Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 143

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“Are you here? Soft? Are you here? “Are you here?”

While Medellin was wandering around, searching through the trash can, May and I watched the guy from behind and talked to him.

“Has he been like that from the beginning?”

“I was calm when I was young… … .”

“But why is it like that? Is there a reason? “Did you say you fell from a persimmon tree?”

“I experienced something similar.”


Ever since May told me about her childhood trauma, she hasn’t been afraid to talk about herself.

“Have you been friends with Medellin since you were young?”

“Because we grew up together.”

“The only children of the branch and head family?”

“Are you here-!”

May stared at Medellin climbing up the tree for a moment, then opened her mouth.

“The Golindea family was divided into a head family and a branch family for hundreds of years. The elders said it was because of a mistake committed by the ancestors of the branch.”

“So you have nothing to do with old grudges.”

“Because segregation disappeared before we were born.”

Judging by May’s slightly furrowed face and weak voice, it seemed like he didn’t really believe himself when he said that segregation was gone. Hundreds of years of resentment cannot be erased in an instant. Just look at the injuries they suffered in their childhood.

“Is the reason you are so nice to Medellin because he is of the head family?”

“Professor, you have a sharp tongue. “Is it your natural nature to bring up sensitive topics without hesitation?”

I shrugged my shoulders at May’s sharp answer.

“Because there’s no reason to pretend?”

May’s face, which had been as hard as a statue, began to become more wrinkled. Although May’s emotional changes are not usually shown on her face, when she is involved with Maderin, she expresses her emotions clearly enough for anyone to see. She said May was uncomfortable with this conversation and wanted to stop.

“It’s not for such a powerful reason. However, Medellin… … .”

The conversation did not continue. May’s expression turned cold as she closed her mouth.

“Ugh- Where did the softie go!”

Medellin, who had been looking up the tree, came down with his clothes covered in twigs and leaves. She could easily find him if she used Cheonan Tong, but she didn’t have to force herself to find Yeongsu, who was upset. Youngsu resembles a sorcerer. We grow by sharing our emotions. If the mallang resembled Medellin, it was a wise decision to leave it alone until it came first.

“Did you really get eaten? Professor, what should we do with our mallang? “Black.”

Seeing Medellin crying, I pretended to look for her sincerely.

“this! The mallang could be dangerous, so we need to find it quickly! Why don’t we spread out and search? Because mallangs like water. May, can you take care of the area around the river in Area D?”

When I tried to send her to another area, May openly showed her disapproval.

“What about the professor?”

“I’ll find out with Medellin.”

“I will search with Medellin. “Why not have an outstanding professor look for it on his own?”

“why? “Are you afraid I’ll do something?”

“… hmm.”

May, who was grumbling, eventually decided to separate. She hated being called a nanny, but the way she cared for Medellin meant that he was more of a nanny than a friend. She asked a vague question as she headed toward the lake in the shelter area, where she and Maderin were left alone.

“don’t worry. “Because Malang just needs some alone time.”

“yes? Is it soft? why?”

“well. Malang looks like you. “If something annoys you, don’t you hide like a bitch?”

“ah… … !”

Medellin seemed greatly shocked.


The guy took out a dog collar from his pocket, hesitated for a moment, and then threw it down the tunnel.

“Sorry! Soft! Come back please!”

Before evening classes began, the eyes of the students who had come to rest were focused on the white-haired girl who was yelling loudly. I distanced myself enough from Medellin to think I was strangers. Medellin yelled a few times, then she sat down and cried. If May hid her feelings, she said Mederin was a ‘girlfriend’. She is a person who does not hide her emotions, but rather exaggerates them and lets them out.

I sat on a far bench and watched him. Not long after, Medellin got up, wiping away her tears, and trudged over to sit next to me. The guy took a handkerchief from his arms and blew his nose. It was the handkerchief I gave him a while ago.

“I see why May became a nanny.”


“It seems like he cares about you.”

“Heh. Well, because he is the closest to me. They are like sisters! “I am the older sister, and May is the younger brother.”

“May seems to feel more sorry for you than I thought? guilty?”

“huh? “What did May say?”

“I know even if you don’t say it. “I know everything.”

“Yes. Because he’s a good professor. May… “May is too stubborn.”

Medellin got up from the bench and took off his side clothes.

Then he turned his back and lifted the back of his shirt to reveal his bare skin.

“Don’t take off your clothes too loosely, right?”

“Oh, sorry. “Do you see this scar?”

There were wide dark red burn scars on Medellin’s back. Since her hair, eyes, and skin were all pale white, the burn scars felt even more foreign. She talked casually about Medellin as she straightened her clothes.

“I was three years old. There was a fire in the mansion. no… … .”

Medellin’s expression, which had been scratching his head, gradually hardened.

“Only in ‘the room we used to sleep in’. I heard that people from the May side visited the castle that day because it was the start of the Fall Festival. I don’t even remember why I shared a room with May. Just, that day was the first time I slept in the same bed with May. I don’t remember, but the emotions I felt that day are clear. I was happy. “Because I made a friend for the first time.”

Medellin spread his hands wide in an exaggerated gesture and pretended that something was falling apart.

“clattering! The fire spread quickly and collapsed the ceiling! Well, I heard so. I don’t remember, but May remembers clearly. She was scared and crying because she was swept up in the flames. I saved her. Me? It is said that the wound on his back is from being crushed by her debris while protecting May. Isn’t there something strange about it? Was I that brave when I was younger? Surviving even after being crushed by rubble! When I was young, was I by any chance extremely strong? Hot hot.”

Compared to May, her acting is poor.

Anyone can see that you are trying to act confident.

“I don’t remember that day. The doctor said that it is common for young children to have their memories erased to erase bad memories. trauma? I do not know. “I guess it’s true since you’ve been afraid of fire since then.”



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Medellin let out an exclamation as if he had realized what he was saying.

“Hmm, maybe Malang protected me. oh! “Is it possible that the fact that Malang’s ‘power’ is ice has something to do with this incident?”

The power of the spirit beast is revealed to protect the magician?

Isn’t the order usually reversed?

“I’m not sure.”

Dalby let out a long yawn as if he was bored with Medellin’s story.

“Do you think May feels guilty about you because of that incident?”

“Maybe? May is very stubborn. Of course, that’s cool. still… I feel like they’re so sorry for something I don’t even remember, which makes me worry more. “You don’t have to do that.”

Medellin spoke in a somber voice.

“Because you keep doing that… perhaps… If it weren’t for that, I think she might not be that important to Mei. Does she think ‘she’s in debt’? “If I pay it all back, I might just throw it away and run away.”

If they had eyes for emotions like I do, those two would have realized their feelings a long time ago.

While there were beast cubs like Solgar who pointed swords at their siblings’ throats in a power struggle even though they were immediate family members, the Golindea daughters who were from the same family but had distinctly different parents did not consider the position of successor to the upper king to be very important.

“Are you curious about whether May likes you?”

“Yes? Well, shame on you. Is that how it is said?”

“They’re stupid guys.”

Medellin and May want confirmation even though they care about each other.

As you live in the future, countless opportunities will come.

Their lives will change depending on what choice they make at that time.

This was not a matter for me to worry about.


As soon as the mallang, lying down gloomily on the lakeside, saw Medellin, it came running, wagging its tail. If you’re going to do that, why did you run away from home? I didn’t even hide. He was lying face down in a wide open space, as if asking for help. After all, spirit beasts resemble magicians.

It’s clearing!

“Don’t hit me, deer!”

Does that guy who beats a soft horse with his hoof look like me?

It’s clearing, it’s clearing!



No, he’s just a weird guy.

* * *

“I have to stay in the music department because of the competition… … .”

“are you okay. “Just sign the opening request form.”

Seven students went to the dean’s office with a certificate stating that they wanted to open regular classes in the English Language and Mathematics Department. I proudly presented my request and requested promotion to regular class. The growth of the seven students was recorded and submitted from time to time. If you think about the number of students in relation to specificity and performance, there is a good chance of regular classes.


The dwarf dean took out round glasses from a drawer, put them on his small ears, and carefully read the documents he had prepared.

“This is extremely explosive growth. All seven students have maintained excellent grades since taking English math classes. “My score in the liberal arts written subject went down, but it’s not a problem.”

“haha. “I will make you study hard too.”

“The level of Hugo students far surpasses that of graduates of the Department of Technology, and May was so surprised that the professor of the Department of Therapy said that she needed specialized exploratory education as a specially designated student. “Is it the power of spirit beast?”

“Isn’t it amazing?”

“Hmm, Confucius. But isn’t it hard to believe that all of this growth is related to the education in the English Language and Mathematics Department? It would be reasonable to assume that this level of growth was achieved simply because Confucius was exceptional or because the seven students were special. If you are promoted to a regular class, you must go through education certification at least twice a year, and since the number of students is so small, Musenion will have to step in and announce the Department of English Language and Mathematics throughout the continent. But in my opinion, Confucius will no longer be in Musenion by then.”

“ah… … .”

“Have you lost your purpose? “What I wanted was to stop the devil’s troubles hidden in Musenion, not to be a professor of mathematics who doesn’t know when to quit.”

I felt sick to my stomach at the dean’s factual assault. It was time to roll my eyes and think of an excuse, avoiding the dean’s gaze. The dwarf Dean put down his glasses and started laughing.

“The most intense and shortest department in Musenion history will be born! Sounds fun. Transformation begins with bearing it. I’m not afraid of adding a bad comment to my long list of accomplishments that will be left behind later. Good. Under the authority of the dean, I will organize the English Language and Mathematics Department into a regular class. Congratulations! Confucius became the official teacher of Musenion.”


It’s so easy to solve?

“The changes that have occurred in the seven students are positive. I think protecting the dreams of many children, observing Musenion’s iron law, and observing the miracles of a few are also one of the joys of an educator. That’s fun. “As an educator before being dean, I was very curious as to how the birth of young spiritualists would be recorded in the history of Musenion, based on the assumption that Confucius did not forget to search for demons.”

“Then go to regular classes… … ?”

“You cannot trample on the dean’s inherent authority to organize classes or the opposition of professors. “It’s impossible right now, so it would be better to organize it after the first semester is over.”

Even so, there is only one month left until the semester ends.

I spent more time in Musenion than I expected, but I found it to be worth it.

“thank you.”

When I expressed my gratitude to the dean, the dean smiled broadly.

But soon he glared at me with sharp eyes and said.

“Bo and Kongruu, a gathering of senior teachers. “Have you checked?”

“All the professors at Musenion confirmed it with my own eyes. There are no pretenders or demons. However, the appearance of the bottomless pit changed the situation. Since the Abyss and Musenion are connected, you never know when and where the devil will appear.”

“You mean there are no enemies within?”

“That’s the problem. If the person opening the bottomless pit is a devil worshiper, we need solid evidence to find him. In the end, the bottomless pit… .We might have to wait for the day it opens again.”

“Okay. “It’s a mess.”

The dean rubbed his temples and asked me in a low voice.

“It is okay for Musenion to fall. so… “Please protect your students, Prince Polestar, the ‘Pillar of Dawn.’”

“I am willing to serve as headquarters.”


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