Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 133

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Episode 133


Russell pursed his lips.

“A divine device… … .”

I muttered that name without realizing it.


It was both a miracle and magic.


Even though I couldn’t touch it, I could keenly feel its height.

Also, I could tell.

This thing is a power that I can never handle with my current self.

It was a conclusion based on instinct rather than any basis.

It was then.

[Please withdraw.]

At the same time as the figure of the fire dragon lowered its head, an auspicious light appeared from the sacred energy floating in the air.

The light has begun to shine!


The rays of light and prominence that spewed out like threads along the divine energy instantly covered Russell’s whole body.

It turned into a huge fireball and engulfed his entire body.


The intense pain that felt as if the mana rod of my entire body was being set on fire continued to raise my head.

It seemed like fire ants, or hedgehogs, were running amok along Mana Road.

Moment by moment, a shock so strong that my mind turns white continues to come.

Meanwhile, Russell gritted his teeth.

‘You must not faint.’

This is because I have noticed that what is currently flowing along the Mana Road is not just magical power.

Russell already had a high level of understanding of the properties of fire.

Therefore, if it were simply magical power of the fire attribute, the pain would not have been felt this much.

Why do you still feel pain?

This was because the identity of what was currently swirling around the Mana Road was both a word and a formula in the form of magical power.

Every time the magic power that raced through my body surged through my mind, the power of high-level formulas and words struck my mind.

Subsequently, my understanding of Brahmastra soared exponentially.

‘Circle 9… … .’

It is a power that may have transcended even that.

As I first expected, my current self could never handle this magic.


‘If you really want to use it, you can do it.’

However, the risk was too great to do so.

‘Even if you use more than 90% of the mana you currently have, one shot is best.’

Even that is a magic that requires ten minutes or more effort to complete.

It is too risky to be used in actual combat.

‘Of course, you can use it as a trump card, but… … .’

Russell could no longer continue the accident.

A magic that goes beyond the 9th circle.

This is because his brain was already at its limit just to fully capture that magic.


It felt like I was taking out my brain and massaging it with my bare hands.

As if that wasn’t enough, the nosebleeds started pouring out.


The blood that flowed out dyed the front lip red.

Cold sweat began to flow down my entire body, as if it was the result of overworking my brain to its limit.

No matter how Russell is, it is impossible to hold out any longer.

It was clear that the limit would be reached in a few minutes at most.

I’m sure it would have been like this.



The wall that was restricting Russell’s brain collapsed as the explosion of alcohol echoed in his head.

At the same time, the brain area begins to expand and reorganize.

‘Cognition’, ‘Understanding’, and ‘Intuition’, which had grown together, absorbed the remaining words and expressions like cotton touched by water.


A different form of growth than the circle rising.

But, nevertheless.

Russell couldn’t feel the joy of that moment.

Russell’s consciousness had already been strained to its limit.

There was no way I could withstand the explosion that occurred the moment my brain area expanded.

‘ah… … .’

I could feel my consciousness fading little by little, and in the meantime, Hwaryong’s voice flowed into my ears.




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[It is the spear of divine death created by his spouse and ancestor of the little master.]

[Its power is such that it can instantly overturn even a demi-god and cut down even a completed god… … .]

[As our new god, please lead our newly born children well.]

[New master, Dragon Emperor.]

I hope all his words reach the fallen little owner.

Hoping for that, the shape of the fire dragon moved his gaze.

With slightly sad eyes, he looked alternately at his lifeless egg and at Pepper, who was whimpering next to Russell.

-Garrurg, purr… … .

Perhaps because he was worried about Russell, who had collapsed, it was a sad cry unlike usual.

The fire dragon shape opened its mouth towards Pepper.

[Don’t worry. The little master just collapsed for a moment due to fatigue, but he will come to his senses soon.]

He then said:

[Originally, I wanted my child to serve this person by my side, but fate did not allow him.]

Purr purr-?

[So, I ask you, if it is okay, will you take over this power?]


[It’s a spirit, but a mutant. If you have inherited even a small amount of the dragon’s love, it would be possible… … .]

The dragon’s shape begins to blur little by little.

[May you become a new fire dragon and be with your little master. Also, I sincerely hope to continue the dragon lineage.]

With those words, the dragon’s shape turned into sparks and scattered in all directions.


As if dozens of fireflies were flying at the same time, the sparks shooting up into the air gradually lost their light.


Pepper, who remained in her seat and tilted her head, looked alternately at Russell and Al.

As if he had finally decided on something, he launched himself towards where the egg was.


* * *

My consciousness was hazy.


It was a literal dream, unable to tell where I was or why I was here.

In that dream, Russell’s consciousness was following the footsteps of a man.

The background is a battlefield.

I didn’t know what kind of battlefield it was. What was certain was that it was not a war between humans.


A war was taking place between giants, each of whom was over tens of meters in size, and humans.


Every time the giants roared, the human spirit shook violently.

Morale plummeted. Some of the dogs collapsed in their seats, lost their will to fight, and even started to urinate.

However, despite this, there were some who shined. Even though they are inferior, they bring military spirit to a boil.

The black-haired man was one of those people. Every time the black-haired man swung the sword in his hand, beams of light poured down like waves.

The giant who was hit by the pouring waves of light falls down on the spot.


The problem was the number of giants.

There are hundreds of giants, each with powers greater than that of a superhuman.

It was clearly difficult for the black-haired man to turn the situation around alone.

In this way, despair begins to fall little by little towards the human camp.

That moment-!

A small seal fell through the sky. It landed next to the black-haired man.


Like the man, she was a woman with long, flowing black hair and a somewhat noble-looking appearance.

The moment the woman appeared, the giants who had been running wild poured out their anger all at once.


It was a roar that shook the earth and felt like my eardrums were going to burst.


Russell, who was still conscious, also shuddered.

However, the woman did not tremble. Instead of shaking in fear, she held her breath, glaring at her goons with an arrogant gaze.


The illusion arises that all the magical power of the area is being absorbed into the woman.

The woman’s body swelled so much that it seemed as if it would explode at any moment.

He shed his human form and took on the form of a giant dragon.

Its overwhelming size is likely to be twice that of the fire dragon we just saw.

Beautiful scales that look like they were carved from obsidian. And even several horns growing along the head.

The moment Russell checked the number of horns, he was able to recognize the woman’s identity.

‘Dragon God King-!’

The identity of the dragon in the form of a woman was none other than the Dragon God King.

The scales of the Dragon God King begin to glow as they receive magical light.

The moment when a bright light hovers around the corner of her mouth!

It spurted out.


An explosion occurred, sparks shooting out faster than sound.

The prominence spewed out in a straight line, running like a ray of light, penetrating between the giants.

Not only did several of the giants who were hit directly disappear without leaving a proper shape, but the radiant heat alone even melted the skin of some of them.

In one blow, not only was the terrain cut away, but several mountains located in its orbit were completely pierced.

The dragon breath is said to have the greatest power in the material world, and among them, it is the breath of the most powerful Dragon God King.

If you can use that type of breath over and over again, changing the situation will be easier than flipping a child’s palm.

But unfortunately.

Even if he was the Dragon God King, it seemed unreasonable to use his breath too many times.

The proof is that he gave up his dragon appearance and returned to the appearance of a woman.

In an instant, the black-haired man picked up the waist of the staggering woman.

The Dragon God King smiled faintly.

Smiling, he opened the subspace and handed something long to the man.

[Now I have added my horn to the divinity of six of the gods who left this land.]

[A savior from another world and my companion.]

[This thing, which will be reborn as a new god, has enough power to be called Godslaughter… … .]

[This will be the torch that will guide you.]

The same voice I heard the day before, the voice of the Dragon God King.

Russell narrowed his eyes.

‘That… … .’

Staff, Geochang, or Sal (虄).


The moment he recognized that name, the world surrounding Russell changed completely.


My consciousness plummeted in an instant and I fell back to reality.


* * *


Russell opened his eyes with a groan and slowly got up.

‘I felt a bit uneasy for some reason.’

Not only was his front robe covered in nosebleeds, but his entire body was soaked with cold sweat.


Moreover, this is a volcanic area.

Because magma flows beneath the ground, the geothermal heat is much higher than in other places.

‘I was taking a steam bath (Sauna) in that place.’

It’s probably no wonder that your whole body is covered in sweat.


Russell let out a short breath.

Wasak, wasak-.

I felt a little uncomfortable having to keep wearing sweaty clothes, but I couldn’t help it.

‘Because when I go back, I have to go against the water.’

You will have to change your clothes later. Thinking like that, Russell slowly closed her eyes.


Is it because the brain area has improved?

I felt calmer than before and thought about the dream I had just had.

‘What kind of dream is that?’

To be able to accept memories that were never yours through dreams.

‘Is it the influence of Brahmastra?’


Russell’s thoughts went no further.

‘But why does the rustling sound keep coming from earlier-?’


When he turned his head, Pepper was looking at him with wide eyes.

Buried around its mouth are remnants of eggs that look like volcanic bombs.


Pepper was eating a fire dragon egg. Pepper tilted her head towards Russell, who was confused.

Purr purr?

His eyes were innocent, as if he knew nothing.

wizard who swallowed a dragon

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