Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 153

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“Yes you bastard!”

“dare… … !”

The two old wizards shouted and unleashed magic on the giant soldier. However, neither the blazing firebird nor the rolling rocks could do any damage to the giant god soldier. In an instant, the two wizards were crushed like bugs.

“f*ck, damn it.”

Manowa, who was taking advantage of the opportunity to recover his magic power, was attacked by a giant god soldier without even being able to rest. The Giant God Soldier’s attack was simple, but its power and range were too wide. I lured Manowa to a place with few people as much as possible, but she realized that she didn’t even have time to do that.

It was time for Manowa to raise his magic power.

“Oh oh!”

A ferocious scream, like an old lion crying, was heard. They were three old wizards who were thought to be dead. Their bodies were so mangled that they could no longer be considered alive. However, even in a state where the bones of the body were crushed and the flesh was torn off, they burned their last soul and poured out all their magical power.

“… “Cauterization.”

When wizards unleash all their magical power right before they die, they call it ‘cauterization’.

Commoners consider cauterization to be the ugly death of a magician and condemn it as a cowardly self-destruction, but Manowa thought that the whirlpool of magical power they poured out was as beautiful as firecrackers in the middle of the night.

The explosion that occurred using the lives of the old wizards as fuel instantly destroyed the two giant soldiers. The giant soldier who was reduced to ashes, the old wizard definitely took the giant soldier as a companion in the underworld.

However, the two giant gods could not be killed. The remaining Giant God Soldiers’ flesh was burned, but they still moved viciously.


Twenty spheres emerged around Manowa –

He rushed at the giant soldier with fierce force.

* * *

Just one guy.


When I put my foot down, the ground cracked and a hole was dug.

Beneath a deep pit, Manowa barely reaches out with his wounded hand.

“that… stop.”

thud! thud! thud! thud!

I killed one of the two giant soldiers. I was able to kill even the one remaining one. However, like a practical joke, all of his magical power was used up, and Manowa’s heart stopped for a short period of time. By the time Manowa came to her senses, she had already been crushed under the feet of the giant god soldier. Every time the Giant God Soldier put his foot down, the solid ground crumbled like a cookie. Manowa, who was underneath him, was completely shocked.

“stop. no.”

Thump thump thump-!

The air condensation barrier is breaking down. There isn’t much left soon. If the shield breaks, you will soon be crushed to death by the giant soldier’s feet. My heart had already stopped due to magical overload. The body didn’t move. Manowa realized. He knew that he was awaiting execution, that he would soon die in unimaginable pain.

His gaze moves emptyly.

“net… “The guy who will do it.”

I wanted to look at the sky, but all I could see was the soles of the giant’s feet.


The protective shield is broken.

Shock hits Manowa.

My mind was broken by an unbearable pain I had never experienced before.

I can’t see ahead. Is he dead, maybe already in the afterlife? I could see something vaguely, but I couldn’t tell what it was.

‘I lost.’

It was not a human shape. The bones of the entire body were crushed, the skin was crushed like a peeled animal skin, and the internal organs were out of place. Nevertheless, he is alive. The only thing holding on to his life were the five rings engraved on his heart.

‘It was broken.’

‘My heart was broken.’

‘That’s why I couldn’t win. ‘I couldn’t protect it.’

‘That’s all.’

Manowa recalled the old wizard’s ‘cauterization’.

An ending as flashy as fireworks – that might be okay.

All remaining magical power was raised. The heart ring reacts more fiercely than ever before. Although he had reached the 5th circle and the level of reverence, he had never experienced such overwhelming magic as now. Is this the wizard’s final act? The final resistance of a broken-hearted wizard.

[Your heart.]

To Manowa, who was preparing to farm.

[What is your heart?]

Suddenly, I heard his words.

The story of a wizard with a strange name who used incredible magic.

[What is so important about your heart?]

The five rings of the heart did not stop.

It seemed like it would explode soon.

It didn’t explode.

‘The heart… … .’

I tried to escape the end with a heart that was prepared for the end.

It is paradoxical and contradictory.

I was prepared to die, but I don’t want to die.

‘It’s not important.’

Manowa accepted the magic power of the exploding heart to escape death with the desire to die.

That moment.

His tattered body faced a contradictory phenomenon.

* * *

Musenion’s remaining forces engaged in local warfare against the devil. Now that all of the ‘Giant Soldiers’ are ‘dead’, the important thing is how many students and professors can be saved. Many people were sacrificed, but many students were saved thanks to it. However, unfortunately, there were quite a few students who died. The students who died were those who were unlucky enough to be in a remote location and not protected by guardians and soldiers when the abyss was opened.

Hobby room.

Medellin, whose hobby is knitting, always stops by the hobby room whenever she has time after school.

Mei followed Medellin, and Miko, disguised as a student and member of the Starfall Knights, also stayed by their side to protect them under the orders of Prince Polstar. Thanks to Miko’s excellent knitting skills, Mederin received a nice dress as a gift, and May also showed her interest and had a great time.

But Miko could not protect them.



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“Ah, what should I do, May!”

He appeared like a shadow.

A special entity, different from other demons.

A devil with ‘eyes’ carved on his forehead.

He had the power of a higher level devil, but was a ‘reformed’ devil for only one purpose.

Although it does not deal with taboos or contain sins, its killing ability can be compared to human ability –

He is able to reach the level of ‘master’.

The devil appeared in an instant and swung his long, sword-like claws at May and Medellin. Miko, a bat spiritist and one of the most powerful of the knights, was barely a second away from the demon’s appearance, when she sensed something ominous and moved to protect Mei and Maderin. The moment the devil appeared, he moved his body without delay, but the devil’s speed was much faster than Miko.


Miko stands in the way of May and Medellin.

The devil’s claws ripped open my stomach and blood poured out.

Medellin’s ‘ice’ drove out the demon, and May’s ability immediately cured Miko, but Miko could not easily come back from the brink of death.

“devil! “I can’t forgive you!”


Due to Medellin’s anger, the surrounding temperature began to drop.

The demon slowly circled around like a cautious cat, pressing on them.

“… no.”

Miko, who came to his senses, tried his best to warn Medellin.

“Run away.”

Miko, a spirit beast knight, has fought numerous demons. Despite her appearance, Miko is a veteran in demon hunting and has faced over a hundred demons so far. So she knew better. The devil in front is not a minnow. He is a dangerous demon that can only be dealt with by the knights. I knew these kids were strong. But since it has not yet ripened, it will die in vain.

“But Miko!”

“I can’t move. Throw it away… go.”

“No, we’ve become friends now, so how can I leave you!”

Mei continued to treat Miko’s wounds.


The bat spirit looked at Miko and Mei in turn with concern. May said, smiling brightly.

“I won’t kill you.”

It was a serious injury close to instant death, with internal organs spilling out. However, thanks to the spiritualist’s body and the incredible power of regeneration, Miko was gradually recovering.

“I won’t let you die.”

It was then.

The devil decided right away.

There is no need to delay.


The demon closed the distance in an instant and attacked the ‘weak’ Miko and Mei.


Medellin responded. Mederine, who only a few months ago could not even swing her sword due to her clumsy movements, met her demon’s attack, pulled her sword from her waist and slashed away at her with her claws.

‘thank you. professor.’

Days of hellish training.

It was a difficult moment that I had never experienced in my life, but because of those times, I now have the strength to face the devil. Mederin swung her sword. She was extremely weak, but her Madeline strength did not come from her swordsmanship.

Quad Deuk!

The devil’s arms began to freeze.

“Hehe. How do you feel?”

Medellin was overcome with cold and glared at the freezing demon. She was proud that she could protect her friends with the power of Youngsoo. The demon froze helplessly and soon stopped moving. It was my first time in real life. The devil is something I have always been afraid of since childhood.

But you don’t have to be afraid anymore.

Madelin grinned and shouted to May.

“Maybe I have talent?”

May didn’t laugh.

“You idiot! Look ahead!”



It hurt so much that I fainted. Mederin felt like her body was floating. At first, she couldn’t understand the pain on her face. Eventually she couldn’t stand it anymore and she screamed, but her voice couldn’t come out. Her sticky liquid fills her throat and muffles her sounds. She was fishy. I realized too late that it was blood.


The shock was great. Medellin, who was sent flying by the devil’s kick, collided with the wall of the hobby room, receiving enough impact that the wall collapsed. Medellin, crushed by the rubble, did not move. If she were an ordinary person, she would have died instantly, but as she had the power of a spiritualist, her life was not lost.


“may… “You should run away too.”

“My ‘little brother’.”

May stood up. She took the knuckles out of her arms. It was a crude weapon. Baktu is a martial art she has been learning since she was young, and she desperately wanted to become Golindea’s successor. The wealthy Golindea family ‘provided’ as many outstanding teachers as they wanted. I also learned swordsmanship. She said she was a sword worthy of a woman. The swordsmanship is sophisticated and flashy. After that, she learned proper ‘sword’ at the English Department.

But May didn’t like it. Box Fighting – As the name suggests, I liked the crude and ignorant attacks.

“I’ll tear it to shreds.”

The one who rushed in first was the devil. The demon had a female body and was similar in height to Mei. However, with its joints being flexible and stretchable like a cat, its movements surpassed those of humans. In an instant, the devil burrowed into Mei and swung his sharp claws.



It was the devil’s finger that was broken.

May responded. In response to the demon’s movements, which were on par with the knight who had just reached ‘master’ status, he dodged her claws with a split-second movement and then used her dagger to break her fingers. The devil steps back. He became alert again and began to observe May.

A small blood line was drawn on May’s cheek. She didn’t dodge it completely. But she didn’t mind May. May wiped the blood from her cheek, brushed it off lightly, then clenched her fist. Her wounds had already healed.

“You did it?”

At first I felt disappointed.

Why couldn’t I have as much strength as Medellin?

However, after I began practicing box fighting techniques in earnest at the professor’s suggestion.

May realized. If Yeongsu’s strength is not strong, she just needs to be strong herself.

If it breaks, it is repaired; if it is torn, it is reattached. May adjusted her posture. He lowered her posture by bending her waist and gave strength to her thighs. When she first learned this skill, she thought her professor was teaching her.

‘I am a cat. I am a cat. I am a cat.’

The professor called this bizarre box fighting technique Hyeongui Kwon.



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