver cross sword and trudged to the mercenary group’s base.

My father told me to hide my identity.

… why?

* * *


I broke down the door and shouted at the mercenaries.

“f*ck you guys!”

I figured out their true identity.

Still, the hesitation is-

Just one.

We don’t know who knows how much and who participated.

“… Guardian?”

Because of the refugee case, all the mercenaries were gathered at the base. I shouted in an annoyed voice.

“I am the Pillar of Dawn. “I guess you know why I came.”

“Pillars of Dawn?”

“What is it?”

“What is it, that person? “Have you had any heat?”

I kicked the desk and threw it at them.

“Reinberg’s Confucius, spiritualist and demon slayer… “It’s a Polestar Qualtz Reinberg.”

The vice-captain, who had been drinking quietly in the corner, stood up.

“Oh, are you the prince of the empire? “This is a very precious person.”

“First of all, I’m sure you’ll be followed, so just wait. Let me ask you just one question. Did you all know? Don’t pretend not to know. “A deal with the devil.”

Their reaction was the most frustrating of all the situations I imagined. The only ones who flinched were the five demon magicians, including the vice-captain. The rest treated me like a bullshit idiot.

“Hmph, you f*cking imperialist. I didn’t like it and it was a chew. ”

“What’s wrong with being a demon wizard? Protect from the devil… We just needed the means!”

I was almost sighing at the pitifulness of the innocent people in the world. Mercenaries cannot avoid sin anyway. So in this situation, I had to be clear about what I was going to do. Among the bewildered mercenaries, five people stood up and approached. The vice-captain whispers softly.

“Did you know everything?”

“Did you think you didn’t know?”



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“… I can’t help it. “The leader is calling you.”

“Am I your asshole? Will you go when I call you? By the way, is he calling me? “I guess you knew about it in advance?”

“The leader has been anticipating this moment since you set foot on Nephi. Please, please see the leader and have a conversation. We had to do this… no.”

“Tell him to come here.”

“The leader cherishes Nephi. If things go to the worst, this is… “It’s going to be hell.”

I thought about the moment the Rabbit Demon crushed the Rat Man.

Hmm, considering the experiences of ‘the guys’, this is not a good place.

“With this, I have repaid the favor.”

“thank you. Please follow me.”

I left the base and followed the vice-captain to the highest point in Nephi, the ruins of an old castle where the lord of Nephi lived decades ago. Although only a few decades had passed, the half-collapsed castle looked hideous, as if it were proof of the past battle with the devil.

The vice-captain only guided us to the castle ruins.

“Don’t run away, because you are left behind.”

“Don’t worry.”

After he left, I scratched my head and headed towards the castle. Even in the collapsed castle, there was a gatekeeper. A gatekeeper guarding an old iron gate. It was a hunchback wearing a black and blue robe. It was an act that seemed insignificant, but I stopped and faced the gatekeeper.

Not a demon wizard.

“who are you?”

Let’s ask the gatekeeper.

He answered politely.

“I’m just a gatekeeper.”

The doorkeeper opened the door without much reaction and stepped back.

As I passed through the messy hallways in the castle and reached the end of the hallway, the door, which must have been grand in the past, opened of its own accord, revealing a collapsed throne room. A beast-like man with a black beard was sitting on a golden chair in the throne room, looking down at me indifferently. I walked forward and swung the silver cross sword.


It was a sword swung with the intention of cutting with all sincerity.

However, although I cut off its clothes and cut off its flesh, I could not cut the ‘black body’ beyond it.

After confirming that I wouldn’t be able to get there easily, I put away my sword and shouted at the guy.

“Okay, what do you have to say?”

Fahed answered with a bright smile.

“Hehehe. What kind of Janus-like fate is this? It was at this very moment that someone appeared to disturb me. “I’m the devil like this, and you’re like a hero, right?”

“It’s true that I am a hero, but you are the devil. You’re too conceited. “You are just an extra who will soon be left behind.”

“Hmm, your tone is really frivolous. “He’s Reinberg’s son, so you really can’t lie about bloodlines.”

“What is this piece of trash talking about? Are you offering a sacrifice to the devil to protect the city from the devil? “Did you turn?”

“Tsk – that wasn’t an ‘offering’, it was a ‘trade’. “If it weren’t for the deal, Nephi would have already become a non-existent city, like a forgotten kingdom on a distant continent.”

“So, is it a good thing that Nephi has been maintained until now?”

“exactly. I’ve been saving Nephi for decades. Of course, I feel sorry for the ‘business partners’. “Even though they were orphans, we held a funeral for every single one of them.”

“You idiot. Is Nephi the last bastion of humanity? Whether the city is destroyed or not, people have to be saved first. You should have run away from the devil a long time ago, you idiot… … .”

“under! Put aside your humble heroism and benevolence and think carefully. Dealing with stupid demons is extremely profitable. The majority lives in abundance thanks to the sacrifices of the few. Running away? Where? Sternil is very strict and cruel towards refugees. There will be very few survivors. Much less so, since you don’t even have the strength to run away from the devil!”

The guy got up from his chair and shouted in a loud voice.

His crazy face was full of confidence, like a prophet who had received a mandate from heaven.

“If you sacrifice one old man, your family will be prosperous. If you sacrifice your newborn child, they won’t attack you for two months! I would gladly sacrifice a virgin for the inexhaustible veins of Nephi Mine. Nephi, who was walking down the path of destruction – for the past time, so quietly and beautifully, peacefully, secludedly, advantageously, unbroken and whole! It was all because of this ‘balance’ that was maintained. The number of citizens has neither increased nor decreased, the accumulated wealth is now enough to satisfy everyone, and now many people are flocking to the treasures like moths to fire, so Nephi is becoming the perfect paradise!”

I gave up on the conversation.

There’s no need to talk to crazy people.

It just loses strength.

“Why are you so disgusted? Confucius, do you think life has value? It’s a simple calculation. “It was a profitable deal that killed the few and saved the many.”

“Let me ask you just one question.”

“I will be happy to answer.”

“What is the purpose of the meeting with Silaren?”

“Hehe, it’s time. What a sweet deal with the devil. They made a promise to me. If you take down the hateful hypocrite Silaren, he will increase the ‘scale of the transaction’. Now Nephi… Beyond Nephi, even the Sternil Kingdom can become a target of trade! Think about it! Unnecessary existence! Orphans, the elderly, babies, criminals, and defective goods are sacrificed to the devil to gain power and wealth in return! What a good deal. Think of the precious gems that continually emerge from the mines of Nephi! haha!”

“I’m sorry I misunderstood even for a moment.”


This guy is not a Lannister.


For the first time, I felt sorry for Lanista when I thought he looked like him.

This guy is not a beast.

He’s just a fat pig.

“In the end, you are calling yourself a slave to the devil.”

“It just uses the power of the devil.”

“Tsk, what is a sacrifice for the majority? The reason Nephi’s residents don’t leave is because they can eventually build wealth. They are so consumed by greed that they don’t even know what they are doing. Even if it was in the past, I would have been able to escape from the devil by now. But I couldn’t give up. Even though he sacrificed his neighbors, friends, and family, he could not give up his greed. “You’re doing this damn thing to protect the pigs.”

I clearly understood what my father said.

Demon magicians are extremely dangerous.

The devil destroys the goodness of humans with vicious schemes and stains them with malice.

If the number of people like that increases, humanity will inevitably fall.

… … .

Just like the Earth did.

“Thank you for the assurance. Damn you.”

It’s clearing!

The silver cross sword gave off a brilliant light.

Dalbi’s energy is turning into blue armor.

The fabric that fell from the shoulders became a wavy cape.

“I’m going to kill you right here.”


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