Duke’s Quadruplets Are All Overpowered Chapter 111

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The Khosan clan are marginalized in the story of the heroes born of the Great War. Although their activities were short-lived, they imparted useful skills on tracking and dealing with demons, and risked their lives to help the ‘Knight of the Lake’ protect the empire simply because of their connection.

However, the Ajibika religion did not accept the Kosan clan, who were cursed by the ‘blood demon’ and were born with deformed bodies or strange powers. Kosan’s achievements were willfully forgotten. Kosan also returned to the Western Continent, unable to break the bondage of his hatred. In the story of the great war sung by the bard, Kosan was not mentioned.

But there were those who remembered the hunters of the silver sword.

By their side, those who experienced Kosan’s bold temperament and outstanding skills,

Although they are now veterans and teach their juniors, they are brave men who once fought against the devil with old swords: the leaders of the Blue Wolf Knights and the Knight of the Lake, Libera Quartz Reinberg. It’s my father.

There weren’t many Khosan people who followed me.

Most of the Kosan people, who had no longer been targets of hatred and revenge, wanted a peaceful and ordinary life like the master of the silver sword. But there were also those with boiling blood. These were those who still wanted to remain hunters and kill demons, or, unlike the older generations, young hunters who wanted to make a name for themselves rather than be forgotten.

The best of Kosan’s hunters, including the three vanguards, followed me to the eastern continent of Quartz. Although there are only fifteen of them, each one is an excellent hunter.

In particular, the vanguards can compete with the blue wolf vice-captain and win, so they can be a powerful force.

When I returned to Quartz Castle, I immediately told my father.

My father stepped forward and welcomed the Kosan clan. He immediately held a banquet, invited old comrades who remembered Kosan, and prepared and gave a sumptuous dinner and lavish gifts. It was a dumbfounded reaction from the young hunters of Kosan. The father told them. Your parents were brave people.

I don’t think I said it with any intention.

But from the hunters’ tearful expressions, I thought it was already over.

Buy your heart with just one word.

Why did my father rise from a commoner to become an imperial duke?

I felt like I knew that it wasn’t just because I was strong.

A separate table was prepared with the vanguards during the banquet.

My father greeted the awkward vanguards saying he was glad to see them.


“I’m sorry. I couldn’t pay attention until now. “Please forgive me for being stupid.”

“go… Duke? Lift your head up. I wonder how he bowed his head to us when he saw us for the first time… “I’m embarrassed!”

My father bowed and apologized. Even though Romero, who looked like a bear, tried to dissuade him from doing anything, his father’s bent back did not straighten easily. The twin vanguards, Lapis and Lazuli, were holding each other’s hands tightly with embarrassed faces. Oh my goodness, the twins rely on each other. Every time I see them, I wonder if twins are really like that.

“Kosan is my comrade and benefactor. “I still have debt to pay.”

My father calmly talked about his mistakes.

“But I ignored it at the time. When the Pope and the Emperor colluded and decided to banish Caussan, I did not dare to fight against the Empire. I didn’t want to cause any more confusion. Yeah, it’s just an excuse. “It was my fault for not being able to protect you, and I think it was the biggest mistake of my life.”

The Kosan clan once told me this.

My father is a great hero.

I consider it an honor to fight against the devil like him.

John, Jericho, and other veterans did not mention the Kunkan Empire at all.

They fought for the Knight of the Lake and the Sage. I had no resentment towards my father at all. They believed that helping their father was their own choice, starting with their relationship with the wise man.

The vanguards are not from that generation, but they are those who grew up hearing stories from them.

If you grew up hearing stories of your father’s heroism and the hero of the empire, you are bound to become an object of envy.


When the hero whom I had envied since childhood bowed and apologized, the faces of the vanguards went beyond embarrassment to tears. His father knew it too. But his words continued as if he was relieving his troubled heart.

“In the end, the day Kosan went to the West Continent, I couldn’t muster up the courage. I wasn’t prepared to go on an endless hunt for my comrades who took up swords for me. I remained in the empire and became a hero, called the Knight of the Lake, but I knew that this achievement was not achieved solely on my own. I was in pain like a thorn stuck in my heart. As time passed and I gained more wisdom, I realized that the decisions I made when I was younger were simply due to my selfishness.”

My father looked up at me with gentle eyes and spoke.

“However, you are a shameful father, taking the opportunity to make up for your mistakes with the help of your children.”

And he spoke to the vanguard with a determined expression.

“Please forgive me for being so late. “I will devote myself to helping Kosan to the extent of Reinberg’s power.”

The vanguards could neither confirm nor deny. You don’t know what answer to give. My father’s intentions were sincere, but it was extremely embarrassing for the recipient. The duke of the empire says he made a mistake in the past and offers to help, but it’s strange that he just says he understands. I thought I should make the awkward atmosphere even more awkward.

“father. “It seems like the Khosan people really hate my father because of what happened that day.”

He said with a straight face.

The vanguards were horrified and stared at me with faces that seemed to melt.

It was as if his inner thoughts were being heard.

‘What kind of bullshit is that guy talking about?’

My father answered in a sullen voice.

“also… yes? It was my fault. Even if I resent you, I can’t help it. “Because I was stupid.”

The vanguard’s breathing became heavy at the father’s lament.

The twin vanguards were hugging each other.

Only Romero came to his senses and opened his mouth with difficulty.

“Confucius. How can you say such a thing? As I said before, we consider His Majesty the Duke a great hero and have absolutely no resentment against him… … .”

“Did those people rush in to kill me?”

“what… … !”

“Even though you know that I am Prince Reinberg, you swung your sword from the first time we met. “When I think about that day, I still tremble from fear.”

“Don’t jump! That’s because Confucius is not good enough, so I wanted to check his skills… ah.”

“That’s right. Well, anyway, it’s true that you attacked, right?”

“Still, I have no resentment at all… … ! That’s the intention… … !”

Romero is speechless.

“I apologize again and again. Could you please just forgive my son? “If you want to kill me, kill me.”

“no! Lowering!”

My father knew my intentions from the moment I spoke. Even in a serious situation where he talked about his past mistakes, his father did not reject the joke he was given. His humorous personality seems to be one of the reasons he receives support from the public.

The reaction is very funny.

I need to make fun of the leader a few more times.

“Besides, he wanted to kill me so badly that three people attacked him at the same time.”

“That’s Confucius…” … .”

“So, no? “Are you saying I’m lying?”

“Ugh. It’s true, but still… … .”



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My father spoke to the vanguard with a stern expression.

“Is it really true that these three people were intent on harming my son?”


Even the leaders hunting vampires were not allowed to open their mouths.

My father glared at them and then suddenly smiled.

“Laughs. Oh my, this is getting too serious. It’s a joke, a joke. I tried to ease the awkward atmosphere, but it ended up being awkward again. I’m sorry for embarrassing you. An immature personality cannot be corrected even with age. haha.”

“father. “I didn’t lie.”

“okay. Well, isn’t that something that happens when men fight among themselves? haha.”

It was like that.

Even if you are beaten by a Lanista and taken to the ward.

My father used to say that children grow up fighting.

In some ways, he is a truly amazing father.

“I’m joking too~”

“… Confucius is truly mischievous.”

“father. “I would like to appoint these people as my knights.”


“It’s good.”

“I will post the appointment letter later.”

I spoke to the vanguard.

“Then, let me show you where to stay.”

“it’s okay. As for the residence, hunters have already gathered on the outskirts of the castle… … .”

“It’s far. Now it would be Reinberg’s article. “I will introduce you to the landlord.”

I sent the hesitant vanguards to Gulshi.

* * *

It is the former villa of Solgar nobles.

It is now an upscale residential area where vassals, merchants, and semi-nobles live together within the Quartz territory.

The three vanguards stood in front of the main gate of the 6-story mansion, looking at the maid and the mansion in turn with wide eyes. She was clearly an ordinary maid who worked at the castle. However, it is said that two of these luxurious houses are owned by maids. The vanguards did not understand.

No matter how generous you are, you won’t be able to live on a maid’s salary even if you save up for thousands of years, right?

“Are you sure you own this mansion? “A maid?”

“What is a maid? “Are you picking it?”

Romero couldn’t believe his ears. Are you saying that? These were not words that would come out of her maid’s mouth.

He cleared his throat and tried to ignore it. That maid was strange from the moment we first met her. Her face was pretty, but her eyes were blank. How many times had she lost her way on her way here? She may also be lying that she is the owner of the mansion. This too must be Confucius’ prank.

The vanguards toured the mansion with Gulshi’s guidance. It is a well-maintained house. I also liked the heat from the stove, which helped block the cold in the northern region. It was heaven compared to living a wandering life and staying in an old inn. I also thought it was a good idea to follow Confucius.

“Then who do you pay the rent to?”

“To me.”


“I’m the landlord?”

Romero barely understood. Yes, I feel sorry for that maid too.

There is no choice but to adapt to Confucius’ pranks.


Lapis and Lazuli asked Gulsey at the same time.

“Where is the shopping district?”

Gulshi stretched out her hand and pointed out the window.


“… “Can you guide me?”


The twins shrugged. The two didn’t mind. I just thought he was a fun person.

However, Romero could not bear the sense of heterogeneity he had felt earlier.

I thought that maybe that maid was sincere. Do you really own this mansion? Besides, the way she speaks is too rude for a maid. Romero asked Gulsey.

“Boy, judging by our age and status, there is no doubt that we are superiors. “I hope you show at least some courtesy.”



“You spoke informally first.”

“That means you are the employee and we are the customers…” … .”

“No, it’s the landlord and the people who rent.”


“joy! “I’m no ordinary maid!”

Romero was embarrassed.

Suddenly, the maid climbed up on the table, crossed her arms, and screamed.

“I am Confucius’ first subordinate! You guys came in later! I’m a senior! So I have the upper hand! I’m a homeowner! You are tenants! No matter who sees it, I win! therefore.”

Gulshi put on her most scary expression and threatened.

“Don’t be fooled.”

The twins’ giggling laughter.

Romero sighed.

Are all people in Reinberg like this?

“Yes, good landlord. “I won’t call her maid, so what is your name?”


“Gulshi? Wait, it’s definitely Mr. Jericho’s… … .”

“okay! “I am Mr. Jericho’s daughter!”

Romero was tired and had a headache.

* * *

The vanguards are strong.

But it’s not an article.

They don’t know how to fight together. I don’t know how to implement a strategy or prepare a strategy.

Since I couldn’t teach him, I decided to join the Blue Wolf Knights of Quartz for the time being and receive the teachings of the leader.

“Ah, um… … .”

The first day the vanguards went to work was also the day the Lanistas returned to Quartz.

When I realized that fact, an ominous feeling passed through me, but I ignored it.

Well, I guess it’s okay.

It’s not like I’m suffering.


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